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Разроботка "Talking about time"

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Result of the lesson:

Pupils have learnt to speak about the time. They can to ask “What time is it” and answer on it.

The aims:

Educational: to consolidate the knowledge on the theme “Time” and to enlarge pupils vocabulary.

Developing: To develop pupils’ listening comprehension, reading, speaking, writing skills and habits; to develop pupils’ skills and habits in dialogue speech through asking and answering questions, making up conversations.

Teaching: To teach to express gratitude; to bring up respect to the classmates and friends.

Type of the lesson:



 individual, work in pairs/group, new teaching technologies


       Kazakh, Russian

Visual aids:

Pictures, slides, cards, Internet, CD,  evaluation cards,  posters and etc.

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.

A. Greeting  

- Good morning, pupils.                         -Good morning, teacher.

- Sit down, please.

- Get ready for the lesson.

- Who is on duty today?                         - I’m on duty today.

- Who is absent?                                     - All the present.

- What day of the week today?               - Today is __________.

- What date is it today?                           - _______________________.

B. Divide class into two groups.  

Numbers and Letters.

C. Check the homework. 

- What is your homework?

- Are you ready?

II. Brainstorming.

 A. Answer the questions.

1. Where are you from?

2. Where are you from in Kazakhstan?

3. How old are you?

4. Which class are you in?

5. What’s your address?

6. What’s your telephone number?

7. What sport do you go in for?

8. Who is your favourite writer?

9. What is your hobby?

10. How many letters are there in Kazakh  alphabet?

III. New lesson. Presentation of the new lesson. 

  • Let’s begin our new lesson. Our new theme: ______________

IV. Knowledge.

Answer the questions.

-         It has a face. On the face we see numbers from and 12. the face is white, the numbers are black. It has two hands long and short. What is it?

-         To say about types of clock.

-         What time is it?     



New words:  

Excuse me –   кешірі?із

Past –  кетті, ?тті

Please –  мархабат

Time – уа?ыт

Half –  жарты, жарым  / 30 минут/

Clock – са?ат

Quarter –  он бес минут кеткенде, ?ал?анда

To – ?алды

O`clock -  д?л уа?ыт

Alarm clock – будильник

Watch – ?ол са?ат

V. Comprehension.

Reading the dialogue.

Colin: Excuse me.

A woman:  Yes?

Colin: What time is it?

A woman: It’s 8 o’clock.

Colin: 8 o’clock? Oh, no. Thank you, anyway.

A woman: That’s all right.

What time is it?

VI. Application. Work with group.

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«Разроботка "Talking about time"»

School after B.Zhumaliev

Open Lesson

Talking about time

Teacher:Suirbaeva A





The theme:

Talking about time

Result of the lesson:

Pupils have learnt to speak about the time. They can to ask “What time is it” and answer on it.

The aims:

Educational: to consolidate the knowledge on the theme “Time” and to enlarge pupils vocabulary.

Developing: To develop pupils’ listening comprehension, reading, speaking, writing skills and habits; to develop pupils’ skills and habits in dialogue speech through asking and answering questions, making up conversations.

Teaching: To teach to express gratitude; to bring up respect to the classmates and friends.

Type of the lesson:



individual, work in pairs/group, new teaching technologies


Kazakh, Russian

Visual aids:

Pictures, slides, cards, Internet, CD , evaluation cards, posters and etc.

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.

A. Greeting

- Good morning, pupils. -Good morning, teacher.

- Sit down, please.

- Get ready for the lesson.

- Who is on duty today? - I’m on duty today.

- Who is absent? - All the present.

- What day of the week today? - Today is __________.

- What date is it today? - _______________________.

B. Divide class into two groups.

Numbers and Letters.

C. Check the homework.

- What is your homework?

- Are you ready?

II. Brainstorming.

A. Answer the questions.

1. Where are you from?

2. Where are you from in Kazakhstan?

3. How old are you?

4. Which class are you in?

5. What’s your address?

6. What’s your telephone number?

7. What sport do you go in for?

8. Who is your favourite writer?

9. What is your hobby?

10. How many letters are there in Kazakh alphabet?

III. New lesson. Presentation of the new lesson.

  • Let’s begin our new lesson. Our new theme: ______________

IV. Knowledge.

Answer the questions.

  • It has a face. On the face we see numbers from and 12. the face is white, the numbers are black. It has two hands long and short. What is it?

  • To say about types of clock.

  • What time is it?

New words:

Excuse me – кешіріңіз

Past – кетті, өтті

Please – мархабат

Time – уақыт

Half – жарты, жарым / 30 минут/

Clock – сағат

Quarter он бес минут кеткенде, қалғанда


O`clock - дәл уақыт

Alarm clock – будильник

Watch – қол сағат

V. Comprehension.

Reading the dialogue.

Colin: Excuse me.

A woman: Yes?

Colin: What time is it?

A woman: It’s 8 o’clock.

Colin: 8 o’clock? Oh, no. Thank you, anyway.

A woman: That’s all right.

What time is it?

VI. Application. Work with group.

Writing the times in words.

12.40 – 9.00 -

11.15 – 5.45 -

8.30 – 7.35 –

Work with blackboard.


7.00 – to have lunch

7.30 - to go home

8.00 - to go to bed

8.30 - to get up

13.35 - to have breakfast

14.00 - to go to school

19.00 - to have lunch

Physical exercise. “What time is it?”

VII. Analysis.

6 hats

White hat – What time is it in Astana?

Red hat – What time is it in London?

Yellow hat What tome is it in Moscow?

Green hat – What t

Black hat –

Blue hat –

VIII. Synthesis.

Write all the words that you associate with the word “A clock”.

A clock

IX. Evaluation.

Giving marks.

X. Giving the homework.

  • Take your homework Ex3 p49

  • Is your homework clear?

  • Have you any questions?

XI. Reflection.

Do you like today’s English lesson ?

Why do you like English ?

Now pupils, at the end of our lesson let’s write your opinions for this lesson.

The lesson is over.

Good bye!



Alarm clock

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разроботка "Talking about time"

Автор: Суйрбаева Айнагул Турганбаевна

Дата: 03.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 301980

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