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Разработка урока английского языка по ФГОС для обучающихся 4 класса по теме "My room"

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Представленный урока по теме "My room" разработан по стандартам ФГОС и направлен на развитие навыка говорения обучающихся. В ходе урока были применены интерактивная технологтя, элементы стратегии критического мышления и проектная технология

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«Разработка урока английского языка по ФГОС для обучающихся 4 класса по теме "My room"»

Урок английского языка по теме «My room»

Theme of the lesson: ’’My room”


1. to develop communicative skills and abilities using various kinds of activities and following grammar and lexical material: construction “there is/are”, definite and indefinite articles, prepositions of place, names of rooms and furniture.

2. To mobilize the full range of students’ intelligence.

Audience: a group of 10-11 year old students

Approximate time: 45 minutes.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard software, 14 copies of handouts, selection of pictures connected with the names of rooms and furniture, sheets of paper A3, coloured pencils and felt tip pens, set of magnets

Lesson plan

Warming up:

T: Hello, children!

How are you today? What’s the weather today?

What season is it now?

What day of week is it today?

What date is it today?

(The pupils answer the questions)

Lesson procedure:

T: Look at the pictures on the board and name what you can see.(The teacher shows the pictures «Types of rooms»)

P1-P2: a living room, a dining room, a bedroom, a bathroom, a pantry, a kitchen, a hall, children’s bedroom.

Children, what is the theme of our lesson?-А как вы думаете, какая у нас тема урока?

P: Rooms.

T: What are we going to do today? И какая у нас цель урока?

P: Научиться описывать комнату.

Т: Ребята, а вы хотели бы попробовать себя сегодня в роли дизайнеров и создать комнату своей мечты?

Р: Yes!

T: А что нам понадобится для описания комнаты? Какие темы нам нужно вспомнить, повторить? What should we revise?

Let’s make a plan:

(the pupils share their opinions and finally define the following guiding lines)



  1. Revise the construction There is/are.

  2. Revise the article a/an /the.

  3. Revise the names of furniture.

  4. Revise the prepositions.

  5. Think, draw and say- «My room» Project

(While discussing the teacher writes the plan on the board for the pupils to follow)

T: So, let’s revise the construction There is/are. Children, say the rule!

(The pupils say the rule they had studied previously)

T:Now, let’s have some practice. Take these sheets of paper, read the sentences and fill in “is/are”. You have three minutes.


  1. There ____a table in the middle of the kitchen.

  2. There ____ a big window behind the sofa.

  3. There ____three brown shelves on the wall.

  4. There ____a box under the table.

  5. There ____a coffee table between the armchairs.

  6. There ____ a living room, a kitchen and a bedroom in the house.

  7. There ____many books on the desk.

T: Now let’s check it together. Change your tests with your partners.

Take a pencil. Look at the board and put “+” or “-”. You have two minutes

(The children see the correct variant on the board and put marks next to the sentences)

T: Now it’s time to give a mark to your classmates. If there are no mistakes-put “a five”, if there is 1-2 mistakes -put “a four” , if there are 3 mistakes –put “a three”

T: Now give it back to your partner. Now ,children, raise your hands, who has “a five”,”a four”,”a three”.

T: Now let’s look at the second point of our plan a revise articles A/The.

How do we use them? Say the rule.

(the pupils tell about the use of two forms of the articles)

T: Now let’s revise the prepositions and sing two songs.

(The children sing songs on the use of “on, in, under ,in front of, behind, between”)

T: There are three more prepositions not mentioned in the songs. Look at the pictures on the board and answer my questions:

  1. Where is the sofa?

  2. Where is the table?

  3. Where is the fireplace?

  4. Where is the picture?

(The children use the prepositions “in the middle, above, in the left corner, in the right corner”)

T: Now let’s look at our plan and revise the names of furniture.

(The teacher shows the pictures and the children say the words)

T: But we need some more words for our room . Do you like to play hide-and-seek? Would you like to find some pictures?

P: OK. Let’s find!

T: Find the pictures under my teacher’s desk, behind the board, next to the door, behind the computer, above the board, between the windows.

(The children find the pictures and stick to the board, )

T: Which of these pictures can we take for our room?

(Pupils chose the pictures and name the objects on them)

T: We are very tired. Let’s stand up and move! (Children sing “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”

T: Let’s look at the plan. We are ready to create your own room, the room you’d like to live in. Let’s part into four groups Take sheets of paper. Think, draw, colour and tell us .You have 10 minutes.

(While working pupils discuss, agree what information to say and how to describe the picture)

T: Now let’s listen to the group № 1,2,3,4.

T: А теперь давайте проголосуем за понравившийся проект комнаты. При условии, что за свой проект голосовать нельзя.(The teacher gives coloured stickers and the students stick them on the project they like)

T: Now let’s see whose project is the best. Today the best designers are

group №…Take the diploma and our congratulations.

Our lesson is over. Good-bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Разработка урока английского языка по ФГОС для обучающихся 4 класса по теме "My room"

Автор: Семенякина Надежда Николаевна

Дата: 07.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 455526

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