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Разработка урока "Мистические места"

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Урок "Мистические местности" предназначен для учащихся 10 классов. To make a guess about a past situation, we can use the modal verbs can't, must, might and could with the present perfect tense. Modals of deduction (past).

-You were all alone in the house. You must have been really scared.

- I'm not sure how the vase got broken but it might have been the dog.

- Police believe that the criminal could have left the country. 

- It can't have been my husband. he was at home with me all last night.

Inderect questions

Afterexpressions like I don't understand., I wonder., I want to know. and     I don't know. we often find question words.

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«Разработка урока "Мистические места"»

Mysterious places Phrasal verbs and grammar rules: Modal verbs of deduction and Indirect questions; to talk about mysterious places

Mysterious places

Phrasal verbs and grammar rules: Modal verbs of deduction and Indirect questions; to talk about mysterious places

Active vocabulary started out passed away call off went out talked him into tied in with paid off came across

Active vocabulary

started out passed away

call off went out

talked him into tied in with

paid off came across

Modals of deduction (past) To make a guess about a past situation, we can use the modal verbs can’t, must, might and could with the present perfect tense.

Modals of deduction (past)

To make a guess about a past situation, we can use the modal verbs can’t, must, might and could with the present perfect tense.

  • You were all alone in the house. You must have been really scared.
  • I’m not sure how the vase got broken but it might have been the dog.
  • Police believe that the criminal could have left the country.
  • It can’t have been my husband. He was at home with me all last night.
Indirect questions After expressions like I don’t understand…, I wonder…, I want to know… and I don’t know… we often find question words. however, what comes after the question word is not a question, and does not follow the word order for questions.  -I wonder why she said that. (NOT I wonder why did she say that .)  - I don’t know when we’ll arrive. (NOT I don’t know when will we arrive .)  - I want to know where you’re going. (NOT I want to know where are you going .)

Indirect questions

  • After expressions like I don’t understand…, I wonder…, I want to know… and I don’t know… we often find question words. however, what comes after the question word is not a question, and does not follow the word order for questions.

-I wonder why she said that. (NOT I wonder why did she say that .)

- I don’t know when we’ll arrive. (NOT I don’t know when will we arrive .)

- I want to know where you’re going. (NOT I want to know where are you going .)

2. If we want to ask less direct questions, we can use an expression such as Can you tell me…, Do you happen to know… and Do you know… . This is the question, so what comes after these expressions does not follow the word order for questions.

2. If we want to ask less direct questions, we can use an expression such as Can you tell me…, Do you happen to know… and Do you know… . This is the question, so what comes after these expressions does not follow the word order for questions.

  • Can you tell me where the toilets are? (NOT Can you tell me where are the toilets? )
  • Do you happen to know if he’s French? (NOT Do you happen to know is he French ?)
  • Do you know why she left early? (NOT Do you know why did she leave early ?)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Разработка урока "Мистические места"

Автор: Калиева Шынар Торехановна

Дата: 13.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 305012

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