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Урок-соревнование по английскому языку "Past Simple"

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по английскому языку по теме «Past Simple»

(4 класс, УМК “Enjoy English-2”, авторы: М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева

Тип урока: урок-обобщение

Цель: Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков  учащихся по Past Simple.



  • Тренировка произносительных навыков учащихся;
  • Совершенствование и развитие грамматических навыков
  • Развитие диалогической речи;


  • воспитывать культуру общения в разных видах коллективного взаимодействия.


  • развивать у учащихся языковую догадку, память, внимание;
  • развивать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка;

Оборудование: компьютер; медиапроектор; интерактивная доска; компьютерная презентация с материалом урока; раздаточный материал.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент

Учитель: Good morning, children!


Good morning! Good morning to you!

Good morning! Good morning!

We are glad to see you!

II. Речевая зарядка

Учитель: How are you today?

Ученики (по очереди): Fine, thanks. And you?

III. Cообщение целей и задач урока

Учитель: Today we are going to visit the town of the Past Simple. It’s a very beautiful town. Who lives in this town? Look! These are funny gnomes. What are their names? Their names are Ted, Jack, Tim and Ben. They are nice, kind and friendly. They will show us the town. We shall play games, do different tasks and find out who knows English very well.

IV. Фонетическая зарядка (Слайд 1)

Учитель: Look! These are the names of the streets. Listen and repeat. (Читает. Ученики повторяют хором, затем по одному).


The day before yesterday

Last week

Last month

Last year



Учитель: Let’s recall the meaning of the words and word combinations. (Слайд 2)

Позавчера; в прошлом году; неделю тому назад; 10 дней тому назад; прошлым летом; вчера; месяц тому назад.

Ten days ago

Last summer


A week ago

The day before yesterday

Last year

A month ago

Правильные и неправильные глаголы. (Слайд 3)

А живут в этом городе большие труженики – правильные глаголы. Посмотрите как они образуются. А теперь послушайте как звучит окончание –ed у этих глаголов.






















Учитель: А как вы думаете, почему оно звучит по-разному? (Ученики объясняют правило.)

V. Речевая разминка: Now answer my questions, please!

  1. What did you do yesterday?
  2. What did you do the day before yesterday?
  3. What did you do last week?
  4. What did you do last summer?
  5. What did you do last month?

Thank you very much!

VI.Основная часть урока.

Групповая работа.

As I have said that today we will play games, do different tasks and find out who knows English very well, now divide please into 2 teams and think of the names.

 (Слайд 4) 1 задание.

А теперь давайте поможем гномикам разложить правильные глаголы по корзинкам. (Корзинки с надписями [t], [d], [id]). Перед вами бумаги с этими звуками, сгруппируйте.

Watched, learned, collected, cried, skated, played, finished, painted, walked, wanted, looked, talked, tried, smiled, needed

(Слайд 5) 2 задание.

Учитель: А еще в этом городе живут непослушные ленивые неправильные глаголы. Посмотрите, повторите эти глаголы в течение 1 минуты а затем я вам называю глаголы 1 формы а вы должны сказать 2 и 3 форму. Кто назовёт правильно тот получает бал.


be – was/were - been

begin – began - begun

bring – brought - brought

buy – bought - bought

build – built- built

come – came - come

do – did - done

drink – drank - drunk

eat – ate - eaten

get – got - got

give – gave - given

go – went - gone

have – had - had

know – knew - known

let – let - let

make – made – made

meet – met – met

put – put- put

read – read - read

see – saw - seen

sit – sat - sat

speak – spoke - spoken

sleep – slept - slept

take -took – taken

tell – told – told

think – thought – thought

win – won – won

write – wrote – written


3 задание. А сейчас каждая группа получает небольшой текст, в котором нужно найти и подчеркнуть неправильные глаголы.

1.         Mary got up at 7 o’clock yesterday. She washed her face and cleaned her teeth. Then she had breakfast. She took her bag and went to school.

2.         Jane came home at 2 o’clock yesterday. She had dinner. Then she cleaned her room. She did her homework. Then she played games.

4 задание.

5 задание. Посмотрите и послушайте пожалуйста, найдите глаголы в прошедшем времени. (Видео со стихотворением.)

6. Игра «What is missing»

Учитель: А сейчас мы поиграем в игру «Что исчезло» т.к. в этой стране есть ещё животные. Они хотят играть с вами в прядки. Перед вами стоят животные, вы должны найти отсутствующего животного и назвать по-английски. Кто угадает, тот получает балл.


Песня “Clap your hands”

Clap, clap, clap your hands

As slowly as you can!

Clap, clap, clap your hands

As quickly as you can!

Shake, shake, shake your hands

As slowly as you can!

Shake, shake, shake your hands

As quickly as you can!

Roll, roll, roll your hands

As slowly as you can!

Roll, roll, roll your hands

As quickly as you can!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers

As slowly as you can!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers

As quickly as you can!

Pound, pound, pound your fists

As slowly as you can!

Pound, pound, pound your fists

As quickly as you can!

 Построение утвердительных предложений в Past Simple

Учитель: Гномы очень трудолюбивые. Целый день они трудятся в своей мастерской и переделывают предложения из Present в Past. Давайте им поможем. (Слайд 6)

They skate in the yard every day.

 They skated in the yard yesterday.

 The weather is fine today.

 The weather was fine yesterday.

 We go to the park every day.

 We went to the park yesterday.

I see my friend and his mother.

I saw my friend and his mother.

Children have five classes every day.

Children had five classes yesterday.

VIII. Построение отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в Past Simple

Учитель: Гномик Тим очень любит похвастать. Давайте не согласимся с ним. Посмотрите как это нужно делать. (Слайд 7)

Образец: I watched TV at night.

You didn’t watch TV at night.

I washed my hands and face ten times.

You didn’t wash your hands and face ten times.

I played chess with a champion.

You didn’t play chess with a champion.

I helped my friends to do their homework.

You didn’t help your friends to do their homework.

I cleaned my teeth three times.

You didn’t clean your teeth three times.

Учитель: А теперь давайте переспросим его. Посмотрите как это сделать. (Слайд 8)

Образец: I watched TV at night.

Did you watch TV at night?

I washed my hands and face ten times.

Did you wash your hands and face ten times?

I played chess with a champion.

Did you play chess with a champion?

I helped my friends to do their homework.

Did you help your friends to do their homework?

I cleaned my teeth three times.

Did you clean your teeth three times?

Игра в мяч. Учитель задает ученикам общие вопросы, кидая по очереди мяч. Ученики дают краткий ответ “Yes, I did” или “No, I didn’t”.

IX. Построение специальных вопросов в Past Simple

У наших гномов есть помощники What, Where, When, Who, How, Why. Посмотрите как они им помогают. (Слайд 9) I played football yesterday.

When did you play football?

What did you play yesterday?

Who played football yesterday?

Задание.The last task for you is to make a dialog.

X. Подведение итогов. Конец урока.

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа


по английскому языку по теме «Past Simple»

(4 класс, УМК “Enjoy English-2”, авторы: М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева)

Тип урока: урок-обобщение

Цель: Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков учащихся по Past Simple.



  • Тренировка произносительных навыков учащихся;

  • Совершенствование и развитие грамматических навыков

  • Развитие диалогической речи;


  • воспитывать культуру общения в разных видах коллективного взаимодействия.


  • развивать у учащихся языковую догадку, память, внимание;

  • развивать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка;

Оборудование: компьютер; медиапроектор; интерактивная доска; компьютерная презентация с материалом урока; раздаточный материал.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент

Учитель: Good morning, children!


Good morning! Good morning to you!

Good morning! Good morning!

We are glad to see you!

II. Речевая зарядка

Учитель: How are you today?

Ученики (по очереди): Fine, thanks. And you?

III. Cообщение целей и задач урока

Учитель: Today we are going to visit the town of the Past Simple. It’s a very beautiful town. Who lives in this town? Look! These are funny gnomes. What are their names? Their names are Ted, Jack, Tim and Ben. They are nice, kind and friendly. They will show us the town. We shall play games, do different tasks and find out who knows English very well.

IV. Фонетическая зарядка (Слайд 1)

Учитель: Look! These are the names of the streets. Listen and repeat. (Читает. Ученики повторяют хором, затем по одному).


The day before yesterday

Last week

Last month

Last year



Учитель: Let’s recall the meaning of the words and word combinations. (Слайд 2)

Позавчера; в прошлом году; неделю тому назад; 10 дней тому назад; прошлым летом; вчера; месяц тому назад.

Ten days ago

Last summer


A week ago

The day before yesterday

Last year

A month ago

Правильные и неправильные глаголы. (Слайд 3)

А живут в этом городе большие труженики – правильные глаголы. Посмотрите как они образуются. А теперь послушайте как звучит окончание –ed у этих глаголов.




















Учитель: А как вы думаете, почему оно звучит по-разному? (Ученики объясняют правило.)

V. Речевая разминка: Now answer my questions, please!

  1. What did you do yesterday?

  2. What did you do the day before yesterday?

  3. What did you do last week?

  4. What did you do last summer?

  5. What did you do last month?

Thank you very much!

VI.Основная часть урока.

Групповая работа.

As I have said that today we will play games, do different tasks and find out who knows English very well, now divide please into 2 teams and think of the names.

(Слайд 4) 1 задание.

А теперь давайте поможем гномикам разложить правильные глаголы по корзинкам. (Корзинки с надписями [t], [d], [id]). Перед вами бумаги с этими звуками, сгруппируйте.

Watched, learned, collected, cried, skated, played, finished, painted, walked, wanted, looked, talked, tried, smiled, needed

(Слайд 5) 2 задание.

Учитель: А еще в этом городе живут непослушные ленивые неправильные глаголы. Посмотрите, повторите эти глаголы в течение 1 минуты а затем я вам называю глаголы 1 формы а вы должны сказать 2 и 3 форму. Кто назовёт правильно тот получает бал.

be – was/were - been

begin – began - begun

bring – brought - brought

buy – bought - bought

build – built- built

come – came - come

do – did - done

drink – drank - drunk

eat – ate - eaten

get – got - got

give – gave - given

go – went - gone

have – had - had

know – knew - known

let – let - let

make – made – made

meet – met – met

put – put- put

read – read - read

see – saw - seen

sit – sat - sat

speak – spoke - spoken

sleep – slept - slept

take -took – taken

tell – told – told

think – thought – thought

win – won – won

write – wrote – written

3 задание. А сейчас каждая группа получает небольшой текст, в котором нужно найти и подчеркнуть неправильные глаголы.

1. Mary got up at 7 o’clock yesterday. She washed her face and cleaned her teeth. Then she had breakfast. She took her bag and went to school.

2. Jane came home at 2 o’clock yesterday. She had dinner. Then she cleaned her room. She did her homework. Then she played games.

4 задание.

5 задание. Посмотрите и послушайте пожалуйста, найдите глаголы в прошедшем времени. (Видео со стихотворением.)

6. Игра «What is missing»

Учитель: А сейчас мы поиграем в игру «Что исчезло» т.к. в этой стране есть ещё животные. Они хотят играть с вами в прядки. Перед вами стоят животные, вы должны найти отсутствующего животного и назвать по-английски. Кто угадает, тот получает балл.


Песня “Clap your hands

Clap, clap, clap your hands

As slowly as you can!

Clap, clap, clap your hands

As quickly as you can!

Shake, shake, shake your hands

As slowly as you can!

Shake, shake, shake your hands

As quickly as you can!

Roll, roll, roll your hands

As slowly as you can!

Roll, roll, roll your hands

As quickly as you can!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers

As slowly as you can!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers

As quickly as you can!

Pound, pound, pound your fists

As slowly as you can!

Pound, pound, pound your fists

As quickly as you can!

Построение утвердительных предложений в Past Simple

Учитель: Гномы очень трудолюбивые. Целый день они трудятся в своей мастерской и переделывают предложения из Present в Past. Давайте им поможем. (Слайд 6)

They skate in the yard every day.

They skated in the yard yesterday.

The weather is fine today.

The weather was fine yesterday.

We go to the park every day.

We went to the park yesterday.

I see my friend and his mother.

I saw my friend and his mother.

Children have five classes every day.

Children had five classes yesterday.

VIII. Построение отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в Past Simple

Учитель: Гномик Тим очень любит похвастать. Давайте не согласимся с ним. Посмотрите как это нужно делать. (Слайд 7)

Образец: I watched TV at night.

You didn’t watch TV at night.

I washed my hands and face ten times.

You didn’t wash your hands and face ten times.

I played chess with a champion.

You didn’t play chess with a champion.

I helped my friends to do their homework.

You didn’t help your friends to do their homework.

I cleaned my teeth three times.

You didn’t clean your teeth three times.

Учитель: А теперь давайте переспросим его. Посмотрите как это сделать. (Слайд 8)

Образец: I watched TV at night.

Did you watch TV at night?

I washed my hands and face ten times.

Did you wash your hands and face ten times?

I played chess with a champion.

Did you play chess with a champion?

I helped my friends to do their homework.

Did you help your friends to do their homework?

I cleaned my teeth three times.

Did you clean your teeth three times?

Игра в мяч. Учитель задает ученикам общие вопросы, кидая по очереди мяч. Ученики дают краткий ответ “Yes, I did” или “No, I didnt”.

IX. Построение специальных вопросов в Past Simple

У наших гномов есть помощники What, Where, When, Who, How, Why. Посмотрите как они им помогают. (Слайд 9) I played football yesterday.

When did you play football?

What did you play yesterday?

Who played football yesterday?

Задание.The last task for you is to make a dialog.

X. Подведение итогов. Конец урока.


Просмотр содержимого презентации

Yesterday The day before yesterday Last week Last month Last year … ago Once  Tim Ted Jack Ben


The day before yesterday

Last week

Last month

Last year







позавчера в прошлом году неделю тому назад 10 дней тому назад прошлым летом вчера месяц тому назад ten days ago last summer yesterday a week ago the day before yesterday last year a month ago


в прошлом году

неделю тому назад

10 дней тому назад

прошлым летом


месяц тому назад

ten days ago

last summer


a week ago

the day before yesterday

last year

a month ago

Regular verbs  V → V- ed [d] Play ed Learn ed Tri ed Cri ed Smil ed studi ed [t] [id] Watch ed Walk ed Talk ed Finish ed Look ed Skat ed Want ed Collect ed Paint ed need ed

Regular verbs V → V- ed


Play ed

Learn ed

Tri ed

Cri ed

Smil ed

studi ed



Watch ed

Walk ed

Talk ed

Finish ed

Look ed

Skat ed

Want ed

Collect ed

Paint ed

need ed

learned cried watched collected painted played skated finished walked wanted looked smiled tried talked needed [id] [t] [d]



















Irregular verbs let – let - let make – made – made meet – met – met put – put- put read – read - read see – saw - seen sit – sat - sat speak – spoke - spoken sleep – slept - slept take -took – taken tell – told – told think – thought – thought win – won – won write – wrote – written  be – was/were - been begin – began - begun bring – brought - brought buy – bought - bought build – built- built come – came - come do – did - done drink – drank - drunk eat – ate - eaten get – got - got give – gave - given go – went - gone have – had - had know – knew - known

Irregular verbs

let – let - let

make – made – made

meet – met – met

put – put- put

read – read - read

see – saw - seen

sit – sat - sat

speak – spoke - spoken

sleep – slept - slept

take -took – taken

tell – told – told

think – thought – thought

win – won – won

write – wrote – written

be – was/were - been

begin – began - begun

bring – brought - brought

buy – bought - bought

build – built- built

come – came - come

do – did - done

drink – drank - drunk

eat – ate - eaten

get – got - got

give – gave - given

go – went - gone

have – had - had

know – knew - known

They  skate  every day.  They  skated yesterday.   The weather  is fine today.  The weather  was fine yesterday.   We  go  to the park every day.  We  went  to the park yesterday.    I  see  my friend and his mother.   I  saw  my friend and his mother.    Children  have  five classes every day.   Children had  five classes yesterday.

They skate every day.

They skated yesterday.

The weather is fine today.

The weather was fine yesterday.

We go to the park every day.

We went to the park yesterday.

I see my friend and his mother.

I saw my friend and his mother.

Children have five classes every day.

Children had five classes yesterday.

Гномик Tim очень любит похвастать. Давайте не согласимся с ним.  Образец:  I watch ed TV at night. You didn’t  watch TV at night.  I wash ed my hands and face ten times. You didn’t  wash your hands and face ten times. I play ed chess with a champion. You didn’t  play chess with a champion. I help ed my friends to do their homework. You didn’t  help your friends to do their homework. I clean ed my teeth three times. You didn’t  clean your teeth three times.

Гномик Tim очень любит похвастать. Давайте не согласимся с ним.

Образец: I watch ed TV at night.

You didn’t watch TV at night.

  • I wash ed my hands and face ten times.

You didn’t wash your hands and face ten times.

  • I play ed chess with a champion.

You didn’t play chess with a champion.

  • I help ed my friends to do their homework.

You didn’t help your friends to do their homework.

  • I clean ed my teeth three times.

You didn’t clean your teeth three times.

А теперь давайте переспросим его. Образец:  I watch ed TV at night.   Did you watch TV at night?  I wash ed my hands and face ten times. Did  you wash your hands and face ten times?  I play ed chess with a champion. Did  you play chess with a champion?  I help ed my friends to do their homework. Did  you help your friends to do their homework?  I clean ed my teeth three times. Did  you clean your teeth three times?

А теперь давайте переспросим его.

Образец: I watch ed TV at night.

Did you watch TV at night?

  • I wash ed my hands and face ten times.

Did you wash your hands and face ten times?

  • I play ed chess with a champion.

Did you play chess with a champion?

  • I help ed my friends to do their homework.

Did you help your friends to do their homework?

  • I clean ed my teeth three times.

Did you clean your teeth three times?

I play ed football yesterday. Образец: When  did you play football?

I play ed football yesterday.


When did you play football?

Good Bye!

Good Bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Урок-соревнование по английскому языку "Past Simple"

Автор: Ондар Борбак Март-ооловна

Дата: 17.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 231483

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