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Unit II. Travelling step1. What do you do for fun?

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Unit II. Travelling step1. What do you do for fun?





to enrich pupils’ vocabulary; review unit; Working with texts; working out a questionnaire


Reading short texts; matching; sharing opinions


Respect each other’s opinions; to know health and beauty products


English 9 form


Leisure activities.  Exercise 1

How often do you

once a week

once a month

once a year

go to a cinema?

eat out?

go to the library?

go to the museum?

go to a sports event?

go to a concert?

go to a disco?





Exercise 4. Divide the activities into groups

Group A                              Group B                        Group C

  Eating                                   Sport                              Art  

_________                         __________                 __________

_________                         __________                 __________

_________                         __________                 __________

Exercise 5

1)    I usually do this activity alone. Cooking

2)    I usually do this activity with other people. Playing chess

3)    I spend money when I do this activity. Going to concert

4)    Many people in my country enjoy this. Going to cinema

5)    I must use special equipment (guitar, skis, etc.)

6)    This activity is noisy. Singing

7)    This activity is quiet. Painting

8)    This activity is bad for my health. Eating a lot

9)    This activity is good for my health. Playing tennis

10)                        This activity can be dangerous. Climbing

11)                        I must think a lot to do this activity. Dancing 

Main part

Reading. Read the text.

Exercise 9. Choose a or b in each question below.

1. Nowadays people …

a) are less active than in the past

b) are more active than in the past

2. Time needed for physical activity depends on …

a) money

b) effort

3. You can improve your health …

a) including physical activity into your timetable

b) eating less and less during short periods of time

4. People say that …

a) they do not have time for physical activity

b) starting a physical activity is the most difficult part.


Read the quotations below.

The tongue can paint what the eye can’t see.        Chinese proverb

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.             Picasso

When curiosity is alive, we are attracted to many things; we discover many worlds.                                                             Eric Booth

Talent is long patience.                                       Gustave Flaubert

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we do not find it.                       Ralph Waldo Emerson




Speak own opinion


Exercise 11 p33

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«Unit II. Travelling step1. What do you do for fun? »


Unit II. Travelling step1. What do you do for fun?






to enrich pupils’ vocabulary; review unit; Working with texts; working out a questionnaire


Reading short texts; matching; sharing opinions


Respect each other’s opinions; to know health and beauty products


English 9 form


Leisure activities. Exercise 1

How often do you

once a week

once a month

once a year

go to a cinema?

eat out?

go to the library?

go to the museum?

go to a sports event?

go to a concert?

go to a disco?


Exercise 4. Divide the activities into groups

Group A Group B Group C

Eating Sport Art

_________ __________ __________

_________ __________ __________

_________ __________ __________

Exercise 5

  1. I usually do this activity alone. Cooking

  2. I usually do this activity with other people. Playing chess

  3. I spend money when I do this activity. Going to concert

  4. Many people in my country enjoy this. Going to cinema

  5. I must use special equipment (guitar, skis, etc.)

  6. This activity is noisy. Singing

  7. This activity is quiet. Painting

  8. This activity is bad for my health. Eating a lot

  9. This activity is good for my health. Playing tennis

  10. This activity can be dangerous. Climbing

  11. I must think a lot to do this activity. Dancing

Main part

Reading. Read the text.

Exercise 9. Choose a or b in each question below.

1. Nowadays people …

a) are less active than in the past

b) are more active than in the past

2. Time needed for physical activity depends on …

a) money

b) effort

3. You can improve your health …

a) including physical activity into your timetable

b) eating less and less during short periods of time

4. People say that …

a) they do not have time for physical activity

b) starting a physical activity is the most difficult part.


Read the quotations below.

The tongue can paint what the eye can’t see. Chinese proverb

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Picasso

When curiosity is alive, we are attracted to many things; we discover many worlds. Eric Booth

Talent is long patience. Gustave Flaubert

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we do not find it. Ralph Waldo Emerson




Speak own opinion


Exercise 11 p33

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Unit II. Travelling step1. What do you do for fun?

Автор: Бисенгалиева Айнур Сагымбаевна

Дата: 12.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 238880

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