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The lexical grammаr lesson. Preparation for the UNT.

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The aims : to teach  and  practice  vocabulary,proverbs & pronunciation, grammar,to develop student’s  communicative skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading, to develop  skills of  critical and logical thinking, to  be able to classify,  to bring up a  well  educated  people  and  the interest in learning English

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«The lexical grammаr lesson. Preparation for the UNT.»


Grade 10

1.The theme :The lexical grammаr lesson. Preparation for the UNT.

The aims : to teach and practice vocabulary,proverbs & pronunciation, grammar ,to develop student’s communicative skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading, to develop skills of critical and logical thinking, to be able to classify, to bring up a well educated people and the interest in learning English

The aids: interactive board, E – textbook, computers, test

Type of the lesson: practicum

The form of the lesson: training, practice and testing

Methods: developing, visual- explained, search

Connection with other subjects: Kazakh,Russian

2.Common rules:

  1. Discipline

  2. Activity

  3. Look up to opinion of others

  4. Competence to listen and hear

  5. Don’t interrupt !

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment


Good morning, boys and girls! How are you?

Good morning, teacher! Fine, thanks and you?

Me,too,thank you.

b) short conversation with students (date, weather, season and etc )

I think you are ready for the lesson, aren’t you? We are?

I am glad to see you at the lesson and let you speak about an important thing in our life.

  1. Evocation

T:Look at the blackboard, please. There is the words of wisdom. 3 Hard work is the path to success. Let’s read it. Read please and translate it.

T: How do you understand this wisdom. Give me please equivalents in Kazakh and Russian. What association do you have with the word “success”

Children’s answers and make a diagram.

T:Good. Success can be achieved in different spheres of our life.

T: And, what is more important for you? Or what do you think is necessary to be successful?

Children’s answers (good luck, talent, risk, hardwork, hope ,experience, health, knowledge)

Knowledge is a great power. Слайд 4

T: You are right. Good for you. I’m agree with. Knowledge is a great power. It opens doors everything. And knowledge of English has many advantages nowadays. Our President N.Nazarbaev pays much attention to improvement of educational level in the country.Kazakhstan should be viewed in the world as a highly educated country whose people use three languages. Kazakh as the sate language,Russian as the language of interethnic communication, and English as the language of successful integration into the global economy.I believe that you will be active in school life and work hard your English. And what do you do at English lessons

T: Today we continue our preparation for the state testing. We practice words, grammar, listen to the text, read, translate it. We ‘ll do more exercises on electronic textbook. At the end of the lesson we do test.

  1. Formulation the aims with students.

  2. Pre – Search(homework)

T:Write down,please proverbs in your workbook, because these proverbs include to the tests. And learn them by heart in Kazakh,Russian and English.

  1. Phonetic exercise and pronunciation.

5.No pains, no gains.

Lost time is never found again.

As you sow, you shall mow.

It is never too late to learn.

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (Franklin )

Wealth is nothing without health.

T:Good. We’ll speak about health ,too. Because good education can’t solve the problem alone. It’s important to have good health to face difficulties and changes. And now we’ll start working on E – textbook for grade 10. We begin from vocabulary, what have you learned, too. Your task is to read the words and give translation.

  1. Vocabulary. Health care.

  1. Pre- Search (homework)_

1 .Match the word with definitions

  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

  1. Put the letters in the correct order

  1. Reading the text. Reading with ‘INSERT’method critical thinking

1.Task Answer the questions.

Can you name the bad habits?

What shorten your life?

What causes heart and lung disease?

How to avoid the problems with health?

2 Task. Match the words with the pictures. (smoking,drinking,overeating,obese)

3 Task on grammar.

T: I’ll distribute your lists and you classify adjectives, regular, irregular verbs, nouns, pronoun, adverb, modal verbs and etc.

VIII.Grammar.Realization of meaning (поиск ответов через работу с информацией)

Classification of nouns,adjectives,regular ,irregular verbs,adverb,prepositions,pronouns,

IX.Test. 10 Questions

Mistakes: 0-1- Excellent job.

2-4- Good job!

More than 5 – Try again!

Good luck!

X. Conclusion

  1. What have you learnt today?

  2. Reflection (write on stickers )

  3. Homework

  4. Putting marks

T:At the beginning of our lesson we listened different opinions about success. Each of you has your own plans for the future and your own paths. During our lesson there have been proverbs and sayings.As you know they have been collected for ages. And which saying or proverb would you choose as a motto for your life?

Слайд 8 Даналық сөздер жазылып тұрады. Оқушылар таңдап айтады.

Words of wisdom:

Real success comes in small portions every day.

Success is never blamed.

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.(Albert Einstein)

Working hard is the only way to succeed in life. (Naomi Campbell)

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy ,wealthy and wise. (Franklin)

T: To finish our lesson I have chosen the words of Albert Einstein “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” Слайд 9

Please keep them in your mind and let success attend you in your kind undertaking. Thank you very much for your work. Good bye!

Слайд 10 Let success attend you.


1.Мақалды аяқта Health is …….

a) ….money

b)….half a dollar

c)…..light work

d)….better than wealth.

e) …..hospital.

2. Қажетті сын есімді көрсетіңіз. He has ….time for it than me.

a) bigger

b) the biggest

c) more

d) many

e) much

3.Жұрнақ арқылы сын есімді құрыңыз. Enjoy

a) able

b) ful

c) al

d) y

e) ic

4. «А» әріпі үшінші буындағы түрде тұр

a) capital

b) face

c) mark

d) captain

e) trase

5. Берілген сөздің антонимі Different

a) easy

b) hard

c) various

d) difficult

e) cheap

6. Тастап кету, бас тарту; мағанасы бар тіркес етістікті таңдаңыз.

a) to give away

b) to give back

c) to give in

d) to give up

e) to give out

7. Саналмайтын зат есім

a) cattle – farm

b) competition

c) wheat

d) monument

e) plot

8. Көпше түрдегі зат есімді таңда

a) tree

b) teeth

c) man

d) woman

e) milks

9.Фразалогизмді аяқта No ……without pain.

a) health

b) gain


d) life

e) money

10. “a” артиклі қолданылады

a) milk

b) trousers

c) water

d) men

e) man

12.Сілтеу есімдікті қойыңыз: ………. boy at the window is my cousin.

a) That

b) Those

c) These

d) What

e) Thise

13.Сын есімнің дұрыс шырайын тап: My ………brother works in Moscow.

a) elder

b) more older

c) old

d) big

e) larger

14. “far”салыстырмалы шырай жаз

a) the far

b) more farer

c) farther

d) more farther

e) farthest

15. Өздік есімдікті табыңыз

a) my

b) myself

c) her

d) she

e) what

16.Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз. Is there ……..chocolate in the box?

a) any

b) some

c) none

d) nothing

e) anything

17. Етістіктің дұрыснұсқасын қойыңыз. She ….. at my age.

a) was

b) are

c) were

d) am

e) does

18. Үстеуді тап

a) friendly

b) well

c) lovely

d) easy

e) careful

19 Суффикстің көмегімен сын есім жаса : .danger

a) – ly

b) – ous


d) –ic

e) – word

20. Суффикстің көмегімен зат есім жаса: invent

a) er

b) age

c) hood

d) tion

e) or

21. Префикстің көмегімен жасалған етістікті тап

a) make

b) resell

c) enjoy

d) paint

e) speak

22. Етістіктен жасалған зат есімді тап

a) art

b) winter

c) friendship

d) agreement

e) kindness

23.Қажетті предлогты қой:Do you really believe …….. ghosts?

a) of

b) in

c) at

d) on

e) –

24.Қажетті предлогті қой: He usually gets to his school …… bus.

a) to d) from

b) on e) with

c) by

25.Қажетті предлогті қой: My son is interested ……. football.

a) with

b) at

c) for

d) in

e) o





Regular verbs


Irregular verbs








Modal verbs


Personal pronouns


Reflexive pronouns


Possessive pronouns

Test. 10 Questions Mistakes: 0-1- Excellent job. 2-4- Good job! More than 5 – Try again! Good luck! Answers:
  1. D

  2. C

  3. A

4. C








Grade 10

1.The theme :The lexical grammаr lesson. Preparation for the UNT.

The aims : to teach and practice vocabulary,proverbs & pronunciation, grammar ,to develop student’s communicative skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading, to develop skills of critical and logical thinking, to be able to classify, to bring up a well educated people and the interest in learning English

The aids: interactive board, E – textbook, computers, test

Type of the lesson: practicum

The form of the lesson: training, practice and testing

Methods: developing, visual- explained, search

Connection with other subjects: Kazakh,Russian

2.Common rules:

  1. Discipline

  2. Activity

  3. Look up to opinion of others

  4. Competence to listen and hear

  5. Don’t interrupt !

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment


Good morning, boys and girls! How are you?

Good morning, teacher! Fine, thanks and you?

Me,too,thank you.

b) short conversation with students (date, weather, season and etc )

I think you are ready for the lesson, aren’t you? We are?

I am glad to see you at the lesson and let you speak about an important thing in our life.

  1. Evocation

T:Look at the blackboard, please. There is the words of wisdom. 3 Hard work is the path to success. Let’s read it. Read please and translate it.

T: How do you understand this wisdom. Give me please equivalents in Kazakh and Russian. What association do you have with the word “success”

Children’s answers and make a diagram.

T:Good. Success can be achieved in different spheres of our life.

T: And, what is more important for you? Or what do you think is necessary to be successful?

Children’s answers (good luck, talent, risk, hardwork, hope ,experience, health, knowledge)

Knowledge is a great power. Слайд 4

T: You are right. Good for you. I’m agree with. Knowledge is a great power. It opens doors everything. And knowledge of English has many advantages nowadays. Our President N.Nazarbaev pays much attention to improvement of educational level in the country.Kazakhstan should be viewed in the world as a highly educated country whose people use three languages. Kazakh as the sate language,Russian as the language of interethnic communication, and English as the language of successful integration into the global economy.I believe that you will be active in school life and work hard your English. And what do you do at English lessons

T: Today we continue our preparation for the state testing. We practice words, grammar, listen to the text, read, translate it. We ‘ll do more exercises on electronic textbook. At the end of the lesson we do test.

  1. Formulation the aims with students.

  2. Pre – Search(homework)

T:Write down,please proverbs in your workbook, because these proverbs include to the tests. And learn them by heart in Kazakh,Russian and English.

  1. Phonetic exercise and pronunciation.

5.No pains, no gains.

Lost time is never found again.

As you sow, you shall mow.

It is never too late to learn.

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (Franklin )

Wealth is nothing without health.

T:Good. We’ll speak about health ,too. Because good education can’t solve the problem alone. It’s important to have good health to face difficulties and changes. And now we’ll start working on E – textbook for grade 10. We begin from vocabulary, what have you learned, too. Your task is to read the words and give translation.

  1. Vocabulary. Health care.

  1. Pre- Search (homework)_

1 .Match the word with definitions

  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

  1. Put the letters in the correct order

  1. Reading the text. Reading with ‘INSERT’method critical thinking

1.Task Answer the questions.

Can you name the bad habits?

What shorten your life?

What causes heart and lung disease?

How to avoid the problems with health?

2 Task. Match the words with the pictures. (smoking,drinking,overeating,obese)

3 Task on grammar.

T: I’ll distribute your lists and you classify adjectives, regular, irregular verbs, nouns, pronoun, adverb, modal verbs and etc.

VIII.Grammar.Realization of meaning (поиск ответов через работу с информацией)

Classification of nouns,adjectives,regular ,irregular verbs,adverb,prepositions,pronouns,

IX.Test. 10 Questions

Mistakes: 0-1- Excellent job.

2-4- Good job!

More than 5 – Try again!

Good luck!

X. Conclusion

  1. What have you learnt today?

  2. Reflection (write on stickers )

  3. Homework

  4. Putting marks

T:At the beginning of our lesson we listened different opinions about success. Each of you has your own plans for the future and your own paths. During our lesson there have been proverbs and sayings.As you know they have been collected for ages. And which saying or proverb would you choose as a motto for your life

T: To finish our lesson I have chosen the words of Albert Einstein “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” Слайд 9

Please keep them in your mind and let success attend you in your kind undertaking. Thank you very much for your work. Good bye!

Слайд 10 Let success attend you.


1.Мақалды аяқта Health is …….

a) ….money

b)….half a dollar

c)…..light work

d)….better than wealth.

e) …..hospital.

2. Қажетті сын есімді көрсетіңіз. He has ….time for it than me.

a) bigger

b) the biggest

c) more

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

The lexical grammаr lesson. Preparation for the UNT.

Автор: Закарина Марал Мукажановна

Дата: 18.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 278716

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