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Урок конференция "The great writes of England"

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«Урок конференция "The great writes of England" »


Дата проведения:13.03.15


Цели урока: 1. Изучить новую лексику по теме ;

  1. Развить умения и навыки говорения на основе материала урока , научиться понимать выражения классного обихода по теме;

  2. Развить навыки анализа и самостоятельной работы учащихся с дополнительной литературой.

  3. Воспитать познавательный интерес.

Ход урока:

  1. Определение темы и целей урока. Тема «ВЕЛИКИЕ ПИСАТЕЛИ АНГЛИИ». (Цель нашего урока - познакомиться с жизнью и творчеством английских писателей, представить короткий обзор биографии писателей, а также познакомиться с их основными произведениями)

  2. Работа по теме.


Let’s begin our unusual lesson. It is LESSON-CONFERENCE on topic «THE GREAT WRITES OF ENGLAND».

Some words about England. England is a very beautiful country. There are many sights there. The England rich in it’s traditions and literature.

The English is a nation of stay-at-homes. The English people keep their traditions with great honor. They are proud of their famous writer and like their works very mach.

There are many English writers. They are: G.Byron, William Shakespeare, Charlotte Bronte and many others. At this lesson we must acquaint with the most known English writers, their life and creation.

And now I want to listen to you.


  • Who knows English writers? What are they?...

  • Well, let’s speak about William Shakespeare.

Выступление 1 : William Shakespeare (biography)

  1. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon, a small English town.

  2. William spent his childhood in his native town.

  3. William’s father was a rich man and he gave his son a good education.

  4. William studied at grammar school.

  5. The main subjects at that time were Latin and English.

  6. William could read and translate Latin books, was fond of English folk-songs and ballads.

  7. Some time later William’s father became poor and William went to London and began to work.

  8. Later William became an actor, then he founded a theatre himself. It’s name was «The Globe»

  9. Shakespeare wrote many sonnets and poems, plays for theatre.


  • Now, tell me please, What English works by William Shakespeare do you know? Who knows?...

  • What is the most popular work by William Shakespeare?

  • Who wants to tell us about some works by William Shakespeare?

Выступление 2 (произведение «Romeo and Juliet»)

  1. One of the most known works of William Shakespeare is «Romeo and Juliet».

  2. This novel is about the love between man and woman.

  3. The main heroes of this novel are Romeo and Juliet.

  4. Young people loved each other very much, but they could not be together.

  5. It was because their parents were enemies to each other.

  6. This story finished very tragically.

  7. The young people and their young love died.

  8. I like this novel, because it is very interesting.

Выступление 3 (произведение «King Lear»)

  1. Other well-known work of William Shakespeare is «King Lear».

  2. This novel is about king of Britain and his daughters.

  3. The main heroes of this novel are the king Lear and his daughters - Goneril, Regan, Cordelia.

  4. As king was very old, he decided to divide his kingdom among his three daughters.

  5. He wanted to know which of them love their father most of all.

  6. Only one of the daughters showed really love to her father.

  7. This story finished very tragically too.

  8. I like this novel, because it is very interesting.


  • Well, let’s listen about next English writer.

  • Who wants to tell about Charlotte Bronte?

Выступление 4 : Charlotte Bronte (biography)

  1. Charlotte Bronte is a famous English writer.

  2. She was born in a poor family.

  3. The Charlotte Bronte with her sisters were sent to school for poor children.

  4. She lived at school in cold dark rooms and was always hungry.

  5. Charlotte’s sisters died in that school.

  6. Later Charlotte Bronte described the school in her novel «Jane Eyre».

  7. When Charlotte Bronte left school she became a teacher at school for girls.

  8. She lived with her two sisters and brother.

  9. The Charlotte Bronte sisters wrote poems and novels. Their first book of poems was published in 1846.

  10. «Jane Eyre» is the second novel of Charlotte Bronte. It was published in 1848 and made the writer famous.


  • Now, tell me please, What works by Charlotte Bronte do you know? Who knows?...

  • What is the most popular work by Charlotte Bronte?

  • Who wants to tell us about some works by Charlotte Bronte?

Выступление 5 (произведение «Jane Eyre»)

  1. One of the most known works of Charlotte Bronte is «Jane Eyre».

  2. This novel is about young girl, which had no mother and father, lived in the family of her uncle.

  3. The main hero of this novel is Jane Eyre.

  4. The uncle decided to sent Jane to school for poor girls.

  5. The Janes’ life changed, but it became very difficult.

  6. Late she finished school and became a teacher for poor girls.

  7. Some time ago Jane went to work to big house. There she was a governess.

  8. That time she found really love and was very happy.

  9. But not all was very fine. This novel shows the way, fight and heroism of Jane in straggle for her love.

  10. I like this novel, because it is very interesting.


  • Well, let’s listen about next English writer.

  • Who wants to tell about George Gordon Byron?

Выступление 6 : George Gordon Byron (biography)

  1. George Gordon Byron is a famous English poet.

  2. George Gordon Byron was born on January 22, 1788 in London.

  3. The poet’s early years were spent in the small town of Aberdeen.

  4. He was ten when he inherited the title of Lord Byron.

  5. Byron’s first poetical efforts were made before he was thirteen.

  6. In 1812 he published his «Child Harold’s Pilgrimage».

  7. George Gordon Byron wrote many poems, one of which was devoted to Ukrainian hetman Mazepa.

  8. Byron took part in political life of England.

  9. He fought for liberation of Italy and Greece.

  10. He died in 1824.

  11. George Byron lived only 36, but his life has always been and will be example of courage and heroism.


  • Now, tell me please, What works by George Byron do you know? Who knows?...

  • What is the most popular work by George Byron?

  • Who wants to tell us about some works by George Byron?...


  • Well, let’s listen about next English poet.

  • Who wants to tell about Robert Burns?...

Выступление 7 : Robert Burns (biography)

  1. Robert Burns is a famous English poet.

  2. Robert Burns was born in Scotland in 1759.

  3. His father was very poor, but he wanted to give his son the best education he could.

  4. At the age of fifteen Robert began to write his first poems.

  5. He wrote about native country and about the life of poor people.

  6. Burns understood the life of poor people because he lived very poorly himself.

  7. Robert Burns died at the age of 37.

  8. He became famous in Great Britain and in many other countries only after his death.


  • Now, tell me please, What works by Robert Burns do you know? Who knows?...

  • What is the most popular work by Robert Burns?

  • Who wants to tell us about some works by Robert Burns?

  1. Тестирование учащихся. Обобщение материала урока.

Письменная работа. Определить правильные утверждения (знак +) и ошибочные (знак -), заполнить карточку-ответ.

  1. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon, a small French town.

  2. William spent his childhood in his native town.

  3. William’s father was a poor man.

  4. William studied at grammar school.

  5. The main subjects at that time were Latin and English.

  6. Later William founded a theatre himself.

  7. Shakespeare was a painter.

  8. Shakespeare wrote many poems.

  9. Charlotte Bronte is a famous American writer.

  10. She was born in a rich family.

  11. The Charlotte Bronte with her sisters were sent to school for poor children.

  12. She lived at big palace.

  13. Later Charlotte Bronte wrote novel «Jane Eyre».

  14. Charlotte Bronte became a teacher at school for girls.

  15. Their first book of Charlotte Bronte was «Jane Eyre».

  16. Charlotte Bronte published many poems.

  17. Charlotte Bronte wrote many works such as: «King Lear», «Romeo and Juliet», «Jane Eyre».

  18. George Gordon Byron is a famous English painter.

  19. Byron was born in London.

  20. He was fifteen when he got the title of Lord Byron.

  21. George Gordon Byron wrote many poems, one of which was devoted to Ukrainian hetman Mazepa.

  22. Byron took part in political life of Italy.

  23. George Byron lived only 40.

  24. Byron wrote many poems.

  25. R.Burns is a famous English poet.

  26. Robert Burns was born in Scotland.

  27. Robert began to write novels very early.

  28. Burns understood the life of poor people because he lived very poorly himself.

  29. Robert Burns wrote many novels.

  30. He became famous in Great Britain at the age of 10.





































  1. Подведение итогов урока.

  2. Выставление оценок.

  3. Задание на дом.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок конференция "The great writes of England"

Автор: Сафронова Екатерина Сергеевна

Дата: 13.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 239115

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