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Урок на тему" Рукотврные чудеса света"

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«Урок на тему" Рукотврные чудеса света"»

План-конспект урока «Рукотворные чудеса света 10 класс

Цели урока:

Развивающая: преодоление посильных трудностей (лексика, связанная с историей, архитектурой и культурой; фонетика, связанная с произношением множества имен собственных), вовлечение учащихся в совершение мыслительных процессов (ответы на вопросы, описание достопримечательностей по ключевым словам, тестирование), развитие познавательной самостоятельности (самостоятельный отбор материала по достопримечательностям), развитие памяти, развитие навыков групповой работы, организация восприятия, внимания и познавательного интереса.

Воспитывающая: воспитание интереса к предмету и познанию исторического и культурного материала, используя возможности английского языка.

Дидактическая: соблюдение принципа наглядности (фотографии чудес родного края ), воспитание активности в работе учащихся, доступности в преподнесении знаний.

Учебно-познавательная: закрепление и контроль усвоения языкового материала в устной речи, навыков выполнения экзаменационных заданий в формате ЕГЭ.

Оборудование: учебник английского языка, интерактивная доска, слайды.

Ход урока

1. Организация урока: приветствие, сообщение темы и плана урока.

На доске написана тема урока.

T: Good morning boys and girls! Today we are having a lesson on the topic “Local wonders”. We are going to discuss your presentations, then we will vote for the most original piece of work. I hope our lesson will be interesting and usеfull.

The planet we live on is full of wonders. We spoke about man-made wonders at the last lesson. I want you to remember some of them. Now I ask you to look at the smart board and recognize what kind of wonder s are depicted in the pictures .Say a few words about them and remember where they are located.

Учащиеся отвечают.

2. It is time to start the protection of your presentations. Who wants to be the first?

Айгуль рассказывает о чудесах России.

1)St. Basil's Cathedral

St. Basil's Cathedral is the main temple of the Red Square in Moscow. It was built in the middle of the XVI century by the decree of Ivan the Terrible.

2)The Columns of Weathering

They are in Komi on patches of the mountain Manpupuner is a geological monument. They are 7, their height is from 30 to 42 meters.

3)The monument to Motherland

The memorial of great size was built in the late 50-ies. It is to honor of the people who died during the Second World War. The monument is in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest monument .The woman symbolizes Russia and is higher than the Statue of Liberty in the USA.


The Palace was built by the order of Peter the First, at the beginning of the 17-th century and is situated not far from St. Petersburg. Peterhof is considered the best attraction in Russia.

5)The valley of Geysers

The Valley is situated in Kamchatka and consists of hundreds of survivors geysers. It is in the list of UNESCO cultural heritage of the world.


Baikal is about 25-30 million years. It is the deepest lake in the world


Elbrus (5642 m) - the highest peak of Russia and Europe.

T: Which of these wonders would you like to to visit?

Ильнур рассказывает о чудесах Башкортостана.

The wonders of Samara Region

1) The Alexandrovsky Bridge

is located near Syzran and connects two banks of the Volga/

I like my homeland very much and I would not like to live in any other country. As the saying goes: « East or West, Home is Best»

T: Have you ever seen any of these wonders?

The wonders of my native land.

1)The Memorial of Military Glory

This memorial is erected in the districtcentre to honour the deeds of the heroes-countrymen, who died during The Great Patriotic War, in local wars and armed conflicts .

1) The Alley of Love

The Alley of Love is opened in the yard of the Culture Palace. This alley of lovers is known for its wonderful and beautiful seating area. Walking through the alley you can admire with the benches of « Anxious Waiting» and «Pleasant Meetings»

2) The hydroelectric engineering construction

This construction was build in1958 to produce electricity. Then it was reconstructed in 2007.Nowadays the hydroelectric construction helps to increase the power of electricity.

3) The oil field

This oil field is located near my native town Syzran They say, there are huge resources of oil, but it has not been enough ready yet. I hope there will the most important sector of oil production industry in some years.

3) The Svetyolka Mount

This picturesque mountain is known for everybody, who likes to gather berries. Every summer a lot of people from different parts of our district come here to gather sweet, red beeries.

T: Which of these wonders has impressed you?

3.Let us make conclusions and summary

T: What have you learnt about?

P1- We have learnt about the man-made and natural wonders of Russia, The Zhiguli Mountain and of our district.

T: What do you think, have you classmates managed to prepare perfect presentations?

P2- Surely, they have. They have managed to make good presentations. They have found necessary information, photos in the internet, in the books and newspapers.

T: What was new, useful ,amazing, exiting for you? It is time to vote for the most original piece of work.

Учащиеся голосуют за лучший проект.

T: So Denis has got 3 voices. His presentation is considered as the most original.

4. Работа с лексикой (словообразование)

T: You know that there are not only man made wonders, but our planet has a lot of natural wonders.

Millions of tourists travel to see them. Here two advertisements.

Task: fill in the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in bold on the right.

Приложение 1

Welcome to see the wonders of desert!

A you an 1) _______________person?


Would you like to go on an 2)________________holiday this summer? If the answers to these questions are yes, then you should book a safari holiday with WILDTIMES. We offer the


opportunity to see animals in their 3)__________ habitat in the heart of Africa. You can spend an


4)____________month travelling around the country where you will see both


5)____________________animals and


6)_____________________ views.


Our 7)___________________tour guides will


provide you with 8)_______________facts


about African wildlife. The hotels we use are very 9)_______________________ rooms,


and are not very 10)__________________


A safari holiday will be one of the most 11)____________


experiences of your life. For more 12)__________________please call 0800662823



1. Adventurous 2.Unusual 3. Natural 4. Exciting 5. Amazing 6. Impressive 7. Experienced 8. Interesting 9. Comfortable 10. Expensive 11. Enjoyable 12. Information.

Welcome to India

India is one of the largest and most 1)_____________countries in the world.


Apart from its 2)_____________cultural and linguistic variety, it is also known for its food


which is extremely 3)____________________.


Its most famous dish is curry. There are hot and 4)______________curries as well as sweet and mild ones. With its magnificent temples,


its long 5)___________________beaches


and its unique cuisine, India is a truly 6)____ _____



1. Wonderful. 2) Fantastic. 3) Tasty. 4) Spicy. 5) Sandy. 6) Delightful.

T: Would you like to go on a safari or to India? Why?

5. Подведение итогов урокаOur lesson has proved us one more time that we live in the world full of wonders and there are a lot of perfect things around us to admire. Who knows, may be in some years, one of you will create a real masterpiece that will go down in history!

6. Домашнее задание

1. Imagine that you have just returned from India. Write to your pen-friend about your journey.

Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter-writing.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Урок на тему" Рукотврные чудеса света"

Автор: Панфилова Лариса Викторовна

Дата: 14.08.2017

Номер свидетельства: 425387

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