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Theme of  the  lesson: Shakespeare’s  Family. 8”A” form.

Aims of  the  lesson;  To   give new  information  on theme and  to develop abilities in using new Lexis and information in speech.

Language learning objectives:

             • To help students to familiarize themselves with new vocabulary

             • To give students extra fluency in expressing own ideas and opinions

             •To improve  speaking, reading, writing  skills

             •To improve  class, individual, pair, group work skills.

Type of the lesson: Lesson of  using  knowledge and skills

Methods  of the lesson;class, individual, pair, group work,warm-up.

Materials: poster, active- board, picture, videos,  paper, markers, chalk,

I.Procedure  of the  lesson.

 II.Organization moment.

 A) Greeting  pupils.

  b) checking up  the  attendance.

II. Warm-up:“Guess who am I?

  1. I  am the    greatest English  writer and  dramatist,
  2. I was born in 1564 in Stratford - upon – Avon.
  3. My father is a glove-maker.
  4. I went to Grammar school at the age of seven.
  5. I wrote comedies, plays, tragedies and 154 sonnets. Tragedies like “Romeo and Juliet”, “Othello”, “King Lear’ are famous all over the world”.

                            Who am I?

III. Dividing the  class  into  groups.  Romeo   and  Juliet.

IV. Watching  a video. “About  Shakespeare”

V. Individual  Work. Match  Kazakh  words  with  English words.

A glove-  maker        егіздер

The  eldest                   е?  ?лкені

 Twins сахнада  ойнау

To  act, to  play ата?ты. белгілі

Well- known ?ол?ап    тігуші

VI. Work in pairs. . Match  the   pictures  with  English words.

VII. Reading  the   text “Shakespeare’s  Family’’and  to prepare  posters  using  pictures.

William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His father was a glove-maker, and his mother was from a poor noble family. The population of that town was only about 2000. There were six children in the family, and William was the eldest. Very little is known about William’s education. He went to the local Grammar School had a quite a good education. There  he  learned to love reading.   He got married when he was only 18.During these  years his  three  children   were  born: Susannas,  the eldest, then  twins- a son, Hamnet and  another  girl Judith. His eldest son’s name was Hamlet. He worked as an actor at James Burbadge’s company in London.

: In 1599 the Burbadge brothers and Shakespeare bought the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare worked as an actor and a playwright there. So most of his time he spent in London; his wife and children lived in Stratford-on- Avon. He has written many comedies, such as: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Twelfth Night and others. He has also written tragedies now world famous: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth and others. Four  hundred  years later his  plays are acted  -  not  only in England in the  whole   world.

VIII. Pair   work.  Reading  the  dialogue 

William: Anne, my dear! I am going to live in London, want to be an actor and to write plays.

His wife: Playing! Acting! My God! All actors are dirt; Actors drink all day! Actors never go to church. My God  you are mad, Will!

William: Don’t be stupid, Anne! You are mistaken! You  know, It is not true!

His wife: And what about our children? We have 3 small children. I see, you have forgotten about them.

William: Anne, My dear! I shall come home when I can  but now I must go to London. I want to be an actor and to write plays!

His wife: My God! My God!

William: Try to understand me, Anne. Start-ford is too small too slow, too quiet, too boring for me!

Teacher: Thank you! Pay attention to these words on the blackboard. Start-ford was too small, to slow too quit, too boring for Shakespeare, for the great poet of England. Now, let’s make a little tour in Shakespeare’s places. 

   IX.   Conclusion.     Presentation  of Shakespeare’s places  and  Listening  to the  extract “To be or not  to be”

X. Reflection. ‘One  wish, two stars:  XI. Giving  marks.

   XII. Giving  the  homework. Learning  by  heart  the extract  : ‘To be  or not  to be’

XIII,  The   end  of  the   lesson.

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Ешпанова Шара Жеткербайқызы

Қызылорда қаласы, №6 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі.

Theme of the lesson: Shakespeare’s Family. 8”A” form.

Aims of the lesson; To give new information on theme and to develop abilities in using new Lexis and information in speech.

Language learning objectives:

• To help students to familiarize themselves with new vocabulary

• To give students extra fluency in expressing own ideas and opinions

•To improve speaking, reading , writing skills

•To improve class, individual, pair, group work skills.

Type of the lesson: Lesson of using knowledge and skills

Methods of the lesson;class, individual, pair, group work,warm-up.

Materials: poster, active- board, picture , videos, paper, markers, chalk,

I .Procedure of the lesson.

II.Organization moment.

A) Greeting pupils.

b) checking up the attendance.

II. Warm-up:“Guess who am I?

  1. I am the greatest English writer and dramatist,

  2. I was born in 1564 in Stratford - upon – Avon.

  3. My father is a glove-maker.

  4. I went to Grammar school at the age of seven.

  5. I wrote comedies, plays, tragedies and 154 sonnets. Tragedies like “Romeo and Juliet”, “Othello”, “King Lear’ are famous all over the world”.

Who am I?

III. Dividing the class into groups. Romeo and Juliet.

IV. Watching a video. “About Shakespeare”

V. Individual Work. Match Kazakh words with English words.

A glove- maker егіздер

The eldest ең үлкені

Twins сахнада ойнау

To act, to play атақты. белгілі

Well- known қолғап тігуші

VI. Work in pairs. . Match the pictures with English words.

VII. Reading the text “Shakespeare’s Family’’and to prepare posters using pictures.

William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His father was a glove-maker, and his mother was from a poor noble family. The population of that town was only about 2000. There were six children in the family, and William was the eldest. Very little is known about William’s education. He went to the local Grammar School had a quite a good education. There he learned to love reading. He got married when he was only 18.During these years his three children were born: Susannas, the eldest, then twins- a son, Hamnet and another girl Judith. His eldest son’s name was Hamlet. He worked as an actor at James Burbadge’s company in London.

: In 1599 the Burbadge brothers and Shakespeare bought the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare worked as an actor and a playwright there. So most of his time he spent in London; his wife and children lived in Stratford-on- Avon. He has written many comedies, such as: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Twelfth Night and others. He has also written tragedies now world famous: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth and others. Four hundred years later his plays are acted - not only in England in the whole world.

VIII. Pair work. Reading the dialogue

William: Anne, my dear! I am going to live in London, want to be an actor and to write plays.

His wife: Playing! Acting! My God! All actors are dirt; Actors drink all day! Actors never go to church. My God you are mad, Will!

William: Don’t be stupid, Anne! You are mistaken! You know, It is not true!

His wife: And what about our children? We have 3 small children. I see, you have forgotten about them.

William: Anne, My dear! I shall come home when I can but now I must go to London. I want to be an actor and to write plays!

His wife: My God! My God!

William: Try to understand me, Anne. Start-ford is too small too slow, too quiet, too boring for me!

Teacher: Thank you! Pay attention to these words on the blackboard. Start-ford was too small, to slow too quit, too boring for Shakespeare, for the great poet of England. Now, let’s make a little tour in Shakespeare’s places.

IX. Conclusion. Presentation of Shakespeare’s places and Listening to the extract “To be or not to be”

X. Reflection. ‘One wish, two stars: XI. Giving marks.

XII. Giving the homework. Learning by heart the extract : ‘To be or not to be’

XIII, The end of the lesson.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс


Автор: Ешпанова Шара Жеткербай?ызы

Дата: 10.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 291276

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