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Shopping and Advertisеment

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Ученики на уроке обсуждают тему покупок и рекламы.

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«Shopping and Advertisеment»

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме «Реклама»

1.    Актуализация знаний

I. Оргмомент

1. I’m glad to see you here today. You see, our lesson today is a bit unusual – we have guests. I hope you will be attentive, you’ll work hard and do your best.


2. Today we will continue working on our topic which is advertising. Actually, we have been working on this topic for a few weeks and I think we have done a lot. We have talked about adverts, listened to different adverts and have read them, we have practiced using future tenses and articles.

So, we have done a lot, but we still have some things to do.

II. Проверка домашнего задания

1. As you remember, about two weeks ago some of your classmates started making a kind of a project. Their task was to make an advert. Let us look at their adverts now. Be attentive and be ready to answer the following questions:


1)    Did you like the advert? Why? (use opinion adjectives on p. 57)

2)    What is the message of this advert?

3)    Would you like to go to…/buy …?

4)    Did the advert persuade you? What helped our advertisers persuade you? (pictures, music, special words and idioms)


2.    Просмотр рекламы, после каждой отвечают на вопросы со слайда (показывать слайд).

3. So, advertisers always try to persuade us to go somewhere, to buy something, to spend our money on their product. Sometimes they even deceive us and give false information, and we should be very careful if we don’t want to lose our money and spend it on something we don’t need. In short, we should be good consumers.

4. By the way, your home task was to do a questionnaire about being a good consumer. According to this test, how good a consumer are you? Do you agree with this characteristic? Why?

5. Even if you’re not such a good consumer, this questionnaire gives you some advice. What should you do if you don’t want to waste your money (look at the underlined words)?

(you should shop around, shouldn’t throw away the receipt etc.)


You should …

You shouldn’t …  + картинки—символы

6. As you see, we used multi-part verbs in most of these sentences, and if you want to speak good English or to do Russian State Exam in English, you cannot do without them. That’s why I would like us to have more practice with them.  

7. In ex. 1 you had to match the multi-part verbs with their meaning. I want 1 of you to present the results.

2. Постановка проблемы

1. To sum up, this questionnaire is a good thing, it gives us some really useful advice, and we will benefit from following it.

2. We usually try to follow these rules. But imagine when you were doing shopping yesterday you were in a hurry and a bit tired after your long working day. And look at what you’ve bought! (give it to one student) Do you think you’ll wear it? What should you do now? (take it back to the shop)

2. How shall you do it? What shall you say? 

3. Do you think the shop assistant will understand her and she will get her money back? So, today we will learn to deal with such a situation when you take something back to the shop. So, what is the topic of our lesson? (guess — on the screen).               СЛАЙД № 7 Taking it back

3.    Целеполагание

Читайте также:  Литературно-музыкальная гостиная «Шекспир – всегда открытия»

1. What is our objective?

СЛАЙД № 8 To learn how to deal with shopping problems

2. What do we have to do if we want to learn how to deal with situations involving shopping problems? I’ve helped you a bit and provided you with some verbs (беседа, затем слайд)

СЛАЙД № 9      to learn  to listen to act out

СЛАЙД № 10

1) to learn new vocabulary (words describing different defects)

2) to listen to some dialogues about shopping problems

3) to act out situations involving shopping problems

This is our plan, or agenda for today.

3. And what do you think will be the result of our work? (a dialogue)

4. Введение новой лексики

1. As we have already pointed out, we need to know new words to describe what is wrong with our product . (СЛАЙД –defect, flaw)

2. In order to learn new vocabulary, I would like you to read the Key Words from ex. 3 on p. 62.

a) read and translate the key words (you can use your mini-dictionary, dictionary on the mobile or your tablet computer, 1 minute to get ready).

b) What new words have we learnt? (СЛАЙД)


c) do the task (match the products with the possible defects).

d) Now look at the screen and say what defect/flaw the product has got (as a whole class)


3. What kind of defect has your product got? (the pupil with the blouse)

5. Аудирование

1. The next thing on our agenda was to listen to different shopping dialogues. Read the task for ex. 4 p. 63. (listening, checking answers – 1 student)

СЛАЙД № 21


1. b

2. d

3. a

2. The extra situation is c – the customer wanted to see the manager. When does it happen? (they cannot give a refund or exchange the faulty item).

3. And can you tell me why we have listened to this dialogue? (to learn new phrases, to have an example). And now we will work with these new phrases and do ex. 5 on p. 63.

4. Read the task, read through the function file and try to guess some of the missing words.

5. Listen and complete the function file.

6. Look at the screen and check your answers.

7. How many mistakes have you got?

8. By the way, what forms of address did they use? Which of them is more formal/less formal? Don’t forget to use ‘please’ ‘thank you’!  In Russia, we don’t use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ as frequently as they do in Great Britain.

 9. Pronunciation (ex.7).

Listen and repeat the expressions from the dialogues; use the copies. (1 item/situation —2 students)


1. Customer: Excuse me? I’ve got a problem with this shirt.

    Shop assistant: Oh dear. Well, what’s the problem with it?

2. Shop assistant: Have you got a receipt, love?

    Customer: No, I’m afraid I haven’t.

3. Shop assistant: Can I help you, madam?

    Customer: I hope so. I’ve got a bit of a problem.

4. Shop assistant: Well, I’m really sorry, but we can’t refund your money.

    Customer: Well, it’s my fault, I suppose. But thanks anyway.

5. Shop assistant: Right, sir…what exactly’s wrong with it?

    Customer: Well, I bought it last week. The first time I used it, it didn’t work properly.

6. Shop assistant: Have you got the receipt and the box it came in?

    Customer: Yes, I have. Here they are.


6. Говорениедиалогическая речь

1. I believe now we’re ready to do the final thing we were planning to do – to act out a dialogue. You are going to work in groups. Turn round so that you can face your partners. I give you these bags. In them, you can find something you’ve bought in the shop but you’re not happy with it. Think of other facts about the product – when you bought it, the price, what exactly is wrong with it, if you have the receipt/box, if you read the instructions carefully or washed it using a wrong programme.

 2. The groups have to split into pairs. One of you is a shop assistant, the other is a customer. It’s up to you to decide who is who.

3. Act out the situation. Use the copies and the function file in the Students’ Book.

4.  Each group chooses 2 students to present the dialogue to the class.

5. Оценка результата

After each dialogue:

Did you like the dialogue? Why? Did he/she convince the shop assistant?


7. Рефлексия способа достижения

1) As you remember, the objective of our lesson was to learn how to deal with shopping problems


Have we achieved it, have we got the result?

2) What did we do in order to achieve our goal?


3) Which of these things was the most interesting/difficult for you?

4) And if one day you go to an English-speaking country, buy something and then have problems with it, will you be able to take it back to the shop and deal with the situation?

5) Can you use the knowledge we got today while shopping in Russia? What exactly?

6) Are you a better consumer now?



8. Домашнее задание

Sometimes you cannot convince the shop assistant or you bought something in another city or on the Net and you have to write a letter and complain in writing.  


Write a letter of complaint [kəm’pleɪnt].

In your letter:

•      explain what is wrong with the product;

•      suggest the possible solution to the problem.

Write 100-140 words.

On you copies, you have detailed instructions how to write such letters. Please, study them and use them while doing your homework.

9. Выставление оценок



Дополнительное задание:

1)    ознакомиться с этой инструкцией;

2)    LP, p. 50.   


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Shopping and Advertisеment

Автор: Иванушкина Ирина Олеговна

Дата: 09.12.2017

Номер свидетельства: 443151

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