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Разработка урока I have pain in my.

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7   V




I have a pain in my….


The aims of the lesson    


- to learn about the body parts and how to talk about problems with health


- to enable pupils to talk about the body parts and problems with health


- to raise awareness of the body parts and health problems


The type of the lesson:

  1.  giving new knowledge
  2. Formulating  skills and abilities/revising
  3. consolidating K, A, S
  4. testing
  5.  mixed type (containing all of the types above)

The method of the lesson:

  1.   CLT ( Communicative Language Teaching)
  2. The Grammar-Translation method
  3. The direct method
  4. The audio-lingual method
  5. The silent way
  6. Community Language Learning
  7. Total-Physical Response
  8. Content-Based, Task-based and Participatory Approaches
  9. Learning Strategy Training, Cooperative Learning and Multiple Intelligences  
  10. STEAM
  11. CLIL 


Social, linguistic, pragmatic

The way of teaching:

 a)  Deductive ( Presentation –Practice –Production)



( pair  work,  group  work, individual  work, plenary )

The equipment:

  Question-cards, colored pictures, tests, glue, paper, posters, markers, the DVD  of the  book, computer

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson PP will be able  to  talk about the body parts and problems with


The block-scheme of the lesson:


Parts of the stage

Activities and warm-ups



Organizational part

a) Greeting and checking PP attendance

b)Checking the previous lesson and homework




Work on the new theme

Presenting and practicing new theme:






The end of the lesson

Remember box, Product acts

Giving homework;

Marking PP




 45 min

The procedure of the lesson:

I.  Organizational part:    a) Greeting and checking PP attendance

                                            b)Checking the previous lesson and homework (How?)  A)Traditional method     B)Non-traditional method  : a )Self-checking method b)Inter-checking method) Activity   (Answer keys)_________________________________________________________________

II.  Working on the new theme  ( 2. Presenting and 3.Practicing )

Activity 1a Work in pairs. Look and think. Look at the body outline. Draw and label the body. 7 min

Objective: to revise and develop understanding of words to label body parts in humans

Procedure: pupils take the papers with name of body part and put to the correct place.

Heart – сердце

 Chest -грудь

Wrist –запястье

 Stomach- желудок

Thumb –большой палец ноги или руки

Tongue – язык

Ankle – лодыжка

Pain - боль

Teacher : - Do you know that

People have 206 bones in their body!

Cats have between 240-245 bones in their body.

Activity 2a Work in groups of 4/5. Think. 7 min

What other body words do you know?

Objective: to understand an increasing number of body part names and develop vocabulary

STEP 1:  class is divided into groups of 4/5. Teacher say: “Look at each other carefully”.  “What other body parts can you see on your face?”

Possible answers: teeth, tongue, neck, lips

STEP 2:Teacher asks: “What other body parts can you see?” Ask: “Who knows where your chest is?” Repeat with: stomach, wrist, thumb, ankle.

STEP 3: Teacher asks: “Who knows the name of body parts you can’t see?” Accept any

reasonable answer, e.g. blood, veins, muscles.

STEP 4: Teacher asks: “Who knows where your heart is?” Praise any pupils who indicate where the heart is.

STEP 5: Play “Teacher says Show me your mouth”. Teacher repeats with: teeth, tongue.

Teaching tip: try and keep the body parts in groups, e.g. arm, elbow, wrist, hand,

fingers, thumb; leg, knee, ankle, foot, toe; head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, neck.

Activity 2b Work in groups of 4/5 Think. 5 min

Have you ever been ill? What part of the body was not working well? What was wrong?

Objective: to understand that sometimes our bodies do not work well and we need to identify which part is not feeling right

STEP 1:Class into groups of 4/5. Ask: “Have you ever been ill? What was wrong?” Say: “Make a list”.

Activity 3a  Work in pairs. Read and complete.

1 I have a pain in my _________. I can’t hear you.( ears)

2 I have a pain in my _________. I can’t eat anything.(stmach)

3 I have a pain in my _________. I can’t walk (leg).

4 I have a pain in my _________. I can’t write (wrist).

5 I have a pain in my _________. I can’t sweep the yard (back).

6 I have a pain in my _________. I can’t see well (eyes).

4 Work in pairs. Choose the words and make up  a short story.

e.g. Yesterday we played snowballs all evening and it was really fun.        But it was very cold and I caught a cold. Today I am not feeling       well. I cannot go to school. I should stay at home and lie in bed. 

Activity 5. Look and write where do these people have a pain

Objective: to develop speaking, get ready for the next lesson

Ex:  I have a sore throat= I have a pain in my throat

I have a stomachache = I have a pain n my stomach 

Marking. Teacher gives marks (smiles) to pupils who were marked.

Giving homework.

Homework : Exercise 1 a,b, c on page 95.

Pupils should read and translate the text and answer the questions


“Approved” by the director


______ Kodirova Sh.M.  



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«Разработка урока I have pain in my.»



7 V




I have a pain in my….

The aims of the lesson


- to learn about the body parts and how to talk about problems with health


- to enable pupils to talk about the body parts and problems with health


- to raise awareness of the body parts and health problems

The type of the lesson:

  • giving new knowledge

  • Formulating skills and abilities/revising

  • consolidating K, A, S

  • testing

  • mixed type (containing all of the types above)

The method of the lesson:

  • CLT ( Communicative Language Teaching)

  • The Grammar-Translation method

  • The direct method

  • The audio-lingual method

  • The silent way

  • Community Language Learning

  • Total-Physical Response

  • Content-Based, Task-based and Participatory Approaches

  • Learning Strategy Training, Cooperative Learning and Multiple Intelligences


  • CLIL


Social, linguistic, pragmatic

The way of teaching:

a) Deductive ( Presentation –Practice –Production)



( pair work, group work, individual work , plenary )

The equipment:

Question-cards, colored pictures, tests, glue, paper, posters, markers, the DVD of the book, computer

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson PP will be able to talk about the body parts and problems with


The block-scheme of the lesson:


Parts of the stage

Activities and warm-ups



Organizational part

a) Greeting and checking PP attendance

b)Checking the previous lesson and homework




Work on the new theme

Presenting and practicing new theme:






The end of the lesson

Remember box, Product acts

Giving homework;

Marking PP




45 min

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organizational part: a) Greeting and checking PP attendance

b)Checking the previous lesson and homework (How?) A)Traditional method B)Non-traditional method : a )Self-checking method b)Inter-checking method) Activity (Answer keys)_________________________________________________________________

II. Working on the new theme ( 2. Presenting and 3 .Practicing )

Activity 1a Work in pairs. Look and think. Look at the body outline. Draw and label the body. 7 min

Objective: to revise and develop understanding of words to label body parts in humans

Procedure: pupils take the papers with name of body part and put to the correct place.

Heart – сердце

Chest -грудь

Wrist –запястье

Stomach- желудок

Thumb –большой палец ноги или руки

Tongue – язык

Ankle – лодыжка

Pain - боль

Teacher : - Do you know that

People have 206 bones in their body!

Cats have between 240-245 bones in their body.

Activity 2a Work in groups of 4/5. Think. 7 min

What other body words do you know?

Objective: to understand an increasing number of body part names and develop vocabulary

STEP 1: class is divided into groups of 4/5. Teacher say: “Look at each other carefully”. “What other body parts can you see on your face?”

Possible answers: teeth, tongue, neck, lips

STEP 2:Teacher asks: “What other body parts can you see?” Ask: “Who knows where your chest is?” Repeat with: stomach, wrist, thumb, ankle.

STEP 3: Teacher asks: “Who knows the name of body parts you can’t see?” Accept any

reasonable answer, e.g. blood, veins, muscles.

STEP 4: Teacher asks: “Who knows where your heart is?” Praise any pupils who indicate where the heart is.

STEP 5: Play “Teacher says Show me your mouth”. Teacher repeats with: teeth, tongue.

Teaching tip: try and keep the body parts in groups, e.g. arm, elbow, wrist, hand,

fingers, thumb; leg, knee, ankle, foot, toe; head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, neck.

Activity 2b Work in groups of 4/5 Think. 5 min

Have you ever been ill? What part of the body was not working well? What was wrong?

Objective: to understand that sometimes our bodies do not work well and we need to identify which part is not feeling right

STEP 1:Class into groups of 4/5. Ask: “Have you ever been ill? What was wrong?” Say: “Make a list”.

Activity 3a Work in pairs. Read and complete.

1 I have a pain in my _________ . I can’t hear you.( ears)

2 I have a pain in my _________ . I can’t eat anything.(stmach)

3 I have a pain in my _________ . I can’t walk (leg).

4 I have a pain in my _________ . I can’t write (wrist).

5 I have a pain in my _________ . I can’t sweep the yard (back).

6 I have a pain in my _________ . I can’t see well (eyes).

4 Work in pairs. Choose the words and make up a short story.

e.g. Yesterday we played snowballs all evening and it was really fun. But it was very cold and I caught a cold. Today I am not feeling well. I cannot go to school. I should stay at home and lie in bed.

Activity 5. Look and write where do these people have a pain

Objective: to develop speaking, get ready for the next lesson

Ex: I have a sore throat= I have a pain in my throat

I have a stomachache = I have a pain n my stomach

Marking. Teacher gives marks (smiles) to pupils who were marked.

Giving homework.

Homework : Exercise 1 a,b, c on page 95.

Pupils should read and translate the text and answer the questions

“Approved” by the director

______ Kodirova Sh.M.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Разработка урока I have pain in my.

Автор: Исамова Ойгул Бахтиёровна

Дата: 13.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 546471

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