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Разработка урока-соревнования по теме: "Sports Competitions"

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Тема: "Sports Competition"

Мета: проконтролювати ступінь за­своєння знань, сформованості на­вчальних умінь та навичок учнів з теми «Спорт»; узагальнити грама­тичний матеріал (утворення і вжи­вання вищого й найвищого ступенів порівняння прикметників); розви­вати навички розуміння прочитано­го, навички діалогічного та моноло­гічного мовлення, вміння учнів працювати над груповими робота­ми; сприяти розвитку логічного мислення учнів; виховувати пізна­вальний інтерес до вивчення анг­лійської мови, старанність і повагу здин до одного; розширювати кру­гозір учнів.

Тип уроку: урок-змагання.

Обладнання: малюнки; ТЗН, роздатковий матеріал, грамоти, медалі.

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«Разработка урока-соревнования по теме: "Sports Competitions" »

Тема: "Sports Competition"

Мета: проконтролювати ступінь за­своєння знань, сформованості на­вчальних умінь та навичок учнів з теми «Спорт»; узагальнити грама­тичний матеріал (утворення і вжи­вання вищого й найвищого ступенів порівняння прикметників); розви­вати навички розуміння прочитано­го, навички діалогічного та моноло­гічного мовлення, вміння учнів працювати над груповими робота­ми; сприяти розвитку логічного мислення учнів; виховувати пізна­вальний інтерес до вивчення анг­лійської мови, старанність і повагу здин до одного; розширювати кру­гозір учнів.

Тип уроку: урок-змагання.

Обладнання: малюнки; ТЗН, роздатковий матеріал, грамоти, медалі.

Хід уроку:

1.Вступна частина:

  • Good morning, boys and girls.

  • Good morning, teacher.

  • I`m glad to see you. Take your seats, please.

  • Thank you.

  • Today, my dear friends, we shall have an unusual lesson. It will be a competition. We have already divided into two groups. There will be 11 pupils in each team. We shall play different games, compete, brush up your grammar, share and discuss the ideas about a healthy way of life. At the end of the game we shall count our scores and find out who is the winner. Don`t forget to offer to help to each other. Be friendly, attentive, intelligent, creative and hardworking.

It`s time to begin our competition. Let`s start it with the first exercise.

2.Основна частина

Перший конкурс

Now I want you to look at the blackboard. You can see some number there. Your task is to read the proverb using the code. The team who will be the first get 1 score.

1 62783 4583 56 58 1 62783 0239.


0 – b, 1 – a, 2 – o, 3 – d, 4- m, 5 – i, 6 – s, 7 – u, 8 – n, 9 – y.


A sound mind is in a sound body. (В здоровому тілі – здоровий дух.)

Другий конкурс

The next task is for you to guess the game. There is an envelope on each table. Take them, please. Open the envelopes and take

Read the description of the sports and name them.

  1. This game is played by two teams. There are six players in each team. They play game on an ice field.

  2. It is a team game. Two teams hit large ball with their hands over a high net. The ball is not allowed to bounce on the ground.

  3. It is a game of two players. Each player starts with sixteen different playing figures. They move the playing figures on a board. The aim of the game is taking your opponent`s king.

Key: 1-hockey; 2-volleyball; 3-chess

Третій конкурс

The fourth game is “Find the words”. You can see the parts of the words on the blackboard. You will make up the words on the topic “Sport”. You will have 4 min. to finish your task.

ate foot kar

ball stics ce

gymna ra ball

fen go volley

etball cing bask

athl lf etics

Keys: football, gymnastics, karate, race, fencing athletics, golf, basketball, volleyball.

Четвертий конкурс

You must read the text and statements. If you agree with them write ‘true’ or ‘false’. Is it clear? Get down to work.

Text. A Letter About Sports in England

37. High Street, London, S. E. 9 June 4th 2002

Dear Lena,

I greatly enjoyed your letter in which you told me about sports in your town. I'll try to tell you now about the games we play in England.

First of all, I must tell you that football is played in England in winter, and not in summer. Football is the most popu­lar game in England, because England is the home of football. Schools and towns have football teams, and of course the English team is well known in the world.

We do not play ice hockey much in England, because the winter is not very cold. But we play field hockey. There are men's teams and women's, and many schools have teams too.

Other games which we play in England are tennis, basket-ball and volleyball. We have gymnastics every week in our school gymnasium. We run and jump and play basketball, volleyball and oth­er games. In summer we have gymnas­tics in the playground.

Well, I end my letter for today.

I wish you all the best and hope to re­ceive another letter from you soon.

Your friend, Mary Smith.

True or False

1. This letter is about sports in Ukraine. --

2. Football is played in England in winter.+

3. England is the home of football. +

4. English team is not well known in the world.--

5. The winter is very cold in England.--

6 English people play field hockey.+

7. Mary has gymnastics every week in her school gymnasium.+

8. In summer they do not have gym­nastics.+

9. Mary lives in London in Low Street.--

10. This letter is from England.+

П’ятий конкурс

‘’The theatre” (фізхвилинка)

Take three pictures from your envelopes. You task is to show them by means of mimicry and gesture. Who will be the first?

Шостий конкурс

"Missing letters"

(вставити пропущену літеру)

T. The following task is to write the missing letters. I need two players. Go to the board, take the piece of chalk and get down to work.



1. swi_ _ing

1. h_ckey

2. cri_ _et


3. fen_ing

3. go _ _

4. _ _nnis

4. a_ _letics

5. v_lley-b_ll

5. ba_ ketb_ ll

Сьомий конкурс

Puzzle-words (побудувати слово)

Т. The other pupils have to make up the words using the letters. You'll have one point for each right word.

1) ollbaft

2) aitrner

3) nasgymtics

4) ssech

5) ckcriet

6) ypaler

7) manorspts

Восьмий конкурс

Crossword (розгадування кросвордів)

Т. The task is to fill in the crossword and find a key-word in a line. The high­est mark is 7. Referees will check your work.

Crossword 2

Fill in the crossword and find a key-1 word in a bold line.

1) Шахи.

2) Гравець.

3) Фехтування.

4) Атлетика.

5) Плавання.

6) Стрибки.

7) Гімнастика.

Дев’ятий конкурс

Questionanswer (полілог)

Утвори питання, використовуючи подані слова, запиши їх..

T. "Question — answer" is the next task. Listen to me attentively! You I must make up the questions using the follow­ing words, write them down and ask the members of the other team. Do it one by one. The card № 1 will start. You have 5 minutes. The highest mark is 6.

1) you, Do, in for, go, sport?

2) you, Can, swim?

3) to see, you, competitions, like, do, boxing, on TV?

4) in your school, When, have, did you, basketball match, last?

5) better, What, played, team?

6) like, Did, the game, you?

Десятий конкурс

Fill in the gaps

Учні повинні заповнити пропуски в таблиці «Ступені порівняння».

Т. I need two pupils. Your task is to fill in the gaps in the table. You must recol­lect the degrees of comparison of adjec­tives. The highest mark is twelve. Refe­rees will check your work. The highest mark is 12.

See table.


the worst


the coldest


the best


the biggest


the most famous

more beautiful

the most beautiful




the longest


more interesting

III. Заключна частина уроку

Т. While referees count your points, let's sing and dance. Stand up, please.

(Журі підраховує кількість балів і визначає переможців. Учні співа­ють і танцюють. Звучить пісня «Clap your hands».)

Т. Children, come to the board. Dear referees, are you ready with the re­sults?

(Журі оголошує результати, вітає переможців і вручає нагороди.)

Т. І congratulate the winners. You won the GOLD medals. As they say, FOR­TUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE.

The other team won SILVER medals. Don't forget: IT IS ABOVE ALL TO TAKE PART IN, NOT TO WIN. Dear referees, thank you for your help.

Thank you, pupils, for your participa­tion in our competitions. The winners have got the highest mark— 12. Each pupil of the other team has got — 9.

Our lesson is over. Good luck!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка урока-соревнования по теме: "Sports Competitions"

Автор: Маевская Дарья Николаевна

Дата: 20.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 203901

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