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Урок английского языка по теме " Части тела" по УМК Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, Ж. Перретт для 3 класса.

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Урок по теме "Части тела" по УМК Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, Ж. Перретт для 3 класса, с использованием дополнительных коммуникативных заданий и современных информационных ресурсов.

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«Урок английского языка по теме " Части тела" по УМК Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, Ж. Перретт для 3 класса.»

Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to describe a statue or a person.

Target language: parts of the body (head, nose, eyes, ears, mouth, arms, foot, feet, leg, hand, fingers, hair.

Additional language: names of the statues and countries ( Discobolus, the Sphinx, Greece, Thailand, Egypt.

Revision: have got, has got, cplours.

Materials required: flashcards ( parts of the body). Big poster with the silhouette of the body.


Greet the class. Introduce the flashcards with parts of the body. Say each part of the body in turn. Ask different students to name the parts of the body individually. If the correct answer is given, stick the card on the correct place on the poster.

When the poster is finished, introduce it to the class. Say: this is Peter Pumpkin. Let the students guess the topic of the lesson ( describing people).

Activity 1.

Introduce the song about Peter Pumpkin on youtube. Com ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R-dD7h7FiM)

Hand out the worksheets. Students fill the gaps with the correct word.

Nose, head, arms, ears, hair, mouth.

I have,

You have,

We have,

They have,

But Peter Pumpkin has...

He has a ________

He has two__________

He has two __________

He has a _________

I have,

You have,

We have,

They have,

But Peter Pumpkin has...

He has two _______

He has a __________

He has some _______

Now shake it everywhere!

Activity 2.

Sing the song aloud with the class. Students touch their noses, heads, arms etc. while singing.

Activity 3.

Play the game. Describe the animal. ( It is black and white. It has got four legs, a head, two ears and a mouth. It can run well. What is it? A zebra). With a stronger class give out the cards with the description so they read it aloud in turns and guess the animal.

Activity 4.

Pupil’s Books, page 33 ex. 14.

Introduce the students additional language. Read it all aloud with the class and ask the students individually.

Firstly, students read the text individually and match them with the pictures. Then check it with the class.

Activity 5.

Pupil’s Books, page 33 ex. 15. Students act out the dialogues according to the plan in SB.

Activity 6 ( If time). Describe students the mermaid. They are drawing it while listening and guess the object.

Say: It is a girl. She has got long hair, a nose, two eyes and two ears. She lives in the water. She can sing and swill well. She has got a tail. Who is she?

Homework: Student’s Book, page 33 ex. 16.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Будникова Ольга Сергеевна

Дата: 23.11.2018

Номер свидетельства: 487253

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