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Разработка урока по специальности: "Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений" по теме: "Silicate Industry"

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Разработка урока по специальности:"Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений"

Тема урока: Silicate Industry

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«Разработка урока по специальности: "Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений" по теме: "Silicate Industry"»

Сабақ жоспары №11

План урока №11

Ай күні /


Топ /


Сабақ тақырыбы /

Тема урока: Silicate Industry. Past Simple.

Уақыттың таратушылық негізгі кезеңдерінде/

Распределение времении на основные этапы

3 ШМ

Жұрнал бойынша қатысуды тексеру/

Проверка посещаемости по журналу

Сабақ мақсаттырының қойылы-мын, ұй тапсырамаларын тексеру/

Поверка домашного задания, постановка цели урока

Алдынғы өткен материалдарды қайталау/

Повторение предыдущего материала

Жаңа материалдар мазмұны/

Изложение нового материала

Өткен материалдарды (бағалау), жаттығуларды бекіту/

Упражнения для закрепления, прйденного материала (оценивание)

Ұй тап-сырма-сы /

Задание на дом

3 мин

10 мин

10 мин

30 мин

30 мин

7 мин

Сабақтың мақсаты /

Цель урока

  • Образовательная цель: активизировать употребление прошедшего простого времени. Развитие навыков письменной и устной речи.

  • Развивающая цель ввести новую лексику – терминологию строительства; развивать монологическую и диалогическую речь; формировать умение выделать главное / частное

  • Воспитательная цель: привитие интереса к изучаемому языку.

Сабаққа көрнекі жәрдемақылар/

Наглядные пособия к уроку

ТСО, раздаточный материал.

Сабақтың түрі /

Тип урока


Қайталудың негізгі сұрақтары /

Основные вопросы для повторения

Сұрақтар мазмұны /

Содержание вопросов

Студенттің аты - жөні/

Ф.И. студента


Present Simple


Modern Building Materials. Слова.




Тақырып мазмұны /

Изложение темы

Сұрақтар мазмұны /

Содержание вопросов

Уақыт және мазмұндама/

Время на изложения


Silicate Industry. Слова. Работа с текстом.



Past Simple.



Card 11a




Үйге тапсырма: выучить слова, правило

Оқытушының қолы:

Ход урока:

1. Прочитайте текст:

Silicate Industry

Silicate industry is the industry processing the natural compounds of silicon. It embraces the production of cement, glass, and ceramics.

The production of ceramic goods is based on the property of clay when mixed with water to form putty, from which various articles can easily be moulded. When these are dried and then for easily moulding baked, that is, ignited at a high temperature, they become hard and retain their shape, no longer being softened by water.

In this way clay, mixed water and sand is moulted into bricks, which are then dried and baked. The materials used to make silicate bricks are white sand and slaked lime.

Cement Production. Cement is made from limestone and clay, or from their natural mixture, marls. The materials roasted in cylindrical rotary kilns are charged into a slowly rotating kiln at its upper end and travel, mixing continuously, towards the lower end, while a current of hot gases, the products of the burning of fuel, flows in the opposite direction. During the period of their movement through the kiln the clay and the limestone react chemically, and the material emerging from the kiln in lumps of a caked mass is cement, which is then grounded.

When cement is mixed with water, it forms mortar, which hardens, binding various objects, such as bricks or stones, very firmly. It is for this reason that cement is used widely as a binding material in large-scale construction, including underwater construction.

Cement is often mixed with sand or gravel, in which case we get concrete. Concrete has roughly the same coefficient of thermal expansion as iron.

Glass Production. The initial materials for the production of ordinary glass are mainly soda, limestone, and sand. A mixture of these substances is heated in a bath-shaped furnace.

When it cools, the liquid mass of glass does not become hard at once. At first it becomes viscous and readily assumes any shape. This property of glass is used in making various articles out of it. Definite portions of the cooling semiliquid mass are taken from the bath, and these are blown or pressed to make various glassware. By machine methods glass sheets, tubes, etc., can be drawn continuously from the molten mass.

Sand is the chief material used as a fine aggregate. It is required in mortar or concrete for economy and to prevent the excessive cracking. Mortar made without sand would be expensive.

The word “sand” is applied to any finely divided material which will not injuriously affect the cement or lime and which is not subject to disintegration or decay. Sand is almost the only material which is sufficiently cheap and which can fulfil these requirements.

A mixture of coarse and fine grains is very satisfactory, as it makes a denser and stronger concrete with a less amount of cement that when only fine-grained sand is used.

The following sands are used for mortars: pit or quarry sand, river sand and sea sand.

Lime is a calcium oxide. It is used in great quantities for mortar and plaster. Lime (quicklime) is a white solid that reacts violently with water to form calcium hydroxide. It is made by heating limestone in a special kind of furnace called a “kiln”. Lime must be stored in a dry place, otherwise it will absorb moisture.

Limes may be divided into three distinct classes:

1. Rich limes that contain not more than 6 percent of impurities, slake very rapidly, and are entirely dependent on external agents for setting power. These are widely used for interior plaster’s works.

2. Poor limes that contain from 15 percent to 30 percent of useless impurities and possess the general properties of rich limes, only to a lesser degree.

3. Hydraulic limes that contain certain proportions of impurities, which when calcinated, combine with the lime and endow it with the valuable property of setting under water or without external agents.

Lime is a basic building material extensively used all over the world, but it was not until the later years of the 19th century that a greater appreciation of the fuel-burning problems involved became apparent. Until this time the requirement for lime was largely agricultural and it was produced by farmers or by small builders who used it for making mortar and plaster.

As industrial requirements increased “running” kilns were developed. These were lined with firebrick and charged at regular intervals with stone and fuel.

Around the world there are many different types of kilns and variations in lime-burning practice.

1.1 Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

1) high temperature; 6) molten mass;

2) natural mixture; 7) a less amount of cement;

3) in the opposite direction; 8) river sand;

4) large-scale construction; 9) calcium hydroxide;

5) definite portions; 10) industrial requirements.


  1. высокая температура; 6) расплавленная масса;

2) природные смеси; 7) меньшее количество цемента;

3) в противоположном направлении; 8) Речной песок;

4) масштабное строительство; 9) гидроксид кальция;

5) определенные порции; 10) промышленные требования.

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

  1. What is silicate industry?

  2. What is the production of ceramic goods based on?

  3. What is cement made from?

  4. What mixture is heated in a bath-shaped furnace?

  5. What sands are used for mortars?

  6. What is lime?

  7. What three classes may lime be divided into?

2. Объяснение Past Simple

Правильные глаголы (Regular verbs) - это особая группа английских глаголов, которая легко образует прошедшее время с помощью добавления суффикса -edк инфинитиву (обычной форме глагола). Вот несколько примеров таких глаголов:

talk - talked (говорить - говорил) 
Правильные глаголы с окончанием -ed не изменяются по лицам или числам. Рассмотрим на примере глагола walk (гулять, прогуливаться):

I walked - я гулял
you walked - ты гулял/ Вы гуляли 
he walked - он гулял 
she walked - она гуляла 
it walked - он/ она гулял/ гуляла (неодушевлённые) 
we walked - мы гуляли 
they walked - они гуляли

I. Существуют некоторые правила правописания при добавлении окончания -ed.

1. Так, например, если глагол уже оканчивается на букву -e, то к нему добавляется только -d. Например:

change - changed (поменять - поменял)
2. Если глагол оканчивается на букву -y, то окончание, за редким исключением, изменяется на -ied. Например:

study - studied (учить - учил) 
Исключение составляют глаголы: play - played (играть), stay - stayed (останавливаться), enjoy - enjoyed (наслаждаться).

3. В некоторых коротких глаголах (в 1 слог) при добавлении окончания -ed удваивается согласная. Это правило относится к глаголам, которые оканчиваются на одну гласную и одну согласную буквы. Например:

stop - stopped (остановиться - остановился) 
II. Касательно правильных английских глаголов есть также несколько правил чтения.

1. Так, например, в глаголах, оканчивающихся на глухой согласный звук (f, k, p, t), окончание -ed читается мягко, как /t/. Например:

walked /wɔ:kt/ 
2. В глаголах, оканчивающихся на звонкие и все остальные звуки, окончание -ed читается звонко, как /d/. Например:

played /pleid/
3. Произношение окончания глагола -ed немного изменяется, когда глаголы оканчиваются на звуки /t/ или /d/. Тогда окончание произносится /id/. Например:

decided /di'saidid/ 
Теперь рассмотрим правильные глаголы в утвердительных предложениях. Вот несколько примеров:

Miriam waited for Adam for several hours. - Мириам ждала Адама в течение нескольких часов. 
Как видно из примеров, место подлежащих и глаголов в утвердительных предложениях фиксированное, а остальные члены предложений могут употребляться в зависимости от контекста. При чтении примеров, обращайте внимание на правописание правильных глаголов и их произношение.

В противовес правильным глаголам, в английском есть также целый ряд неправильных глаголов, которые не подчиняются правилу добавления окончания -ed, а образуются совершенно неожиданно и по-разному. Например:

find - found (находить - нашёл) 
В утвердительных предложениях неправильные глаголы употребляются также, как и правильные. Порядок предложения фиксированный: Подлежащее (Subject) - Сказуемое (Predicate) - Дополнение (Object) - Обстоятельство (Adverbial modifier). Рассмотрим на примерах:

He lost his key a day ago. - Он потерял свой ключ день назад. 
Для образования отрицательных и вопросительных предложений с правильными и неправильными глаголами (кроме to be и модальных глаголов) обязательно используется вспомогательный глагол did.

Так, например, в вопросительных предложениях на первое место ставится вспомогательный глагол did, затем подлежащее и глагол, но уже в своей первоначальной форме (инфинитив), так как вспомогательный глагол did забирает на себя функцию прошедшего времени. Рассмотрим несколько примеров:

(+) Her watch stopped working. - Её часы перестали работать. 
(?) Did her watch stop working? - Её часы перестали работать?

(+) He caught a big fish. - Он поймал большую рыбу. 
(?) Did he catch a big fish? - Он поймал большую рыбу?

(+) They played cards in the evening. - Они играли в карты вечером. 
(?) Did they play cards in the evening? - Они играли в карты вечером? 

(+) Mr.Right found a purse with money. - Мистер Райт нашёл кошелёк с деньгами. 
(?) Did Mr.Right find a purse money? - Мистер Райт нашёл кошелёк с деньгами?

(+) His father called him yesterday. - Его отец позвонил ему вчера. 
(?) Did his father call him yesterday? - Его отец позвонил ему вчера?

Отрицательные предложения с правильными и неправильными глаголами также образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола did, и отрицательной частицы "not". Основные глаголы в таких предложениях остаются в своей первоначальной форме, т.е. в инфинитиве. Рассмотрим на примерах:

(+) He wanted us to go. - Он хотел, чтобы мы ушли. 
(-) He didn't (did not) want us to go. - Он не хотел, чтобы мы уходили.

(+) They enjoyed the concert. - Им понравился концерт. 
(-) They didn't enjoy the concert. - Им не понравился концерт.

(+) Albert promised me something. - Альберт мне кое-что пообещал. 
(-) Albert didn't promise me anything. - Альберт мне ничего не обещал.

(+) My friend paid the fine. - Мой друг уплатил штраф. 
(-) My friend didn't pay the fine. - Мой друг не уплатил штраф.

(+) It broke after all. - И всё-таки это сломалось. 
(-) It didn't break after all. - И всё-таки это не сломалось.

Как видно из примеров слово did можно соединять с частицей not, и тогда получается сокращённая форма - didn't.

Card 11a Поставьте предложения в утвердительную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

  1. He (take) a piece of fish yesterday.

  2. She (read) a newspaper yesterday.

  3. I (get up) at 7 o’clock yesterday.

  4. You (come) home at 6 o’clock yesterday.

  5. They (watch) TV yesterday.

  6. We (finish)our homework at 9 o’clock yesterday.

Card 11a Поставьте предложения в утвердительную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

  1. He (take) a piece of fish yesterday.

  2. She (read) a newspaper yesterday.

  3. I (get up) at 7 o’clock yesterday.

  4. You (come) home at 6 o’clock yesterday.

  5. They (watch) TV yesterday.

  6. We (finish)our homework at 9 o’clock yesterday.

Card 11a Поставьте предложения в утвердительную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

  1. He (take) a piece of fish yesterday.

  2. She (read) a newspaper yesterday.

  3. I (get up) at 7 o’clock yesterday.

  4. You (come) home at 6 o’clock yesterday.

  5. They (watch) TV yesterday.

  6. We (finish)our homework at 9 o’clock yesterday.

Card 11a Поставьте предложения в утвердительную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

  1. He (take) a piece of fish yesterday.

  2. She (read) a newspaper yesterday.

  3. I (get up) at 7 o’clock yesterday.

  4. You (come) home at 6 o’clock yesterday.

  5. They (watch) TV yesterday.

  6. We (finish)our homework at 9 o’clock yesterday.

Card 11a Поставьте предложения в утвердительную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

  1. He (take) a piece of fish yesterday.

  2. She (read) a newspaper yesterday.

  3. I (get up) at 7 o’clock yesterday.

  4. You (come) home at 6 o’clock yesterday.

  5. They (watch) TV yesterday.

  6. We (finish)our homework at 9 o’clock yesterday.

Card 11a Поставьте предложения в утвердительную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

  1. He (take) a piece of fish yesterday.

  2. She (read) a newspaper yesterday.

  3. I (get up) at 7 o’clock yesterday.

  4. You (come) home at 6 o’clock yesterday.

  5. They (watch) TV yesterday.

  6. We (finish)our homework at 9 o’clock yesterday.

Card 11a Поставьте предложения в утвердительную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

  1. He (take) a piece of fish yesterday.

  2. She (read) a newspaper yesterday.

  3. I (get up) at 7 o’clock yesterday.

  4. You (come) home at 6 o’clock yesterday.

  5. They (watch) TV yesterday.

  6. We (finish)our homework at 9 o’clock yesterday.

Card 11a Поставьте предложения в утвердительную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

  1. He (take) a piece of fish yesterday.

  2. She (read) a newspaper yesterday.

  3. I (get up) at 7 o’clock yesterday.

  4. You (come) home at 6 o’clock yesterday.

  5. They (watch) TV yesterday.

  6. We (finish)our homework at 9 o’clock yesterday.

Card 11a Поставьте предложения в утвердительную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

  1. He (take) a piece of fish yesterday.

  2. She (read) a newspaper yesterday.

  3. I (get up) at 7 o’clock yesterday.

  4. You (come) home at 6 o’clock yesterday.

  5. They (watch) TV yesterday.

  6. We (finish)our homework at 9 o’clock yesterday.

Silicate Industry

Silicate industry is the industry processing the natural compounds of silicon. It embraces the production of cement, glass, and ceramics.

The production of ceramic goods is based on the property of clay when mixed with water to form putty, from which various articles can easily be moulded. When these are dried and then for easily moulding baked, that is, ignited at a high temperature, they become hard and retain their shape, no longer being softened by water.

In this way clay, mixed water and sand is moulted into bricks, which are then dried and baked. The materials used to make silicate bricks are white sand and slaked lime.

Cement Production. Cement is made from limestone and clay, or from their natural mixture, marls. The materials roasted in cylindrical rotary kilns are charged into a slowly rotating kiln at its upper end and travel, mixing continuously, towards the lower end, while a current of hot gases, the products of the burning of fuel, flows in the opposite direction. During the period of their movement through the kiln the clay and the limestone react chemically, and the material emerging from the kiln in lumps of a caked mass is cement, which is then grounded.

When cement is mixed with water, it forms mortar, which hardens, binding various objects, such as bricks or stones, very firmly. It is for this reason that cement is used widely as a binding material in large-scale construction, including underwater construction.

Cement is often mixed with sand or gravel, in which case we get concrete. Concrete has roughly the same coefficient of thermal expansion as iron.

Glass Production. The initial materials for the production of ordinary glass are mainly soda, limestone, and sand. A mixture of these substances is heated in a bath-shaped furnace.

When it cools, the liquid mass of glass does not become hard at once. At first it becomes viscous and readily assumes any shape. This property of glass is used in making various articles out of it. Definite portions of the cooling semiliquid mass are taken from the bath, and these are blown or pressed to make various glassware. By machine methods glass sheets, tubes, etc., can be drawn continuously from the molten mass.

Sand is the chief material used as a fine aggregate. It is required in mortar or concrete for economy and to prevent the excessive cracking. Mortar made without sand would be expensive.

The word “sand” is applied to any finely divided material which will not injuriously affect the cement or lime and which is not subject to disintegration or decay. Sand is almost the only material which is sufficiently cheap and which can fulfil these requirements.

A mixture of coarse and fine grains is very satisfactory, as it makes a denser and stronger concrete with a less amount of cement that when only fine-grained sand is used.

The following sands are used for mortars: pit or quarry sand, river sand and sea sand.

Lime is a calcium oxide. It is used in great quantities for mortar and plaster. Lime (quicklime) is a white solid that reacts violently with water to form calcium hydroxide. It is made by heating limestone in a special kind of furnace called a “kiln”. Lime must be stored in a dry place, otherwise it will absorb moisture.

Limes may be divided into three distinct classes:

1. Rich limes that contain not more than 6 percent of impurities, slake very rapidly, and are entirely dependent on external agents for setting power. These are widely used for interior plaster’s works.

2. Poor limes that contain from 15 percent to 30 percent of useless impurities and possess the general properties of rich limes, only to a lesser degree.

3. Hydraulic limes that contain certain proportions of impurities, which when calcinated, combine with the lime and endow it with the valuable property of setting under water or without external agents.

Lime is a basic building material extensively used all over the world, but it was not until the later years of the 19th century that a greater appreciation of the fuel-burning problems involved became apparent. Until this time the requirement for lime was largely agricultural and it was produced by farmers or by small builders who used it for making mortar and plaster.

As industrial requirements increased “running” kilns were developed. These were lined with firebrick and charged at regular intervals with stone and fuel.

Around the world there are many different types of kilns and variations in lime-burning practice.

2. Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

1) high temperature;

6) molten mass;

2)natural mixture;

7) a less amount of cement;

3) in the opposite direction;

8) river sand;

4) large-scale construction;

9) calcium hydroxide;

5) definite portions;

10) industrial requirements.

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

  1. What is silicate industry?

  2. What is the production of ceramic goods based on?

  3. What is cement made from?

  4. What mixture is heated in a bath-shaped furnace?

  5. What sands are used for mortars?

  6. What is lime?

  7. What three classes may lime be divided into?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Автор: Немировская Татьяна Сергеевна

Дата: 25.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 403179

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