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Сценарий праздника «День рождения Роберта Бернса»

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Сценарий праздника «День рождения Роберта Бернса» составлен учителем английского языка для использования его на уроках в 7 классе. По этому сценарию максимально задействованы ребята, они работают в парах, в группах.   На уроке происходит закрепление лексических единиц по теме урока, отработка грамматического материала, расширение общего кругозора, обогащение лексики, развитие навыка чтения, выполнение грамматических упражнений. Сценарий соответствует ФГОС.

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«Сценарий праздника «День рождения Роберта Бернса»»

Сценарий праздника «День рождения Роберта Бернса»

On the screen the portrait of Robert Burns and we hear the sounds of the bag-pipe.

1. Dear guests, pupils and teachers you are welcome to take part in our performance devoted to the 259 anniversary of Robert Burn’s birth. Robert Burns is the greatest national poet of Scotland. This evening we would have a brief tour of his life and enjoy his beautiful poems and songs.

On the screen the monument to Aleksandra Pushkin in Saint-Petersburg.

P1- Could you help me? I’d like to know Who this monumentis devoted to?

P2- With great pleasure. This is the monument of our outstanding poet – Aleksandr Pushkin. His was rather young when he was killed by Dantes but he he had written so many wonderful poems and novels, that people called him “the sun of Russian poetry”. We have a tradition – every year on the 10-th of February (it’s the day of his death) people usually come to his last flat house 10 the river Moika 12 and recite his poems.

On the screen the portrait of Robert Burns.

P1-excusme, let me introduce myself. My name is Robert and I’m from Scotland. Have you ever heard about our nationalpoet and great man Robert Burns? We are very proud of him and we have the remarkable tradition either every year on the 25-th of January. On this day we celebrate his birth and have a special dinner where we eat only traditional Scottish dishes, recite his poems and sing his songs.

P2 – it’s wonderful! I’d like to visit Scotland and to watch it myself.

P1 – I invite you to be my guest and celebrate this day in Scotland.

P2 – Where are we?

P1 – This is my native country – Scotland. Robert Burns loved the hills and valleys with all his heart and wrote a lot of poems.

ЕвгенийЩ. My Heart’s in the Highlands

My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart’s is Вгорахмоесердце… Доныне я там.

nothere По следу оленя лечу по скалам.

My heart’s in the Highlands a chasing the Гонюяоленя, пугаюкозу.

deer; В горах мое сердце, а сам я внизу.

A-chasing the wild deer, and following the

roe; Прощай, моя родина! Север, прощай,-

My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever Отечествославыидоблестикрай.

Igo. – По белому свету судьбою гоним,

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the Навекиостанусьясыномтвоим!


The birth-place of Valour, the country of Прощайте, вершиныподкровлейснегов,

worth: Прощайте, долины и скаты лугов,

Wherever I wander, wherever I rove, Прощайте, поникшиевбезднулеса,

The hills of the Highlandsfor ever I love.-Прощайте, потоковлесныхголоса.

Farewell to the mountains high cover’d

withsnow, В горах мое сердце… Доныне я там.

Farewelltothestrathsandgreenvalleys По следу оленя лечу по скалам.

below: Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу.

Farewell to the forests and wild-hangingВгорахмоесердце, асамявнизу.


Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring


My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is

not here,

My heart’s in the Highland a-chasing

the dear;

A-chasing the wild deer, and following

the roe-

My heart’s in the highlands wherever I go.

П. Scotland the XVШ century. The table with guests.

On the screen – the picture of celebration.

P2 – What are these people celebrating?

P1 – They’re celebrating Burn’s Night – it’s a night of celebration that marks the anniversary of the birth of Scotland’s national poet Robert Burns born on the 25-th of January in 1759.

On the screen a bagpipe and a man, wearing a costume. We hear the sounds of bagpipe.

P2 – What a sweet melody! Sucha strange musical instrument!

P1- It’s a bagpipe. This is a national musical instrument of Scotland.

P2– I’m hungry. It smells delicious! What are they eating?

P1 – Burn’s favorite dish –haggis.

On the screen – the photo of haggis.

P4: Ladies and gentlemen - Haggis!

(Все присутствующие встают, чтобы приветствовать хагис, который вносит на блюде шеф-повар. Под звуки волынки проносит по кругу и водружает его на главный стол. Гости сопровождают хэгис аплодисментами. Один из гостей читает 6 первых строк стихотворения Роберта Бернса “AddresstoaHaggis”)

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, Втебеяславлюкомандира
Great chieftain o' the pudding-race! Всехпудинговгорячихмира,-
Aboon them a' yet tak your place, МогучийХагис, полныйжираитребухи
Painch, tripe, or thairm: Строчу, покамнеслужитлира,
Weel are ye wordyo'a grace Тебестихи…
As lang's my arm….

P2 – I’d like to know more about his life. Who were his parents and where was he born?

P1 – let’s begin with his birth.

Алена Л. 5 класс

There was a lad was born in Kyle, Вдеревнепареньбылрожден
But what na day o’ what na style, Нодень, когдародилсяон,
I doubt it’s hardly worth the while. В календари не занесен.
Tobesaenicewi’ Robin. КомубылнуженРобин?

:TheGossipkeekitinhisloof, Разжавмладенческийкулак,
Qou’ schowhaliveswillseetheproof, Гадалкаговорилатак:
Thiswalyboywillbenaecoof, -Мальчишкабудетнедурак,
Ithinkwe’llca’ himRobin. ПускайзоветсяРобин!
He’llhaemisfortunesgreatandsma’, Немалождетегообид,
Butayaheartaboonthema’ Носердцемвсеонпобедит,
He’llbeacredittillusa’, Парнишкабудетзнаменит,
We’lla’ beproudo’ Robin. СемьюпрославитРобин!

P1 – Listen to his dearest and nearest people. They’ll tell you about Robert themselves.

P11 Father -I’m his father William Burns.I’m a poor farmer. My son was born on the 25-th of January here at Alloway in Ayshire. I built this small cottage with my own hands. I have six children and Robert is the eldest. I taught my children to be honest and just. I knew that good education is very important and tried to give my children the best education I could afford. Robert was sent to school at the age of six but I couldn’t pay for the two sons. Robert and his brother Gilbert attended school in turn. When not at school the boys helped me in the fields.

On the screen – the picture of the Burn’s house.

P12 Robert: He died in 1784. He devoted him a poem: “My father was a farmer”.


My father was a farmer upon the Carrick border, O,

And carefully he bred me in decency and order, O;

He bade me act a manly part, though I had ne'er a farthing, O;

For without an honest manly heart, no man was worth regarding, O.

5 класс

Был честный фермер мой отец.

Он не имел достатка,

Но от наследников своих

Он требовал порядка.

Учил достоинство хранить,

Хоть нет гроша в карманах.

Страшнее - чести изменить,

Чем быть в отрепьях рваных!

(ПереводЮ. Князева)

P13 Mother – I’m his mother . I knew a lot of Scottish songs and ballads and often sung them to my children. I told them a lot of tales about devils, fairies and witches. I live a long life and enjoyed the fame of my poet son. On the screen – the portrait of his mother. Шотландскаяпесня – My bonny.

My bonny is over the ocean. 1. My bonny is over the ocean,
My bonny is over the sea,
My bonny is over the ocean,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me.


Bring back, bring back,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me, to me,
Bring back, bring back,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me.

2. Well wind, you blow over the ocean,
Well wind you blow over the sea,
Well wind you blow over the ocean,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me to me.

Bring back, bring back,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me, to me,
Bring back, bring back,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me.

P2 – Was he ever married?

P1 – Yes, his wife was Jean Armour.

P18 Jean Armour – We fell in love with one another. Robert was going to marry me but my father didn’t want to have a poor farmer for his son in law. We were dancing at nights, walking in the hills and valleys of Ayrshire. Inspired by his love Robert wrote many songs and poems. Even letters were written in poetry.

Oh, my luve’s like a red, red rose, Любовь, какрозакрасная

That newly sprung in June; Цвететвмоемсаду.

Oh, my luve’s like the melodie, Любовьмоя, какпесенка

That’s sweetly played in tune. С которой в путь иду

Asfairartthouh, mybonnielass, Сильнеекрасотытвоей

So deep in luve am I; Моялюбовьодна.

Ana I will luve thee still my dear, Онастобой, покаморя

Tilla’theseasgangdry Не высохнут до дна

Tilla’theseasgangdry, mydear, Невысохнутморя, мойдруг,

And the rocks melt wi’ the sun; Нерушитсягранит,

I will luve the still, my dear, Неостановитсяпесок,

While the sands o’ life shall run.Аон, какжизнь, бежит…

Andfaretheweel, myonlyluveБудьсчастлива, моя

And fare the well, a whлюбовь,


AndIwillcomeagain, myluve, Вернуськтебе, хоть

Tho’ it were ten thousand mile.Целыйсвет

Пришлось бы мне пройти.


P17 Brother– I am his brother Gilbert. After father’s death the family moved to Mossgiel where Robert and me rented a small farm. We worked hard but the land gave poor crops. Just at that time Robert fall in love with Jean Armour.

Seeing that there was no way for a poor farmer to earn his living in Scotland my brother Robert decided to sail for Jamaica.

ИринаМ.–He had to work hard on the farm but two years later he got a new gob – a tax collector and moved to Dumfries – a small town that he had already visited during his travel all over Scotland in 1787. he got a degree of an honored citizen then. he was quite happy living in this town despiteofhis illness and a shortage of money. he was a devoted family man and a father of five children. he was respected by town people.He started collecting, editing, restoring traditional songs. he continued the work even on his death bed.

P2 – Robert Burns died in poverty at the age of 37 of a heart disease. Jean was left with five children and no money. Over 10.000 people attended his funeral. We glorify and remember the man who called on for brotherhood, friendship, live and freedom. Many monuments to Robert Burns were erected. The most famous are two handsome marble monuments t Dumfries and at Ayr, near the banks of “bonnie Doon”. But cold marble can’t convey the warmth and friendliness of his poems. His real monument is his poetry that will live forever.

P1 – Leaving your beautiful country I want to present you a lovely song. We sing it in Rassian but the original name of this song is“For The Sake O' Somebody (1794“.

Wehearthesong «Вмоейдушепокоянет» On the screen the words of the song in English and Russian.

Моей душе покоя нет.

Весь день я жду кого-то.

Без сна встречаю я рассвет -

И все из-за кого-то.

Со мною нет кого-то.

Ах, где найти кого-то!

Могу весь мир я обойти,

Чтобы найти кого-то.

Овы, хранящие любовь

Неведомые силы,

Пусть невредим вернется вновь

Ко мне мой кто-то милый.

Но нет со мной кого-то.

Мне грустно отчего-то.

Клянусь, я все бы отдала

На свете для кого-то!

*** For The Sake O' Somebody (1794)

My heart is hard-I dare not tell,
My heart is hard for Somebody;
I could wake a winter night
For the sake o' Somebody.
O-hon! for Somebody!
O-hey! for Somebody!
I could range the world around,
For the sake o' Somebody.

Ye Powers that smile on virtuous love,
O, sweetly smile on Somebody!
From ilka danger keep him free,
And send me safe my Somebody!
O-hon! for Somebody!
O-hey! for Somebody!
I would do-what would I not?
For the sake o' Somebody.

P1 – Dear guests our performance is over. Thank you for attention and let’s sing togeather.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Сценарий праздника «День рождения Роберта Бернса»

Автор: Долгополова Татьяна Фёдоровна

Дата: 18.10.2019

Номер свидетельства: 523166

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