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Разроботка урока на тему "Моя семья"

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Урок был проведен в 5-ом класе.В начале  урока дети поздоровались ответили на домашную заданию.Я познакомил детей с новой темой и планом урока. План состоит из 7 частей.1. новые слова;2 исправь ошибку;3.Пропавшые буквы;4.глаголы быть,иметь;5 местоимений;6. Друзья;7. текст "Моя семья".Ученики по плану делали задания, учили песнью про семью и с помощью слов закрепили новые слова. Я обяснила глоголов и они употребили их в речи.Ученики работали  группами,в некоторых заданиях парами. ученики состовляли диологи работали над текстом.В конце урока они описовали свои семии

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«Разроботка урока на тему "Моя семья" »

5th grade

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Менің жанұям

Сабақтың мақсаты: білімділік : Оқущыларға жаңа тақырыпты түcіндіру,

жаңа сөздер үйретіп, сабақ барысында


дамытушылық: Оқушылардың

жазу,оқу,коммуникативті дағдыларын


тәрбиелік: Оқушыларды өз отбасы мүшелерін сыйлауға ,

қадірлеуге үйрету

Сабақ түрі: жаңа сабақ

Сабақтың көрнекіліктері: суреттер,интерактивті тақта,

Сабақтың барысы:

I Organization moment

Good afternoon children!

Good afternoon, good afternoon

Good afternoon to you

Good afternoon, good afternoon

We are glad to see you

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent?

What was your hometask?

Checking homework

The plan of the lesson


2.Correct the sentences

3. Missed letters

4. Verbs: to be and to have

5. possessive pronouns

6. Friends

7.The text: My family

Today we have a demonstrative lesson. The theme of the lesson is my family. We all love our family. Now I give you new words:











I’ll divide you into 2 groups



Task1 Look at the blackboard. You can see some words. Find the mistakes in the words and correct them.

Fethe siste

Mohtre granmohter

Nic grantfoher

Ant ankl

Brohte nepwe

Task 2 Fill in the words with the missed letters.

K_nd fam__y

Br__er __ther

S____r fat__er

L__rge un___le

A__nt gra__dmo__

Task 3 Let’s explain the forms of the verbs « to be» and « to have»

Stars- to have

Birds- to be

Let’s sing a song «Finger family»

Father finger ,father finger

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Task 4 Тәуелділік жалғауы –s жалғануы арқылы жасалады.

Мысалы: Andy’s



My sister’s name is___

Task 5 I give you same words .You must make dialogue


-how are you?

Fine, thank you!

Where are you from?

I ‘m from Aktogay

How old are you?

I’m ten

Is your family large?


What is your mother’s name?

My mother’s name is ___

Thank you….


Task 6 I give you pictures and the text you must draw a portrait of the family with their names and ages.


I’m Aizhan. I’m 10 years old. I have a mother , a father, a sister , two brothers and grandmother. My father is 45,my mother is 40. My mother is a teacher, father is a doctor. My father’s name is Kanat, mother’s name is Aigerim. My sister’s name is Zere,she is beautiful. She is 15. My brother’s names are Sanzhar and Ansar. My grandmother is 80,she is old. I love my family

Conclusion: оқушы отбасы туралы қысқаша айтып өтеді:


Homework: Фото арқылы отбасын таныстыру


Text: My family

I’m Aizhan. I’m 10 years old. I have a mother , a father, a sister , two brothers and grandmother. My father is 45,my mother is 40. My mother is a teacher, father is a doctor. My father’s name is Kanat, mother’s name is Aigerim. My sister’s name is Zere,she is beautiful. She is 15. My brother’s names are Sanzhar and Ansar. My grandmother is 80,she is old. I love my family


Text: My family

I’m Daulet. I’m 10 years old. I have a mother , a father, two sisters , two brothers and grandfather. My father is 40, my mother is 36. My mother is a teacher, father is a doctor. My father’s name is Asan , mother’s name is Zhanar. My sister’s name is Zere,she is beautiful. She is 15. My brother’s names are Nursat and Aidar. My grandfather is 78,she is old. I love my family

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разроботка урока на тему "Моя семья"

Автор: Нукешева Жибек Талгаткызы

Дата: 27.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 192607

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