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Strange animals of Ausralia

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Тема урока: «Животные Австралии»

Class: 8

Цели урока: 1. Ввести учащихся в языковую атмосферу,продолжить формирование речевых навыков учащихся.

2. Учить воспринимать на слух текст и решать коммуникативные задачи на

основе прослушанного.

3. Учить находить в тексте главную мысль, ответы на поставленные вопросы.

4. Практиковать в устной речи на базе прочитанного.

5. Учить обсуждать проблемы в парной и коллективной работе.

6. Расширить представление учащихся о животном мире Австралии

7. Воспитывать у учащихся внимательное отношение к животным.


Тип урока: комбинированный

Оборудование: проектор, презентация, карточки с заданиями, плакат, оценочный лист

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«Strange animals of Ausralia»

Тема урока: «Животные Австралии»

Class: 8

Цели урока: 1. Ввести учащихся в языковую атмосферу,продолжить формирование речевых навыков учащихся.

2. Учить воспринимать на слух текст и решать коммуникативные задачи на

основе прослушанного.

3. Учить находить в тексте главную мысль, ответы на поставленные вопросы.

4. Практиковать в устной речи на базе прочитанного.

5. Учить обсуждать проблемы в парной и коллективной работе.

6. Расширить представление учащихся о животном мире Австралии

7. Воспитывать у учащихся внимательное отношение к животным.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оборудование: проектор, презентация, карточки с заданиями, плакат, оценочный лист

Организационный этап. Приветствие.

T: Good morning. What day is it today? What's the weather like today?

It is warm and sunny outdoors.

How are you today? I wish you good luck. Let's begin our lesson.

  1. Определение темы урока.look at the board.

What country is it? Have you ever been to Australia?

What can you see on this slide?

How do think What will be the theme of our lesson?

"Animals of Australia". Yes, today we will speak about exotic, unique animals.

Do you like animals?

2/ Put the aims of our lesson yourselves.

3/ Let's see the criteria of assessment . Do you agree?

4/ Oxana will be the leader and will put for each tasks.

T: So, you know a lot about Australia already. And today we'll talk about animals of this continent.

5/ Write down the theme, the date.

6/ Associations on the board.

(live, country, fur, eat, beautiful, wild, like, funny )

7/ Study new words together (find the translation).

8 / Let's see the presentation about animals.

At the end of the lesson you will my answer the question: what animal would you like to have as a pet? Why?

So, you've read the text at home. Did you understand it?

9 / Work in groups prepare presentation about animals.

10/ PRESENTATION " animals of Australia" .

Do you like the presentation?

Do you learn anything new about Australian animals from it?

11/ Relax Let's have a relaxation. Sit comfortably and close your eyes, please. Imagine that you are in a forest. It is summer. It is a lovely day. The weather is wonderful. It is warm. The sun is shining brightly. The warm wind is blowing. The sky is blue and cloudless. Everywhere you can see flowers. They are red, blue, and yellow, white. Trees are green. The ground is covered with green grass. The birds are signing. You are enjoying this lovely day. You are very happy.

12/. True or false ( pair work)

1.Koala lives on all trees.

2. .Koala is represented on the emblem of Australia.

3. Echidna is represented on 5 cent coins.

4. Platypus's nose is like a duck-nose.

5. Platypus is represented on 20 cent coins.

6. Kangaroo sleeps for 18 hours.

7. Dingo is a fox.

8. Kangaroo is tailless.

9. Australia is famous for unusual birds, animals, plants, trees, flowers.

10.A kangaroo is a symbol of the country.

13/ Complete the sentences. ( pair work)

Complete the sentences.

_________________eats eucalyptus leaves.

_________________flightless bird, it lives in Australia.

_________________often attack sheep and are dangerous for people.

_________________ sleeps during the day.

_________________Australian kangaroos are the largest.

____________and ___________ are represented on the Australian coat-of-arms.

14/ Find the animals about their describing (аудирование).

They have black nose and large furry ears . They are 60 cm long, tailless, and have thick, soft, grayish fur, little eyes, and five toes on each foot.

It is light-brown, reddish or black, and sometimes they have spots, lop ears and upswept tails.

It has a strong tail and long ears.The back legs are long, forelegs are short.Females have a pouch for carrying their young. The national animal of Australia is …


15/ Crossword (work in groups).









16/. sinquain (individual work)

17/. Итог урока:

What new facts do you know now?

Which animal is the most funny?

Which animal is the most beautiful?

What animal would you like to have as a pet? Why?

18/. Рефлексия.

I think that this lesson was very useful for you. You have learnt a lot about Australian animals. Now you know that this continent is in many ways unusual and amazing. Its unique fauna had developed for thousands and thousands of years and gave us absolutely new life forms.

Now complete the table (я знаю, я узнал, не понял)

19/. Объяснение домашнего задания.

So, your home task will be the following. You should find information about an animal, bird, reptile or insect of Australia and prepare a brief report . The lesson is over. Good-bye.

20/. Выставление оценок по набранным баллам.(комментарии).


There are many animals in Australia that you cannot see anywhere else. Did you know that? Of course, you did! I personally divide Australian animals into three categories: the good, the bad, the ugly. I think, it's reasonable.

Talking of the good animals, we should mention kangaroos in the first place.

There are many different types of kangaroo. The biggest are the great grey kangaroos. They are 213 centimetres tall and can run at 56 kilometres per hour. Some run from you then stop and stare. Though we have put kangaroos in the «Good» category, farmers might disagree.

Wombats and koalas have many similarities and are probably related. Both have pockets inside their mouths to store food and neither has a tail. The number of koalas is getting smaller. This is partly because of fumes from bush fires. Rescue teams help the koalas by catching them, putting them on respirators, then returning them to their original location when they are better. Australia also has a lot of native marsupial mice that live in the desert. Many of these only come out at night.

You know, there are many animals that are «unpopular» in Australia including spiders which are dangerous. You can find these in Sydney. If they are hungry, they will attack anything that moves. They have sharp teeth and poison. Luckily, there is an antidote if you can get to hospital quickly. There have been 12 deaths since 1927.

Another animal with sharp teeth and a fatal bite is the shark. However, there are normally a lot of beach patrols and protective nets to stop these from eating you for breakfast. Other animals that are a problem for beach lovers are jellyfish. They look like bubbles of blue bubble gum and they have a painful sting therefore people do not swim when there are many in the water. Other «unpopular» animals include dingoes. These are a cross between wolves and dogs. They are unpopular because they eat farmers' animals.

Now what about the ugly animals? A word that people often use to describe a cane toad is ugly! Other words include fat, noisy and disgusting. They are also as big as footballs! The Queensland Government brought cane toads to Australia to eat cane beetles. Unfortunately cane toads can't fly but cane beetles can. Now the toads are more of a problem than the beetles. Hundreds of thousands are born every year. The toads eat everything including rare Australian animals. The toads are also ядовитые to eat. Animals that eat them die. Though they are unpopular animals, some people like them and keep them as pets or write songs about them.

There are a number of types of crocodiles found in northern Australia, ranging from the potentially dangerous saltwater crocodiles to smaller, more shy, harmless varieties.

They have got snakes too although fears of the ядовитые types are largely exaggerated. They are generally shy creatures, only too ready to avoid trouble. The taipan and the tiger are worth keeping away from.

That is only a small selection of the creatures of the country. Others include пингвины, черепахи, seals and possums.

In the dry areas, you can see an amazing variety of lizards; some to grow a very hefty size.


1. What animals are popular in Australia?

2. What animals have pockets inside their mouths?

3. How do rescue teams help koalas?

4. What animals are «unpopular» in Australia?

5. What words do people often use to describe a cane toad?

6. Are dingoes in the «Good» category?

7. How many cane toads are born every year?

8. Why do animals that eat cane toads die?

9. What snakes are worth keeping away from?

10. What other animals live in Australia?



ugly - уродливый

wombat - вомбат

kangaroo - кенгуру

to disagree - не соглашаться

similiarity - сходство

pocket - карман fume - дым

rescue team - спасательная команда

marsupial - сумчатое животное

spider - паук

shark - акула

dangerous - опасный

poison - яд

antidote - противоядие

jellyfish - медуза

sting - укус, жало

a cane toad - камышовая жаба

beetle - жук

rare - редкий

harmless - безопасный

to exaggerate - преувеличивать

to avoid trouble - избежать опасности

taipan - тайпан (ядовитая змея)

possum - опоссум

seal - тюлень, морской котик

lizard - ящерица

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Strange animals of Ausralia

Автор: Султанова Дина Бикеевна

Дата: 14.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 457255

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