The teacher greets all the learners and introduces the lesson objectives Eliciting. The teacher elicits the topic of the lesson. She writes on the blackboard the quotation given before the article about sleep. “Life is busy with school, homework, sports and other activities and you really need to catch up on your ...(sleep) Teacher asks the pupils : Discuss in pairs what word is missing. Answer why the verb “catch” is used here. Give their ideas why sleep is so important. 1.Work with a magazine article “A good night’s sleep    Teacher asks the pupils to work with a partner. They look at the photo and answer the questions Pupils read the article to check their answers Pupils read the article again and answer the questions ( in pairs) p. 88 ex.3 Why do teenagers need more sleep than adults? (Because their body is still growing and their brain is still developing) How many hours of sleep do teenagers need every night? ( 8-9 hours) What happens at school if you don’t get enough sleep? ( It’s difficult to concentrate) Why do teens eat unhealthy food when they are tired ? (When you are tired your brain needs more sugar) What two things should you avoid to get a good night’s sleep? ( You shouldn’t watch TV, surf the internet , play computer games before you go to bed/ you mustn’t eat a big meal before sleeping) Teacher checks pupils’ understanding by asking them questions from ex.3 p.88 Teacher asks the learners do ex. 4 p. 88 ( pupils should find collocations in the article) -
| get | -
| in your lessons | -
| concentrate | -
| the Internet | -
| catch | -
| more sleep | -
| watch | -
| a snack | -
| surf | -
| a cold | -
| have | -
| TV | | Pupils work individually then do self-assessment using the key in Vocabulary bank on p.128  The right answers are 1-c 2-a 3-e 4-f 5-b 6-d Criteria or self-assessment : 0 mistakes – excellent work! 1-2 mistakes – good work 3-4 mistakes- satisfactory work 5-6 mistakes- need to learn again Teacher uses one of the activities of Active Learning Three Points Summary: Students are asked to summarize the three most important points of the read magazine article 2. Work with grammar Teacher asks pupils to turn to Language focus 1 should/must  Teacher asks pupils to complete the examples from the text on page 88. Then complete the rule in the box You must get enough sleep. You should get between 8 or 9 hours of sleep each night. You shouldn’t watch TV before you go to bed. Teacher gives some more examples and asks the learners to repeat examples. I think you should watch this show. It may be interesting to you. I think you shouldn’t watch this show. You won’t like it. You must watch this show! It’s great! You’ll like it! You mustn’t watch this show! It’s disgusting! He shouldn’t go there. There will be a lot of your friend there. He mustn’t go there. It’s dangerous! Teacher asks pupils to complete the rule. We use should to say…….( what we think is a good idea or important to do) We use shouldn’t to say …..( it’s not a good idea or it’s not important to do) We use must to say ……. (what we think is necessary) We use must to say……. (it’s necessary not to do it.)- Why? ( because it’s may be dangerous or forbidden) Teacher checks the learners understanding by asking questions. Teacher asks the learners to show their palms with 5 fingers if pupils know the answer perfectly, with 4 fingers if they know the answer well; 3 fingers if they don’t understand the grammar well, 2 fingers – if they don’t understand it at all. Teacher forms pairs where pupils who understood the grammar well explains it to pupils who have some problems. Pupils write down the rules in the copybooks. Pupils do grammar exercises on p. 89 ( ex. 2,3,4) Teacher gives the assessment criteria : To be able to use correctly modal verbs should and must Descriptors : Choose the correct words.   |