Данный урок по английскому языку предназначен для учащихся младших классов. В данном уроке представлено изучение праздников Англии и их культуры.Главной целью данного занятия является активизация коомуникативных навыков учащихся, а таже приобщение к иноязычной социокультурной среде. Задачи данного урока являются: тренировать учащихся по теме "Праздники", практиковать в составлении монологического высказывания по структуре.
Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
- What day of week is it today? – Is it Monday or Saturday?
+ Today is Monday(говорят день недели)
- What season is it now? Is it summer, is it spring, is it winter?
+ It’s autumn.
- What the weather is it today?
- Is it cold or hot?
+ Today it’s cold.
- Is it today cloudy?
+ Yes, today it’s cloudy.
- Is it today frosty?
+ Yes, it’s frosty.
- Good, thank you.
2. Речеваязарядка.
-Today we have an usual day.
-I hope you will have a wonderful time.
-Let us learn and play together!
(на экране проектора появляются картинки с изображением праздников)
-Please, tell me, what did you see? (ответы учащихся) .
+We see a pictures of different holidays.
- What we will study today? (говорим о цели урока)
- Now, I will tell you a lot of interesting facts about British holidays and you will enjoy your time spending here. There’re a lot of public holidays in Great Britain.
They are Christmas, New Year, St. Valentine’s Day, Easter , Halloween ,Pancake Day.(перечисление)
Показываю картинки на проекторе с праздниками, сразу перевожу, дети могут помогать. Предлагаю вспомнить, когда эти праздники отмечаются.
Рассказываю учащимся кратко о каждом из праздников, вместе с учениками вспоминаем о русских праздниках. Ввожу новую лексику.
- O’k, let’s remember when these holidays are celebrated. Look at the board, please. These are the names of the holidays:
-New Year’s Day is celebrated in January, 1
-Christmas is celebrated in December, 25
-Easter is in April
- Halloween is in October, 31
- St. Valentine’s Day is in February, 14
-Pancake Day is celebrated in March
Good thank you.
Today we’re going to learn some new words.
Look at the board, please
1. I’ll read and translate new words.
(показываю картинки, перевожу и прикрепляю на доску каждую из надписей).
1) Christmas tree (рождественская ель)
2) greeting card(поздравительная открытка)
3) Santa Claus (Санта Клаус)
4) presents (подарки)
5) to decorate(наряжать)
6) to celebrate(отмечать)
7) to present(дарить)
8) pumpkin(тыква)
9) chocolate eggs (шоколадные яйца)
10) pancakes(блины)
Прикрепляют к каждой колонке картинки с традиционными символами и едой.
I’ll read and you repeat after me, please. (Записывают новые слова)
Now answer my questions: (учащиеся отвечают на вопросы)
- Do you like holidays?
+ Yes, I like holidays.
- Do people cook dinner on holidays?
+ Yes, they do.
- Do people make funny costumes?
+ Yes, they do.
- Do people send greeting cards?
+ Yes, they do.
- Do you like presents?
+ Yes, I like presents.
- Do you like parties?
+ Yes, I like parties.
- Do you like to sing at the parties?
+ Yes, I like to sing at the parties.
- Do you like to dance at the parties?
+ Yes, I like to dance at the parties.
- Very well done! Thank you.
- Thank you, good. Look at the board, please. There is a table. You can see 3 columns:
- Holiday’s symbols, what can you do on holidays? (символика праздника)
-Holiday’s meal.(традиционная еда в праздничные дни)
Проводится по выбору на тематику праздника
5 Чтение короткого диалога по теме на различную тему с использованием новой лексики.
Read a dialogue with your partner. Look at the board.
At the Shop. (Вмагазине, встречадвухподруг)
-Oh, hello, Mary!
+Hello, Kate!
-I am so glad to meet you! What are you doing here?
+I am choosing a present to my son and decoration for our Christmas tree. He is always waits, then Santa Claus brings a present for him. And you?
- I have bought greeting cards. We like to present themfor all members of my family.
+It’s very nice! See you later.
-Good bye!!!
Раздаю диалоги для чтения его дома.
6. Игра «Holidayflower»
На доске прикреплен большой чёрно- белый цветок, задача учащихся прикрепить разноцветные лепестки к соответствующей картинке - символу.
Now, the lesson is over. (Подводим итоги занятия.)
Что мы изучали на уроке (ответы учащихся)
Чтение на вторую часть урока
(раздаю на парты листы с текстами, читаем тексты с праздниками по очереди)
- Now we are going to read the texts about the most popular holidays in Britain.
- Begin, please.
New Year’s Day
New Year’s Day celebrates the start of a new year. It is less popular in Britain than Christmas. But it is also celebrated there. Not all English people celebrate New Year.
They have a New Year party at home. On that day they wish a “Happy New Year”. English and American people often make New Year’s resolutions.
The most popular holiday in Britain is Christmas. It is a happy holiday for many people. Some weeks before it, people send greeting cards to the friends.
You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, balls. At night Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children.
St. Valentine’s Day
In February the British have a holiday for all lovers – St. Valentine’s Day. Nobody knows much about St. Valentine. On this day children write their names on cards.
People give them to the friends. Many people give cards and flowers. St. Valentine’s Day is the day of love for many people.
Pancake day
In England there is a day for pancakes. It is a funny holiday. It is usually in March. At home families have pancakes for dinner.
At school the children have pancakes for lunch. People have a lot of fun on that day. This holiday is popular in England.
In April English people celebrate Easter day. They celebrate it as the start of spring. In England it is time to get presents. On Easter Sunday children get chocolate egg, rabbits.
You can buy them before Easter. “Happy Easter!” – say people in Great Britain greeting each other.
Autumn comes and it is time to celebrate Halloween. It is a funny holiday. Halloween is a great holiday.
In the past this festival was a time of fear. People believed in witches and they stayed at home.
- That’s quite good.
6. Монолог.
Make up a story about your favourite holiday.
Look at the board, please.
(объясняю, как по схеме составить монолог)
I’ll give you 1 min.
My favourite holiday is …
- Christmas
- New Year
- St. Valentine’s Day
- Pancake Day
- Easter
- Halloween
It is celebrated in …
- winter
- spring
- summer
- autumn
The symbols are …
- Father Christmas
- St. Valentine’s Day
- presents
- boiled eggs and chocolate hears
- pancakes
- pumpkin
The favourite meal is …
- sweets
- cakes and candies
- chocolate eggs
- pancakes
On this day people …
- wish a merry Christmas
- say “Happy Easter”
- wish “Happy New year”
- have pancakes for lunch
- sing, dance
- get presents
- Good, thank you.
7. Физкультминутка.
- Now, let’s have a break. Do morning exercises.
(выбираю ученика для проведения зарядки)
- Who is eager to show the exercises?
- Stand up, stand still.
(зарядка по выбору)
8. Составление короткого диалога.
Make up a dialogue with your partner. Look at the board, please. Use this table.
- Какой твой любимый праздник?
9. Игра.
Дети делятся на 2 команды, каждой из которой выдаются лепестки, на задний стороне которых написаны поздравления и праздники, детям необходимо на время к сердцевине с названием «Поздравления» прикрепить поздравления, с названием «Праздник» прикрепить праздники, чья команда быстрее та и победила.