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Урок по теме " Saving of the kazakh cultural heritage". Основной целью урока является развитие навыков устной и письменной  речи на английском языке. Повторение и закрепление ранее изученной лексики по теме  и грамматичесих правил. 

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«Разработка урока по теме " SAVING OF THE KAZAKH CULTURAL HERITAGE"»


Aims of the lessons:

  1. Educational:

  • Enrich students’ knowledge about culture of Kazakhstan.

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice their knowledge about culture of Kazakhstan.

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gather, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information from a variety of sources and communicate their findings in the appropriate through various activities.

  • Students should know t and use the following grammar rules: Infinitive constructions

II. Developing:

  • To develop pupils speaking, listening, writing and reading skills in competing the facts on the theme.

  • To develop logical and critical thinking, pupil’s creation.

III. Brining up:

  • to bring up patriotism and love for the Motherland

  • to teach the children to help each other. 

  • Develop students’ tolerance and respect to other country’s language, culture and national traditions.

TIME REQUIRED: one period of 45 minutes

Visual aids: a computer, an interactive board, slides.

The types of the lesson: mixed
The methods of teaching: questions - answer, individual work
Connection with other subjects: Kazakh, History, Russian

Procedure of the Lesson:

  • Organization moment:

  1. Teacher: Dear students! I am very glad to see you at our lesson today because we have an unusual lesson — a competition. There are two' teams at the lesson. We'll have several tasks at the lesson. Some of them were prepared by you at home but most of them weren't prepared. I hope our competition will be fun. I have lots of pink, yellow and orange stickers here. For an excellent answer you will get a pink sticker. For a good answer you'll get a yellow sticker. If your answer isn’t good you’ll have orange sticker. At the end of the competition you'll count all the stickers you've received. The winner will be the team with the biggest number of the pink stickers. The pupils who show the best knowledge of the theme will be given special prizes. Let's start our com­petition ! What's the name of the first team? What's the name of the second team?

Students: The name of our team is "the Rose". The name of our team is "the Tulip".

  • Introduction with the theme.
    - I want to read you a riddle. Try to guess it please.
    They are in every country. People of each country respect and save them. They come from generation to generation. What are they?
    You are quite right! Today we shall talk about our customs and traditions.
    - Today at the lesson we’ll speak about culture of Kazakhstan, our Motherland. You’ll be able to read the text, and to speak about our country. You’ll work in two groups. I want you to remember the rules of our English lessons. Look and read after me all together: 
    1. Be active! 
    2. Be friendly and tolerant! 
    3. Help each other! 
    4. Talk English all the time! 

  • Teacher: I want to start our lesson with an English proverb about it. “Every country has its customs”.
    The first task is the following: You should read and translate English proverbs and find the equivalent in Russian. You'll get a pink sticker for a right answer.

  1. How many people so many customs.

  2. How many people so many minds.

  3. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  4. Tastes differ

  5. An Englishman’s home is his castle.

  6. Home is where the hart is.

What about these proverbs?

  • The second task is “We are good translators”.

You should read the following words, translate and write its.I’ll give you only transcriptions of these words.











bride[braid] невеста


fiancée [fia:n’sei] невеста

abduct [æb’d^kt] увести

consent [kәn’sent] разрешение

Velvet [‘velvit] вельвет

Velour [ve’luә] велюр

Braid [breid] тесьма

Sole [sәul] подметка

Camisole [‘kæmisәl]камзол

Let’s read some information about Kazakh customs and traditions. Look at the interactive board.

Kazakh customs and traditions
The Kazakh people are rich in traditions. These traditions include being respectful to old people; being patriotic to the motherland; being honest; and learning to love mankind. There are some main traditions like Weeding ceremony, Betashar, Hobbles cutting, Shildekhana. Kazakh traditional horse - sport games like Kokpar, Kyz Kuu, and others have always been very popular with Kazakhs. At present, they are played during national holidays and festivals. Kazakhs play them especially in Nauryz. The Kazakh traditional costume is actually the dress of an ancient time. There are closes such as shapan, camisole, kebis, kimeshek, takhia, tymak and others.

  • Checking the homework.

Teacher: At the last lessons we have talked about Kazakh customs and traditions. Your task was to make a presentation of Kazakh custom.

First group will present the Kazakh custom Besik Toi.

Second group will present the Kazakh custom Tusau Kesu.

  • Teacher: The following task is “We are good translators”. You will listen to a text about national holiday Nauryz. After listening you should translate this text . Be attentive! But before listening you should teach new words.

Nauryz is one of the oldest holidays on Earth. This holiday of spring and the renewed life of the Earth has been celebrated for over five thousand years by many cultures of the Middle and Central Asia and, according to some sources, by eastern Slavs as well.

This holiday has been celebrated on 22 March, the day of the spring equinox. That’s why the Kazakhs call the month of March Nauryz. It was celebrated as the day of the renewed life which comes with the spring. It was the day when the first spring thunder strikes, buds are swelling on the trees and vegetation grows wildly.

Boys born on this day would be called Nauryzbai or Nauryzbek, and girls Nauryz or Nauryzgul. It was seen as a good omen if it was snowing on that day. Nauryz was cancelled in 1926. It was first recreated in Kazakhstan only in 1988 and was extremely popular. Officially, Nauryz was recognized on 15 March 1991 by a Presidential Decree. The President declared 22 March, the day of the spring equinox, a holiday.Since then, Nauryz has been widely celebrated across the whole country. Of course, the modern festival is essentially different from the old. It is not only about staged shows, ornate yurts, and delicious Nauryz-kozhe. It is also about folk sporting games, planting trees, cleaning of parks, streets and squares.

Nowadays, it has become a truly national holiday of spring, work and unity. It is dear to all the peoples living in the multinational Kazakhstan. The ancient holiday of Nauryz has naturally become a part of the modern life, preserving the old traditions.

Slav [sla:v] славянин

Equinox [i:kwinɔks] равноденствие

thunder [‘θ^ndә] гром

to strike [straik] ударять

bud [b^d] бутон, почка

omen [‘oumen] знак

recreation [rekri’ei∫n] отдых, восстановление

ornate [ɔ:’neit] разукрашенный

 truly [‘tru;li] правдиво, истинно

  • Giving home task

Open your diaries! Write down your homework, please!

    1. To teach new words

    2. To make a crossword on the theme “Customs and traditions”

  • Evaluation

  • End of the lesson.

Now, I’d like to say a few words in conclusion. And I hope you enjoyed a lot. I’m glad that we’ll learned a lot about Kazakh customs and traditions. Thank you for your work. Good bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс


Автор: Тертычная Татьяна Анатольевна

Дата: 09.12.2017

Номер свидетельства: 443183

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