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Урок-размышление по английскому языку (10 класс) THE ONLY UNSINKABLE SHIP IS FRIENDSHIP

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Разработка урока по английскому языку в 10 классе по теме "The only unsinkable ship is friendship".

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных умений по теме "Друзья и дружба" с использованием английских и русских пословиц.

Задачи урока:

- формирование ценностных ориентаций, чувств и эмоций учащихся;

- воспитание культуры общения и потребности в использовании языка;

- развитие мотивации к изучению английского языка;

- развитие умения сравнивать языковые явления родного и иностранного языков;

- формирование навыков оценочного суждения;

развитие умений планировать свое языковое поведение.

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«Урок-размышление по английскому языку (10 класс) THE ONLY UNSINKABLE SHIP IS FRIENDSHIP »











в 10 классе

Автор урока: Штанько Нелля Ивановна

Место работы: Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 53 г. Иркутска

Должность: учитель английского языка

высшей квалификационной категории

рабочий телефон: +7(3952) 449-467

E-mail школы: [email protected]

сотовый телефон: +7-914-888-69-71

2014 ГОД



Цель урока:

  • Развитие коммуникативных умений по теме " Друзья и дружба" с использованием английских и русских пословиц.

Задачи урока:

    • формирование ценностных ориентаций, чувств и эмоций учащихся;

    • воспитание культуры общения и потребности в использовании языка;

    • развитие мотивации к изучению английского языка;

    • развитие умения сравнивать языковые явления родного и иностранного языков;

    • развитие умений чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного;

    • формирование навыков оценочного рассуждения;

    • развитие умений планировать своё языковое поведение;

    • развитие умений трансформировать полученную информацию в новую ситуацию;

  1. Введение в тему. Вступительное слово учителя.

Вступительная речь учителя помогает учащимся определить тему урока.

Today we all live in the time of new technologies which influence the forms of our communication and relationships. The Internet changes the skills of communication with the people around us. Well, boys and girls, who are these people?

  • They are......

  • Yes, you are quite right. And what problem of communication is the most important for you?

  • .......

    • I think so too. What is the problem of our lesson today?

  • .......

    • Yes, I agree with you. So, the topic of our lesson is " THE ONLY UNSINKABLE SHIP IS FRIENDSHIP" I’m sure you understand it’s a proverb. Will you give it’s? Russian equivalent? At our lesson today we’ll get acquainted with some new proverbs and sayings. They all will be connected with the problem of friendship.

  1. Целеполагание.

Учитель сообщает обучающимся, что на уроке будут использованы английские и русские пословицы и поговорки и, исходя из этого просит сформулировать задачи урока, с чем учащиеся справляются с помощью учителя.

Teacher: -Now let's think what the main tasks of the lesson are? What should we achieve working together?

  • Pupils.........

  • Teacher. Yes, you are quite right You’ll have to learn new English proverbs, compare them with the Russian ones. You are to be able to read and understand texts connected with the problem of friendship and based on these proverbs, express your own attitude to the idea of the text, be able to agree or disagree and to use these adverbs in your speech.

  1. Интеллектуальная разминка.

Интеллектуальная разминка помогает учащимся вспомнить изученную лексику по теме и применить её в беседе с учителем. Речевая разминка состоит из двух заданий. Первое –закончить предложение, начатое учителем, по теме «Дружба.» Второе –дать определение понятию, предложенному учителем.

And now our traditional warming-up. I’ll start a sentence and you’ll complete it.

  • If your friend is always there for you, then……

  • If your so called friend tells you lies, or can let you down, then….

  • If your friend isn’t afraid to tell you the truth even though it’s bitter enough, then….

  • If a person you consider to be your friend giggles behind your back or shares your secrets with some other..

And now I want you to give your definitions to the following notions:

  • A real friend is…

  • A fair weather friend is…

  • A true friend is…

Thank you very much. You are smart boys and girls. But unfortunately there are young people, especially among those who are called “computer addicted generation” who don’t need any friends.

  1. Работа с текстами в группах. Каждая группа получает по три текста по изучаемой теме, в которых рассматриваются разные подходы к проблеме «Дружба». Группы получают по два задания. Первое –прочитать тексты и подобрать заголовки к каждому из них из предложенных ниже. (один заголовок лишний) Второе задание –прочитать тексты ещё раз, выбрать один, который больше отражает их отношение к дружбе, и прокомментировать его.

Now you’ll work in three groups. Take cards №1, please. There you’ll see three texts containing different ideas of friendship. And each of them includes proverbs. Your first task is to look through the texts, understand them and then match these texts to the titles given bellow. Mind, please, one title is extra. Your second task is to look through the texts again and choose the one which catches your spirit best. One student from each group will present your opinion or your commentary.

- Students’ answers…

  1. Введение новых пословиц и поговорок и работа с ними.

Перед тем, как ввести пословицы и поговорки, учащиеся под руководством учителя определяют роль пословиц в нашей речи при размышлении и разговоре о дружбе. Пословицы вводятся двумя способами. Первый – подобрать часть пословицы из левой колонки к правой и найти русский вариант. Второе задание: даны три цепочки букв, в которых скрыты три английские пословицы. Нужно найти эти пословицы и их русские эквиваленты. После выполнения этого задания учащимся предлагается представить один диалог от каждой группы с использованием 1-2х пословиц.

Teacher: When we speak about friends and friendship, we can’t do without Russian and English proverbs. I’m sure you know lots, let’s remember some of them.- Thank you. We go on our work. Please, take card №3. There you can see a list of English proverbs which are divided into two parts and mixed. You’ll have three tasks. The first task: match the right and the left columns to make up a proverb and then try to find an appropriate Russian equivalent. Look at the second task, please. You see three letter chains .You have to divide each chain into words to make up an English proverb and try to find their Russian versions. You have two minutes to do the task. You can work in groups of two and three to be faster. So, your time is up. Please, look at the screen and check your answers. Ok, which group has no mistakes? Wonderful! And what about Russian versions? Please, read your variants.

  • Pupils….

  • Teacher…Thank you. And I would like to add some more variants. Приятелей много, да друга нет. С добрыми дружись, а с лукавыми сторонись. Лучше иметь явного врага, чем лицемерного друга. Не та собака кусает, что лает, а та, что молчит да хвостом виляет.

  • Teacher… The third task is to make up a dialogue using one or two proverbs. One pair from each group will present it. All the rest should help them. You have 3 minutes to do it.

  • Thank you, your dialogues are nice!

  1. Вы согласны с этими утверждениями?

Обучающимся предлагается три утверждения, объединённые одним общим смыслом. Задача учащихся –определить смысл, выразить своё согласие, несогласие или предложить свои варианты. При выполнении этого задания была использована технология «цветных шляп»

Teacher – Well, boys and girls, now each group will get a hat: red, green or a black one. You can choose the colour yourself.

A black hat lets you be very careful and critical. It helps you see all negative sides of events, problems and statements.

A green hat is creativity. Being under a green hat you have to analyse the problem or the statement, try to find advantages or disadvantages. You can offer an unusual decision.

A red hat is a logical positive. If you are under a red hat, you have to think of new ideas, to see positive sides of the statement or the situation. The statements for discussion are: “Friendship is a thing for two, three or four or even more.” “Two is company- three is none.” “One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible.” The problem of all these three proverbs is the same. Can you guess? Please, choose a hat and begin working. You have two minutes.


  1. Релаксация.

Для релаксации учащимся было предложено расслабиться, посмотреть в глаза друг другу, улыбнуться и обменяться комплиментами.

Затем учащиеся соединили свои ладони, как было показано на слайде, и все вместе сказали: “WE ARE SMART GUYS!”

Teacher – I believe each group is right. Everybody has the right to have his or her own opinion. But if you ask me, I’m for one real friend. Ok, boys and girls, you worked hard, so it’s time to relax. Please, turn to each other, smile to each other and exchange complements. And now put your hands together as it is shown on the screen and say: “We are smart guys!” Thank you.

  1. Монологические высказывания по теме «Дружба» с использованием английских пословиц. Каждой группе предлагается ситуация, выраженная пословицей, для монологического высказывания. Группа выбирает одного ученика для презентации их общей идеи.

Teacher … The next task is for the whole group. Take the third card in which the topic for your talk is given. You are to choose your groupmate to present your idea. Will two-three minute be enough? (The problems are: 1. A friend to all is a friend to none”. 2. “A hedge between keeps friendship green” 3. “Friendship isn’t a big thing-it’s a million little things”)

  1. Рефлексия. Для рефлексии была использована история о мудром старце и трёх работниках, которые на один и тот же вопрос мудреца дали три разных ответа. Учащимся было предложено выбрать одну карточку из трёх: коричневую, зелёную или красную, которые соответствовали ответам каждого из трёх путников и выражали оценку урока учащимися.

I invite you to listen to a wise story. One day a wise old man was walking along the road and met three young men who were pulling carts full of heavy stones. “What were you doing? Why are you so tired?” asked the old man. The first young man said: “I was carrying those awful stones during the whole day!” The second man answered: “I was working very hard.” And the third looked at the old man, smiled and said: “I was taking part in building of a new temple (cathedral). Now, please, imagine that you are those three mеn. There are cards of different colours on your desks. If you are the first young man- take a brown card. If you are the second young man- take a green card and you are the third man – take a red card. Please, explain your choice, if you can. I want to say “Thank you!” to everybody for your work and remind that we’ll go on our work with the problems of relationships and I’m sure, everything we have discussed today, will be very useful and helpful.

Большинство учащихся выбрали красную карточку, которая соответствовала ответу третьего путника: «Я устал, но я с радостью принимал участие в строительстве нового храма».

Заключительное слово учителя: Благодарю всех за хорошую работу. Надеюсь, что урок был интересным и полезным. Хочу напомнить, что мы продолжим работу по проблеме «Дружба и друзья», обсуждая возможности невербального общения и способы знакомства.

P.S. Презентация и задания 1-4 даны в приложении.


Задание №1

1. It's a common knowledge that very often friends don't leave each other any chances for other relationships: they get jealous of each other's social life, try to control each other and as a result they break up. I don't believe in any true friendship. Friends can betray you at any time. There are lots of books films about this. They can envy your success at school and your success with girls, and even your cool outfit. Very often your new phone or a new computer can make them fell jealous. I'm sure all our friends transform into fair weather friends as they mind only their own business and turn up just to have fun. I agree with the proverb, “Friends are thieves of time”.

2. Life isn't worth living without friends. I would feel absolutely lonely if I didn't have friends. I'm not sure that my parents can hear my questions and answer them but my friends CAN. My friend is my helper, adviser and supporter, who can always give me a helping hand. I can always trust my friend and share my hardships with him. The proverb says, “One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives”. My friend is usually ready to acknowledge his fault if he is wrong and apologize. Besides, he can forgive me if I have hurt his feelings or if I have given him a lot of trouble. I don't expect my friend to always agree with me. We can even fall out but we make up as I don’t believe that my friend means to hurt me. Life is cool with him!

3. We never choose our parents, but we can choose our friends. And it’s great! I would like to say that everyone dreams of having a true and faithful friend, but not all of us are lucky enough to find one. It’s not easy to find a real friend but it is more difficult to be a true friend. And if we get that luck, we need to work hard not to let it go but try to be there for him when he is in trouble. I understand that not all guys we go out with can be called friends. Real friends are very rare and we should cherish them. And if you happen to find a Friend, you should take care of him or her never hurt them and try not to lose them. Remember, “Friends are our estate”.


a) Friends are everything to me.

b) A friend in need is a friend indeed.

c) Friends are good for nothing.

d) We can choose friends and that’s the thing!

Задание №2


1 The best mirror is...

a) a friend to none.

2 Books and friends...

b) when your face is dirty.

3 My friends are...

c) who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.

4 A true friend is one.....

d) my estate

5 A friend to all is.......

e) should be few but good.

6 Where there are friends....

f) are the best.

7 Old friends and old wine.....

g) there is wealth

8 Only your real friend tells you.....

h) an old friend.

9 The only unbreakable ship is.......

  1. to lose friendship

10 To tell the truth is

j) friendship.


1 Betterbealonethaninbadcompany.

2 Tellmewhomyougoandi’lltellyouwhatyoudo.

3 Betteranopenenemythanafalsefriend.

Ответы для проверки


1 A friend to all is a friend to none.

2 Books and friends should be few but good.

3 Where there are friends, there is wealth.

4 My friends are my estate (wealth).

5 The best mirror is an old friend.

6 The only unsinkable ship is FRIENDSHIP.

7 Only your real friend tells you when your face is dirty.

8 Old friends and old wine are the best.

9 A true friend is one who believes in you, when you have ceased to believe in yourself.

10 To tell the truth is to lose friendship.


1 Better be alone than in bad company.

2 Tell me with whom you go, and I'll tell you what you do.

3 Better an open enemy than a false friend.

Задание №3

Do you agree or disagree?

  • A black hat lets you be very careful and critical. It helps you see all negative sides of events, problems or statements.

  • A red hat is a logical positive. If you are under a red hat, you have to think of new ideas, to see positive sides of the situation.

  • A black hat lets you be very careful and critical. It helps you see all negative sides of events, problems or statements.

  • A red hat is a logical positive. If you are under a red hat, you have to think of new ideas, to see positive sides of the situation.

1. Friendship is a thing for two, three or four or even more.
2. A friend to all is a friend to none.
3. One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; and three are hardly possible.

Задание №4

  1. A friends to all is a friends to none

  2. A hedge between keeps friendship green

  3. Friendship isn’t a big thing – it’s a million little things

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок-размышление по английскому языку (10 класс) THE ONLY UNSINKABLE SHIP IS FRIENDSHIP

Автор: Штанько Нелля Ивановна

Дата: 10.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 141805

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