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Разработка урока на тему: "Review.Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns"

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Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

Using of grammar rules of Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns for writing of the sentences

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Discuss in groups Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns;

Say the examples of Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns ;

Most learners will be able to:

Explain the rules in English;

Some learners will be able to

Assess the other groups;

Success criteria

“5”-17-14 points              “3”-9-4 points

“4”-13-10 points               “2”-3 point

Previous learning

Предыдущие знания

Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns

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«Разработка урока на тему: "Review.Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns"»

Short plan Краткосрочный план


Gymnasium № 41

Многопрофильная гимназия № 41

Date: 17 March, Friday

Дата: 17 марта

Teacher name: Chirkova L.A.

Учитель: Чиркова Л.А.

Grades: 7 “A”, 7 «B», 7“V”

Класс: 7 “A”, 7 “Б”, 7 «В»

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Review 4 (part 1)

Тема урока: Повторение 4 (часть 1)

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

Using of grammar rules of Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns for writing of the sentences

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Discuss in groups Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns;

Say the examples of Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns ;

Most learners will be able to:

Explain the rules in English;

Some learners will be able to

Assess the other groups;

Success criteria

“5”-17-14 points “3”-9-4 points

“4”-13-10 points “2”-3 point

Previous learning

Предыдущие знания

Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns



Planned activities

Resources and descriptors


3 mins

3 mins

Organizational moment/Организационный момент

Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

-Today we are going to…

  • Discuss in groups Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns;

  • Assess the answers of the groups according to success criteria;

  • Complete and write sentences using Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns;

  • Complete self-assessment sheets;

Warming up/Погружение в тему

Let’s divide into 3 groups. Each group must discuss one of the themes: Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns and question in reported speech.

Successes criteria for groups

Explain the rules in English

1 2 3

Draw table or graphics.

1 2 3

Say 1-2 examples.

1 2 3

Using 2-3 linking words

1 2 3



Students divide into groups, read success criteria


Делятся на группы, читают критерии оценивания.

15 mins



Work in groups\Работа в группах (all/все)

Presentation/ Презентация (all/все)
-Let’s go to the board and show us your presentations. You should assess the students of the other groups according to criteria.

Back to the aims: -Can you discuss the rules and asses the answers according to success criteria?

Descriptor: students work in groups, discus the rule, draw the graphics, write the examples

Дескриптор: ученики работают в группах, обсуждают правило, рисуют графики, пишут пример

Sheets of groups

Descriptor: students show the presentation, the other assess them according to criteria.

Дескриптор: ученики показывают презентация, другие ученики оценивают их в соответствии с критерями


10 mins

Writing of exercises /Написание упражнений (individually/ индивидуально)

-Write the exercises.

Ex. 1 p. 92-Look at the pictures. Write reported statements. (1-4)

1 Jenny said she wanted to go to the park.

2 Heidi said she was going to become a doctor.

3 Olly said they hadn’t chosen Billy for the team.

4 Anna said she really liked watching cartoons.

Ex.2 p.93-Complete the sentences. Use reflexive pronouns (1-3)

1 myself 2 ourselves 3yourself

Ex. 3 p.93-Look at the table. Write reported questions (1-4)

1 Mum asked Edward where the shopping was.

2 Katie asked Linda who could make the best cake.

3 Dad asked George where Oscar lived.

4 Jason asked Katie why birds sang.

Back to the aims: -Can you complete and write sentences using Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns?

Grammar friends 6 p. 92-93

Descriptor: students write sentences using the rules

Дескриптор: ученики пишут предложения, используя правила


2 min

Self-assessment/Самооценивание (individually,in pairs/ индивидуально\ в парах)

-Complete the table of self-assessment sheet and point your points. Discuss in pairs what you can do.

1-No, I can’t.

2. Yes, I can but I need help.

3. Yes, I can.

I can work in group and prepare presentation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

I can write reported statements correctly.

1 2 3

I can use reflexive pronouns correctly.

1 2

I can write reported questions correctly.

1 2 3


Self-assessment sheets

Descriptor: students complete the table of self-assessment sheet, count point, and say what they can do in pairs.

Дескриптор: ученики заполняют лист самооценивания, считают баллы и в парах говорят о том, что они могут делать по результатам урока.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка урока на тему: "Review.Reported speech, Reflexive pronouns"

Автор: Чиркова Лариса Анатольевна

Дата: 16.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 409566

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