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The Wrld Of Wonders

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Данный урок не является в чистом виде уроком формирования речевых навыков, хотя и представляется здесь введение новой темы, лексики и грамматического материала. Скорее это комбинированный урок, на котором демонстрируются различные виды деятельности - и аудирование, и чтение, и составление предложений с новой лексикой и задания на сопоставление.

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«The Wrld Of Wonders»

Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме «The World of Wonders» c использованием технологии Развития критического мышления и технологии сотрудничества.

Цели: формировать грамматический навык употребления Passive Voice, звуко – произносительные навыки по теме "мир чудес" ; продолжить развитие навыков поискового чтения; логического мышления, памяти; развивать мотивацию к предмету, творческую активность, навыки самоконтроля и самостоятельности.

Данный урок не является в чистом виде уроком формирования речевых навыков, хотя и представляется здесь введение новой темы, лексики и грамматического материала. Скорее это комбинированный урок, на котором демонстрируются различные виды деятельности - и аудирование, и чтение, и составление предложений с новой лексикой и задания на сопоставление.

Этап урока


Ход урока


2. Основная часть

А) введение новых слов

Б)Задание на соответствие

В) Задание на выбор правильного ответа

Г) Задание по чтению на полное понимание текста

Д) Введение Passive voice

Е) Заключение. Подведение итогов.

1 min

3 min

3 min

2 min

4 min

1 min

10 min

5 min

2 min

5 min

Good morning, children.

1. What can you see? (слайд)

2.What associations do you have when you hear “wonder” (the teacher writes out the pupils’ ideas on the blackboard)

3.We have named the ancient natural wonders of the world and what are we going to learn today?

(There are much more than 7 wonders in the world and we will learn about one of them).

4. Guess what it is (слайды с картинками)

5. Work in pairs. Have a look at the new words and think of their meaning. Choose the correct answer. (слайд) Раздать карточки для выполнения задания в парах.

1. A salt mine is a place

a) where salt is dug out from below the surface of the ground.

b) under a house where salt is kept.

2. A chamber is

a) a big flat. b) a big room.

3. A chapel is

a) a small tunnel. b) a small church

4. A well is a hole in the ground from which we get

a) water b) salt

5. A miner is someone who works underground

a) to construct chapels. b) to get salt, coal, gold, etc.

6. People who are deeply religious

a) only work in mines. b) believe strongly in god or gods.

7. To carve is

a) to produce a statue by cutting in hard material.

b) to dig

6. Ex.2,p62. These pictures A-E show the parts of the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Cracow, Poland. Which picture shows:

a) statues, carved from rock salt?

b) an underground lake?

c) a cave with huge salt crystals?

d) miners carrying salt up to the surface?

e) a chapel with carvings?

7. Ex.3,p62 - read the statements, then listen and mark them as True or False.

a) Near Cracow, in northern Poland, is the Wieliczka Salt Mine.

b) A king called the Blessed Kinga threw her ring into a salt mine.

c) The salt used to be dug only by hand.

d) A chapel was destroyed by fire in 17 69.

e) A special attraction is the chapel of the Blessed Kinga.


8. Ex4,p63. Read the article and match the sentences A-C to the gaps 1-3.

9. Find in the text the following sentences and try to translate them.

a) Not much can be seen above the surface, but visitors are taken down into a hidden world.

b)While traveling from Marmaros to Cracow, she stopped at Wieliczka and her servants were told to dig a well.

c) Instead of water salt was discovered – and in the first lump of salt which was taken out, Kinga’s ring was found.

Find the verbs in the sentences. What is it ? What is the difference between a usual sentence and this one?

How is Passive Voice formed? To be + V3


When is it used?

Open your grammar rule exercises and take down the rule. (слайд)

Make up your sentences, using the new words in Passive. Work in

Pairs - take them down on the blacrboard.

To carve, a salt mine, a well,

A chamber, a chapel, to carry,

To dig, a cave, a miner

10. We’ve come to a conclusion. Fill in the cinquain. (слайд) .

Home task: p63,ex4-read and translate

1. A salt mine is a place

a) where salt is dug out from below the surface of the ground.

b) under a house where salt is kept.

2. A chamber is

a) a big flat. b) a big room.

3. A chapel is

a) a small tunnel. b) a small church

4. A well is a hole in the ground from which we get

a) water b) salt

5. A miner is someone who works underground

a) to construct chapels. b) to get salt, coal, gold, etc.

6. People who are deeply religious

a) only work in mines. b) believe strongly in god or gods.

7. To carve is

a) to produce a statue by cutting in hard material.

b) to dig

1. A salt mine is a place

a) where salt is dug out from below the surface of the ground.

b) under a house where salt is kept.

2. A chamber is

a) a big flat. b) a big room.

3. A chapel is

a) a small tunnel. b) a small church

4. A well is a hole in the ground from which we get

a) water b) salt

5. A miner is someone who works underground

a) to construct chapels. b) to get salt, coal, gold, etc.

6. People who are deeply religious

a) only work in mines. b) believe strongly in god or gods.

7. To carve is

a) to produce a statue by cutting in hard material.

b) to dig

To carve, a salt mine, a well,

A chamber, a chapel, to carry,

To dig, a cave, a miner

To carve, a salt mine, a well,

A chamber, a chapel, to carry,

To dig, a cave, a miner

Pictures A-E show parts of the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Cracow, Poland. Which picture shows:

  1. statues, carved from the rock salt?

  2. an underground lake?

  3. a cave with huge salt crystals?

  4. miners carrying salt up to the surface?

  5. a chapel with beautiful carvings?

Pictures A-E show parts of the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Cracow, Poland. Which picture shows:

  1. statues, carved from the rock salt?

  2. an underground lake?

  3. a cave with huge salt crystals?

  4. miners carrying salt up to the surface?

  5. a chapel with beautiful carvings?

Pictures A-E show parts of the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Cracow, Poland. Which picture shows:

  1. statues, carved from the rock salt?

  2. an underground lake?

  3. a cave with huge salt crystals?

  4. miners carrying salt up to the surface?

  5. a chapel with beautiful carvings?

Pictures A-E show parts of the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Cracow, Poland. Which picture shows:

  1. statues, carved from the rock salt?

  2. an underground lake?

  3. a cave with huge salt crystals?

  4. miners carrying salt up to the surface?

  5. a chapel with beautiful carvings?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

The Wrld Of Wonders

Автор: Киселева Оксана Витальевна

Дата: 18.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 416810

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