урок английский язык+татарский язык " Жизнь подростков".интегрированный
Урок английский язык+татарский язык " Жизнь подростков".интегрированный
Аннотация интегрированного урока на тему: « Жизнь подростков » .
План интегрированного урока предназначается для учителей татарского и английского языков средних школ.
Этот урок объединяет учебный материал татарского и английского языков в единое целое. Данное объединение имеет большое значение при формировании навыков развития диалогической и монологической речи учащихся. Имея достаточный словарный запас, ученики легко переключаются с татарского языка на английский язык, умеют правильно говорить, отстаивать свою точку зрения. Каждый этап урока сопровождается показом слайдов и презентаций. Такие уроки позволяют экономить время, вовлечь каждого учащегося в активный познавательный процесс. Каждый ученик имеет возможность проявить себя в той области, которая ему ближе и применить полученные знания на практике. Данный урок развивает творческую фантазию учащихся, обогащает их речь. Говоря о воспитательной стороне урока, следует сказать, что такие уроки воспитывают культуру, вкус, чувство дружбы и толерантности. Уроки данного типа дают возможность педагогам работать в тесном сотрудничестве друг с другом и учениками.
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Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
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Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Җиhазлау: китаплар күргәзмәсе, портрет, интерактив такта.
Дәреснең тибы: интеграль
Дәреснең төре: дәрес-конференция
Дәрес барышы.
1.Оештыру моменты.
(Инглиз hәм татар телләрендә)
-Хәерле көн! Исәнмесез, укучылар!
-Кәефләрегез ничек?
-Сез дәрескә әзерме?
- Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! We are glad to see you.
- How are you doing?
2. Максатны әйтү. (инглиз hәм татар телләрендә)
T: Today we have a conference lesson. Look at the blackboard! On the blackboard you can see a plan for our conference. According to our plan we will speak about: (on the blackboard)
Teenagers’ friendship
Teenagers’ free time
Teenagers’ fashion
Teenagers’ health
Укучылар, бүген безнең гадәти булмаган дәрес. Дәресебезнең темасы- ,,Яшүсмерләр тормышы”. Дәресебез конференция формасында барачак. Бүген без сезнең белән инглиз hәм татар телләрендә сөйләшербез. Алдагы дәресләрдә сөйләшкән темаларга йомгак ясарбыз.
Түбәндәге план буенча эшләрбез: (план интерактив тактада)
Буш вакыт
Мода, безнең киемнәр
Сәламәтлек hәм зарарлы гадәтләр
T: I’d like to ask you some questions. My first question is « What is a teenager»?
P1: -I think teenagers are children who are from 13 up to 19.
Teacher: What is it like to be a teenager?
P2: - To my mind teenagers like to hang out with friends .
P3:- In my opinion they want to be fashion.
P4:- I think they are crazy about the Internet and mobile phones.
2.Күнекмәләрне ныгыту.
1. Экранда Муса Җәлил портреты, аның ,,Дуска”шигыреннән өзек.
-Бу кем?
-Сез аның турында нәрсәләр беләсез?
-Муса Җәлил бу шигырен дусты А.Алишка багышлаган. Ә кем ул А.Алиш?
Шигырьдән өзекне уку
-Шигырь нәрсә турында?
-Муса белән Алишның дуслыгы нинди?
Укытучы: әйе, әсирлектә аларның дуслык хисе нинди көчле булган. Бу хис аларга дошманга каршы көрәшергә ярдәм иткән.
T: - Think of your best friend. What makes them special to you?
P6: - Friends mean a lot to me весаuse I think it is important to have people around you who you can talk to about personal issues and who can trust.
P7 : - It is important to have people around you who you can talk to about personal issues and who can trust.
P8: - It is important to have friends with whom you can share new experiences and have fun with.
T. Let’s sing a song about friendship!
You are my best friend
Many people say true friends are hard to find
But I know I am not that kind.
They come and go and sometimes need us behind
Like a wind that passes by.
When you need a friend
That you can depend
You can count on me because
You are my best friend.
When you re filling down
And your hart is hurt
You can call on me
And I will be there for you friend.
T:- According to the singer, a good friend is kind and always there when you need them. He is also helpful, loyal and strong and always knows what to do. Do you think it is better to have a lot of casual friends or a few close friends?
P9:- I think it is good to have a lot of casual friends because then you will always have someone to go out with and spend time with.
P10:- I disagree. I think it is much better to have a few close friends who you can trust and rely on. Casual friends are not as loyal as close friends and they may let you down or not to be there for you when you need them . There is a good tatar proverb : « Старый друг лучше новых двух».
T:- The second part of our conference is teenagers’ free time. How do you spend your free time?
Pupil11:- I like window shopping .
T:- We have a presentation about window shopping. Look at the screen!
“ I really like shopping. I think it is relaxing, enjoyable pastime. So much so , I can spend hours window shopping in the shopping centre with my friends. M@H is my favorite clothes shop because you can find great bargains there. I also like going to the cinema and I try to catch a film at least once a fortnight with my friend.
Everyone in my age is crazy about mobile phones and testing has become a national pastime!”
Pupil12: “ I am an active person. I hate TV, I find sitting in front of TV screen a waste of time. I am fascinated by great outdoors.
I am skateboard fanatic and I get to and from school every day on one. At the weekends, I try to get out of the city and go rock climbing . Extreme sports are my passion! I think it is important to look good too and I go for the sporty look”.
Pupil13: We tried to analyze teenagers from around the world. We used the Internet and some magazines like “Speak out”. Secondly, we asked our classmates to answer some questions. Students were interviewed about their activities . We have some activities on our list. The most popular is going out with friends. Chatting on line is more popular with the girls. Computer games are preferred by boys.
T: I agree with you. Modern teenagers are very active. They attend different clubs, spend a lot of time on the Internet playing games and chatting.
T: What kinds of clothes do British teenagers like wearing: comfortable cheap clothes, expensive designer outfits or brand names?
We have a presentation about teenagers fashion. Look at the screen and open this presentation.
P14: In Britain there are always several trends and so teenagers wear a variety of clothes. A lot of teenagers are influenced by American TV and they copy clothes some American kids. Many boys like to wear large baggy trousers, Nike or Adidas trainers and beautiful caps. Most girls seem to follow the latest fashion that they see in magazines and so they wear whatever is in. Teenagers who keep up with the latest fashion and who have money to spend, tend to go to high street shops .
P15: Young people today are so creative when it comes to fashion that pop stars are influenced by their style and not the other way round!
T: To sum it up, I want to say that teenagers like to wear a variety of clothes . Some of them wear comfortable cheap clothes, the others expensive designer outfits and brand names.
Look at the screen! Let s read a presentation about bad habits!
T: As you see this problem is very actual. It is known that teenagers start taking drugs or smoking when they have no hobby or something interesting to do. You must remember smoking is very dangerous for your health . As for drugs, it is one of the greatest problems. If some of your friends take drugs, it is better for him to tell his parents about it to safe his life. He will be helped. Or after a month or a year your best friend may die. To sum it up, stop in time! Think about your future. That is not for you!
T. We are proud of you. It was perfect! I hope that our conversation about teenagers’ life and problems as well as your advice will help you to survive in our difficult life, to overcome difficulties and to get on with all people around you. And don’t remember that: “Youth is the best time to be rich and the best time to be poor”.