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Урок английского языка «People and Technology. Great Inventors.»

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«Урок английского языка «People and Technology. Great Inventors.» »

Урок №113 от 27.02.2013 г.

Разработка урока английского языка в 11А классе

по теме: «People and Technology. Great Inventors.»

Цель: развитие коммуникативных компетенций учащихся на основе базового и дополнительного материала.



- способствовать формированию коммуникативных навыков учащихся с использованием информационных средств обучения

- совершенствовать умения и навыки учащихся отбирать нужную информацию, выступать с сообщениями, отстаивать свою позицию, подводить итоги работы.


- расширить представление учащихся о изобретателях и их изобретениях, влиять на формирование представлений о мире, окружающем их в повседневной жизни.


-сконцентрировать внимание учащихся на технических достижениях, влияющих на нашу жизнь и расширить их познания в научно-техническом прогрессе.


- побуждать учащихся к анализу фактов и явлений действительности, сталкивающих их с использованием научных достижений в повседневной жизни.

Оснащение урока:

- ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, экран аудиокассета.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент – цели урока.

Good afternoon dear children. I`m glad to see you. I invite to take part in the lesson devoted to people and technology, that surrounds us, inventors and inventions. You`ll learn a lot of useful information about achievements of scientist from different countries. We will also check your auding skills. I hope by the end of the lesson you`ll learn a lot of interesting information on the topic.

Разминка. Warm up.

Imagine how different life might be if you couldn’t listen to your favorite CD or take a photo of your friends on vocation. What would life be if you couldn’t switch on light when it gets dark or go to the fridge and get a snack. All these would be impossible without scientific and technological development.

What role has scientific and technological development played in mans life? Prove that they are closely related.

What does the term “technology” refer to and what does the term “industrial technology” mean?

What was the first true modern technical research?

It is interesting for me to know what modern inventions you have at home and how often you use them? What are your favorites? Why?

Now find the definitions to the following technological units

1 a TV set

a to take photos

2 a car

b to receive or make calls around home

3 a computer

c to perform everyday cleaning tasks

4 a video player

d to move fast and quick around the world

5 a camera

e to watch pre-recorded videos

6 a vacuum-cleaner

f to keep food fresh for a long time

7 a fridge

g to have fun and entertain

8 a mobile phone

h a system for sending or receiving speech over long distance

9 a plane

I to write programs, play games, find and use information

10 a telephone

j to move wherever you want by yourself

You use many units and machines. Many of them were invented by really great people, who worked much over their inventions.

The great American inventor Thomas Edison said…

Not all inventions are so safe as those that we use in our everyday life. Omar Bradley US Army General said: “If we continue to develop slide 5 our technology without wisdom and prudence our servant may prove to be our executioner !” Do you agree with him ?

At home you were to prepare some information about great scientists and their inventions. Some of them become so common place that it`s difficult to imagine them as inventions. Most of them have really brought us comfort and convenience. We can`t imagine our life without electric lamps, cars, telephones or computers. Let`s listen about these great people: Bell, Ford, Brothers Wright, Christopher Sholes, John von Neuman, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Ernest Rutherford.

Now watch the inventions and inventors:

A.Y. Bell made electric bulb in 1879.

K. Benz created typewriting machine 1867

Luriere Brothers created Microsoft DOS 1981

Brothers Wright designed the first artificial satellite 1957

Henry Ford designers of the 1st Russian automobile 1896

Alex Fleming creator of Theory of relativity (1921)

Frez and Yakovlev discovered penicillin 1945

Christopher Sholes created the World`s first car assembly line 1908

T. Edison built the 1`st airplane 1903

S. Korolyov produced the world`s first petrol-driven car 1870

Bill Gates opened the first cinema in Paris 1895

A. Einstain invented telephone

People have invented a lot of useful things to make their life more comfortable almost every day a new technique or product appears in the world. But we always need something more useful more effective and more comfortable. If you could invent anything you like, what, would it be?

Домашнее задание: Project “What would you like to invent?”

Now auding: You`ll listen to some additional information about A. Bell and you`ll learn some new facts about Maria Mitchell and Jan Zchzepanik. Your auding will consist of 3 parts: Listen and be ready to match letters to questions.

Аудирование стр.194 Exam Excellence.

Рефлексия: Today you have spoken much about inventors, inventions, technology that helps us to live easier.

Your marks are:

Our lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка «People and Technology. Great Inventors.»

Автор: Воробей Мария Ивановна

Дата: 12.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 171875

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