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Розробка відкритого уроку з англійської мови у 3 класі до підручника О.Карп’юк Тема: «My working day»

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Тема: «My working day»

Мета: Закріпити знання, уміння та навички, сформовані на уроках за темою:  My working day”.

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Тренування в аудіюванні, письмі, індивідуальній роботі.

Навчати діалогічному і монологічному мовленню.

Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, память, увагу, чуття мови.

Виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.

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«Розробка відкритого уроку з англійської мови у 3 класі до підручника О.Карп’юк Тема: «My working day»»

Розробка відкритого уроку з англійської мови у 3 класі до підручника О.Карпюк

Учитель: Верещак Світлана Андріївна

Тема: «My working day»

Мета: Закріпити знання, уміння та навички, сформовані на уроках за темою: My working day”.

Навчати використовувати свої знання.

Повторити й узагальнити засвоєний лексичний і граматичний матеріал.

Тренування в аудіюванні, письмі, індивідуальній роботі.

Навчати діалогічному і монологічному мовленню.

Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, память, увагу, чуття мови.

Виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.

Структури: “It’s…o’clock. At…o’clock”.Клише “What’s the time?”, “Excuse me”, “Can you tell me the time, please?’’, “Certainly’’

Обладення: Відео – фрагменти пісень: «Christmas song!», «Mother’s Day», «Tick tock», фрагмент мультфільму «At home», флеш картки з словосполученнями, мультимидійна дошка.


1. Мотивація на роботу у класі і організаційний момент.

Good morning children!

Do you know these holidays?

Christmas Day

New Year’s Day

Mother’s Day

April Fools’ Day

May Day

But today is not a holiday. Today is Working Day. The theme of our lesson is “My working day”.

Today you will tell us about your working day. You’ll make up dialogues, sing a song and play games.

2. Мовленнєва разминка.

But now tell me please.

When is Christmas Day?

It’s in winter

Let’s sing Christmas song!

We wish you a Merry Christmas…”

When is New Year’s Day?

It’s in January..

Let’s recite a poem “The New Year!”

New things to learn,

New friends to meet,

New songs to sing,

New books to read.

New things to see,

New things to hear,

New things to do

In this glad New Year!

When is Mother’s Day?

It’s in March, in spring.

Let’s sing a song for your mums!

Mummy my love how I love you

Mummy you are my dearest love

I love you and you love me.

Forever more.

When is May Day?

(It’s on the 1st of May…)

Let’s recite a poem about May !

In the happy month of May

Little children like to play,

They all dance and sing and say:

Winter days are far away,

Welcome, welcome, First of May!

Today you will tell us about your day.

And now let’s play ‘Guessing game.’

  • To wake up

  • To have breakfast

  • To wash hands and face

  • To clean teeth

  • To dress

  • To go to school

  • To read books

  • To listen to music

  • To help mother

  • To ride a bike

  • To fly a kite

  • To do homework

  • To go to bed

Teacher: . Try to make up a dialogue about your working day, using the expressions - I say. I see. As for me… Really?

  •  Pupil 1: Hi, Olga!

  • Pupil 2: Hi, Kate!

  • Pupil 1: How are you?

  • Pupil 2: I’m well. Thank you.

  • Pupil 1: I say Olga. When do you do your homework?

  • Pupil 2: I usually do my homework in the evening.

  • Pupil 1: Really? And as for me I read books and watch TV in the evening.

  • Pupil 2: I see.

Answer my questions.

1)What time is it now?

And let’s sing songs: “Tick tock”

I read the text and you tell me. When is it?

Text No 1: I go for a walk.  After that I play with my toys. My parents are at home. They watch TV. Then I go to bed.

Text No 2: My parents are at home. I get up, clean my teeth, do exercises. Then I dress, have breakfast and go to school. My parents go to work. At school I have Mathematics, Russian and English. I like my school.

Text No 3: I come home. Then I have dinner. After dinner I do my homework. My parents are not at home. They are at work.

In the morning-2   In the afternoon-3   In the evening-1

3. Актуалізація лексики за темою ( Призентація )

And now tell me please!

What do you do in the morning?

I wake up at 7 o’clock.
I wash my hands and face.
I clean my teeth.
Then I dress.
I have breakfast in the morning.

What do you do in the afternoon?

- I have dinner after lessons.

  • I do my homework.

  • I help my mother.

  • I ride a bike.

What do you do in the evening?

  • I watch cartoons.

  • I play puzzle.

  • I listen to music.

-I go to bed at 9 o’clock

Фізкульт хвилинка для очей:

Let’s do exercises for our eyes:

Close your eyes,

Open your eyes,

Look to the left,

Look to the right.

4 Контроль навичок орфографії.

Т: Now I want to invite some pupils to the blackboard to do some work.

(Завдання написано на дошці.)

Let’s put sоme missed letters.

I w_ ke up at 7 o’cl _ck. I w__sh my h_ nds and f__ce, clean my t__eth, do my morni__g exercises. I h__ve my brea__fast at 8 o’clock. After breakfast I d___ my homework. I usually have my dinner and g_ to school. I have s__x lessons every day. I have Russian, English, Maths and History. After sch__ol I help my mother about the house, read books, w__tch TV and g__ to bed.

5 Tell me please what do you do at home?( Video “At home”)

I’m eating in the kitchen.

I’m washing the dishes.

I’m watering the flowers.

I’m taking a bath.

I’m fluxing in the garden.

I’m playing in the bedroom.

Im going to sleep.

6. Навчання діалогічної мови.

Let’s role-play the dialogues.

1. Розмова двух людей по телефону.

-Excuse me, Stasy.

-Yes, Mary?

-Can you tell me the time, please?

-Certainly, it’s 2 o’clock.


-Not at all.

-Is our meeting at 5?

-Sure it is.

Don’t be late.


2.Дві дівчинки поспішають до школи.

-Excuse me.


-Can you tell me the time, please?

-Certainly, it’s 8 o’clock.

-Oh, it’s high time to go to school. I can’t be late. Our teacher is so strict.

-Don’t you know: It’s never too late to learn?

-But better never be late-especially to school. I must go. Thanks.

-That’s all right. Bye.

3.Хлопчик знайомиться з дівчинкою.

-Excuse me.


-Can you tell me the time, please?

-Certainly, it’s 4 o’clock.


-Not at all.

-And this is for you.

-Oh, this flower is very nice. I like flowers very much. Thank you. What’s your name?


-And I am Stasy.

-Let’s go to the cinema.

7.Фізична хвилинка.

T.: I think it is time to do morning exercises. Do you like to do morning exercises?

     Hands up, hands down, hands on heeps, sit down.

     Hands up, to the sides, bend left, bend right.

     1.2.3 hop, 1,2,3 stop.

8.Монологічне мовлення.

Teacher: And now I like to listen to your stories.

Декілька учнів розповідають про свій робочий день.

My working day

I usually get up at 7 o’clock. In the morning I wash my hands and face, clean my teeth, do my morning exercises. I usually have my breakfast at 8 o’clock. After breakfast I do my homework. Then I go for a walk in the yard. At 12 o’clock I usually have my dinner and go to school. I have six lessons every day. I have Russian, English, Maths and History. After school I help my mother about the house, read books, watch TV and go to bed.

My workingday.

I always get up at half past six. I make my bed and do my morning exercises. Then I go to bathroom and clean my teeth and wash my face. After that I have breakfast and go to school . My lessons starts at 8 oclock. I have 5 lessons every day. I have Maths, Art, English, Reading, Sport and Music. After lessons I do my home work and go for a walk. I read a book in the evening. I go to bed at 9 o’clock.

My working day.

I get up at 7 o’clock. I clean my teeth a wash my face and hands. Then I make my bed and go to the kitten to have breakfast. I go to school at 8 o’clock. I have 6 lessons. I have Maths, Art, English, Reading, Sport and Music. After school I go to my tennis club. I like it very much. In the evening I help my mother about the house and do my homework. I go to bed at 9 p’clock.

9.Заключна частина уроку

1.Домашнє завдання .

Скласти 5 речень за темою “My working day”

Підведення підсумків уроку.

So, now I am sure that you’ve learnt a lot of words on the topic “My working day”.

Can you tell us about your day?

Thank you for your work, you are good actors.You marks are… .The lesson is over. See you tomorrow! Stand up. You may be free.

1.You know the new words.

2.You can ask questions.

3.You can make dialogues.

4.You can tell about your working day.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Автор: Верещак Світлана Андріівна

Дата: 24.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 269813

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