Совершенствовать фонетические и лексические навыки.
Расширить словарный запас.
Активизировать знакомую лексику в речевых ситуациях.
Создать условия для спонтанной речи.
Развивать языковую и контекстуальную догадку.
Развивать и совершенствовать речевые умения в устной речи.
Активизировать навыки аудирования.
Получать определенные лингвострановедческие знания.
Воспитание внимательного отношения к людям..
Восприятие и понимание обучающимися таких ценностей, как «дружба», умение различать хорошие и плохие поступки, а так же ответить на проблемный вопрос «Существует ли дружба на всю жизнь».
Оборудование к уроку:
карточки с заданиями;
мультимедийная система;
выход в интернет;
Good morning. I’m very glad to see all of you today. To guess what we are going to talk about watch a video and listen to a part of a well-known song.
Вводное видео.
What are we going to discuss today?
We are going to discuss how they are important in your life. What role they play in your life. Why we need friends. But the goal of our lesson is to develop your speaking skills. And let’s be back to the song. Do you know who performed it? Who is the leader of the group?
Now take the material. You can find a part of the song.
Look you have the same. (Призентация слайд 2) Listen to the song and fill in the gaps. So start. (Слушаем песню).
OK, one etc.
Работа с текстом песни. Вставить пропуски.
Friends will be friends,
When you're in need of …(1) they give you …(2) and …(3),
Friends will be friends,
When you're through with life and all …(4) is lost,
Hold out your …(5) cos friends will be friends right till the end.
Вставляют слова:
It’s a very beautiful song. Would you like to sing it?
Now look at these words once more. Which word or words can be a symbol of friendship and friends?
Look at these words. Which words can be a symbol of friends and friendship? Symbol is something like a picture. A hand. What can it symbolize? (Слайд 3- выражение собственного мнения).
They say that a hand can illustrate all these things.
Now look at the blackboard. You see the key word of our lesson. Your task is to write down the words or expressions associated with it. And don’t forget to explain your choice.
Двухрядный круглый стол: I’m sure you’ll agree with me if I say that friendship is considered one of the central human experiences and for many people it may be as important as love. Now arrange two circles. Those who are in inner circle should express their point of view on the problem. Those who are in outer circle should criticize those who are in inner circle.
So, we are going to discuss the following statement: Some people think that a long-life friendship exists only in books. Others believe that it exists in real life.
(Слайд 3), (Слайд 4)
Now return to one circle. Roma, Kate and Ann, you are going to work with Venn’s circles. As you see, there are three circles. Some spaces are crossed, some are not. You are to fill in the circles. If you have common features, you use crossed space. If this or that feature is characteristic only for you, use spare space.
Anton and Katty worked with Vienn’s circles at home. Get ready with presentation of your ideas.
Now I’ve a creative task for you. (Слайд 5)
Первая строка – тема стихотворения, выраженная одним словом, обычно существительным.
Вторая строка – описание темы в двух словах, как правило, прилагательными.
Третья строка – описание действия в рамках данной темы тремя словами, обычно глаголами.
Четвертая строка – фраза из четырех слов, выражающая отношение автора к данной теме.
Пятая строка – одно слово, синоним к первому, эмоциональное, образное, философской обобщение, повторяющее суть темы.
We are coming to the end of the lesson. Unfortunately it was very short. I wish it were much longer, much more longer because you were great today. Now let’s sum up/ Do you remember we start our lesson with discussing the friendship symbols. I propose you to build up our own symbol of friendship expressing your feelings ideas about friends and of today’s lesson. Do it very briefly.
For me friendship is very important but I think that friends are more important for teenager than for grown-ups. As for the lesson, It showed that you were great today and were not afraid of speaking spontaneously.
Your home task is to create your video slideshow about friends and friendship.
РЕЗЕРВ All the rest, arrange groups of three. You’ll get the cards with friendship proverbs and sayings. You should comment on them.
РЕЗЕРВ Работа с лексикой по теме по группам . (Каждая группа выбирает соответствующую лексику к своему предложению.)
A True Friend is / must be…
the most kind-hearted, cheerful, responsible, loyal, honest, sociable, intelligent, helpful, generous, reliable.
A true friend gives me a helping hand when I…
am in trouble; am in a bad mood; am ill; don’t know what to do; have problems with my schoolwork, need advice;
A True friend mustn’t…
quarrel with me, ignore my problems, let me down, see things the same, deceive me, refuse to help me, help me at the lesson, share all secrets with me.
I’d like my friend to…
worry about me; forgive me if I do something wrong; keep my secrets; understand me; stand by me no matter what..; cheer me up; confide in me.;