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The 60th Anniversary of the Belgorod Region Foundation

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Урок из раздела "Мой край родной - Белгородчина" посвящен знаменательной дате - 60-летию образования Белгородской области. В основе урока лежит цель обучению полилогу. Как известно, на уроках иностранного языка преобладают индивидуальные или парные формы организации учебной деятельности, представленные монологической и диалогической речью обучающихся. А в естественных коммуникативных условиях, в процессе трудовой, учебной и общественной деятельности человек гораздо чаще сталкивается с полилогической формой общения. Групповая организация общения помогает увеличить не только собственную речевую практику, но и практику в аудировании иноязычной речи.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«The 60th Anniversary of the Belgorod Region Foundation »

Областное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

среднего профессионального образования

«Белгородский техникум общественного питания»


учебного занятия

Дисциплина: Английский язык

Раздел: Мой край родной - Белгородчина

Тема: The 60th Anniversary of the Belgorod Region Foundation

Специальность: 260807 Технология продукции общественного питания

Курс: I

Составитель: Рогова Ольга Викторовна,

преподаватель английского языка

2014-2015 учебный год

Содержание методической разработки

  1. Введение

  2. Тип урока, цели и методы

  3. Дидактическое обеспечение урока и применяемые ТСО

  1. Сценарий урока-беседы за круглым столом «The 60th Anniversary of the Belgorod Region»

  2. Список использованных источников


Одним из наиболее эффективных средств раскрытия творческого потенциала обучающихся на родном и иностранных языках является обучение общению. Научить обучающихся общаться естественным образом на иностранном языке в условиях учебного процесса – проблема сложная и неоднозначно решаемая. Естественную речь стимулирует не необходимость (когда обучающийся должен говорить на иностранном языке), а потребность в реальном общении.

На уроках иностранного языка преобладают индивидуальные или парные формы организации учебной работы, представленные монологической или диалогической речью обучающихся. Общение осуществляется преимущественно в таких организационных формах, как: преподаватель – обучающийся, преподаватель – группа, иногда обучающийся – обучающийся и очень редко обучающийся – обучающиеся. А ведь в естественных коммуникативных условиях, в процессе учебной, трудовой и общественной деятельности человек гораздо чаще сталкивается с полилогической формой общения, чем с диалогической: мы общаемся с членами своей семьи, с соседями по дому, с коллегами по работе, с приятелями на спортивных тренировках, с попутчиками в транспорте и т.д.

В условиях изучения иностранного языка обучающимся не всегда предоставляется достаточная возможность для речевой практики. Понятно, что групповая форма работы не может полностью решить проблему увеличения речевой практики, но она в значительной мере может этому способствовать.

В условиях, когда группа обучающихся обсуждает какой-либо вопрос, отпадает необходимость высказываться не по теме беседы. У обучающихся развиваются умения и навыки осуществления тех действий, которые, как правило, выполняет сам преподаватель: определять тему, очерёдность участия в беседе и её предметное содержание, уточнять факты и обобщать поступающую информацию; появляются умения распределять внимание в равной мере между формой и содержанием высказываний, что определяет уровень коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся.

Нужно отметить тот факт, что групповая организация общения помогает увеличить не только собственную речевую практику, но и практику в аудировании иноязычной речи. Каждый участник становится «носителем» не только собственной информации, но также информации остальных партнёров по общению.

Обучение полилогу предполагает актуализацию тех характеристик её участников, которые недостаточно отчётливо осознаются ими. В ролевой игре все эти качества обнажены и несколько гипертрофированы при условии, что роли обладают ярко выраженными характеристиками. Эти характеристики известны всем участникам игры. Иными словами, в ролевой игре предлагаются достаточно точные и легко доступные учащимся ориентиры для группового речевого взаимодействия.

Выбрав данную форму проведения урока, я попыталась решить несколько задач:

  1. Использовать в практической деятельности элементы технологии коммуникативного обучения иностранному языку (Е.И. Пассов);

  2. Задействовать в коммуникативной деятельности как можно больше обучающихся, в том числе и обучающихся, изучавших ранее французский язык (элемент билингвизма на уроке);

  3. Скомбинировать такие формы организации учебной деятельности как монолог, диалог и полилог;

  4. Систематизировать и закрепить полученные знания по теме и сообщить дополнительные сведения по истории, экономическому и культурному развитию родного края;

  5. Осуществить связь изучаемого материала с такими предметами как история, география, краеведение, статистика, экология, литература (межпредметная связь);

  6. Применить разнообразные ТСО и наглядные пособия, позволяющие обучающимся визуально запомнить аудируемую информацию.

ТИП УРОКА: комбинированный (применение полученных знаний на практике и усвоение новых знаний)


Познавательный аспект – ознакомление обучающихся со статистическими данными по городу Белгороду и области, с историей создания Белгородского драматического театра им. М.С. Щепкина, с городами-побратимами Белгорода.

Развивающий аспект – формирование познавательного интереса обучающихся, развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.

Воспитательный аспект – воспитание чувства гордости за свой город, свою область; формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группе.

Учебный аспект – развитие речевого умения (развитие умения использовать в речи речевую функцию запроса информации), развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения детальной информации; совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи.


- метод актуализации внимания;

- метод ролевой игры (инсценизация);

- метод коммуникативного общения;

- метод синтеза знаний обучающихся;

- метод фронтального опроса;

- наглядный метод (иллюстрация)

Дидактическое обеспечение урока и применяемые ТСО:

  • Компьютер

  • Мультимедийная установка

  • Презентация Power Point по теме урока

  • Аудио сопровождение стихов

  • Раздаточный материал для проведения рефлексии


  1. Организационный момент. Вводное слово преподавателя. (Звучит фрагмент песни о Белгороде в исполнении Н. Гнатюка)

  2. Ролевая игра-беседа за круглым столом, посвящённая 60-летию образования Белгородской области.

Compere: The International Congress takes place in Belgorod. The theme of the Congress is “The 60th-anniversary of the Belgorod Region Foundation”. Scientists and guests from different countries have come to the Congress. And now let me introduce the participants of our today`s round-table talk. Mr. Russell Brundon, the sociologist from London. How do you do, Mr.Brundon?

Mr. Brundon: How do you do?

Compere: How was the flight?

Mr. Brundon: Everything was wonderful. And the weather was fine. It`s my third time here. I`m very lucky to be in this country again.

Compere: Welcome to Belgorod! Our next participant is Nora North, a geologist from Norway, Oslo, a brilliant speaker and a very reliable partner in business.

Nora North: Thank you very much.

Compere: Wesley West, a producer from the film studio in Wilmington, USA. Mr.West, you`re going to make a film about our region, aren`t you?

Wesley West: Exactly. You see, a lot of Americans know only about such Russian large cities as Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. They`ve never heard about other Russian regions, for instance, Kursk, Voronezh and Belgorod regions. I like Russia and Russian people. And I want my people to know more about your customs and traditions.

Compere: We are looking forward to see your film about our region. And this young man with the recorder is a French reporter Jean Samari. He`s very talented and likes to ask “what”, “where”, “why” and “when” questions. Unfortunately, he doesn`t speak Russian and speaks English very little, that`s why he has a personal interpreter.

Jean Samari: Je suis heureus d`etre present a votre Congres. Je pense qu`il est tres important pour nos peoples d`etablir les contacts d`amitie. Je veus vous connaitre mieux.

Interpreter: Mr. Samari says he`s very happy to be present at this Congress. To his mind it`s very important for our countries to establish friendly contacts. He wants to know better our country and our people.

Compere: Thank you, Jean. I think you`ll have a good time here. Now let me introduce the student from Edinburgh Steve McQueen. Steve is a very wise man, a philosopher. In future he`ll be a theatrical critic. Who knows, maybe one day we`ll be very proud of the fact we are his contemporaries.

Steve McQueen: Thank you for the compliment.

Compere: It`s not a compliment. I mean it. Our next participant is Mr. Maurice Morgan, a historian by education, an artist by nature.

Mr. Morgan: Painting is my hobby. I`m just a beginner, you know.

Compere: A good beginning is half the battle.

Wesley West: Excuse me, what nationality are you?

Mr. Morgan: Well, my mother is French. My father is American. I`m from Montreal, Canada.

Nora North: And where do you live there?

Mr. Morgan: I live at 33, Maple Street.

Nora North: I`ve been to Montreal. That`s a very beautiful street.

Compere: Let me introduce our Russian participants. They are: Ms Smirnova, a historian of the Belgorod museum of local lore, history and economy; Ms Stepanova, a sociologist; Mr. Petrovsky, the chief-producer of the Shchepkin State drama theatre, and, of course, the students of different educational institutions of our city. Oh, I beg your pardon. I`ve forgotten to introduce you one more person. But where is Mr. Clarke? I hope everything is all right. Ah, here he is!

Mr. Clarke: I`m sorry, I am late. I`m Mr. Clarke. Have a look, please. This is my passport. These are my papers.

Compere: Oh, don`t worry. Your name is well-known in this country.

Mr. Clarke: That`s what they`ve said at the Customs. I`m afraid you`re mistaking me for someone else.

Wesley West: Why! You`re the great science-fiction writer, Arthur Clarke.

Mr. Clarke: I`m sorry to disappoint you. Well, I`m Arthur Clarke, that`s right. But the great writer`s name is Arthur Charles Clarke. And my full name is Arthur Darcy Clarke. So, our first names and our surnames are the same. But our second names are quite different.

Compere: Yes, Mr. Clarke is a Doctor of Medicine from Bath Health Centre, Great Britain. He specializes in psychology.

And now a few words about the Congress. The schedule is very busy: sessions, sittings, conferences, discussions, round-table talks, interviews, exibitions and a large social programme.

Compere: Our today`s round-table talk is devoted mainly to the significant stages in the development of our region. But before we start our talk I invite you to make an excursion around our region. (Демонстрируется видеофрагмент о Белгородской области)

Compere: Now, ladies and gentlemen, please, meet our guide.

Guide: I`m very glad to welcome you in our celebrated city. I`d like to start our excursion with the poem written by our famous poet Vladimir Molchanov:

Белогорье…Поле отчее.

По-над лугом белый дым.

Трав густых сиянье сочное

По откосам меловым.

Змейка вьющегося вереска

Розовеет над горой,

И совсем не видно берега

За травой береговой.

Звёзд полночных многоточие,

Туч движение гурьбой.

Белогорье…Поле отчее –

Что зову своей судьбой!

Guide: The Belgorod region is located in the south of European Russia. It borders on Kursk and Voronezh regions and it has an external frontier with the Ukraine. The region covers an area of 27,130 sq.km. Our region stretches 190 km from north to south and 266km from east to west.

The region`s population is 1,544,100 people with the density of 56.9 people per 1sq.km.

The region`s share in the total national gross product is 1.2%. Its advantageous geographic position, iron ore deposits of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly and fertile black soils are the basis for its economy.

The regional centre – Belgorod – is about 700 km south of Moscow.

Belgorod is one of Russia`s oldest cities dating back to 1596. It was founded on the right bank of then navigable Seversky Donets. The white chalky hills account for the name of the city.

Our Belgorod region was formed on January 6, 1954 and since then the town has grown into a large industrial and cultural centre.

Guide: Well, during my story you may ask your questions if you have any.

Nora North: Oh, I have a question. As a geologist I`m interested in your mineral resources. How many percent of iron ore deposits are located in your region? And what are the major mining enterprises?

Guide: The region is characterized by rich deposits of iron ore, where over 40 billion tons of raw materials are concentrated on an area of 5,000 squares km, 80% of the resources of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly are located here. This make around 40% of the total iron ore reserves in Russia.
Ferrous metallurgy of Belgorod Region is represented by Oskolsky Electro-Metallurgic Complex, one of the largest enterprises of its kind in the world, Lebedinsky and Stoilensky Mining and Enriching Complex, producing high quality iron ore concentrated.

Jean Samari: Excuzez-moi, j`ai une question. Je suis un member de “Green Peace” organization. Quelle est la situation de vos terres?

Interpreter: Mr. Samari is asking you about your soils` state because he is a member of the “Green Peace” organization.

Guide: The famous black soils – “chernozyom” in Russian – comprise one third (1/3) of the region`s territory and this fact determines to a great extent the development of the agri-industrial complex.

Farmland occupies 2,145,000 hectares. Food grains and leguminous crops take up 50% of the arable lands. Sugar beets are grown on 8% of this land; sunflowers – 4%; potatoes and vegetables – 4.5% and forage crops – 35%.

The land is distributed in the following manner:

  • 2,039,000 hectares is land owned by agricultural interests, organizations and individuals;

  • 401,400 hectares is land owned by towns and villages;

  • 219,400 hectares are in forest lands.

Compere: Have you got any questions?

Mr. Brundon: Being a sociologist I`m interested in such problems as an average age of your people, the birth rate, how many men and women live here, social structure, education. Can you dwell upon these points?

Compere: I think it would be better if our sociologist Ms Stepanova dwells upon these points. Will you?

Ms Stepanova: Yes, of course. I`d be very glad to throw the light on these questions.

Compere: I think we`ll let our guide go. Thank you very much for your interesting information. You`re welcome, Ms Stepanova!

Ms Stepanova: I see, today you have too much information to comprehend. I`ll try to be brief. As our famous Russian writer Anton Chekhov said: “Brevity is the sister of talent”.

Population – 1,544,108 people

Density – 56.9 people per 1sq.km

Men – 700,000

Women – 800,000

People able to work – 943,500

Average age – 40 years

Pensioners – 317,000

Migration rate – 3.9 per 1000 people

Birth rate – 11 per 1000 people

Marriages – 9.3 per 1000 people

Divorces – 4.9 per 1000 people

Belgorod is an educational centre of the region. In it there are six establishments of higher education: The National Research University "Belgorod State University" (BelSU), Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University, The Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture, Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economy and Law, the Agricultural Academy. Belgorod has a lot of secondary educational establishments. Highly-skilled workers are trained in vocational colleges.

Compere: Thank you, Ms Stepanova, for your brief and exhaustive information. We spoke about the present days of our region and city and I think it`s high time to glance at the past. Ms. Smirnova, you are welcome!

Ms. Smirnova: As you know, Belgorod is one of Russia`s oldest cities dating back to 1596. It was founded as a fortress. Belgorod`s history regardless of the period of time covered has been one of attacks by many enemies. It used to come under numerous Tartar attacks.

In 1727 the Belgorod gubernia was formed according to the Russian tsarina Katherine I order. The population was 717,000 people. But in 1779 Belgorod became a district town of the Kursk province. It grew bigger with the years.

The railroad reached Belgorod in 1869. In 1876 the Pedagogical Institute opened its doors and by 1897 the town`s population stood at 22,000.

The Soviet power was proclaimed on the 26th of October, 1917. In the summer of 1930 it was given the status of the district centre. On October, 24, 1941, Belgorod was seized by the German army. On Liberation Day, the 5th of August, 1943, only 150 people populated the decimated town. The damage amounted to 300 million roubles in the town and 800 million roubles in the region.

Mr. Morgan: Excuse me, why is Belgorod called “The Town of the First Salute”?

Ms. Smirnova: Yes, you are right. Belgorod is known as the town of the first salute. On the 5th of August, 1943, for the first time a salute was fired in Moscow to commemorate Belgorod and Oryol`s liberation.

Now Belgorod is an industrial, educational and cultural centre. There are such large industrial enterprises as the Belgorod Power Engineering Plant (produces steam boilers, special station pipe lines, energy equipment parts, metalwork), the Asbestos and Cement Plant (produces asbestos and cement sheeting, boards, pipes and couplings), the Citric Acid Plant, the Belgorod Clothing Factory “Rossianka” (produces ladies` clothes and bed linen), the Plant of Metallic Constructions.

Mr. Clarke: Excuse me, some of my friends who have been to your city advised me to visit your Diorama Museum. Please, tell us a few words about it.

Ms. Smirnova: I`m very pleased to hear that people from a distant country know about our city. The Diorama Museum, the biggest museum of this kind in our country, was created in Belgorod to commemorate one of the greatest battles of the World War II, the Kursk Battle, that took place midway between Belgorod and Kursk on the 12th of July, 1943. Last year we celebrated the 70th-anniversary of the Kursk Battle. The 5th of August is our regional holiday.

Steve McQueen: May I ask you a question? Is it true that the famous Russian actor M.S. Shchepkin your fellow-countryman? I`ve read he was born here.

Ms. Smirnova: Yes, you are right. Shchepkin was born on the 17th of November, 1788, in the village Krasnoye which is situated in our region. And we are very proud of this fact. But I think my colleague Ms Petrova can give you more information. At the end of my speech I`d like to invite you to our museum.

Compere: I think we should thank Ms. Smirnova for her interesting information. And I want to give the floor to Ms.Petrova.

Ms.Petrova: Thank you very much. I should say I`m very proud of our theatre. Mikhail Semyonovich Shchepkin... A great actor, the name of the age in the history of Russian theatre, a creator of the new aesthetics, an artsit of the high wisdom and demanding modesty... A rare talent, a master of thoughts and feelings, a wizard of Russian stage, a magician - those are the names given to him by his fascinated contemporaries. He became a forerunner of the Russian psychological theatre, an educator of his contemporaries, an exponent of the new moral principles on the Russian stage.

Shchepkin’s memory is being carefully kept by his compatriots. Belgorod State Academical Theatre is named after him; the museum dedicated to Shchepkin is opened in Alekseevka, at his homeplace. Since 1988 the annual theatre festival “Actors of Russia to Mikhail Shchepkin” has been held in Belgorod.

The first mentioning of the theatre is found in the archives of 1936. But the roots of Belgorod performing arts go much deeper, to Shchepkin’s drama fundamental rules and traditions of the Russian psychological theatre. Today, a talented creative team works in M.S. Shchepkin Belgorod State Academic Drama Theatre. The troupe consists of experienced, professionally mature actors who have been working in the theatre for many years.

Compere: Thank you, Ms.Petrova. I think we should sum up our today`s round-table talk. If nobody has questions…

Mr. Clarke: Excuse me, I have the last question. I think to make the presentation of your region full, it`s important to mention about your relations with other countries.

Compere: Belgorod has some twin-cities such as Wakefield, England, Herne, Germany, Palembang, Indonesia and Opole, Poland. Some words about each of them.

Wakefield is a city and the main settlement and administrative centre of the City of Wakefield, a metropolitan district of West Yorkshire, England. Located by the River Calder, on the eastern edge of the Pennines, the urban area is 2,062 hectares and had a population of 76,886 in 2001.

Herne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Total area is 51.41 km2. Population is 154,417 people. Density is 3,000people per 1sq.km.

Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Palembang is the capital city of the South Sumatra province in Indonesia. Located on the Musi River banks on the east coast of southern Sumatra Island, it has an area of 374.03 square kilometres and a population of 1,742,186 people.

Opole, Poland

Opole is a city in southern Poland on the Oder River (Odra). It has a population of 125,992 (June 2009) and is the capital of the Upper Silesia, Opole Voivodeship and, also the seat of Opole County.

What is the essence of the twin relationship between Belgorod and cities in other countries? Sister relationship involves cooperation between local governments, the development of business relations in industry, construction, transport, communications, science and technology, education, culture, tourism and sport. The partnership also includes joint implementation of programs in the fields of medicine, health resort and recreation and tourism activities, a number of other important areas.

Compere: And I want to complete our today`s talk with the beautiful poem:

Владимир Молчанов «Родное Белогорье»

Край родной. Лесостепь. Белогорье. А когда над Москвой Златоглавою

На земле нету края милей Нависал лютый ворог бедой

Я люблю полноводие гордое Встал мой край богатырской заставою

Золотых черноземных полей Белгородской засечной чертой

Из Донца всходит солнышко алое На Азове в бою под Полтавою

Над Осколом поет соловей Стали мы и сильней и смелей

Белгородчина – Родина малая, Белгородчина – Родина малая

Здесь начало России моей. Третье поле России моей.

Мирный труд на земле – это главное

Мы живем для грядущих веков

Озаренные доброю славою

Знаменитых своих земляков

В новой музыке слышится старая

Над водой рукотворных морей,

Белгородчина – Родина малая

Честь и гордость России моей.

  1. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.

Список использованных источников

  1. http://www.beladm.ru/

  2. http://gorod-belgorod.ru/

  3. http://www.linguabelgorod.ru/eng/our_city/

  4. www.bsu.edu.ru

  5. www.bstu.ru

  6. www.belui.ru

  7. www.bukep.ru

  8. http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Kursk

  9. http://asi.promodev.ru/en/regions/belgorod/education/

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

The 60th Anniversary of the Belgorod Region Foundation

Автор: Рогова Ольга Викторовна

Дата: 26.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 148018

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