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Scool canteen

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Саба?ты? та?ырыбы:

         School canteen               


7-сынып о?улы?ы, интернет материалдары, слайдтар

Жалпы ма?саттар

Шет тілінде о?у, жазу, с?йлеу, ты?дап т?сіну да?дыларын ?алыптастыру.

О?ыту н?тижесі

. Жа?а с?здермен танысады, с?здік ?оры молаяды.


I.?й тапсырмасын с?рау

II.Жа?а с?здер

III. ?орытынды

                               Саба? барысы


                           М??алімні? іс-?рекеті

2 минут

2 минут

4 минут

5 минут


3 минут

2 минут

2 минут

I.Organization moment. ?йымдастыру кезе?і

Good afternoon, children. How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today?

-О?ушыларды ?ле? жолдарыны? ?иындылары ар?ылы топ?а б?лу.

-О?ушыларды б?гінгі саба?ты? та?ырыбымен ж?не ма?сатымен таныстыру.

Ба?алау критерийлерімен таныстыру:

1. Жа?а с?здерге с?йлемдерді д?рыс ??растыра білуі.

2. М?тінді  д?рыс,на?ты д?лелдермен  талдау.

3. С?ра?тарды  на?ты  ?оюда?ы  топты? ж?мыс?а араласуы.

4.Диалог ??растыруда?ы с?здік ?орларыны? к?п болуы

II.Checking the home task. ?й тапсырмасын тексеру

Let’s check up your home task. What was your home task? Are you ready with your homework?

III. Explaining the new theme. Жа?а саба?ты т?сіндіру

The theme of our new lesson is “ School canteen   Before begin the lesson lets memorize new words. First, you will repeat after me.

Жа?а с?здерге с?йлем ??растыру

Read the rule

A passive verb is a form of Be –a passive participle e,g, is bought,are  cleaned,was worn, were written

We form negative and question in the same way as in active sentences

Milk is not bought by me

Where is the bread baked?

The room has not been cleaned yet

Was the book written by you?

Ex1 Answer the questions

Do you have  Classes in the morning of in the afternoon?

Where do you have your lunch?

Do you take your snack with you?

Do you have a canteen at school?

Ex2 Read the text.

              School canteen

In British schools there are lessons in the morning and in the afternoon. Many  children eat lunch at school.the food is very healthy there.There  is salad and there are vegetables,there are not any chips or crisps and there is not any ice-cream or chocolate.Some children in Britain \schools do not choose a vegetable meal

Ex 3 What is therer in the canteen?

There is (are)

There is not ( are not)

Ex 5 Fill in the gaps

1.We believe that human life…by this tablet

2.Further tests …. Soon

3.The tablet….Biotab

4.But it ….by the public yet

5.In future the tablet…. by everyone

Ex 10 fill in the blanks in this conversation with a, an, the,or (no article)

1.Would you like………apple

2.Oh, yes please.I love ….apples

3.Well,there is….big one and…small one.

4. Oh,I,ll have …. … small mone please

5. Won,t you have….big one?

6.No thanks.Mmm. What…delicious apple.

7.I quess I,ll have ….big one myself

Ex 11. Put a, an, the.

1.we have …cat and…dog….dog never bites.cat.

2.I saw….film last night……fdilm was about….beautiful girl…….girl was very brave.

3.My Dad has…. Car.   ……car is white

4.I had….sandwich and ….apple for lunch/  …….sandwich was not very nice

4.Топты? ж?мыс, флипчарт ?ор?ау.

V. Warm up. Сергіту с?ті.

a)О?ушыларды билету

Ex 12 Match the sentences

Ex 13 Write sentences from the notes.Some sentences are active and some are passive

1.A German called Karl benz/start/commercial production/ cars/by/

2.People /see/Benz/as/the fathe/of/motor/car/

3.Etienne Lenoir/make/the/first/motor/car/by/

4.but/Lenoir/not/produce/many/ cars/ for sale/

VI. Conclusion. ?орытынды

Let’s conclude our lesson.

VII. Marking. Ба?алау

VIII. Giving the homework. ?й тапсырмасын беру

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«Scool canteen »



Сабақтың тақырыбы:

School canteen


7-сынып оқулығы, интернет материалдары, слайдтар

Жалпы мақсаттар

Шет тілінде оқу, жазу, сөйлеу, тыңдап түсіну дағдыларын қалыптастыру.

Оқыту нәтижесі

. Жаңа сөздермен танысады, сөздік қоры молаяды.


I.Үй тапсырмасын сұрау

II.Жаңа сөздер

III. Қорытынды

Сабақ барысы


Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті

2 минут

2 минут

4 минут

5 минут


3 минут

2 минут

2 минут

I.Organization moment. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

Good afternoon, children. How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today?

-Оқушыларды өлең жолдарының қиындылары арқылы топқа бөлу.

-Оқушыларды бүгінгі сабақтың тақырыбымен және мақсатымен таныстыру.

Бағалау критерийлерімен таныстыру:

1 . Жаңа сөздерге сөйлемдерді дұрыс құрастыра білуі.

2 . Мәтінді дұрыс ,нақты дәлелдермен талдау.

3 . Сұрақтарды нақты қоюдағы топтық жұмысқа араласуы .

4.Диалог құрастырудағы сөздік қорларының көп болуы

II.Checking the home task. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру

Let’s check up your home task. What was your home task? Are you ready with your homework?

III. Explaining the new theme. Жаңа сабақты түсіндіру

The theme of our new lesson is “ School canteen Before begin the lesson lets memorize new words. First, you will repeat after me.

Жаңа сөздерге сөйлем құрастыру

Read the rule

A passive verb is a form of Be –a passive participle e,g, is bought,are cleaned,was worn, were written

We form negative and question in the same way as in active sentences

Milk is not bought by me

Where is the bread baked?

The room has not been cleaned yet

Was the book written by you?

Ex1 Answer the questions

Do you have Classes in the morning of in the afternoon?

Where do you have your lunch?

Do you take your snack with you?

Do you have a canteen at school?

Ex2 Read the text.

School canteen

In British schools there are lessons in the morning and in the afternoon. Many children eat lunch at school.the food is very healthy there.There is salad and there are vegetables,there are not any chips or crisps and there is not any ice-cream or chocolate.Some children in Britain \schools do not choose a vegetable meal

Ex 3 What is therer in the canteen?

There is (are)

There is not ( are not)

Ex 5 Fill in the gaps

1.We believe that human life…by this tablet

2.Further tests …. Soon

3.The tablet…..Biotab

4.But it ….by the public yet

5.In future the tablet….. by everyone

Ex 10 fill in the blanks in this conversation with a, an, the,or (no article)

1.Would you like………apple

2.Oh, yes please.I love ….apples

3.Well ,there is….big one and…small one.

4. Oh,I,ll have …. … small mone please

5. Won,t you have….big one?

6.No thanks.Mmm. What…delicious apple.

7.I quess I ,ll have ….big one myself

Ex 11. Put a, an, the.

1.we have …cat and…dog…..dog never bites..cat.

2.I saw….film last night……fdilm was about….beautiful girl…….girl was very brave.

3.My Dad has…. Car. ……car is white

4.I had….sandwich and ….apple for lunch/ ……..sandwich was not very nice

4.Топтық жұмыс, флипчарт қорғау.

V. Warm up. Сергіту сәті.

a)Оқушыларды билету

Ex 12 Match the sentences

Ex 13 Write sentences from the notes.Some sentences are active and some are passive

1.A German called Karl benz/start/commercial production/ cars/by/

2.People /see/Benz/as/the fathe/of/motor/car/

3.Etienne Lenoir/make/the/first/motor/car/by/

4.but/Lenoir/not/produce/many/ cars/ for sale/

VI. Conclusion. Қорытынды

Let’s conclude our lesson.

VII. Marking. Бағалау

VIII. Giving the homework. Үй тапсырмасын беру

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Scool canteen

Автор: Хайрлиева Арайг?л Серік?ызы

Дата: 03.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 207765

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