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Сценарий урока английского языка в 4 классе "What do you know about Russia?"

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«Сценарий урока английского языка в 4 классе "What do you know about Russia?"»

Тема урока: «What do you know about Russia?»

Цель: коммуникативно-речевое развитие обучающихся через описание родной страны.


  1. Учебный:  активизировать умение отвечать на вопросы по тексту; ввести и активизировать новые слова и выражения; начать знакомить обучающихся со степенями сравнения прилагательных с опорой на текст рассказа.

  2. Развивающий: развитие умения взаимодействовать  с другими учащимися при работе в паре, группе; развитие логического мышления, внимания, сообразительности.

  3. Воспитательный: воспитывать культуру языкового общения, уважительного отношения друг к другу, умение внимательно слушать собеседника; воспитывать положительное отношение и любовь к своей Родине.

  4. Личностно-ориентировочный: способствовать развитию умения сопоставлять факты, создать условия для развития навыков общения и совместной деятельности.

Формирование УУД:

Личностные УУД: учебно-познавательный интерес к новому учебному материалу.

Регулятивные УУД: определение и формулирование темы урока; планирование своих действий в соответствии с поставленной учебной задачей; оценивание и корректировка деятельности.

Познавательные УУД: умение слушать и отвечать на вопросы учителя, одноклассников; устанавливать причинно-следственные связи, осуществлять поиск необходимой информации (из материалов учебника, рассказа учителя, раздаточного материала).

Коммуникативные УУД: умение вести диалог в заданной ситуации; задавать вопросы в соответствии с тематикой общения; уметь с достаточной точностью и полнотой выражать свои мысли в соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации.

Оборудование: УМК «Forward 4» под редакцией М.В. Вербицкой, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, картинки по теме Россия, презентация, смайлики, карточки для речевой и фонетической разминки, глобус.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, children.

Pupils: Good morning, teacher.

T: I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today?

P: I’m fine, thank you.

T: It’s very good. I’m glad you are OK. Are you ready to start our lesson? Show me your smiles.

P: (показывают смайлики с настроением)

T: Thank you. Let’s start.

  1. Введение в тему урока.

T: Tell me please, what date it is today? (На доске: November, 24th )

P: Today is the 24th of November.

T: What day is it today?

P: Today is Thursday.

T: Good. Now look at the screen and listen to the poem. Try to guess: “What is it about?”

Remember, ………, you are great!

Not in the field of battles past

But in the green fields full of wheat

And forests, gardens, free of dust.

T: What word is missing? What do you think?

T: Look at the screen. Do you know what it is? (слайд с картой России).

P: Yes. It is Russia.

T: What are we going to speak about?

P: We are going to speak about Russia.

T: Yes, it’s right. Today’s topic is «What do you know about Russia?»

  1. Актуализация знаний (речевая, фонетическая разминка).

T: There are a lot of words which we can use for description of our country. Let’s practice their pronunciation. Listen and repeat after me:

port, country, cold, sunny, Russia hole, warm, snow, tall

T: Now read the words to yourself and write them in each column.

port, country, cold, sunny, Russia, hole, warm, snow, tall




T: Let’s check up. Read the word and name the sound.

P: country – the sound [ʌ] …..

T: Thank you. I am sure that you know a lot about Russia. Let’s check up your ideas. There are some questions for you.


  1. What’s the capital of Russia? (It is Moscow.)

  2. Is Russia big or small? (It is big.)

  3. What animals live in our country? (Tigers, bears, foxes, wolves live in Russia.)

  4. Where were 2014 Winter Olympics? (They were in Sochi.)

  5. What is Moscow famous for? (It’s famous for its Kremlin and Red Square.)

  6. Where can you swim and go diving in Russia? (We can swim or go diving in Sochi.)

  7. Are there any rain forests in Russia? (No, there aren’t.)

  1. Первичное усвоение новых знаний.

T: I see you know a lot about Russia. Do you want to know more about our country?

P: Yes.

T: There is some new information about Russia for you. Open your books on page 42. There is a map on this page. Look at it. Say what countries you know?

P: the USA, Britain, Russia, Australia.

T: What country do you live?

P: I live in Russia.

T: OK. Let’s listen and look. (ex.1 p.42)

T: Now answer the question: какая страна больше других?

P: Это Россия. It is Russia.

  1. Первичная проверка понимания новых знаний.

T: There are some new words in this text. They are on page 42. Listen to me, try to guess their meaning and translate these words.

T: Look at the screen.

T: There are 4 seasons in a year. It is spring, summer, autumn and winter.






T: Let’s repeat.

T: The next words are big – bigger. Try to understand.

T: The USA is big. But Russia is bigger. Australia is big. But Russia is bigger.

big – bigger

T: Repeat, please.

T: And now understand the meaning of these words.

T: It is the Black Sea coast. The Black Sea coast is in the south of Russia. It is famous all over the world.

the Black Sea coast

all over the world

T: Repeat after me.

  1. Физкультминутка.

T: Children, it’s time to have a rest. Stand up, please. Let’s do our exercises.

Clap your hands.

Clap your hands, clap your hands

Listen to the music and clap your hands.

Stamp your feet, stamp your feet

Listen to the music and stamp your feet.

Turn around, turn around

Listen to the music and turn around.

Jump up high, jump up high

Listen to the music and jump up high.

T: Sit down, please. Let’s continue our lesson.

  1. Первичное закрепление полученных знаний.

T: There are a lot of interesting places in Russia. Look at the blackboard. Use the pictures, words and words combinations from the text to say where you want to go.

the Volga river.

P: I want to go to …



the Black Sea coast

T: Now children you will work in groups and do exercise 3 on page 44. Read the text once more and say true or false. Find answers in the text.

The 1st group: you will do the 1st and the 2nd statements.

The 2nd group: you will do the 3rd and the 4th statements.

The 3rd group: you will do the 5th statement.

T: Let’s check up.

  1. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

T: It’s time to speak about our native place where we live. Look at the task of the exercise 4 on page 44 and speak in pairs. The words and sentences will help you.

  1. Домашнее задание.

T: Thank you for your work at the lesson. Write down your home task. It is exercise 4 on page 44 in your textbooks. Ваша задача рассказать о своем крае, используя слова из рамки.

  1. Итоги урока. Рефлексия.

T: The topic of our lesson was Russia. Now look at the blackboard and make up the sentences about Russia using these pictures:

P: Now I know that…

… is a very big country.

… is famous for its active volcanoes.

… is famous for its beaches, holiday camps and big ports.

… is famous for the great forest taiga.

… is very long and famous all over the world.

T: That’s all for today. Thank you, students. You were rather active today. Your marks are … . Other children you will work next time.

T: Do you like our lesson? Show me your smiles.

I like today’s lesson.

I don’t like today’s lesson.

T: Come to the black board and stick your smiles on it.

T: The lesson is over. Good bye, my dear friends.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Сценарий урока английского языка в 4 классе "What do you know about Russia?"

Автор: Забелина Илона Викторовна

Дата: 12.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 368802

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