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The theme of the lesson: I want to be an astronaut

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Grade : 5

The theme of the lesson:   I want to be an astronaut

The aim of the lesson: 1. To speak about professions

                 2. To develop writing, speaking, reading,

understanding skills.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

                 3. Bringing up to be a well- educated person

Visual aids: book, pictures, interactive blackboard, placard.

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

Greetings!Ask  who ‘s  on duty and absent at the lesson.

  1. Warm-up
  1. Checking the  hometask

What was your homework for today?At first I want to give you questions, please answer my some questions.















  1. New theme

Very good pupils. Let’s begin our new lesson. The theme of the lesson “I want to be an astronaut”. We will speak about different professions. First of all let’s work with new words of the lesson. I will read them, you listen to me and repeat after me. Do you understand me? Ok.




Unit 10, Step3.  Ok. Pupils. Open your books, at page 172. At first let’s review the grammar was, were.

Ол to be етістігіні??ткенша?ында?ы формалары : was, were

I was…. / wasn’tWe  were … / weren’t

She  /He was…  / wasn’t                        You  were…./ weren’t

It  was…/ wasn’t                                      They were…./ weren’t




He/ She/ It. ?


We. ?



Unit 10, Step 3. Ex: 1 p 172


Very good pupils.look at the blackboard. There is a diagram.













Video: People song





Very good. Look at the exercise 3 at page173.

Please who wants to read?

Doing the exercises:

Match a people in A with the information in B.

Ok, pupils. Look at the blackboard. There is task for you.






Fill in the gaps.





At first I want to give you questions, please answer my some questions.

Who works at school?

Who treats patients?

Who drives a car?

Who looks after sick people?


  1. Giving homework.

-thank you very much for your work. Please write down your home task ex:4,at p 173  write what you want to be and what your friends wants to be.


And now I want to give you some marks for your work.

 Our lesson is over. Good-bye








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«The theme of the lesson: I want to be an astronaut»

Grade : 5

The theme of the lesson:   I want to be an astronaut

The aim of the lesson: 1. To speak about professions

                  2. To develop writing, speaking, reading,

understanding skills.

                  3. Bringing up to be a well- educated person

Visual aids: book, pictures, interactive blackboard, placard.

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

Greetings! Ask who ‘s on duty and absent at the lesson .

  1. Warm-up

  1. Checking the home task

What was your homework for today? At first I want to give you questions, please answer my some questions.

  1. New theme

Very good pupils. Let’s begin our new lesson. The theme of the lesson “I want to be an astronaut”. We will speak about different professions. First of all let’s work with new words of the lesson. I will read them, you listen to me and repeat after me. Do you understand me? Ok.

Unit 10, Step3.  Ok. Pupils. Open your books, at page 172. At first let’s review the grammar was, were.

Ол to be етістігінің өткен шағындағы формалары : was, were

I was…. / wasn’t We were … / weren’t

She / He was… / wasn’t You were…./ weren’t

It was…/ wasn’t They were…./ weren’t




He/ She/ It.. ?


We.. ?



Unit 10, Step 3. Ex: 1 p 172


Very good pupils . look at the blackboard. There is a diagram.


Video: People song

Very good. Look at the exercise 3 at page173.

Please who wants to read?

Doing the exercises:

Match a people in A with the information in B.

Ok, pupils. Look at the blackboard. There is task for you.

Fill in the gaps.


At first I want to give you questions, please answer my some questions.

Who works at school?

Who treats patients?

Who drives a car?

Who looks after sick people?

  1. Giving homework.

-thank you very much for your work. Please write down your home task ex:4,at p 173 write what you want to be and what your friends wants to be.

VII. Marking.

And now I want to give you some marks for your work.

Our lesson is over. Good-bye



Раимкулова Айнур Бериковна

Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі

104 жалпы білім беретін мектеп

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

The theme of the lesson: I want to be an astronaut

Автор: Раимкулова Айнур Бериковна

Дата: 06.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 272790

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