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Сборник заданий по теме "История медицины" (англ. язык)

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Сборник  заданий предназначен для самстоятельной работы студентов медицинского колледжа по дисциплине "Английский язык" и содержит познавательные тексты медицинской направленности, которые сопровождаются лексико-грамматическими заданиями, позволяющими студентам пополнить свой словарный запас новой английской лексикой из области медицины и повторить основные грамматические явления английского языка.  

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«Сборник заданий по теме "История медицины" (англ. язык) »




Сборник заданий

для самостоятельной работы обучающихся по дисциплине

Иностранный язык (английский)

Часть 1: «История медицины»

Разработчик: преподаватель английского языка Суркина О.В.

Самара, 2015 г.

Сборник заданий для самостоятельной работы по теме «История медицины», предназначен для организации аудиторной и внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы студентов, разработан в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом по специальностям среднего профессионального образования: 33.02.01 Фармация, 34.02.01 Сестринское дело, 31.02.02 Акушерское дело, 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика, 31.02.05 Стоматология ортопедическая.

Сборник предназначен для самостоятельной работы студентов младших курсов медицинских колледжей и содержит тексты об истории и развитии медицины, выдающихся ученых и медиках, лексико-грамматические упражнения к текстам и задания на развитие разговорных навыков и навыков аудирования. Сборник снабжен тестовыми заданиями для самоконтроля, помогающими обучающимся оценить свой прогресс.

О. В. Суркина

Пояснительная записка

Данный сборник является частью рабочих программ учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский)» для специальностей: Фармация, Сестринское дело, Акушерское дело, Лабораторная диагностика, Стоматология ортопедическая, Лечебное дело, составленных в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС третьего поколения.

Сборник предназначен для самостоятельной работы студентов младших курсов медицинских колледжей и содержит тексты об истории и развитии медицины, выдающихся ученых и медиках, лексико-грамматические упражнения к текстам и задания на развитие разговорных навыков и навыков аудирования.

Содержание сборника ориентировано на студентов, уже владеющих базовыми знаниями английского языка на уровне 10-11 классов общеобразовательной школы, достаточными для дальнейшего совершенствования языковых навыков в профессионально-ориентированной медицинской сфере. Базовые знания и умения, сформированные при изучении иностранного языка в школе проходят через весь курс данной дисциплины в колледже и применяются при изучении последующих тем, входящих в рабочую программу дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский)». Данный сборник заданий помогает обучающимся углублять свои знания, развивать умения и использовать их для расширения своего кругозора и развития общих компетенций, таких как:

ОК1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.

ОК2. Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.

ОК4. Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.

ОК5. Использовать информационно-коммуникативные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.

Цель пособия:

  • развитие у студентов навыков и умений чтения, перевода со словарем иностранных текстов медицинской направленности, составления монологических высказываний на заданные темы,

  • пополнение лексического запаса учащихся словами из области медицины и смежных областей,

  • повторение и закрепление уже знакомых учащимся грамматических явлений английского языка,

  • развитие умения самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.

Рекомендации по работе со сборником заданий для студентов.

Уважаемые студенты!

Данный сборник заданий состоит из двух частей. Первая часть включает общепознавательные тексты по истории и развитию медицины, начиная с древних времен и до настоящего времени. Вторая часть сборника содержит тексты о биографии выдающихся ученых и медиков и рассказы об истории совершения важных открытий в области медицины.

1. Прежде чем приступить к чтению каждого текста рекомендуем вам обратить внимание на слова, выделенные в рамке перед текстом. Перевод этих слов вы можете найти в словаре, приведенном в конце данного пособия. Эти слова составляют тот лексический миниммум, который вам необходимо будет знать после прохождения всего учебного курса данного учебного пособия.

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст с помощью англо-русского словаря.

3. Выполните задания после текста. Лексико-грамматические задания в пособии построены по принципу от простого к сложному. Тексты в первой части пособия сопровождаются упражнениями тестового характера (например, вставить недостающее слово в предложение, соединить слова с их определением), вторая часть уже включает задания на развитие разговорных навыков (например, составить рассказ, пользуясь заполненной таблицей).

4. Для успешного усвоения материала все задания должны выполняться в той последовательности, в которой они приведены в данном сборнике.

5. По итогам работы с каждой частью данного пособия вам нужно выполнить тестовые задания для контроля усвоения вами пройденного материала.

6. После прочтения всех текстов и выполнения всех заданий, представленных в этом сборнике, вы сможете написать итоговый тест, включающий задания по всему пройденному вами материалу.

Надеемся, что данный сборник заданий поможет вам не только усовершенствовать ваше знание английского языка, но и расширить ваш кругозор. Вы узнаете много новых и интересных фактов, непосредственно касающихся вашей будущей профессии. Желаем успехов!

Part 1 History of medicine.

I Read and translate the text.

Words for learning

healthy, ill, illness, broken bone, plant, taste, test, safe, discover, fever, medicine, sore skin

Early Medicine.

Early people were nomads – they didn't live in one place and traveled around to look for food. Early people were healthy, because they lived outdoors most of the time and they walked and ran a lot. They hunted animals and ate meat and plants when they were still fresh. Early nomads used mud to heal broken bones. If they broke an arm or a leg, they put wet mud on it. Then the mud became dry and hard, and it stopped the arm or leg moving so that the bone inside could heal.

Early people believed that they got ill because evil spirits were inside them. Many people had amulets – things that can bring luck. They hoped that their amulets could stop them being ill. People cared for each other when they were ill. A shaman was a man or woman who sang songs, danced, and did magic spells to make people well. Many people believed that these magic spells worked. Nowadays some people also visit shamans because they believe that a shaman can help them.

When early people tasted plants to test which ones were safe to eat, they sometimes discovered plants that cured illness and fever. These plants were the first medicines. One of the oldest books about medicines made from plants was written in China more than four thousand years ago. Most early medicines were made from parts of plants such as flowers. People ate the plant parts or they made them into drinks. Sometimes they made the plant parts into lotions to put on their body. Nowadays many people also use medicines made from plants. For example, we use lotions made from aloe vera plants to make sore skin feel better.

II Answer the questions.

  1. Why were early people healthy?

  2. What did they eat?

  3. How did early people heal broken bones?

  4. Who was a shaman?

  5. How did early people discover plants that cured illness and fever?

  6. When was the first book about medicines made from plants written?

  7. What are the lotions made from aloe vera plants used for?

Vocabulary Exercises

I Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and phrases.

кочевники, здоровые люди, свежий, растения, накладывать влажную грязь, сломанные кости, заживать, злые духи, приносящий удачу, больной, совершать магические обряды, пробовать (на вкус), проверять, безопасный, обнаруживать, болезнь, лихорадка, лекарство, лосьон, раздраженная кожа.

II Match the words with their definitions.

1. shaman a. people who do not live in one place

2. discover b. a man or a woman doing magic spells

3. nomads c. things that can bring luck to people

4. amulets d. to find something new

III Complete the sentences.

  1. If early people broke an arm or a leg, they put wet …. on it.

  2. Most early medicines were made from parts of …. .

  3. Early people believed that they got ill because …. were inside them.

  4. People …. plants to test which ones were …. to eat.

  5. A shaman sang songs, danced, and did …. to make people well.

  6. People use …. made from aloe vera plants to make …. skin feel better.

Grammar Exercises

To be - быть

Present (настоящее)

Past (прошедшее)

Future (будущее)

I am

I was

I shall be

You are

You were

You will be

He/ she/ it is

He, she, it was

He, she, it will be

We are

We were

We shall be

They are

They were

They will be

I Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be:

  1. Early people …. nomads. They …. healthy people.

  2. Hippocrates … the most famous of all the Greek doctors.

  3. Amulets ... things that people think are lucky.

  4. Lotion from aloe vera plant … a cream that people use to make sore skin feel better.

  5. My brother … a doctor when he graduates from the university next year.

  6. She … at home last night.

  7. This medicine … safe and effective.

  8. My friend … ill last week, but now he feels better.

  9. This amulet … lucky.

  10. Nowadays there … many medicines made from plants.

Present Simple Tense – Простое настоящее время

I use

I do not use

Do I use?

You use

You do not use

Do you use?

He/she/it uses

He/she/it does not use

Does he/she/it use?

We use

We do not use

Do we use?

They use

They do not use

Do they use?

II Ask two questions to every sentence.

  1. Many people believe that amulets can bring luck.

  2. Nowadays some people visit shamans.

  3. I use this lotion to make my skin feel better.

  4. This medicine is made from plants.

  5. I always take this medicine to cure fever.

I Read and translate the text.

Words for learning

ancient, bandage, wound, cure, patient, honey, heal, prevent, rest, giant, waste

Medicine in ancient times.

Ancient Egiptians. We know about medicine in Ancient Egypt because Ancient Egiptians wrote about their world. They cut words into walls and wrote on a type of paper. We know that Ancient Egyptians used magic spells to cure people, but they also had the first doctors. These doctors made medicines from plants, and they were good at putting bandages on wounds. They also used honey to help wounds to heal. This was a good idea. Even today, doctors put honey on wounds because it helps wounds to heal quickly.

Ancient Greeks. About 2 500 years ago in Ancient Greece many people believed that evil spirits or angry gods made them ill. Hippocrates was a Greek doctor and a teacher. He is the most famous of all the Greek doctors. And he is often called “the father of medicine”. Hippocrates believed that people bacame ill because there was something wrong with there body. He told doctors to watch patients and to think about their illnesses. Doctors wrote down what they learnt. They made medicines from plants and they wrote about which medicines worked. Soon doctors started to understand different illnesses. To prevent illness they told people to eat good food, to rest often and to do exercise.

Ancient Romans. Ancient Roman doctors learnt that being dirty and drinking dirty water could make people ill. To prevent illness Ancient Romans built baths and toilets for lots of people to use. At the baths there were big pools like swimming pools. Every day Romans went to the baths to wash and to meet friends. In some places Romans built giant bridges called aqueducts that brought water to cities from the high hills. This gave people clean water that they could drink and use. Romans also built pipes to take waste away from the cities to keep the cities clean.

II Answer the questions.

  1. How do we know about medicine in Ancient Egypt?

  2. What did Ancient Egyptians use to help wounds to heal?

  3. Who believed that people got ill because there was something wrong with their body?

  4. What did doctors in Ancient Greece tell people to do to prevent illness?

  5. Why did Ancient Romans build baths and toilets for lots of people to use?

  6. What is an aqueduct?

Vocabulary Exercises

I Find English equivalents for the following words and phrases.

древние египтяне, высекать слова на стенах, вылечить, накладывать повязку на рану, мед, быстро зажить, древние греки, Гиппократ, пациент, предотвратить болезнь, часто отдыхать, древние римляне, бани, огромные мосты, акведук, трубы, мусор.

III Complete the sentences.

  1. Ancient …. doctors learnt that being dirty could make people ill.

  2. Ancient Egyptian doctors were good at putting …. on wounds.

  3. Every day Romans went to the …. to wash and to meet friends.

  4. Romans built pipes to take …. away from the cities to keep the cities clean.

  5. Giant bridges called …. brought water to the cities from high hills.

  6. …. was the most famous of all the Greek doctors.

  7. Hippocrates is called the …. of medicine.

  8. To …. illness doctors told people to eat good food, to rest often and to do exercise.

IV Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

  1. Ancient Egyptians cut words into walls and wrote ... a type ... paper.

  2. Doctors made medicines ... plants, and they were good ... putting bandages ... wounds.

  3. Even today, doctors put honey ... wounds because it helps wounds to heal quickly.

  4. ... Ancient Greece many people believed that evil spirits or angry gods made them ill.

  5. Ancient Greek doctors made medicines made ... plants and they wrote about which medicines worked.

  6. Romans built giant bridges called aqueducts that brought water to cities … the high hills.

Grammar Exercises

I Pay attention to the sentence from the text. Обратите внимание на предложение из текста:

Romans also built pipes to take waste away from the cities to keep the cities clean. Римляне

также проводили трубы, чтобы удалить мусор из городов и поддерживать чистоту в городах.

We use the infinitive to say the reason for doing something.

Find other examples of this use of the infinitive in the text. Write them out and translate.

Past Simple Tense — Простое прошедшее время

The doctors made medicines

Did the doctors make medicines?

What did the doctors make?

I made

You made

he, she, it made

we made

you made

they made






What for

Did I make?

Did you make?

Did he/she/it make?

Did we make?

Did you make?

Did they make?



II Ask special questions to the sentences.

  1. Ancient Egyptians used magic spells to cure people. (What.../Who...)

  2. Ancient Romans built baths and toilets for lots of people. (Who.../ What...)

  3. Hippocrates was a Greek doctor and a teacher. (Who...)

  4. In Ancient Egypt people cut words into walls. (Where...)

  5. Being dirty and drinking dirty water made people ill. (What …)

  6. Romans went to the baths to wash and to meet friends. (Why...)

III Make up sentences from the given words.

  1. used/to make/plants/Ancient doctors/medicines.

  2. thought/Ancient Romans/drinking/ill./dirty water/that/made people/

  3. Doctors/were/putting bandages/in Egypt/on wounds./good at/on wounds

  4. Every day/ went/ to wash/ Romans/ and/ to meet friends./ to the baths

  5. used /Early/mud/ to heal/people/ broken/ bones.

  6. safe to eat./Early people/ plants/ which ones /tasted /were / to test

I Read and translate the text.

Words for learning

diagnose, treat, feel, needle, acupuncture points, backache, toothache, headache

Doctors and ideas

We usually go to a doctor when we feel bad and we want to know what is wrong with us. We expect that doctors should know about our disease and how to cure it. At different times doctors had different ideas about how to diagnose and treat people.

Ayurvedic medicine started in India about 3 000 years ago. Ayurvedic doctos ask a patient about their life – how they live, what they eat and how they feel. To make people well and to prevent illness, Ayurvedic doctors tell people what foods to eat and what exercise to do. They also give people medicines made from plants, and they show them how to do yoga. Today many people around the world use Ayurvedic medicine.

Acupuncture is a type of medicine that people have used for thousands of years in China, Japan and Korea. Today, people use acupuncture in many places around the world. Acupuncture doctors put thin needles into a patients body at special places called acupuncture points. The needles stay in the body for up to 30 minutes, then the doctor takes them out. No one really knows how acupuncture works, but people often use it to treat backache, toothache and headaches and to stop people feeling ill.

Vocabulary Exercises

I Find the words and phrases in the text.

ставить диагноз, лечить, аюрведическая медицина, чувствовть, учить заниматься йогой, лекарства растительного происхождения, Китай, Япония, тонкие иглы, акупунктурные точки, оставаться в теле, боль в спине, зубная боль, головная боль.

II Put the words in order to make sentences.

  1. Ayurvedic/India./in/started/medicine/started

  2. ask/doctors/about/their/life./patients/Ayurvedic

  3. The doctor/needles/into/a patients body./puts

  4. acupuncture/often/People/use/headache./to treat

Grammar Exercises

What grammar tense is used in the sentence?

В каком грамматическом времени построено следующее предложение?

Acupuncture is a type of medicine that people have used for thousands of years in China, Japan and Korea.

Время Present Perfect используется для описания действия, которое началось с какого-то момента в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего времени. Часто в таких предложениях используются обстоятельства и предлоги времени

for, since, yet, already, just, ever, never

I have used

he has used

she has used

it has used

we have used

you have used

they have used

I have not used

he has not used

she has not used

it has not used

we have not used

you have not used

they have not used

Have I used?

Has he used?

Has she used?

Has it used?

Have we used?

Have you used?

Have they used?

I Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Use the Present Perfect Tense.

  1. We have already (to learn) a lot of English words.

  2. How long you (to know) this doctor?

  3. I never (to travel) abroad.

  4. Julia speaks English so well because she (to live) in London for a year.

  5. I just (to meet) your friend in the street.

  6. He is a very good doctor. He (cure) me completely.

  7. My headache alreay (go).

  8. I never (use) acupuncture.

  9. You ever (taste) this cake?

  10. My wound already (heal).

I Read and translate the text.

Words for learning

influenza, plague, fight, infected, incurable, care for, nurs, ward, surgeon, badly wounded

Medicine in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages millions of people died from such diseases as diphtheria, typhoid, fever, influenza and leprosy. But the worst disease at that time was the plague. Plague (the “Black death”) killed millions of people in Europe and Asia. Nobody knew how to fight with the disease and people just ran away from the infected areas. Leprosy was also incurable. Patients with leprosy lived in special colonies away from other people.

The first hospitals appeared in Ceylon in the fifth century b. c. and in India in 260 b. c. During the Middle Ages hospitals were founded in Italy, France, England and other European countries. Monks and nuns cared for patients in hospitals. They were not doctors or nurses and they did not cure patients. They just gave patients food and a bed and said prayers with them. Monks and nuns cared for many patients who had the plague because the patients had to stay in hospital until they died.

At the same time in the Middle East there were many hospitals. Many doctors and nurses cared for patients there. These doctors also made medicines for patients. They treated everyone who came to them and they taught new doctors and nurses about diseases. There were different wards for different diseases in these hospitals. There were also pools and fountains because doctors thought that the sound of moving water helped patients to rest.

Barbers were the first surgeons. People could go to barber shops where the barbers cut hair. They could also pull out sore teeth. Later barbers started to treat wounds from fights and cut off arms or legs which were badly wounded.

Vocabulary Exercises

I Find the following words and phrases in the text.

Дифтерия, брюшной тиф, лихорадка, грипп, чума, бороться с заболеванием, зараженные территории, неизлечимый, монах, монахиня, заботиться, пациент, медсестра, читать молитвы, изготовлять лекарства, палата, отдыхать, цирюльник, хирург, выдернуть больной зуб, тяжело раненый

II Fill in the blanks.

The worst …. in the Middle Ages was the plague. Nobody knew how to …. with the disease. Monks and …. did not cure patients, they just gave patients food and a bed. Doctors in the Middle Ages made …. from plants. Acupuncture doctors put thin …. into a patients body at special places called …. points.

I Read and translate the text.

Words for learning

inject, blood, develop, invent, pain, surgery, discover, x-rays, vaccine, smallpox

Scientific developments of the 18th - 20th centuries.

During the 18th century doctors discovered cures for many dangerous diseases such as smallpox (оспа). In 1796 a British doctor Edward Jenner developed a method of “vaccination”. He made smallpox vaccines from cowpox – a disease that cows had. His vaccine stopped thousands of people dying from smallpox. The vaccine is a weak type of a virus or bacteria. When a vaccine is injected to a patient his body starts to make antibodies (substances in the blood that can kill viruses and bacteria). In future the patient who has been vaccinated will not get this disease again because the antibodies in his body will kill viruses or bacteria if they get inside the body.

Later in the 19th century a French chemist Louis Pasteur developed Edward Jenners invention and made a vaccine for hydrophobia. Louis Pasteur is also known as the founder of modern microbiology. He discovered that infection was caused by germs that were spread through the air. He proved that germs could be killed in liquids by heat and developed the process of pasteurisation.

About one thousand years ago doctors in the Middle East started to make anesthetics (drugs which help patients not to feel pain). The first anesthetics were made from plants. Doctors made some plants into medicines for patients to put into their mouth. Later new anesthetics were invented. One of them was cocain which was discovered in the 19th century. Cocain was very effective as a local anesthetic.Surgeons could inject cocain into a certain part of the body and stop the patient feeling pain during the surgery. When the problem of pain was solved surgeons could perform long and complicated operations.

In 1895 Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays. He placed his hand in front of the apparatus and saw that the rays passed through the hand and cast a shadow of bones on the screen. These rays were unknown to him and he called them X-rays.

During the first part of the 20th century a lot of important advances were made. In 1922 Frederik Banting discovered that insulin was very effective against diabetes. In 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. It was used in hospitals to reduce infections in wounds during the Second World War. After penicillin a series of other anti-infectious drugs were discovered. All these drugs are known as antibiotics.

Vocabulary Exercises

I Find the following words and phrases in the text.

Оспа, вакцинация, коровья оспа, ввести вакцину, кровь, развивать, изобретение, вакцина от бешенства, анастезия, лекарство, чувствовать боль, хирургическая операция, открывать (обнаруживать), жидкость, местное обезболивающее, хирург, длинные и сложные операции, рентгеновские лучи, диабет

II Complete the table.





in 1796

method of “vaccination”

Louis Pasteur


vaccine for hydrophobia





in 1922


Alexander Fleming



II Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

doctors ... the Middle East made anesthetics

during the first part ... the20th century many important discoveries were made

penicillin was used ... hospitals to reduce infections in wounds

... 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin

Edward Jenner developed a method ... “vaccination”

millions of people died ... leprosy in the Middle Ages

the worst disease ... that time was the plague.

Grammar Exercises

Pay attention to the following sentences. Which of them are in the Active Voice and which are in the Passive Voice?

New anesthetics were made from plants.

Doctors made some plants into medicines for patients to put into their mouth.

Edward Jenner developed a method of “vaccination”.

The method of “vaccination” was developed by Edward Jenner.

Active Voice

Passive Voice


Doctors make medicines

He develops

Medicines are made

The method was developed


Doctors made medicines

He developed

Medicines were made

The method was developed


Doctors will make

He will develop

Medicines will be made

The method will be developed

I Put the verbs in brakets into correct form.

  1. This new method (invent) by our teacher.

  2. This vaccine (save) thousands of patients from the infection every year.

  3. This drug is safe because it (make) of plants.

  4. Doctors (use) this anesthetic during long and complicated operations.

  5. In the 19th century cocain (use) as a local anesthetic.

  6. X-rays (discover) by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895.

  7. Alexander Fleming (discover) penicillin.

  8. Louis Pasteur (found) modern microbiology.

II Translate into English.

  1. Сегодня врачи могут лечить многие опасные заболевания.

  2. Пациенту ввели вакцину от оспы.

  3. Во время операции хирурги всегда применяют анастезию.

  4. Вакцина от бешенства была изобретена Луи Пастером.

  5. Луи Пастер — основатель современной микробиологии.

  6. Диабет — очень серьезное заболевание.

  7. Много важных открытий было сделано в 20 веке.

  8. Пенициллин используется для уменьшения инфекции в ранах.

Read and translate the text.

Words for learning

antibiotic, cause, dangerous, tissue, pure, investigation, scientist, recover, save

The discovery of penicillin.

Penicillin was the world's first antibiotic. Antibiotics are drugs that can cure illnesses caused by bacteria, Before penicillin people could die from a small wound in their skin if bacteria made the wound become infected. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. This is how it happened.

One day Fleming's assistant brought him a plate on which a colony of dangerous bacteria were being grown. “This plate can not be used for the experiment” said the assistant. “Some mould (плесень) has formed on it and I'll have to take another plate”. Fleming was ready to allow his assistant to do so. Then he looked at the plate and saw that the bacteria around the mould had disappeared. Fleming understood the importance of what had happened and immediately began to study the phenomenon. He placed some mould on other plates and grew more colonies. After numerous experiments on animals he found out that this new substance was not toxic to the tissues and stopped the growth of the most common pathogenic bacteria. Fleming called this substance penicillin. It was of the same family of moulds that often appear on dry bread.

But a method of extracting pure penicillin was found only after many investigations. Two other scientists, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain, tested penicillin to find out if it was safe to use. They also made penicillin that they could inject. In 1942 Fleming carried out his own first experiment. His friend was nearly dying from an infectious disease. After several injections of penicillin the man recovered completely.

A. Fleming received the Nobel Prize for his great discovery. But he said: “Everywhere I go people thank me for saving their lives. I do not know why they do it. I didn't do anything. Nature makes penicillin. I only found it.”

Vocabulary Exercises

I Find the following words and phrases in the text.

Пенициллин, антибиотик, вызванный бактериями, инфицировать рану, происходить, колония опасных бактерий, плесень, исчезать, важность, изучать явление (феномен), токсичный, ткань, чистый пенициллин, патогенный, исследование, ученый, делать инъекцию, проводить эксперимент, полностью выздороветь, получить Нобелевскую премию, спасти жизнь.

II Translate into English.

  1. Пенициллин спас жизни многих людей во время войны.

  2. Эта болезнь вызвана опасными бактериями.

  3. Этот ученый получил Нобелевскую премию за свое важное открытие.

  4. Исследование показало, что это лекарство не токсично.

  5. Чтобы спасти пациента, врач сделал ему инъекцию пенициллина.

III Fill in the blanks with pronouns.

  1. One day Fleming's assistant brought …. a plate on which a colony of dangerous bacteria were grown.

  2. In 1942 Fleming carried out …. own first experiment.

  3. A. Fleming received the Nobel Prize for …. great discovery.

  4. “Everywhere I go people thank …. for saving …. lives. I don't know why …. do it.”

  5. “This plate can not be used for the experiment. Some mould has formed on it.”

Grammar Exercises

Sequence of tenses. Согласование времен.

Одновременное действие

Предшествующее действие

Direct speech

Прямая речь

“This plate can not be used for the experiment” said the assistant.

The assistant said: “Some mould has formed on the plate”.

He said: “Everywhere I go people thank me.”

Fleming said: “I didn't do anything. I only found penicillin.”

Indirect speech

Косвенная речь

The assistant said, that the plate could not be used for the experiment.

The assistant said, that some mould had formed on the plate.

He said, that everywhere he went people thanked him.”

Fleming said, that he had not done anything, he only had found penicillin.”

Direct speech

Indirect speech

She said:

“I am tired”. (Present Simple)

She said, that ...

she was tired. (Past Simple)

“I am learning English”

(Present Continuous)

she was learning English.

(Past Continuous)

“I was in France” (Past Simple)

“she had been in France”

(Past Perfect)

“I have just come back”

(Present Perfect)

“she had just come back”

(Past Perfect)

“I will be at home soon.”

(Future Simple)

“she would be at home soon.” (Future in the Past)

Write what Mary, Steve, Linda and Ann say using sentences in reported speech.

  1. Mary: “I'm very busy and I can't go to the party.”

  2. Steve: “I have lost my watch and don't know the time.”

  3. Ann: “I don't feel well .”

  4. Linda: “I'm not hungry, I will not have supper with you.”

Choose the correct form of the verb.

  1. I knew, that they (waited/were waiting/are waiting) for me at the University and decided to hurry.

  2. She asked me, who (has written/wrote/had written) that book.

  3. I asked the doctor, what (is/has been/was) wrong with me.

  4. I didn't know, why she (looked/was looking/looks) so tired.

  5. He said, that his friend (was/is/has been) an excellant surgeon.

  6. I thought, the weather (would be/will be/was) sunny and didn't take an umbrella.

  7. I didn't know, where he (had lived/lives/lived).

  8. He said, he (will go/goes/would go) to London next week.

  9. I was surprised to know, that she (has/had/have) never been to that city.

  10. I didn't know, that she (doesn't/don't/did not/) like milk.

Summerising test to part 1

I Write true or false

  1. Early people were healthy. ___

  2. Early people used meat to heal broken bones. ___

  3. Amulets are things that people think are lucky. ___

  4. Ancient Romans thought that drinking dirty water was safe for peoples health ___

  5. The first book about medicines made from plants was written in France. ___

  6. Edward Jenner discovered vaccine from plague. ___

  7. Louis Pasteur developed the process of pasteurisation. ___

  8. Penicillin was used in hospitals to reduce infections in wounds during the Second World War.___

  9. Dentists were the first surgeons.___

  10. Ayurvedic medicine started in Europe about 3 000 years ago.___

II Complete the sentences with t

vaccine lotions plants medicines surgery skin fever

  1. Some plants cure illness and _____

  2. Most early medicines were made from parts of ______

  3. People made plant parts into ______ to put on their body.

  4. Many people use ______ made from plants today.

  5. People use lotions made from aloe vera plants to make sore _____ feel better.

  6. Anesthetics stop the patient feeling pain during the _____

  7. The _____ is a weak type of a virus or bacteria.

III Answer the questions.

  1. What did ancient doctors use to make medicines?

  2. Where did the first hospitals appear?

  3. Who discovered x-rays?

  4. What are anesthetics?

  5. Who is the most famous of all the Greek doctors?

IV Choose the correct words

  1. Ayurvedic medicine started in India/Korea about 3000 years ago.

  2. Ayurvedic doctors ask a patient about their pets/life.

  3. Early people used mud to heal broken bones/headache.

  4. Early people used lotions made from aloe vera plants to make sore skin/sore tooth feel better.

V Match. Then write the sentences.

Acupuncture is a

how acupuncture works.

People have used acupuncture

thin needles into a patients body.

Acupuncture doctors put

the body for up to 30 minutes.

Barbers treated

type of medicine.

Acupuncture needles stay in

for thousands of years.

Barbers cut off arms or legs

that were badly wounded.

No one really knows

wounds from fights.

VI Put in order.

  1. many people/ believed/in Ancient Greece/made them ill/that angry gods

  2. a Greek doctor/and a teacher/Hippocrates/was

  3. to watch patients/their illnesses/Hippocrates/and to think about/told doctors

  4. doing sport/helped people/to stay healthy/the Olympic Games/began because

VII Complete the sentences with the following words.

aqueducts baths toilets Roman

  1. Ancient _______ doctors learned that being dirty could make people ill.

  2. Ancient Romans built baths and ______ for lots o people to use.

  3. Every day Ancient Romans went to the ________ to wash and meet with friends.

  4. Giant bridges called ______ brought water to the cities.

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Сборник заданий по теме "История медицины" (англ. язык)

Автор: Суркина Ольга Владимировна

Дата: 23.09.2015

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