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Урок на тему Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. The plural from of nouns. The articles.

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«Урок на тему Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. The plural from of nouns. The articles.»


Gaukhar Samargali


Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. The plural form of nouns. The articles.




Pre -Intermediate


90 minutes


  • Образовательная: создать условия для изучения учащимися темы «Астана», познакомиться с новой лексикой по теме; сформировать представление о множественном числе имен существительных и артиклях в английском языке, выполнить упражнения на закрепление данной темы.

  • Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию у учащихся патриотизма и уважения к родной стране, а также содействовать воспитанию культуры речи, умению выслушать собеседника, работоспособности и организованности на уроке.

  • Развивающая: содействовать развитию у учащихся навыков самостоятельной работы с текстом, памяти, логического мышления, а также внимания и быстроты реакции.

Тип урока: комбинированный урок

Вид урока: урок- изучения нового материала

Обеспечение урока

Раздаточный материал:

коробка с предметами (газета, зонт, ручка, словарь и т.д.), таблица с правилами на тему артикля, ствол дерева и яблоки для рефлексии

Технические средства обучения:

Презентация: «The plural form of nouns. The articles», видео “Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan”

Основная литература:

Грамматика: сборник упражнений 5-е издание – СПб.: КАРО, 2007 – 544с.

Ход урока


Stages and slide number



2 min


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Let us begin our lesson. First of all, open your copy-books and write down today’s date. What date is it today? What date was yesterday? What date will be tomorrow? What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today?

Good morning, teacher!

2 min

Speech warm-up:

Slide #2

Look at the blackboard. You can see the two proverbs that we have already learned. However, there is only a part of them. Your task is to fill in the missing words.

___or West - _____ is best.

The fool _____, the _____ travels.

East or West - home is best.

The fool wanders, the wise man travels.

3 min

Phonetic warm-up:

Slide #3

Read the tongue twister correctly: She sells sea shells at the sea shore.

The shells she sells are surely sea shells.

She sells sea shells at the sea shore.

The shells she sells are surely sea shells.

20 min

Checking homework

Slide #4

Your home task was to make presentation about Astana and Almaty in groups. Today we will listen to the presentation about our capital. After your presentation you may ask questions or you may be asked some. First let’s watch video about Astana

30 min

Presenting Grammar. Plural form of the noun

Slide #5-7

Presenting Grammar. Articles

Slide # 7-13

In this lesson we are going to be looking at plural forms of the noun. Look at the whiteboard. There are singular and plural nouns.

Here we can see how the plural form is made. It is not simply –s but sometimes it is –es, and sometimes the spelling changes. Of course there are some exceptions from the main rule.

Now there is also one more grammar topic to lean for today - articles. There is no exact translation of the word article in Russian and no accurate equivalent. So indefinite article (an/a) can be translated as one/any. If you want to ask any comb you should ask for “a comb”. However, if you want exactly red comb you ask for “the red”, because article “the” implies “the one/that one”. There are some cases when we must omit. Look at the whiteboard and let’s discuss what you’ll understand point by point. There is also a table for you. (Appendix 1)

10 min

18 min

Activity #1

Slide #14

Activity #2

Exercise on grammar

Now I have prepared for you a small game “pig in a poke”. A student puts out one thing that he cannot see at first. As he holds it in his hand he should name the thing and make plural form of that noun. So, let’s start the game.

Open your grammar books to p.5 ex.1.

  1. A comb- combs

  2. A coin-coins

  3. A credit card- credit cards

  4. A dictionary- dictionaries

  5. A man- men

  6. An identity card – identity cards

  7. A key-keys

  8. A lipstick- Lipsticks

  9. A match- matches

  10. A mouse- mice

  11. A pen-pens

  12. A pencil- pencils

  13. A tissue- tissues

  14. An umbrella- umbrellas

  15. A watch- watches

1. This is a book. It is my book.

2. Is this your pencil? — No, it isn't my pencil, it is my sister's pencil.

3. I have a sister. My sister is an engineer. My sister's husband is a doctor.

4. I have no handbag.

5. She has got a headache.

6. Have they got a car? — Yes, they have. Their car is not very expensive but reliable.

7. Have you got a calculator? — No, I haven't.

8. Is this a watch? — No, it isn't a watch, it's a pen.

9. This pen is good, and that pen is bad.

10. I can see pencils on your table, but I can see no paper.

11. Give me a chair, please.

12. They have a dog and two cats.

13. I have a spoon in my plate, but I have no soup in it.

14. My friend says he is going to be a millionaire one day.

15. Would you like an orange?

16. Mr. Smith is an artist, Mrs. Smith is a poetess.

3 min

Reflection Activity:

How was the lesson for today? What was unclear? What did you understand?

Here is an apple tree trunk on the blackboard and some apples on the teacher’s table. If you liked the lesson and understood everything you should stick an apple on the tree, if it was not clear stick an apple to the ground.

Presentation was interesting; I have learned new interesting information. The grammatical topic was clear but exceptions confuse me sometimes.

2 min

Home task

Make a PPT about Almaty in groups. Learn new words. Ex

Appendix 1


Common Nouns




Begins with a consonant SOUND

a / the

Begins with a vowel SOUND

an / the


Ø/ the

Non-countable nouns

(Typically: Substances; abstract concepts, e.g., life, philosophy, silence, advice, society) Useful but misleading


Proper nouns

(Typically: Names of people, places, and special times) Useful but misleading


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Урок на тему Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. The plural from of nouns. The articles.

Автор: Gaukhar Samargali

Дата: 10.12.2018

Номер свидетельства: 490001

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