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Theme: Holidays, traditions and customs in England Grammar: Degrees of comparison

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Данный открытый урок предназначен для старшеклассников и студентов 1 курса с неязыковым обучением. 


  • Учебный аспект – развивать навыки коммуникативной деятельности;  введение нового грамматического материала «Степени сравнения одно - и двухсложных прилагательных»;
  • Познавательный аспект - ознакомить учащихся с  праздниками и обычаями страны изучаемого языка;
  • Развивающий аспект – развивать воображение, способности к распределению и переключению внимания, развивать память к восстановлению причинно-следственных связей во фразе, структуре;
  • Воспитательный аспект – воспитывать толерантное отношение к другим народам, потребности и способности понимать их образ жизни и культуру;
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«Theme: Holidays, traditions and customs in England Grammar: Degrees of comparison»

Date: The 14th of February Group: 1151

Theme: Holidays, traditions and customs in England

Grammar: Degrees of comparison


  • to advance students’ knowledge about Kazakh and England traditions and customs, to activate the students' speaking abilities about customs and traditions of countries, to teach students to search and learn necessary materials themselves.

  • to develop pupils’ pronunciation in English. To develop communicative skills and abilities through different communicative activities, to widen pupil’s knowledge about holidays, to speak about holidays

  • to develop pupils' monologue speech, oral speech, logical thinking.

  • to bring up students to love, respect and keep traditions and customs of Kazakhstan and England and to great an interest in studying in English language


  • Учебный аспект – развивать навыки коммуникативной деятельности; введение нового грамматического материала «Степени сравнения одно - и двухсложных прилагательных»;

  • Познавательный аспект - ознакомить учащихся с  праздниками и обычаями страны изучаемого языка;

  • Развивающий аспект – развивать воображение, способности к распределению и переключению внимания, развивать память к восстановлению причинно-следственных связей во фразе, структуре;

  • Воспитательный аспект – воспитывать толерантное отношение к другим народам, потребности и способности понимать их образ жизни и культуру;

Тип урока /The type of the lesson/: mixed, informative lesson with games and using ICT /комбинированный, информационный урок с элементами игровой технологий и с использованием ИКТ/

Наглядность /Visual aids/: pictures, slides, an interactive board, cards, booklets, video film, music, crossword

Методы обучения /Method of teaching/:

  • объяснительно-иллюстративный; /explaining with illustration/

  • частично-поисковый;/searching/

  • метод коллективного взаимодействия;/method of collective interaction/

  • метод контроля и оценки/ method of monitoring and evaluation/

Mежпредметная связь /connection with the subject/: English, Russian, Geography.

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment /Приветствие! Рапорт дежурного!/

  2. Checking up the homework /Проверка домашнего задания/

  3. Explaining the new material /set up on the lesson and tell the aims and goals/

Настрой на урок, объяснение новой темы, цели и задачи/

a/ explaining the grammar /Adjective. Degrees of comparison/ объяснение грамматики /Имя прилагательное. Формы сравнительной и превосходной степени/

b/ vocabulary / make –up sentences using new words /новые слова/

с/ reading the text /holidays, traditions and customs in England/ /работа с текстом/

  1. Consolidation. Audition. Lexica-grammar exercises. Make a card

Закрепление. Аудирование. Лексико-грамматические упражнения

Game: «Holiday Mix» /questions/ Game: «Guess the holiday» /by pictures/

Game: «Guess the holiday» /work with music /

  1. Conclusion. Giving home task. Marks of students. Заключение. Оценка. Дом.зад.

Organization moment: (организационный момент)

I. Greeting /Приветствие/
b) Explanation of the lesson objectives
c) Asking about the dates absents, etc.


-Good morning students! I’m very glad to meet you today on our open lesson.

-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent?
-What date is it today?
-What season is it now?
-What is the weather like today?
-Thank you very much, sit down!

II. Checking up the homework

Your homework was to write how did you spend your winter holiday and to revise grammar Present Perfect. I’ll checkup now.

T: Who is ready? Pupils show their hometask and retell it.

T: Answer to the following questions?

P: What auxiliary verbs we use in Present Perfect Tense?

P: Have/has

T: With what pronoun we use our auxiliary verbs HAVE and HAS?

P: The auxiliary verb HAVE we use with pronouns: I, YOU, WE THEY

P: The auxiliary verb HAS we use with pronouns: HE, SHE, IT

T: Right you are! Good! Excellent!!!

T: What adverbs we use in this tense?

P:  just - только что, already - уже, yet - ещё, lately - недавно,  recently – недавно, ever - когда-нибудь, never - никогда

T: what activity we use in present perfect tense?

P: to express an action that began in the past and continues to this day. today - сегодня, this week - на этой неделе, this month - в этом месяце, this century - в нашем веке и др

III. Explaining the new material /set up on the lesson and tell the aims and goals/

Настрой на урок, объяснение новой темы, цели и задачи/

-Look at the interactive board, please!

-What do you see on the board?

-Holidays, traditions and customs in England

-Yes, thank you, very much. But before we need to to express our mood. I need your knowledge, skills, smiles and good humor! Look at the interactive board!

От вас нам необходимы ваши знания, умения, улыбки и хорошее настроение. А какое оно у вас сейчас? Описать свое настроение вам поможет словарик настроение. Посмотрите внимательно на экран.
Let’s play: «Exchanging of moods». Please, look at the blackboard and choose one of the adjectives you like, use it in your sentences. 
1. pleasure – приятный 
2. calm [ka:m] – спокойный 
3. excellent – отличный 
4. cheerful – бодрый, весёлый 

5. interesting – интересный

Students one by one tell their moods. P: I have a cheerful mood and so on….

Today we are going to speak about holidays, traditions and customs in England. And our aims for today to give and to know more information about holidays and traditions in England and also in Kazakhstan and how we celebrate them. I prepare for your surprise! I want that our lesson will be very interesting. And now I have an idea, to compare with Kazkhstan,

And today we have new grammar: Adjective. Degrees of comparison. let’s divide into two groups. And each group has their names; The first team is England. And the second team is Kazakhstan!

-Now, let’s learn about England Holidays and Kazakhstan Holidays!

Чтобы наш урок был интересным, я решила нашу тему сравнить с нашей родиной Казахстан. Группа делится на две подгруппы. Первая команда: Англия и вторая команда: Казахстан.

Степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке Degrees of comparison

Имя прилагательное - часть речи, обозначающая признак предмета, 
fine weather – хорошая погода
beautiful flower – красивый цветок
new Tv-set - новый телевизор

Прилагательные в английском языке не изменяются ни по родам, ни по падежам, ни по числам. По значению прилагательные английского языка бывают качественные /qualitative/ (big – большой, small – маленький, clever – умный) и относительные /relative/ (wooden – деревянный, central – центральный) и т.д. 
 Относительные прилагательные английского языка не имеют степеней сравнения, а качественные прилагательные имеют следующие степени сравнения: положительную, сравнительную и превосходную.

Односложные (т.е. состоящие из одного слога) прилагательные образуют сравнительную степень при помощи суффикса -er, превосходную степень – при помощи суффикса -est

степень прилагательного

 степень прилагательного

превосходная степень прилагательного

old — старый

older — старее

the oldest — самый горячий

hot — горячий

hotter — горячее

the hottest — самый тяжёлый

Двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -y, -er, -ow, -le, образуют степени сравнения таким же образом

степень прилагательного

степень прилагательного

превосходная степень прилагательного

polite — вежливый

politer — вежливее

the politest — самый вежливый

sunny — солнечный

sunnier —солнечнее

the sunniest — самый солнечный

clever — умный

cleverer — умнее

the cleverest — самый умный

 Большинство двусложных и многосложных прилагательных (т.е. состоящие из 3-х слогов и более) образуют сравнительную степень при помощи словmore — более и less — менее, а превосходную степень — при помощи слов the most — наиболее,

самый и the least — наименее

степень прилагательного

степень прилагательного

превосходная степень прилагательного

beautiful – красивый

more beautiful –
 более красивый

the most beautiful – 
самый красивый

expensive – дорогой

more expensive –

the most expensive – 
самый дорогой

interesting –

more interesting –
 более интересный

the most interesting – 
самый интересный

Некоторые прилагательные в английском языке имеют свою собственную степень сравнений



превосходная степень прилагательного

good – хороший

better – лучше

the best – самый лучший

bad – плохой

worse – хуже

the worst – самый плохой

much, many – много

more – больше

the most – больше всего

little – мало

less – меньше

the least – меньше всего

far – далёкий

farther – дальше

the farthest – самый дальний

Прилагательное в английском языке имеет три формы степени сравнения:

  • Положительная степень сравнения (Positive degree)

  • Сравнительная степень сравнения (Comparative degree)

  • Превосходная степень сравнения (Superlative degree)

Positive degree

Comparative degree

Superlative degree

Односложные прилагательные и двусложные, оканчивающиеся(– y,  –er,  –ow,  -ble)




Добавляем – er




Добавляем – est

the biggest

the cleverest

the slowest

Двусложные и состоящие из трёх и более слогов



Добавляем  more

more wonderful

more popular

Добавляем the most

the most wonderful

the most popular

«quickly grammar exercise» in presentation

Vocabulary: /Лексический минимум на тему «праздники»/

holy day -святой день

official public holidays- официальные праздники

wreath -венок

costume-костюм, маскарад
trick-трюк, фокус
reindeer-северный олень
turkey- индейка
secret admirer-тайный поклонник


Teacher: Now, listen to me, be attentively, Repeat after me! Pupils repeat and read themselves. After working with vocabulary I read the text and give them some cards with

texts about holiday in England and in Kazakhstan. And I give them in contrary. The team “Kazakhstan” read the text about England holidays, in another side the team “England” read the text about Kazakhstan holidays in order to know each other traditions.

После повторения новых слов, учитель читает 2 коротких текста /ниже-средн. уровня/ об основных праздниках Англий и о праздниках Казахстана, затем этот текст будет разделен на карточки /в карточках будет разделен прочтенный текст только по 2-3 предложениям на каждого учащегося/ и учащиеся будут читать наоборот чтобы команда «Англия» знала традиции и праздники Казахстан и «Казахстан» знала праздники и традиции Англий.

Text: Holidays, traditions and customs in England.

It is not a secret that every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions.


On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys. Wealth is an ornament where people hang on the front door . Father Christmas put presents in the stockings. Children wake up early to find stockings full of small presents. Rudolph is the most famous Santa Clauses reindeer of all since he leads the sleigh and has a red nose.

St. Valentine’s day

On the 14th of February there is St. Valentine’s Day. People send Valentine’s cards to someone they love. Usually they don’t sing them – you must guess who sent cards to you. Аnonymous messages may be signed simply "from a secret admirer“ or Your Valentine.

Thanksgiving day

There is one day a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat a big dinner. Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival. The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. The traditional meal often includes a turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie.

Independence Day

The 4th of July is Independence Day. It is the biggest national holiday in the USA. The Declaration of Independence was proclaimed in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. Americans have holiday from work. People have day-long picnics with favourite foods. In the evening people gather to watch firework displays.

Easter day

In April or at the end of March England people celebrate Easter Day. On Easter Sunday children get chocolate eggs and rabbits. You will see colorfully decorated eggs with many traditional "Easter trees" in the garden, especially in Germany. The rabbit is probably the most popular Easter icon. The week before Easter is called Holy week and it begins with Palm Sunday. 


On the 31st of October there is Halloween. The symbol of this holiday is "Jack o'lantern". People make it from a pumpkin. Children like Halloween parties, they put on witch’s and  ghost’s dresses and knocking at the door with saying “trick or treat” in order to give some sweets.

Guy Fawkes' or Bonfire night

In England, Bonfire Night is associated with the tradition of celebrating the failure of Guy Fawkes' actions on 5 th of November. In this day, people burn the dummy of Guy Fawkes, made of straw, on a bonfire.

St. Patrick’s day

St. Patrick's Day is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on the 17th of March, and named in honor of the patron saint of Ireland. The celebrations are largely Irish culture and typically consist of wearing green, parades, and drinking. One traditional symbol of Saint Patrick's Day is the Shamrock. "Shamrock" is the common name for several different kinds of

three-leafed clovers native to Ireland. The first Saint Patrick's Festival was held on 17 March 1996.

Text: Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan.

Men's Day - Feb 23:

Previously, Feb 23 was celebrated as the official Soviet Army Day in the Soviet Union. Now it is not famous as Men’s day. All Kazakhstan people celebrate this day on 7 th may they usually receive the gifts from women.

International Women's day - 8 March:

March 8 - the International Women's Day - is a very popular holiday in Kazakhstan. And it is a must for every gentleman in the county to congratulate the ladies. Kazakh women also receive flowers and gifts on this day. All men also congratulate their mothers, daughters, grandmothers.

Nauryz - 22 March: Nauryz is a very important holiday for Kazakhs, which marks the beginning of a new year. It is celebrated several days starting from 21st of March. Nauryz is an ancient holiday full of symbols! Nauryz kozhe is the traditional spring-time soup of seven components. During the Nauryz holiday, large and small cities, villages become festival centres, yurts – traditional nomad houses are erected in city centres and rich dastarkhan (table).

Kazakhstan Nations Unity Holiday / Labour day - 1 May:

This day was celebrated as a holiday of workers’ solidarity in the Soviet time. Today this is a holiday of unity of all peoples who live in the territory of Kazakhstan. This bright spring holiday is held in every city of Kazakhstan with parades and processions along the central streets of the cities and also with entertaining events.

Victory day - 9 May:

The 9th of May is a special day for all Kazahstan people. This is Victory Day. This is the day when the Great Patriotic Warfinished (they call the World War II). Kazakh people do not forget their heroes. In every city concerts are held in honour of the Great Patriotic War. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren thank veterans for freedom.

Independence Day - 16 December:

16 December is the most important day in the events calendar in Kazakhstan. It commemorates independence from Soviet Union through street festivals, parades and fireworks. The day is also a time to remember the victims of the events of December 1986. Kazakhstan Independence Day is marked by festivities in the presidential palace and many Kazakhs will dress up in traditional clothes.

Kurban ait:

The end of a month of daytime Ramadan is celebrated by the feast. On this day, big feasts and celebrations are organized by the Muslim people. Every family usually tried to slaughter a sheep for this holiday. As the saying goes in Kazakhstan -  “Құрбанайтқабылболсын!” It is hard to imagine how pleasant it was to ride a horse or go for a walk during this time of year. People would enjoy kokpar a national game in one place; close by one might see zhigits wrestling.

IV. Закрепление. Аудирование. Лексико-грамматические упражнения

Game: «Holiday Mix»

1. How are the St. Valentine’s messages signed ? anonymous messages may be signed simply "from a secret admirer“ or Your Valentine

2. When celebrate all Sweethearts this holiday? On the 14th of February

3. What flowers are the most popular on St. Valentine’s Day? Robert Burns sang his beloved "My Love is like a red, red rose,”

4. He is a symbol of St. Valentine’s Day, He’s got golden arrows and is able to make you fall in love with the first person you met. What is his name? Cupid or Eros

5. What is the traditional Thanksgiving meal? The meal often includes a turkey,

cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie.

6. What holiday do the Americans celebrate on the 4th of July? Independence Day

7. When do people in Britain have the Bonfire Night? Remember, remember, the 5th of November! Gunpowder, treason and plot.

8. What do people usually burn on the 5th of November? on the 5th of November,

people burn the dummy of Guy Fawkes, made of straw, on a bonfire.

9. When is Halloween celebrated? 31.st October

10. What is the name of a Halloween pumpkin ? Jack-o-lantern

11. What do children usually say knocking at the doors of the houses? "Treat or trick!”

12. What are the most popular Halloween characters? Ghosts, witches, bats

13. What do children look for on Easter? Eggs

14. What animal is symbolize Easter eggs? Rabbit

15. How do people decorate their gardens on Easter, especially in Germany? Easter-egg-tree

16. How is called the week before Easter day? Holy week

17. Where does Father Christmas put presents? stockings

18. What is the name of the most famous Santa’s reindeer? His name is Rudolph

19. How do we call an ornament which people usually hang on the front door? wreath

20. When people celebrate Christmas day? 25. th December

21. What country gave birth to St. Patrick's Day ? Ireland

22. What colour of clothes do people wear on St. Patrick's Day ? green

23. What plant is the symbol of St. Patrick’s Day? shamrock

24. When was hold the first Saint Patrick’s festival ? on 17 March in 1996.

Game: «Guess the holiday» Игра: «Угадай праздник» /работа с картинками/

So on …..

Game: «Guess the holiday by the song»

1 песня – Frank Sinatra- Jingle Bells –New Year

2 песня – гимн РК – Independence Day

3 песня – Marylyn Manson-This is Halloweeen –Halloween

4 песня - Frank Sinatra- Frank & Bing –We wish you a Merry Christmas – Christmas Day

5 песня - The National — Thanksgiving Song – Thanksgiving Day

6 песня- Лев Лещенко - День победы – Victory Day

7 песня – Knife Party –Bonfire- Bonfire Night

Task: Let's now take a piece of paper and make a valentine and write requests for teachers

T: Thank you very much, my students for actively participating at my lessons.

My congratulations, thanks. I congratulate you with Valentine’s day and I wish all of you a big and great LOVE!!!

Aruzhan, your mark for today is…..

Ersultan, your mark for today is……


V.Conclusion. Marks of students. Giving homework

Your homework for the next lesson is learn by heart new words

and write a report about holidays

The end of the lesson

-The lesson is over

-Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Theme: Holidays, traditions and customs in England Grammar: Degrees of comparison

Автор: Джумагалиева Дина Амандыковна

Дата: 25.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 283007

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