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Тема:Who is quicker?

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The theme of the out of lesson:  Who is quicker?

The aim of  the lesson:  1.  To enlarge pupils` knowledge and to check up their knowledge

                                    2. Developing their oral speech and writing an essay in  English

                            3. Brining up to save time, to be a well-educated person. 

Visual aids: Balloons, interactive blackboard, proverbs, papers.

The method of the out  of lesson:  Competition between  pupils.

The procedure  of the out of lesson: 1. Org. moment

2. I`ll Introduce  with participants

Today`s participants are from the 6a form They are:

 Kashagan Asem, Itibai Gulnur, Alshyn Asem, Aiyazbai  Miras, Bisenov Berik, Kengan Aidana

3.  I want to introduce with juries. They are English teachers, Uisupova S. Tasanova M.

4. let`s begin our competition. The first task:    You  must ask the  questions  very quickly in one minute. Total: 10 balls

  1. Who is the head of our country? (N.A.Nazarbayev)
  2. When was he born? (1940 on July 6)
  3. What`s his father`s  name? (Abish )
  4. Who was the first president of Kazakhstan? (N.A.Nazarbayev)
  5. What is the capital of our country?(Astana )
  6. How many populations are there in Kazakhstan? (Over 17 mln)
  7. What is the area of Kazakhstan?(2,669,800 sq km)
  8. When did Kazakhstan get an independence? (1986, on December 16)
  9. What countries does it border on?(Uzbekistan, Kirgizstan, China, Russia, Turkmenistan  )
  10. What is the climate of our country? (Continental, Dry, windy, in summer hot, in winter cold )

5.  The  next  task is to find  translations in three  languages  total: 18 balls

1. Health(денсаулы?, здоровье)         2. Тіс ауру(toothache, зубная боль)   3. Backache (ар?аны? ауруы, боль в спине)    4. Іш ауру(stomachache, боль в животе)  5. Pain (боль, ауру)   6. Sore thought (боль в горле, тама? ауру )    7. т?мау (flu, грип)   8 .To keep fit (сохранить здоровье, денсаулы?ты са?тау )  9. A fever  (жар, ысты?)     10 Бот?а (porridge, каша) 11. Bean  (фасоль, б?рша?)    12. т?сіл, т?ртіп  (manner, манера)  13 To order(заказывать, тапсырыс беру ) 14 Junk food (не здоровые пищи, зиянды та?амдар)      15. Шие(plums,слива )    16. Harmful (вредные, зиянды )      17. Meal  (пища, тама?)18. Сатушы (shop-assistant, продавец )


6. The last task is to write an essay.  Total: 20 balls

  1. The themes: My native town
  2. Ecology problem
  3. About junk food

7. let`s give a word to juries. They reward today`s winners, I`m very glad that you participated in this competition. I wish good luck in your life and do well at school, don`t distress your parents.  Good bye! Our competition is over.



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«Тема:Who is quicker? »

School №2

Date: 28.10.14.

Teachers: Orazova R. Tasanova M.

Form: 6a

The theme of the out of lesson: Who is quicker?

The aim of the lesson: 1. To enlarge pupils` knowledge and to check up their knowledge

2. Developing their oral speech and writing an essay in English

3. Brining up to save time, to be a well-educated person.

Visual aids: Balloons, interactive blackboard, proverbs, papers.

The method of the out of lesson: Competition between pupils.

The procedure of the out of lesson: 1. Org. moment

2. I`ll Introduce with participants

Today`s participants are from the 6a form They are:

Kashagan Asem, Itibai Gulnur, Alshyn Asem, Aiyazbai Miras, Bisenov Berik, Kengan Aidana

3. I want to introduce with juries. They are English teachers, Uisupova S. Tasanova M.

4. let`s begin our competition. The first task: You must ask the questions very quickly in one minute. Total: 10 balls

  1. Who is the head of our country? (N.A.Nazarbayev)

  2. When was he born? (1940 on July 6)

  3. What`s his father`s name? (Abish )

  4. Who was the first president of Kazakhstan? (N.A.Nazarbayev)

  5. What is the capital of our country?(Astana )

  6. How many populations are there in Kazakhstan? (Over 17 mln)

  7. What is the area of Kazakhstan?(2,669,800 sq km)

  8. When did Kazakhstan get an independence? (1986, on December 16)

  9. What countries does it border on?(Uzbekistan, Kirgizstan, China, Russia, Turkmenistan )

  10. What is the climate of our country? (Continental, Dry, windy, in summer hot, in winter cold )

5. The next task is to find translations in three languages total: 18 balls

1. Health(денсаулық, здоровье) 2. Тіс ауру(toothache, зубная боль) 3. Backache (арқаның ауруы, боль в спине) 4. Іш ауру(stomachache, боль в животе) 5. Pain (боль, ауру) 6. Sore thought (боль в горле, тамақ ауру ) 7. тұмау (flu, грип) 8 .To keep fit (сохранить здоровье, денсаулықты сақтау ) 9. A fever (жар, ыстық) 10 Ботқа (porridge, каша) 11. Bean (фасоль, бұршақ) 12. тәсіл, тәртіп (manner, манера) 13 To order(заказывать, тапсырыс беру ) 14 Junk food (не здоровые пищи, зиянды тағамдар) 15. Шие(plums,слива ) 16. Harmful (вредные, зиянды ) 17. Meal (пища, тамақ)18. Сатушы (shop-assistant, продавец )

6. The last task is to write an essay. Total: 20 balls

  1. The themes: My native town

  2. Ecology problem

  3. About junk food

7. let`s give a word to juries. They reward today`s winners, I`m very glad that you participated in this competition. I wish good luck in your life and do well at school, don`t distress your parents. Good bye! Our competition is over.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Тема:Who is quicker?

Автор: Оразова Рыскул Сериковна

Дата: 11.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 171525

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