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The theme: The British museum. Art galleries

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The objectives: to enrich information about the role of museums,

to develop pupils’   pronunciation  and speaking,

to support  pupils’ interest to learning English

The type of the lesson:  introduction lesson.

Recourses used:  pictures on the theme, textbooks, cards for individual work.

                                                    Lesson plan:

Steps of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Students’ activity

I. Warm up.

Good morning, my dears! How are you? I am very glad to see you again. What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?  Who is absent in your group? What is the weather like today?

Do you like such weather?

Good morning, teacher.

We are fine. Today is the 18th of January.

Today is Monday. All are present today.( … is absent)

Today the weather is…

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«The theme: The British museum. Art galleries»

Grades: 8 «v»

The theme: The British museum. Art galleries.

The objectives: to enrich information about the role of museums,

to develop pupils’ pronunciation and speaking,

to support pupils’ interest to learning English

The type of the lesson: introduction lesson.

Recourses used: pictures on the theme, textbooks, cards for individual work.

Lesson plan:

Steps of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Students’ activity

I. Warm up.

Good morning, my dears! How are you? I am very glad to see you again. What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today? Who is absent in your group? What is the weather like today?

Do you like such weather?

Good morning, teacher.

We are fine. Today is the 18th of January.

Today is Monday. All are present today.( … is absent)

Today the weather is…

II. Homework monitoring.

Firstly, let’s check your homework. What was it? Raise your hands

Students give their answers

III. Presentation.

Listening, reading and watching video about museums

The theme: The British museum. Art galleries.

London is the main Britain's tourist attraction. The city is known for its ancient cathedrals, churches and particularly for its art museums and galleries.

The British museum is one of the world's greatest treasure stores. It was founded in 1753 on the collections of Sir Hans Sloane. The money to house them was raised by public lottery. Today the museum has two departments — the Museum of Mankind and the Natural History Museum.

Video ‘ Museums’

Teacher’s questions for the video

Students watch the video

and answer the questions

IV. Practice: working with cards

Make up your own questions on the theme

I will give you cards, you should write the translation

Speak about the topic.

Work with cards

V. Production:

What new information have you known at the lesson?

Make up sentences about new theme.

VI. Evaluation and giving home task

Ex. 2 p. 93.to make up situations

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

The theme: The British museum. Art galleries

Автор: Нурмуратова Гулжайна Кыдыралыевна

Дата: 23.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 281523

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