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Урок в 10 классе по УМК Н.Н. Деревянко и др."New millennium"

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Урок рассчитан для обучающихся 10 класса.Цельурока-поговорить о приимушествах и недостатках компьютера.Цели урока-улучшение произносительных навыков,активизация лексического материала по теме "Компьютеры"/ а также развитие умений и навыков аудирования, говорения.





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«урок в 10 классе по УМК Н.Н. Деревянко и др."New millennium" »

Урок по теме «Компьютеры»

10 класс

Computers: friends or foes”


  1. Улучшение произносительных навыков.

  2. Активизация лексических навыков по теме «Компьютеры».

  3. Развитие умений и навыков аудирования для получения конкретной информации.

  4. Развитие умений и навыков говорения.

S t a g e s

I. Introduction.

1. T: Hello! Nice to see you. How are you?

Shall we start our lesson?

Let’ invite our guests to our lesson.

You are welcome!

2. Crossword. T: Look at the blackboard. If you make this crossword correctly, you

may learn the topic of our lesson. Crossword is based on both active and passive vocabulary of the previous lessons.

Слайд 1.




































































  1. To find information on a computer.

  2. A set of programs that you put in computer when you want it to do particular job.

  3. Using a mixture of sounds, pictures, film, and writing to give information.

  4. PC stands for_____ computer.

  5. It destroys the information.

  6. A large amount of data.

  7. A square piece of plastic to store on information for computer.

  8. Opposite of real

3.T: So, we have a word “computer”.

Цели урока:

Today our lesson is devoted to this topic. We are going to speak about computers.

  • What are the computers used for;

  • What can they do;

  • How can they used at school;

  • If computers have only positive or some negative aspects too.

We shall repeat our vocabulary,

Fill in the mind-map

Listen to the text,

Listen to the dialogues;

Watch some presentations etc.

Please, be active and careful.


“Computers: friends or foes”

“Computers aren’t intelligent, they only think they are”.

II. Warming up activity. (Ex.1, p.126. )

T: What are the computers used for?

Fill in the mind map. Let’s do it together on the blackboard.

Слайд 3.

Searching for Playing

information games

Chatting Computers are used for Counting

Checking Sending

mistakes letters

III. Phonetic activities. (Ex.2(A), p.126.)

Cлайд 4.

Pupils read the transcription of the following words:

access multimedia

crash software

database the Internet

E-mail virtual reality (VR)

floppy disk virus

hard disk web site

hardware World Wide Web

laptop monitor

outlook printer

Pupils read the words after the teacher and then translate them.

IV. Lexical activities. ( Ex.2 (A), p.126.)

T: Explain these words in English.

  1. Access

P1: Access is to find information, especially on a computer.

  1. Database.

P2: Database is a large amount system of information stored in computer.

  1. Floppy disk.

P3: Floppy disk is a small removable magnetic disk which is used to store data.

  1. Hardware.

P4: Hardware is the electrical and mechanical part of computer system including the screen, the keyboard and the hard disk.

  1. Multimedia.

P5: Multimedia is the combination of sounds, graphics, video to present information on a computer.

  1. Software.

P6: Software is program that runs a computer.

  1. Virus.

P7: Virus is a program secretly introduced into a computer, which makes copies of it self and often damages other programs.

  1. Web site.

P8: Web site is a place on the Internet that gives you information about a particular subject or product.

V. Listening. (Ex. 4(A), p.127.)

T: Now we are going to listen to the interview with Mike Phillips, a journalist.

1. Pre-listening activity.

Слайд 5.

T: Before listening write down the new words in your dictionaries, they will help you.

1) Encarta (a computer encyclopedia);

2) word processor (a program or computer that is used for writing purposes);

3) e-mail ( electronic mail).

2. Listening

1)(Ex. 4(A), p.127.)

T: Listen to the interview with Mike Phillips, a journalist and add more users of computers to the mind-map on slide 5.

T a p e s c r i p t:

What do уоu use the coтputer for?

Mainly for word processing (but not writing, which I still do with а реn), keeping track of my life, searching for information from the Intenet for writing purposes оr for travel. When I travel to а рlасе I don't know - for ехаmрlе Russia оr Canada – I look at Encarta оn CD-ROM, and when I’m going to travel to а рlасе like Krasnoyarsk, I print off the mар of the аrеа where I’m going.

Does t/te coтputer save tiтe?

I used to think the PC's main purpose in our lives was to reduce the time it took to get things done so that реорlе could enjoy other hob­bies - skiing, for ехаmрlе. I don't think that's so аnуmоrе.

We've bесоmе more intimate with our PCs. Starting with e-mail, we began having online relationships with реорlе we had nеvеr heard of оr hardly know. Then, а lot of us bought а РС for home and began using it just for fun. And реорlе started to spend hours online chatting with strangers. The РС is becoming аn integral part of our private and profes­sional lives I should s

Ноw did уоu start using а РС?

I hadn't used computers until 1983. It was а small thing produced here in England, plugged into the ТV. And it nеvеr worked. I packed it in its original bох and nеvеr used it again. Then I went to work in Hong Kong and bought а pirated IВM сору. That was а huge thing that didn't work either, but it was ОК as а word-processor. Then I went to Japan and was given а Macintosh bу the соmраnу I worked for. And that was what got me rеаllу interested because the· Macintosh is very user-friendly.

Нas your life changed since уоu started using the РС?

Yes, my eyes have got worse.

Оп а desert island, would уоu prefer а huтan or а coтputer for сотрапу?

Depends оn the human! Forced to choose, I would take the cjmputer as long as it had а modem and а line to the outside world.

T: Add more users of computers to the mind-map on slide 5.

A n s w e r s :

1) Word processing; 4) online relationships (chatting);

2) Keeping track of life; 5) for fun

3) E-mail;

Слайд 6.

T h e c h a r t

Word processing For fun Searching for


Keeping track Playing games


e-mail are used for Counting

Online relation- Sending letters

ships (chatting)

Chatting Checking mistakes

2) Ex.4(B),p.127.

T: Match the phrases from the interview ( first column) to the ones similar in meaning from the second column.

Слайд 7.

1) searching for a) keeping a diary

2) plug into b) looking for

3) an integral part c) save the time

4) user- friendly d) easy to use

5) reduce the time e) a necessary part

6) keeping track of life f) connect to

K e y : 1b, 2f, 3e, 4d, 5c, 6a.

3) Ex.4 (C), p. 127.

T: Listen to the interview again and fill in the gaps in ex. 4(c), p. 127 with the phrases on the blackboard. Use the phrases from the first column.

  1. I use it mainly for word processing (but not writing, which I still do with the pen),_______,________ from the Internet, for writing purposes or for travel.

  2. I used to think the PC’s main purpose in our lives was to _______ it took to get things done so that people could enjoy other hobbies- skiing, for example.

  3. The PC is becoming_________ of our private and professional lives I should say.

  4. It was a small thing produced here in England,_______ the TV.

  5. And that was what got me really interested because the Macintosh is very _______.

Pupils listen to the interview again and write down the words in their notebooks.

Слайд 8.

A n s w e r s :

1) keeping track of life, searching for information;

2) Reduce the time;

3) an integral part;

4) plugged into;

5) user-friendly.

T: Let’s make the conclusion of the first part of our lesson.

Are computers useful things in our life?

Do they help us?

Do you use them in your every day life?

So, we can say that computers have many positive sides?

Are computers friends?

VI. Speaking.

T: Now, children, let’s speak about another side of computers.

P1 has prepared a presentation. Let’s listen to her/him.

1. P r e s e n t a t i o n.(Oreshnikhova)

2 P r e s e n t a t i o n. (Polivina)

3. Speaking activity.

T: Listen to the dialogues and be ready to make the list of advice to computer addicts.

Dialogue 1

Р1 (coтputer addlict). Dear doctor! I need уоu advice! I’vе got а lot of symрtоms of sоmе strange illness.I’ve got а backache, dry eyes, headaches and loss of sleep! 1 don’'t know what to do about all this!

Р2 (psychologist 1). Уоu'vе got the sуmрtоms of соmрutеr addic­tion. If I were уоu, I wou1dn't spend а lot of timе in front of а соmрutеr.

Р! (coтputer addict). То mу mind, уоu are mistаkеn. Аll these sуmрtоms are not connected with the соmрutеr.

Р2 (psychologist 1). Соmрutеr addicts do not often аdmit being dependent on the Net. Саn уоu work or live without your соmрutеr?

Р! (coтputer addict). Of course, not! Okay. 1 аdmit it.I’m а соm­puter addict. And what shou1d l do about it?

Р2 (psychologist 1). Уоu shou1d limit the аmount of timе уоu spend in front of а соmрutеr! Besides, уоu ought to limit spending monеу on hardware, software, шаgаzinеs and соmрutеr-rе1аtеd ас­tivities.! And don't neg1ect your work at school! уоu must jog your brain!

Р1 (coтputer addict). Sure, I'11 try to do it. Thank уоu very muсh!

Dialogue II

Р1 (coтputer addict). Dear doctor! How do уоu think I might live without а соmрutеr? Уоu know, I аm а net potato!

Р2 (psychologist 2). Why don't уоu try using the соmрutеr for p1easure or relief your stress! Уоu should control соmрutеr use!

Р1 (coтputer addict). Thank уоu doctor! But I саn fee1 соmfоrt оn1у when I get access to the Internet! For mе there is nо рlасе like http:// www.hоmе.com.

Р2 (psychologist 2). I see. However, don't byte off mоrе than уоu саn process!

*net potato- someone who spends a great deal of time surfing the Internet.

3) Post-listening activity.

T: Answer my questions:

1) What is a computer addiction? (It is a serious disease)

2) What are the main symptoms of computer addiction? (A backache, dry eyes, headache, loss of sleep.)

3) Who helps computer addicts? (Doctors, psychologists)

4) What advices can you give the computer addicts.

Слайд 9.

4) I think that this list of advice will help them.

Тhe list оf advice to computer addicts

а) Уоu should limit the amount of timе in front of а соmрutеr.

b) Уоu shou1d use the соmрutеr for p1easure or relief fгоm stress.

с) Уоu shou1dn't neg1ect your word, schoo1 or fаmi1у obligations.

d) Уоu shou1dn't neg1ect your everyday responsibilities.

е) Уоu shou1d control соmрutеr use.

T: Let’s make the conclusion of the second part of our lesson

Can computers be harmful?

What diseases can they cause?

Can people totally relay on computers?

Can pupils totally relay on them?

On the hole, we can say “Computers are friends and foes”

VII. The conclusion of the lesson.

  1. Homework: Do this computer quiz at home.

  2. Marks for the lesson.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

урок в 10 классе по УМК Н.Н. Деревянко и др."New millennium"

Автор: Орлова Татьяна Геннадьевна

Дата: 14.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 130816

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