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Урок-соревнование по английскому языку в 8 классе по разделу "Mass media: good or bad"

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Игра «Весёлое соревнование»

Цель игры: обобщение изученного материала по третьему разделу «Средства массовой информации: хорошо или плохо».

Задачи: активизация лексического материала (профессии, аббревиатура), совершенствование грамматических навыков (косвенная речь), развитие языковой догадки, развитие умений работать в группе, воспитание  чувства коллективизма.

Оборудование: компьютер с операционной системой Windows, мультимедийный проектор, программные средства: редактор Power Point

Форма проведения: игра

  1. Организационный момент
  • Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Today we’ll have a competition. Let’s divide into two teams and think of the names for the names for the teams.

Учащиеся делятся на две команды, придумывают названия для своих команд и выбирают капитанов. Учитель объясняет учащимся правила соревнования и сообщает, что за каждый правильный ответ команды будут получать определённое количество баллов.

Описание игры:

 На 2 слайде  5  категорий вопросов: Grammar, abbreviation, books, professions, “a cat in the box”. По очереди команды выбирают категорию и отвечают на  вопрос. В каждой категории 5 вопросов. Все вопросы оцениваются от 10 до 50 баллов в зависимости от степени сложности. Кнопкам вопросов присвоены гиперссылки. На каждом слайде появляется автоматически  вопрос. Чтобы узнать ответ, нужно щёлкнуть мышкой. В правом углу каждого слайда расположена управляющая  кнопка возврата на слайд выбора категории вопросов. По мере завершения игры, вернуться по управляющей кнопке на 2 слайд и с последнего слайда «ресурсы» по управляющей кнопке завершить игру.

  1. Проведение конкурса
  2. “Grammar”

Choose the correct variant in reported speech.

  1.  ‘I am tired and cannot work anymore,’ she says.

She says that she … and cannot work anymore.

  1. am tired        b) is tired       c) was tired   (b)
  1. My friend asked me, ‘What holidays do you like?’

My friend asked me what holidays….

  1. I liked          b) have I liked       c) did I like   (a)
  1. ‘Don’t swim too far,’ ask her parents.

Her parents ask her … too far.

  1. don’t swim      b) hasn’t swim     c) not to swim   (c)
  1. ‘Will you be free tomorrow?’ Colin asked Richard.
  1. Richard asked would Colin be free tomorrow.
  2. Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day.
  3. Colin asked if Richard will be free tomorrow.   (b)
  1. Catherine said, ‘I hope you haven’t forgotten to post the letter.’ (Catherine said that she hoped I hadn’t forgotten to post the letter.)

Категория «Abbreviation»

Give the full variant of the following abbreviation

  1. The UK
  2. Etc. (and so on)
  3. IQ  a) intelligence quantity b) intelligence quality  c) intelligence quotient (c)
  4. BBC a) British Broadcasting Company  b) British Broadcasting Corporation  c) British Broadcasting Counsel (b)
  5. WWW  (World Wide Web)
  • «Books»

1. In which fairy story does a witch say, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? a) Snow White b) Snow Queen c) Snow Man (a)

2. Complete the title of this novel by Ernest Hamingway The Old Man and … a) … the Sea  b) …the Old Man c) …the Weather (a)

 3. What was the name of the English boy in a book by J.M.Barrie who learnt how to fly and went to Never Never land with a fairy called Tinkerbell? (Peter Pan)

 4. What was the surname of three sisters named Anne, Emily and Charlotte? (Bronte)

5. Match the author to his book. 1) J.R.R. Tolkien 2) Oscar Wilde 3) J. K. Rowling 4) W. Shakespeare a) The Picture of Dorian Gray b) Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone c) Robinson Crusoe d) Romeo and Juliet  e) The Hobbit   (1-e, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d)

Категория «Profession»

  1. The person who gives students knowledge, helps them learn about subjects, works at a school, college or university. (a teacher)
  2. The first person to think of something unusual or make it. (an inventor)
  3. They plan and design convenient towns and houses for us. (architects)
  4. Someone who writes news articles or broadcasts news reports. (a reporter)
  5. The person who organizes a play, film or record and decides how it should be made. (a producer)

КатегорияNever buy a pig in a poke” («Кот в мешке»)

  1. Which came first? a) the Roman Coliseum b) Egyptian Pyramids c)Great Wall of China (b, a, c)
  2. Translate into Russian. I do but jest. a) Шучу b) Показываю c) Мне плевать на камешки (a)
  3. The meaning of the rose. a) Hope b) Love c) Love at first sight d)Happiness
  5. How many irregular verbs are there in the English language? a) about 175 b) about 275 c) about 375 (b)
  6. What is the name of very strong winds of between 480 and 800 km per hour swirling everything in their path into the funnel? a) Hurricane b) Tsunami c) Tornado (c)
  1. Подведение итогов.

Учитель подводит итоги урока, команды подсчитывают полученные балы и определяют победителя.

- Thank you for your work. You were active and clever today. Do you like our competition?

  • Goodbye, children!
  1. А.П. Миньяр-Белоручева. 300 тестовых заданий по английской грамматике. – М: Московский лицей, 2001. -64с.
  2. Николенко Т.Г. Тесты по грамматике английского языка. – 6-е изд. –М: Айрис-пресс, 2007. -160с.
  3. Challenger. The Best: Учебное пособие/ О.В.Гребнева, М.Н. Курдюмова, С.Б. Лайпанова, С.П. Фирсова. – Йошкар-Ола, 2003. – 90с.
  4. Учебник “Enjoy English” М.З.Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н.В. Добрынина, Н. Н. Трубанёва.
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«Соревнование 8кл»

«Весёлое соревнование»

Цель игры: обобщение изученного материала по третьему разделу «Средства массовой информации: хорошо или плохо».

Задачи: активизация лексического материала, совершенствование грамматических навыков, развитие языковой догадки, развитие умений работать в группе, воспитание чувства коллективизма.

Оборудование: компьютер с операционной системой Windows, мультимедийный проектор, программные средства: редактор Power Point

Форма проведения: игра

  1. Организационный момент

  • Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Today we’ll have a competition. Let’s divide into two teams and think of the names for the names for the teams.

Учащиеся делятся на две команды, придумывают названия для своих команд и выбирают капитанов. Учитель объясняет учащимся правила соревнования и сообщает, что за каждый правильный ответ команды будут получать определённое количество баллов.

Описание игры:

На 2 слайде 5 категорий вопросов: Grammar, abbreviation, books, professions, “a cat in the box”. По очереди команды выбирают категорию и отвечают на вопрос. В каждой категории 5 вопросов. Все вопросы оцениваются от 10 до 50 баллов в зависимости от степени сложности. Кнопкам вопросов присвоены гиперссылки. На каждом слайде появляется автоматически вопрос. Чтобы узнать ответ, нужно щёлкнуть мышкой. В правом углу каждого слайда расположена управляющая кнопка возврата на слайд выбора категории вопросов. По мере завершения игры, вернуться по управляющей кнопке на 2 слайд и с последнего слайда «ресурсы» по управляющей кнопке завершить игру.

  1. Проведение конкурса

Категория “Grammar”

Choose the correct variant in reported speech.

  1. I am tired and cannot work anymore,’ she says.

She says that she … and cannot work anymore.

  1. am tired b) is tired c) was tired (b)

  1. My friend asked me, ‘What holidays do you like?’

My friend asked me what holidays… .

  1. I liked b) have I liked c) did I like (a)

  1. Don’t swim too far,’ ask her parents.

Her parents ask her … too far.

  1. don’t swim b) hasn’t swim c) not to swim (c)

  1. Will you be free tomorrow?’ Colin asked Richard.

  1. Richard asked would Colin be free tomorrow.

  2. Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day.

  3. Colin asked if Richard will be free tomorrow. (b)

  1. Catherine said, ‘I hope you haven’t forgotten to post the letter.’ (Catherine said that she hoped I hadn’t forgotten to post the letter.)

Категория «Abbreviation»

Give the full variant of the following abbreviation

  1. The UK

  2. Etc. (and so on)

  3. IQ a) intelligence quantity b) intelligence quality c) intelligence quotient (c)

  4. BBC a) British Broadcasting Company b) British Broadcasting Corporation c) British Broadcasting Counsel (b)

  5. WWW (World Wide Web)

Категория «Books»

1. In which fairy story does a witch say, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? a) Snow White b) Snow Queen c) Snow Man (a)

2. Complete the title of this novel by Ernest Hamingway The Old Man and … a) … the Sea b) …the Old Man c) …the Weather (a)

3. What was the name of the English boy in a book by J.M.Barrie who learnt how to fly and went to Never Never land with a fairy called Tinkerbell? (Peter Pan)

4. What was the surname of three sisters named Anne, Emily and Charlotte? (Bronte)

5. Match the author to his book. 1) J.R.R. Tolkien 2) Oscar Wilde 3) J. K. Rowling 4) W. Shakespeare a) The Picture of Dorian Gray b) Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone c) Robinson Crusoe d) Romeo and Juliet e) The Hobbit (1-e, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d)

Категория «Profession»

  1. The person who gives students knowledge, helps them learn about subjects, works at a school, college or university. (a teacher)

  2. The first person to think of something unusual or make it. (an inventor)

  3. They plan and design convenient towns and houses for us. (architects)

  4. Someone who writes news articles or broadcasts news reports. (a reporter)

  5. The person who organizes a play, film or record and decides how it should be made. (a producer)

КатегорияNever buy a pig in a poke” («Кот в мешке»)

  1. Which came first? a) the Roman Coliseum b) Egyptian Pyramids c)Great Wall of China (b, a, c)

  2. Translate into Russian. I do but jest. a) Шучу b) Показываю c) Мне плевать на камешки (a)

  3. The meaning of the rose. a) Hope b) Love c) Love at first sight d)Happiness


  1. How many irregular verbs are there in the English language? a) about 175 b) about 275 c) about 375 (b)

  2. What is the name of very strong winds of between 480 and 800 km per hour swirling everything in their path into the funnel? a) Hurricane b) Tsunami c) Tornado (c)

  1. Подведение итогов.

Учитель подводит итоги урока, команды подсчитывают полученные балы и определяют победителя.

- Thank you for your work. You were active and clever today. Do you like our competition?

  • Goodbye, children!

  1. А.П. Миньяр-Белоручева. 300 тестовых заданий по английской грамматике. – М: Московский лицей, 2001. -64с.

  2. Николенко Т.Г. Тесты по грамматике английского языка. – 6-е изд. –М: Айрис-пресс, 2007. -160с.

  3. Challenger. The Best: Учебное пособие/ О.В.Гребнева, М.Н. Курдюмова, С.Б. Лайпанова, С.П. Фирсова. – Йошкар-Ола, 2003. – 90с.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Соревнование для 8 кл»

Весёлое соревнование Выполнила: Белкова Л.В., учитель английского языка МОУ «Сотнурская СОШ» Волжского района Республики Марий Эл

Весёлое соревнование

Выполнила: Белкова Л.В., учитель английского языка МОУ «Сотнурская СОШ» Волжского района Республики Марий Эл

Выбери категорию вопроса Never buy a pig in a poke 10 Grammar Abbreviation 20 10 10 20 30 Profession 30 40 20 10 Books 20 30 50 40 10 40 50 30 20 50 40 30 50 40 50

Выбери категорию вопроса

Never buy a pig in a poke






























Which came first? a) the Roman Coliseum b) Egyptian Pyramids  c) Great Wall of China

Which came first?

a) the Roman Coliseum b) Egyptian Pyramids

c) Great Wall of China

Translate into Russian.                       I do but jest.   - Шучу

Translate into Russian.                  

I do but jest.

- Шучу

  • Шучу
  • Показываю
  • Мне плевать на камешки
The meaning of the rose.        Hope Love Love at first sight Happiness Love

The meaning of the rose.  

  • Hope
  • Love
  • Love at first sight
  • Happiness


about 275    How many irregular verbs are there in the English language?

about 275

How many irregular verbs are there in the English language?

  • about 175
  • about 275
  • about 375
What is the name of very strong winds of between 480 and 800 km per hour swirling everything in their path into the funnel?                    Hurricane Tsunami Tornado Tornado

What is the name of very strong winds of between 480 and 800 km per hour swirling everything in their path into the funnel?            

  • Hurricane
  • Tsunami
  • Tornado


‘ I am tired and cannot work anymore,’ she says.   is tired She says that she... and can not work anymore.   а) am tired b) is tired  c) was tired

I am tired and cannot work anymore,’ she says.

is tired

She says that she... and can not work anymore.

а) am tired b) is tired

c) was tired

My friend asked me, ‘What holidays do you like?’   My friend asked me what holidays ... . I liked  a) I liked b) have I liked c) did I like

My friend asked me, ‘What holidays do you like?’

My friend asked me what holidays ... .

I liked

a) I liked b) have I liked c) did I like

‘ Don’t swim too far,’ ask her parents.  Her parents ask her … too far.   not to swim  a) don’t swim b) hasn’t swim  c) not to swim

Don’t swim too far,’ ask her parents.

Her parents ask her … too far.

not to swim

a) don’t swim b) hasn’t swim c) not to swim

‘ Will you be free tomorrow?’ Colin asked Richard.  a) Richard asked would Colin be free the next day.  b) Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day.  c) Colin asked if Richard will be free tomorrow.  Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day.

Will you be free tomorrow?’ Colin asked Richard.

a) Richard asked would Colin be free the next day. b) Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day. c) Colin asked if Richard will be free tomorrow.

Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day.

Catherine said, ‘I hope you haven’t forgotten to post the letter.’  Catherine said that she hoped I hadn’t forgotten to post the letter.

Catherine said, ‘I hope you haven’t forgotten to post the letter.’

Catherine said that she hoped I hadn’t forgotten to post the letter.

The UK    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The UK

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Etc. and so on


and so on

IQ  intelligence quantity  intelligence quality intelligence quotient intelligence quotient


  • intelligence quantity
  • intelligence quality
  • intelligence quotient

intelligence quotient

BBC    British Broadcasting Company British Broadcasting Corporation British Broadcasting Counsel B ritish  B roadcasting  C orporation


  • British Broadcasting Company
  • British Broadcasting Corporation
  • British Broadcasting Counsel

B ritish B roadcasting C orporation

WWW World Wide Web


World Wide Web

The person who gives students knowledge, helps them learn about subjects, works at a school, college or university. a teacher

The person who gives students knowledge, helps them learn about subjects, works at a school, college or university.

a teacher

an inventor  The first person to think of something unusual or make it. Erno Rubik, a creator of the cube

an inventor

The first person to think of something unusual or make it.

Erno Rubik, a creator of the cube

They plan and design convenient towns and houses for us.  architects

They plan and design convenient towns and houses for us.


a reporter Someone who writes news articles or broadcasts news reports

a reporter

Someone who writes news articles or broadcasts news reports

The person who organizes a play, film or record and decides how it should be made. A producer Film producer George Lucas

The person who organizes a play, film or record and decides how it should be made.

A producer

Film producer George Lucas

In which fairy story does a witch say, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

In which fairy story does a witch say, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

  • Snow White
  • Snow Queen
  • Snow Man
Complete the title of this novel by Ernest Hamingway “ The Old Man and …”

Complete the title of this novel by Ernest Hamingway “ The Old Man and …”

  • … the Sea
  • … the Old Man
  • … the Weather
What was the name of the English boy in a book by J.M.Barrie who learnt how to fly and went to Never Never land with a fairy called Tinkerbell?

What was the name of the English boy in a book by J.M.Barrie who learnt how to fly and went to Never Never land with a fairy called Tinkerbell?

What was the surname of three sisters named Anne, Emily and Charlotte?  Anne Emily Charlotte   Bronte

What was the surname of three sisters named Anne, Emily and Charlotte?





Match  the author to his book. a) The Picture of Dorian Gray b) Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone c) Robinson Crusoe d) Romeo and Juliet e) The Hobbit      J.R.R. Tolkien Oscar Wilde J. K. Rowling W.Shakespeare

Match the author to his book.

a) The Picture of Dorian Gray

b) Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone

c) Robinson Crusoe

d) Romeo and Juliet

e) The Hobbit

  • J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Oscar Wilde
  • J. K. Rowling
  • W.Shakespeare

Thank you for the game

Thank you for the game

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок-соревнование по английскому языку в 8 классе по разделу "Mass media: good or bad"

Автор: Белкова Людмила Владимировна

Дата: 07.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 237140

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