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Тема урока "At the department store" 9 класс к учебнику Happy English.ru К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман.

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             Разработка  урока: «AT THE DEPARTMENT STORE»

УМК  для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Happy English.ru. К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман.


- создать для учащихся необходимые условия для обобщения материала о покупке одежды и о моде;

- развивать логическое мышление, память, умение работать самостоятельно и в группе;

- воспитывать интерес к иностранному языку как к средству общения, к многообразию средств английского языка;

- формировать чувство ответственности при работе в группе.


1)осуществить совместное с детьми целеполагание;

2)закрепить знание тематической лексики;

3)способствовать формированию навыков устной речи путем создания ситуации диалога;

4)совершенствовать навыки письменной речи при написании мини-сочинения.

Обеспечение урока: таблички с названиями отделов одежды, пословицы, карточки с вопросами и

                                                     Ход урока:

1.Организационный момент.

- Good morning, children. Sit down, please. How are you today? Are you fine? Well, tell me, please, what date is it today?(Today is …) What day of the week is  today? (It is …) What is the weather like today? Is it cold today? And who is absent today?

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

- Before beginning our lesson let’s train our tongue. Repeat after me, please:

clothes                                     thing

casual                                       a status thing

casual clothes                         to be a status  thing

sweater                                    to buy things

individuality                             to buy things in the sales

extravagant clothes                elegant clothes

3.Речевая зарядка.

- Why we repeat these words? What is the subject of our lesson? Today we will talk about fashion, clothes, sizes and shopping. At first, please answer my questions about all these things.


1.What clothes do you like to wear? (casual, original, fashionable)

2.Where do you usually buy your clothes?

3.How do you think which shop is the most suitable for teenagers in our town?

4.Do you follow your parents’ advice when you buy clothes?

5.Who helps you to choose clothes?

6.What do you usually wear when you go to school?

7.What shoes  do you prefer: sport shoes, walking shoes, high-heeled shoes, low heeled shoes?

8.What do you have on now?

9.Do you know what kind of clothes are in fashion now?

10.What do you usually wear when you go to parties?


4. Проверка домашнего задания.

-Now, let’s check up your homework. We’ll check only one work. Some of you had to write the composition about fashion in your class and about how you choose your clothes. Anya, will you go to the blackboard and read us your composition. The rest listen to her attentively… Do you understand? Was it clear for you? Thank you, sit down, please.(2-3 ученика читают свои сочинения).

5. Создать речевую ситуацию по теме «В магазине одежды», составить диалоги и разыграть их.

Information for a shop assistant

                  *Ask what the customer would like to buy.

                  *Ask who the clothes for.

                  *Ask what country he/she from.

                  *Ask what size the person is.

                  *Ask if it’s an American size or a size from another country.

                  *Say what American size the person is and give the customer what he/she wants.

1.Information for  customer:

                   *Say that you’d like to buy a sweater for your mother.

                   *Say that she is a size 46.

                   *Say that it is a Russian size.

                   *Ask what American size you need.

2.Information for customer:

                    *Say that you’d like to buy a pair of socks for yourself.

                   *Say that you are  a size 39.

                   *Say that it is a Russian size.

                   *Ask what American size you need.

3.Information for customer:

                    *Say that you’d like to buy jeans for your brother.

                   *Say that he is a size 46.

                   *Say that it is a Russian size.

                   *Ask what American size you need.

- I’ll give you some minutes, try please. For the rest of group I’ll propose some riddles about clothes. Try to answer, please.

 6.Riddles about clothes.

1.It is a kind of footwear. It is necessary especially for those people who go in for sports. But you can use it for casual wear.

2.You put it on when it is cold. It can be hand-made or machine-made. It is usually made of wool. It is very popular among teenagers.

3.It is a headgear. It is usually brightly colored. It was named after one of the American national sports.

4.You put them on at home. They  are warm and comfortable. They are usually made of leather, wool or felt.

7.Аукцион. Auction.

- And now, I’ll show you the T-shirt and it will be an auction sale of this shirt. You’ll have to answer only my questions and that student who will be able to give more right answers he/she’ll take this beautiful T-shirt. Good luck, let’s begin.

- Do you know this man? What’s his name?

- Is he an American or English singer.

- Elvis Presley was known as…  (complete the sentences)

8.Домашнее задание.

-Get ready for the test.

9.Итоги урока.

- Достигли ли мы поставленной цели (обсуждение)

-Your marks for today:

- The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Have a break, good bye!

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«Тема урока "At the department store" 9 класс к учебнику Happy English.ru К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман. »

Разработка урока: «AT THE DEPARTMENT STORE»

УМК для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Happy English.ru. К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман.


- создать для учащихся необходимые условия для обобщения материала о покупке одежды и о моде;

- развивать логическое мышление, память, умение работать самостоятельно и в группе;

- воспитывать интерес к иностранному языку как к средству общения, к многообразию средств английского языка;

- формировать чувство ответственности при работе в группе.


1)осуществить совместное с детьми целеполагание;

2)закрепить знание тематической лексики;

3)способствовать формированию навыков устной речи путем создания ситуации диалога;

4)совершенствовать навыки письменной речи при написании мини-сочинения.

Обеспечение урока: таблички с названиями отделов одежды, пословицы, карточки с вопросами и

Ход урока:

1.Организационный момент.

- Good morning, children. Sit down, please. How are you today? Are you fine? Well, tell me, please, what date is it today?(Today is …) What day of the week is today? (It is …) What is the weather like today? Is it cold today? And who is absent today?

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

- Before beginning our lesson let’s train our tongue. Repeat after me, please:

clothes thing

casual a status thing

casual clothes to be a status thing

sweater to buy things

individuality to buy things in the sales

extravagant clothes elegant clothes

3.Речевая зарядка.

- Why we repeat these words? What is the subject of our lesson? Today we will talk about fashion, clothes, sizes and shopping. At first, please answer my questions about all these things.


1.What clothes do you like to wear? (casual, original, fashionable)

2.Where do you usually buy your clothes?

3.How do you think which shop is the most suitable for teenagers in our town?

4.Do you follow your parents’ advice when you buy clothes?

5.Who helps you to choose clothes?

6.What do you usually wear when you go to school?

7.What shoes do you prefer: sport shoes, walking shoes, high-heeled shoes, low heeled shoes?

8.What do you have on now?

9.Do you know what kind of clothes are in fashion now?

10.What do you usually wear when you go to parties?

4. Проверка домашнего задания.

-Now, let’s check up your homework. We’ll check only one work. Some of you had to write the composition about fashion in your class and about how you choose your clothes. Anya, will you go to the blackboard and read us your composition. The rest listen to her attentively… Do you understand? Was it clear for you? Thank you, sit down, please.(2-3 ученика читают свои сочинения).

5. Создать речевую ситуацию по теме «В магазине одежды», составить диалоги и разыграть их.

Information for a shop assistant

*Ask what the customer would like to buy.

*Ask who the clothes for.

*Ask what country he/she from.

*Ask what size the person is.

*Ask if it’s an American size or a size from another country.

*Say what American size the person is and give the customer what he/she wants.

1.Information for customer:

*Say that you’d like to buy a sweater for your mother.

*Say that she is a size 46.

*Say that it is a Russian size.

*Ask what American size you need.

2.Information for customer:

*Say that you’d like to buy a pair of socks for yourself.

*Say that you are a size 39.

*Say that it is a Russian size.

*Ask what American size you need.

3.Information for customer:

*Say that you’d like to buy jeans for your brother.

*Say that he is a size 46.

*Say that it is a Russian size.

*Ask what American size you need.

- I’ll give you some minutes, try please. For the rest of group I’ll propose some riddles about clothes. Try to answer, please.

6.Riddles about clothes.

1.It is a kind of footwear. It is necessary especially for those people who go in for sports. But you can use it for casual wear.

2.You put it on when it is cold. It can be hand-made or machine-made. It is usually made of wool. It is very popular among teenagers.

3.It is a headgear. It is usually brightly colored. It was named after one of the American national sports.

4.You put them on at home. They are warm and comfortable. They are usually made of leather, wool or felt.

7.Аукцион. Auction.

- And now, I’ll show you the T-shirt and it will be an auction sale of this shirt. You’ll have to answer only my questions and that student who will be able to give more right answers he/she’ll take this beautiful T-shirt. Good luck, let’s begin.

- Do you know this man? What’s his name?

- Is he an American or English singer.

- Elvis Presley was known as… (complete the sentences)

8.Домашнее задание.

-Get ready for the test.

9.Итоги урока.

- Достигли ли мы поставленной цели (обсуждение)

-Your marks for today:

- The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Have a break, good bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Тема урока "At the department store" 9 класс к учебнику Happy English.ru К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман.

Автор: Ондар Ленхуваа Хунаевна

Дата: 08.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 169121

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