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Урок английского языка "Модный приговор" в 9 классе

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В уроке раскрываются возможности использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий на уроке английского языка, как эффективного средства обучения. Тем самым ИКТ автоматизируют языковые и речевые действия учащихся, а также обеспечивают реализацию индивидуального подхода и интенсификацию самостоятельной работы учащихся.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Приложение 1»

Приложение 1

Card 1

Match the adjectives in A with the proper names in B.


  1. high-heeled a) pullover

  2. short-sleeved b) shoes

  3. V-necked c) cut

  4. striped d) taste

  5. stylish e) skirt

  6. modern f) design

  7. sophisticated g) shirt

Card 2


quality + size + shape + colour + material

ombine the adjectives in the proper order before a noun.

      1. She wore a (velvet, red, tight-fitting) dress.

      2. I’m looking for a (silk, white, elegant, large) blouse.

      3. She wore a jacket with (gold, big, round) buttons.

      4. He bought a (fashionable, long, woolen, red) scarf.

      5. I like this (long-sleeved, woolen, black) sweater.

Card 3

The Moderator: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our TV-programmer “Fashion Verdict”.

I’m a moderator of our fashion court. Today we analyze the case about old-fashionable clothes and a tame appearance. Our accused is… (имя учащейся). Her husband accuses her of intangible clothes and a tame appearance.

T he accused: I consider that … (express your opinion)

The Moderator: Dear husband, do you agree with his wife?

The husband: No, I consider that my wife puts on old-fashionable clothes moreover …

The Moderator: Now the representatives of maintenance would like to add some words in approval of the accused.

The 1ST representative: I consider that the accused puts on old fashionable clothes because she is a housewife but in my opinion I’d like to recommend her to add a fashionable line in her style.

The 2nd representative: I consider that…

The 3rd representative: I’m convinced that…

The Moderator : Could you express your opinion, Evelyn Chromchenko?

Evelyn Chromchenko: Our purpose is to…

The Moderator : Now we forward the accused to our fashion-designers. In a few minutes we’ll see a result of our efforts.

Let’s meet our accused due to our bright applauses.

How do you feel yourself in a new fashion image?

The husband: I think … (express your opinion)

The Moderator: Could you express your opinion, Evelyn Chromchenko?

The 1ST representative: According to this style we can see…

The 1ST representative: I’m convinced that …

The Moderator : Dear friends! Let’s vote for or against a new image of our accused! (все учащиеся голосуют за или против нового образа героини программы «Модный приговор»).

The Moderator : So, you can observe that the audience voted for your new image. I wish you to find your style. Our TV-programmer “Fashion Verdict” is adjourned. Thank you!

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Урок 9 класс Модный приговор»

Тема урока: Модный приговор.

Цель урока: воспроизведение ранее изученного лексического и грамматического материала и его применение в процессе коммуникативного общения.

Задачи урока:

- обучающая: способствовать закреплениюграмматических употребления прилагательных перед существительными в английском языке в процессе речевого общения; выяснить влияние моды на человека;

- развивающая: способствовать развитию артистических качеств и учебных умений;

-воспитательная: воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка посредством приобщения учащихся к модным тенденциям.

Вид урока: урок-представление

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизация знаний, умений навыков.

Формы работы: парная, коллективная, индивидуальная.

Оборудование: компьютер, презентация.

Оснащение: дидактический материал, раздаточный материал (карточки), иллюстрации в презентации (по теме урока).

Ход урока.

  1. Организационно-мотивационный момент.

Hello, guys! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.

Wow! You look nice today. Why do you like to wear beautiful clothes?

Ответы учеников (на доске схема устойчивых клише, которую учащимся необходимо использовать для высказывания своего мнения)

I feel absolutely sure that…

I know for sure that…

I’m sure my views on…

I consider that…

I’d like to point out that…(Слайд 3)

Thank you for your opinions!

-What’s theme of our lesson today?

-What do you think about aims of our lesson today?

Учащиеся формируют тему и цели урока.

  1. Речеваяразминка.

Match the adjectives in A with the proper names in B. (Слайд 4, Приложение 1/ Card 1).


  1. high-heeled a) pullover

  2. short-sleeved b) shoes

  3. V-necked c) cut

  4. striped d) taste

  5. stylish e) skirt

  6. modern f) design

  7. sophisticated g) shirt

  1. Актуализация опорных знаний и умений.


quality + size + shape + colour + material

ombine the adjectives in the proper order before a noun (Приложение 1/Card 2).

      1. She wore a (velvet, red, tight-fitting) dress.

      2. I’m looking for a (silk, white, elegant, large) blouse.

      1. She wore a (velvet, red, tight-fitting) dress.

      2. I’m looking for a (silk, white, elegant, large) blouse.

      3. She wore a jacket with (gold, big, round) buttons.

      4. He bought a (fashionable, long, woolen, red) scarf.

      5. I like this (long-sleeved, woolen, black) sweater.

    1. Answer the questions (речевая деятельность учащихся).

Most people live far from more fashionably than reasonably”. (Слайд 5)

-Do you agree or disagree with this saying?

Thank you for your opinion. Today we are going to speak about people’s attitude to fashion. Now students want to present a TV-programmer “Fashion Verdict”.

  1. Обобщение и систематизация.

  1. Present a TV-programmer “Fashion Verdict”.( Приложение 1/Card 3/Слайд 6)

Играет музыка из телепередачи «Модный приговор»

Презентациятелепрограммы «Модныйприговор» (Подготовлена структура телепередачи, учащиеся должны были самостоятельно завершить высказывания согласно ролям. Они высказывают свое мнение и доказывают свою позицию в потоке англоязычной речи)

The Moderator: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our TV-programmer “Fashion Verdict”.

I’m a moderator of our fashion court. Today we analyze the case about old-fashionable clothes and a tame appearance. Our accused is… (имя учащейся).Her husband accuses her of intangible clothes and a tame appearance.

T he accused: I consider that … (express your opinion)

The Moderator: Dear husband, do you agree with his wife?

The husband: No, I consider that my wife puts on old-fashionable clothes moreover …

The Moderator: Now the representatives of maintenance would like to add some words in approval of the accused.

The 1ST representative: I consider that the accused puts on old fashionable clothes because she is a housewife but in my opinion I’d like to recommend her to add a fashionable line in her style.

The 2nd representative: I consider that…

The 3rd representative: I’m convinced that…

The Moderator: Could you express your opinion, Evelyn Chromchenko?

Evelyn Chromchenko: Our purpose is to…

The Moderator: Now we forward the accused to our fashion-designers. In a few minutes we’ll see a result of our efforts.

Let’s meet our accused due to our bright applauses.

How do you feel yourself in a new fashion image?

The husband: I think … (express your opinion)

The Moderator: Could you express your opinion, Evelyn Chromchenko?

The 1ST representative: According to this style we can see…

The 1ST representative: I’m convinced that …

The Moderator: Dear friends! Let’s vote for or against a new image of our accused! (все учащиеся голосуют за или против нового образа героини программы «Модный приговор»).

The Moderator: So, you can observe that the audience voted for your new image. I wish you to find your style. Our TV-programmer “Fashion Verdict” is adjourned. Thank you!

  1. Express your opinion. Work in pairs. (монологические высказывания на основе презентации телепрограммы).

Fashion is important!

I like when…

When you keep…

I enjoy…

It’s important to…

I wish…

Clothes don’t make than man but…

My friends think …

Frankly speaking…

I prefer …

I’m sure …

-Well done! It was interesting to listen to your opinions.

5. Физминутка.

Каждый учащийся получает карточку с началом диалога: необходимо найти свою пару, чтобы получился мини-диалог (учащиеся ходят по классу и ищут свою пару).

a) -Hi! You look great!

-Thank you, Mary!

b) - That’s a nice jacket, Jill.

- Thanks. I bought it just for this occasion.

c) – I like your tie. Is it new?

- Yes. Glad you like it. I got it for my birthday.

d) – That’s a very nice blazer you are wearing.

- Does it suit me?

- Yes, and it goes well like with your new shirt, too.

e) – How do you like my new hair style?

- It’s terrific! I always like the way you do your hair. But this time it’s super.

  1. З акреплениеизученногоматериала.

Analyze the video“Victoria’s Secret”.

Учащиеся смотрят музыкальный клип компании “Victorias Secret”.

После просмотра музыкального клипа учащиеся отвечают на поставленные вопросы:

- What’s the main idea of this video? What does the author want to evince for audience?

- Could you describe a style of these models?

-What do they wear?

Please, use our scheme. (Слайд 7)

quality + size + shape + colour + material

Ответы учеников (на доске схема устойчивых клише, которую учащимся необходимо использовать для высказывания своего мнения)

I consider that…

I’d like to point out that…

  1. Подведение итогов урока.

Express compliments to each other. Work in pairs.

I’m really very fond of…

It’s really great! There’s nothing I enjoy more that…

I really like…

I’m very keen on…

  1. Домашнее задание.

Present your clothes’ style

  1. Рефлексия

Match some words with meanings.


Fashion Verdict”




c asual









Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Урок 9 класс Модный приговор»

Why do you like to wear beautiful clothes?  I feel absolutely sure that…  I know for sure that…  I’m sure my views on…  I consider that…  I’d like to point out that…

Why do you like to wear beautiful clothes? I feel absolutely sure that… I know for sure that… I’m sure my views on… I consider that… I’d like to point out that…

Речевая разминка.   Match the adjectives in A with the proper names in B.  A B

Речевая разминка.

Match the adjectives in A with the proper names in B.


  • high-heeled a) pullover
  • short-sleeved b) shoes
  • V-necked c) cut
  • striped d) taste
  • stylish e) skirt
  • modern f) design
  • sophisticated g) shirt
“ Most people live far from more fashionably than reasonably”.  - Do you agree or disagree with this saying?

“ Most people live far from more fashionably than reasonably”. - Do you agree or disagree with this saying?

A TV-programmer “Fashion Verdict”.

A TV-programmer “Fashion Verdict”.

I consider that…  I’d like to point out that…   quality + size + shape + colour + material

I consider that… I’d like to point out that…

quality + size + shape + colour + material

Рефлексия fashionable silk casual smart footwear sleeves pockets leather cotton “ Fashion Verdict” opinion material clothes











Fashion Verdict”




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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Урок английского языка "Модный приговор" в 9 классе

Автор: Архипова Эмма Анатольевна

Дата: 19.03.2020

Номер свидетельства: 543396

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