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Разработка урока на тему "Role-play "Employment" по дисциплине "Профессиональный иностранный язык"

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Поскольку глобализация продолжается, у студентов со всего мира есть все больше и больше возможности работать в компаниях, которые используют английский язык как средство общения на рабочем месте. Вот почему данный урок основан на эту тему. Цель данного урока представить студентам возможность практиковать собеседование на английском языке с помощью обсуждения и ролевые игры. 

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«Разработка урока на тему "Role-play "Employment" по дисциплине "Профессиональный иностранный язык" »

Дисциплина: Professional English

Раздел 6 Business documentation

Тема курса 6 Business documentation

Тема урока: Role playEmployment

Date: 25.02.2015

Place: 706 auditory

Group: II basic “FIANACE-2”

The objectives:

Educational – to revise all themes of the course; to provide students with an opportunity to practise job interview in English using discussion and role play;

Practical – to practice using of new lexis in written and oral speech;

Developing – to develop students’ communicative and perceptive skills;

Cultural – to increase the interest in learning target language; to enrich their sense of responsibility by working in group;

Aids: Interactive board, active pen, text, exercise task, points, presentation, resume/CV;

Type of the lesson: role play

Kind of the lesson: practical

Method: technology of critical thinking, information and communication technology;


  1. Organization moment:

  1. Greeting: (3 min)

  • Good morning, guys! How are you today?

  • Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

  • What date is it today? What day of week is it today? What’s the weather like today?

b) Checking the students’ preparation and auditory;

c) Giving the objectives of the lesson:

Teacher: As globalization continues, students from around the world have more and more opportunities to work in companies that use English as the means of communication in the work place. That is why today our lesson will be based on job interviews.

  1. Checking the home-task: (12 min)

Test on “Professional English”. Students are given 10 questions.

Questions on Professional English:

  1. ______ is based on non-fiction written type of the language, the personal element is excluded. It is used in formal situations.

  1. Scientific-professional style

  2. Everyday speech style

  3. Official business style +

  4. Publicistic style

  5. Literary speech

  1. ___________is based on non-fiction oral type of language. It is used in informal situations. The personal aspect dominates

  1. Scientific-professional style

  2. Everyday speech style +

  3. Official business style

  4. Publicistic style

  5. Literary speech

  1. Our ....... helps people to find necessary books and magazines.

  1. A teacher

  2. A bodyguard

  3. A vet

  4. A librarian +

  5. A sportsman

  1. _______ simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed

  1. sale

  2. distribution

  3. production

  4. business +

  5. goods

  1. ________ makes inside and outside control and analysis of financial activity of enterprise of different forms of ownership, evaluates the reliable of statement, legalization of made operations, takes a participation in regarding of claims about non creditworthiness of enterprises, organizations.

  1. Auditor +

  2. Accountant

  3. Manager

  4. Economist

  5. Statistician

  1. Presentation stage:

Presentation of the theme: (25 min)

1) Employment vocabulary:

a) Checking students understand the meaning of the terms “Employer” and “Applicant”;

b) To distribute copies of the worksheet 1 among student;

Task: Classify the vocabulary according to whether it would be used by an “employer”, an “applicant” or “both” during a job interview.




work experience, vacation, medical insurance, training, salary, overtime, promotion, work environment, experience, language abilities, letters of recommendation, office work, breaks.

c) To get students in small groups to classify the vocabulary according to weather it would be used by an “employer”, an “ applicant” or “both” during a job interview;

2) Interview questions:

a) To elicit from students an example of the types of question an employer would ask in an interview and an example of the type of question an applicant would ask.

b) To distribute copies of the worksheet 2 among student; to ask students to decide which question would be asked by an employer, and which would be asked by an applicant;

Task: Classify the questions which would be asked by an “employer”, and which would be asked by an “applicant” during a job interview.



  1. What is your current salary?

  2. What is the salary range on offer?

  3. What is your work experience?

  4. Where is your company located?

  5. What did you study at university?

  6. What languages can you speak?

  7. Is there a chance for promotion?

  8. What are the benefits of working here?

3) Listening task:

a) To get students to understand the words: application form, to be engaged, to be afraid, demand;

b) To listen to the dialogue;

c) To listen to the dialogue once more and to fill in the gaps;


  1. Listen to the dialogue carefully.

  2. Listen to the dialogue once more and fill in the gaps.

Interviewer: Come in... come in. It's Miss Wallace, isn't it?

Miss Wallace: Yes, that's right. How do you do?

Interviewer: How do you do? Please take a seat.

Miss Wallace: Thank you very much.

Interviewer: Well, I've got your __________(1) here. I just want to check the information... is that all right?

Miss Wallace: Yes, of course.

Interviewer: Now, you're 28, aren't you?

Miss Wallace: Yes, I am.

Interviewer: ... and you aren't married, are you?

Miss Wallace: No, I'm not... yet; I'm ___________(2).

Interviewer: Uh, huh. You didn't go to university?

Miss Wallace: No, I didn't, but I went to ______________ (3). And I started work when I was 20.

Interviewer: I see. You can speak ____________(4), can't you?

Miss Wallace: Yes, I can... but I can write it better than I can speak it.

Interviewer: Is there any other language you can speak?

Miss Wallace: Yes, I can speak a little ____________(5).

Interviewer: You've been to Argentina, haven't you?

Miss Wallace: Yes, I have... and to France.

Interviewer: So I see... but you haven't been to the Middle East, have you?

Miss Wallace: No, I'm not afraid I haven't, but I'd like to.

Interviewer: Good, because there is a _________ (6) for multi-lingual people in this job. I think you will do just fine!

Miss Wallace: Thank you so much! I won't disappoint you!

d) To check the comprehention: True/False

  1. The applicant is a man.

  2. She is married.

  3. She is 28 years old.

  4. She studied at the university.

  5. She went to the technical college.

  6. She can speak Spanish fluently.

  7. She has been to Argentina and to France.

  8. She has not been to the Middle East.

  1. Practice stage: (25 min)

Role play:

a) Diving the group into two groups: employers seeking to hire employees and applicants seeking to find job; Explain to employers that they are going to conduct an interview; to explain the applicants that they are going to attend interview; Students are given 8 minutes per interview; Employers are going to prepare their presentation about the company and Applicant are going to prepare their CV/resume;

b) Role play

  1. Conclusion. (10 min)

Questions on Professional English:

To ask the employers who they would like to hire and why;

  1. Giving home-task: (3 min)

Revision of all the theme; vocabulary;

  1. Reflection. (2 min)

  1. Evaluation. Putting students marks for lesson. ( 3 min)

  2. Today you were active at the lesson. Thank you for your attention. The lesson is over. Good-bye!

Преподаватель Бектурова Г.Ж.

Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан

РГКП «Семипалатинский финансово-экономический колледж имени Рымбека Байсеитова»

Методическая разработка

городского открытого урока

по дисциплине «Профессиональный английский язык»

на тему «Role play “Employment”»

Подготовил преподаватель цикловой комиссии языков

Бектурова Г.Ж.

2014-2015 учебный год

Рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании цикловой комиссии языков

от «___» _________ 2015г.

Протокол № _________

Председатель цикловой комиссии _________ Байтемирова Г.Б.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Автор: Бектурова Гульнара Жомартовна

Дата: 16.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 173950

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