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Разработка урока по английскому языку в 9 классе на тему "Brains like muscles"

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Разработка урока анлийского языка в 9 классе на тему "Brains like muscles". Целью урока является развитие речевого запаса учащихся. Отработка навыков составления мини-проекта, работа в группах, развитие коммуникативных навыков у учащихся. При составлении урока большое внимание уделено индивидуальному оцениванию учащихся, а также оцениванию в группах.

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«Разработка урока по английскому языку в 9 классе на тему "Brains like muscles" »

Grade: 9

Theme: Brains like muscles

Learning objectives: - identify the work of human brain;

- read and identify the way of improving memory ;

- use the appropriate vocabulary;

- consolidate determiners (everyone, someone....)

Learning outcomes: - do memory test;

- read the text;

- speak and analyze the theme.

Handouts: copies of the text, cards, tests, assessment list for leaders

of groups


Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Student 4

Remembering of the verbs

The number of techniques

Reading skills

The ability to scan a text

The ability to make tests

The ability to work in group

Activity at the lesson


Resources: The Sunday Times Magazine, Cutting Edge, Interm., English in mind

Equipment: projector, computers

Stages of the lesson

1 Organization moment

Teacher's activity:

- greeting

- checking presence

-introduce the objectives.

- divide the class into

4 groups, using memory test1, choose a leader of a group who fill in the assessment list

Students' activity:

During 3 min sts remember verb from the list

love, like, hate, want, wish, desire, see, hear, feel, notice, know, understand, remember, forget, believe, recognize, seem, appear, possess, contain, consist

2 Presentation

Teacher's activity:

1 So, human brain.

It is light and small, only 2% of our total body weight.

Remember your weight and calculate the weight of your brain.

If you don't remember take an approximate figure.

2 Look at the picture, take your cards and read the definition to the brain.

3 So our brain rises our memory. But some people have problems with memory.

Scan the text about how memory works. It mentions 5 techniques for helping you remember things. What are they?

Students' activity:

Sts calculate and tell the weight.

Sts read card 1

The human brain is the most complex object known in the universe. The ugly, wrinkled lump of pink jelly inside your head – 3lb of water, fat, protein and salt- contains a staggeringly brilliant design. It enables billions of brain cells to make trillions of connections, each with its own wired- in purpose, giving rise to a multitude of thoughts, feelings, ideas and memories in all of us.

Teacher's activity:

All in the memory…

Many people complain that their memory is bad, particularly as they get older. Phone numbers, names, facts we studied only a few days ago- life would be so much easier if we could remember them all effortlessly. So how can we improve our memory?

Many people think that repeating things is the best way to remember them. While this undoubtedly helps short- tem memory (remembering a telephone number for a few seconds, for example), psychologists doubt whether it can help you to remember things for very long. The British psychologist E. C. Stanford seemed to prove this point when he tested himself on five prayers that he had read aloud every moming for over 25 years. He found that he could remember no more than three words of some of them! More helpful, especially for remembering numbers, is ‘chunking’, or grouping, the information. The following numbers would be impossible for most of us to remember. 1492178919931848. But look at them in ‘chunks’, and it becomes much easier 1492178919931848.

So what about ‘memory training’? We’ve all heard about people who can memorise packs of cards by heart- how is this done and can anyone leam how to do it? According to experts, there are vanous ways of training your memory. Many of them involve forming a mental picture of the items to be memorized. One method, which may be useful in learning foreign languages, is to create a picture in your mind associated with a word you want to remember. For example. An English person wishing to leam ‘pato’ (the Spanish word for ‘duck’), could associate it with the English verb ‘to pat’ imagining someone patting a duck on the head would remind the leamer of the Spanish word.

Another method is to invent a story that includes all the things you want to remember. In experiments, people were asked to remember up to 120 words using this technique; when tested ofterwards, on average, they were able to recall 90 per cent of them! Surprisingly, however, there is nothing new about these methods – they were around even in ancient times. Apparently the Roman general Publius Scipio could recognize and name his entire army- 35 000 men in total!

Open your textbooks p,68 and find some more tips which are not mentioned in the text.

Students' activity:

Sts read and find the techniques

1 repetition

2 chunking or grouping information

3 forming a mental picture of the item to be memorised

4 invention a story

5 form meaningfull connections, to ask yourself a lot of questions

6 tell a friend about what you want to remember

7 if you want to remember a piece of information, and you can't, don't get angry.

Relax and tell yourself, "It's important, I will remember it later"

3. Practice

Teacher's activity:

1 Use one of the techniques and try again to remember the list of the verbs. Do you remember why these verbs are in one group?

2 Sometimes people say that men are from Mars and women are from Vinous

Brain box: battle of the cortexes



Better at chess

Better at foreign languages

Have more tunnel vision, but better depth and perspective

Have wider peripheral vision for the big picture

Take more interest in objects

More interested in people /faces

Have tight hemisphere larger than left

Have left hemisphere larger than right

Favour right ear

Listen equally with bath ears

Solve maths problems non verbally

Tend to talk while solving maths problems

Handle multi- tasking more easlly

Less at ease with multi- tasking

Use less eye contact

Use more eye contact

Have a shorter attention span

Have a longer attention span

Are more sensation- seeking

Are less sensation- seeking

React slowly to plan

React more qulckly but have better tolerance of long- term plan

At pre-school, take 36 seconds to say goodbye

At pre-school, take 93 seconds to say goodbye

Students' activity:

Sts write the verbs and after check it.

Do you have a male or female brain?

Do you have a male “systematising” brain that wants to find out how fhings work? Or do you have a female “empathising” brain fhat fries to identify others’ emotions? It’s not only down to your gender, one in ten women has a “male- fype” brain. Answer the questions below to see which type of brain you have.

  1. When someone gets upset, can you see why?

  1. Yes, usually quite quickly

  2. No, I often feet at sea.

  1. If you were buying a car, would you want specific details about its engine?

  1. Not really

  2. Definitely

  1. How important are your relationships?

  1. Very important

  2. Not a nigh priority

  1. When doing DIY, do you cut corners to get the job done?

  1. Yes

  2. No, I’m always meticulous

  1. How easy would you find it to explain something to someone else if they hadn’t understood it the first time?

  1. Very easy

  2. Quite difficult

  1. What do you prefer to read?

  1. Features about relationships.

  2. Articles that are fact- based.

  1. Can you tell if someone wants to join in a conversation?

  1. I find it easy.

  2. I find it quite hard

  1. How do you find map reading?

  1. Quite hard

  2. Very easy

  1. How do you generally feet in social situations?

  1. Comfortable

  2. I often feel like leaving

  1. How organised is your CD collection?

  1. Not at all

  2. Highly

  1. If there was a problem with the wiring in your home, what would you do?

  1. Get someone else to fix it

  2. Try to fix it myself

  1. How did you feet in maths lessons at school

  1. I was bored

  2. I was intrigued by the rules governing numbers.

  1. What do you think when you watch the weather forecast?

  1. Bored by the detalls

  2. Interested in the meteorological

  1. Describe your attitude when you’re having a discussion.

  1. I can tell quickly if I’m putting my point across too forcefully

  2. I’m sometimes unsure when enough is enough.

HOW DID YOU SCORE? If you circled more As than Bs (with a difference of more than 3), you have a female brain, if, however, you circled more Bs than As (with a difference of more than 3), you have a male brain, if, on the other hand, you circled a similar number of As and Bs, you have a balanced brain.
4. Summery

- feedback: leaders of the group announce the assessment of the work of the members of their group according to the assessment list and hand in to the teacher.

- marks

- explain H.T. 1)ex.1,p.68 (SB)

2 ex.2,p54 (WB)

5. Self analysis (Reflection)

West Kazakhstan, Aksai, school 4

Teacher: Malika Kashukovna Mahauova

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка урока по английскому языку в 9 классе на тему "Brains like muscles"

Автор: Махауова Малика Кашуковна

Дата: 06.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 198059

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