5 min 7 min 10 min 5 min 10 min 3 min | 1.Warm up (W, D) Can you describe the pictures? Imagine you are in these pale what would you see, hear or smell? 2. Activity 1 (W, I) SB: p.28 ex 1(B) To introduce the topic and predict the content of the text Read the name of these three places. What do you know about these places? Each pair makes one question for each picture. Teacher writes the best questions on the board. Suggested questions: Where is the person scuba-diving? Where are these ancient ruins? Where is this desert? 3. Activity 2. (I, f) Reading for detail – SB: Ex. 2, p. 25 Students read the text for the first time to find out about the places and see if their questions were answered. 4. Activity 3 (G, f) Students in groups find the equivalents of the words in Check These Words Table Опыт | | Под водой | | Редкий | | Аквалангист | | Виды (животных) | | Храм | | Руины | | Приезжать | | Камень | | Пространство | | Любознательный, любопытный | | Древний | | Дикая природа | | Уникальный | | Авантюрист, искатель приключений | | Коралловый риф | | Джунгли | | Сложный, трудный | | Захватывающий | | Колибри | | Курорт | | Дюна | | Скользить вниз | | Быть покрытым чем-либо | | Уничтожать | | 5. Activity 4 (P, f) SB ex2 p 28 Learners read the text second time and answer true and false questions Answer key: 1 F 2T 3T 4T 4T Home task: WB Ex 4,5 p 21 work in vocabulary p.130-131, learn the words 5. Reflection | Pictures Students’ text books Students’ text books Sheets with task for each group Students’ copy-books and textbooks The reflection list on the blackboard |