Greeting, Warm Up Greet the learners. Warm –up activity. Greeting song. Hello! Checking of h/w Game “ hot chair”. Today we are going to start new theme Прежде чем мы начнем наш урок, прослушайте загадки, и отгадайте какая же сегодня у нас тема урока. Name a long, thin fruit that starts with «B». It is yellow on the outside and white and soft on the inside. Monkeys like to eat it.(Banana) I’m vegetable. I’m long and orange. Rabbits like me.(Carrot) So, please answer what is the theme of our lesson? Right, theme of the lesson is Fruit and vegetables. The aim of the lesson to study new words fruit and vegetables, and to practice new grammar construction. Look at the screen please, now please repeat after me new words. Today we are going to study Healthy eating pyramid now please look at the screen. There are 5 food groups. Vegetables, Fruits, grains, meet, diary. А сейчас мы с вами по практикуемся и выполним следующее задание. Healthy eating pyramid 5 groups of food. Physical exercise - • Name foods in the Grain group. • Name foods in the Vegetable group. • Name foods in the Fruit group. • Name foods in the Milk/Dairy group. • Name foods in the Meat & Beans group. • Name foods in the Oils group. Physical exercise |