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Текст к уроку английского языка для 3-го класса. "Why the Crocodile does not eat Hens"

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I Reading

Why the Crocodile Does Not Eat Hens

A Hen came to the river every day. She drank water there. One day the Crocodile saw her and came up to her. He wanted to eat her up. But she cried, ”Oh, don’t eat me, my dear brother!” And the Crocodile let her go: he could not eat his sister.

The next day, when the Hen came to the river again, the Crocodile decided to eat her up. But again the Hen cried, “ Oh, don’t eat me, my dear brother!” And again the Crocodile didn’t eat her.

But he thought “How can I be her brother? I live in the water, and she doesn’t. “ Then the Crocodile went to his friend, a Lizard.

“ Oh, my friend! A big Hen comes to the river every day and when I want to catch her, she says that I am her brother. How can that be?

 “Oh, my silly friend!” the Lizard answered. “Don’t you know that the Hen, The Turtle, the Lizard lay eggs as Crocodiles do, my dear? So we all are brothers and sisters. Do you understand?”

“Oh, thank you very much!” said the Crocodile.

Now you know why crocodiles never eat hens!

II Restore the sentences from the text and translate them.

A Hen came to the river every day she drank water there one day the crocodile saw her and came up to her he wanted to eat her up.






III Read each pair of words. Write the word from the box to finish each word group.


His    eat   lizard   silly   brother


2.crocodile, hen,______________________________

3.drink, feed,________________________________


5.my, her,______________

IV True or false (+/-)

  1. A Hen came to the river every day.

  2. The Crocodile let the hen go.

  3. The Hen lives in the water.

  4. The Crocodile couldn’t understand anything.


1.What is your favourite animal?


2. What animals can you see in our zoo?


3. Is the shark a fast and dangerous fish?


4. Have you got a pet?


Use of English

Simple or continuous? Put the verbs in the correct form.

At weekends I (usually get)………. at 8 o’clock in the morning. Dad (not get)………..up early. At the moment we (have breakfast)………………………..I (usually eat)…………………sandwiches for breakfast. But now we (eat)…………porridge.


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«Текст к уроку английского языка для 3-го класса. "Why the Crocodile does not eat Hens" »

I Reading

Why the Crocodile Does Not Eat Hens

A Hen came to the river every day. She drank water there. One day the Crocodile saw her and came up to her. He wanted to eat her up. But she cried, ”Oh, don’t eat me, my dear brother!” And the Crocodile let her go: he could not eat his sister.

The next day, when the Hen came to the river again, the Crocodile decided to eat her up. But again the Hen cried, “ Oh, don’t eat me, my dear brother!” And again the Crocodile didn’t eat her.

But he thought “How can I be her brother? I live in the water, and she doesn’t. “ Then the Crocodile went to his friend, a Lizard.

“ Oh, my friend! A big Hen comes to the river every day and when I want to catch her, she says that I am her brother. How can that be?

“Oh, my silly friend!” the Lizard answered. “Don’t you know that the Hen, The Turtle, the Lizard lay eggs as Crocodiles do, my dear? So we all are brothers and sisters. Do you understand?”

“Oh, thank you very much!” said the Crocodile.

Now you know why crocodiles never eat hens!

II Restore the sentences from the text and translate them.

A Hen came to the river every day she drank water there one day the crocodile saw her and came up to her he wanted to eat her up.





III Read each pair of words. Write the word from the box to finish each word group.

His eat lizard silly brother


2.crocodile, hen,______________________________

3.drink, feed,________________________________


5.my, her,______________

IV True or false (+/-)

  1. A Hen came to the river every day.

  2. The Crocodile let the hen go.

  3. The Hen lives in the water.

  4. The Crocodile couldn’t understand anything.


1.What is your favourite animal?


2. What animals can you see in our zoo?


3. Is the shark a fast and dangerous fish?


4. Have you got a pet?


Use of English

Simple or continuous? Put the verbs in the correct form.

At weekends I (usually get)………. at 8 o’clock in the morning. Dad (not get)………..up early. At the moment we (have breakfast)………………………..I (usually eat)…………………sandwiches for breakfast. But now we (eat)…………porridge.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Текст к уроку английского языка для 3-го класса. "Why the Crocodile does not eat Hens"

Автор: Смердина Анна Анатольевна

Дата: 02.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 149542

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