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Разработка урока английского языка для 1курса колледжа "Seasons"

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Урок разработан для студентов 1 курса специальности "Финансы" профессионально-технического колледжа.Цель урока научить студентов вести беседу по теме "Сезоны и погода". Урок был проведен с использованием интерактивной доски: показ слайдов, видеозаписи диалогов о погоде. На уроке были использованы элементы критического мышления и дифференцированный подход к каждому студенту.

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«разработка урока английского языка для 1курса колледжа "Seasons"»

Тема урока: Seasons and Weather

Цели урока:

Образовательная: Ознакомить студентов с новой лексической темой «Seasons and weather». Научить вести беседу по теме. Систематизировать грамматические знания студентов по изученному материалу с целью его дальнейшего практического применения;

Развивающая: Совершенствовать навыки устной речи, развивать навыки монологической речи и диалогической речи; развивать навыки чтения, лексические и грамматические навыки; расширять словарный запас и кругозор учащихся; развивать навыкb аудирования ;

Воспитательная: Поддерживать интерес к предмету с помощью ТСО;

Воспитывать уважения к сверстникам, их точке зрения и результатам труда; Воспитывать любовь и бережное отношение к природе

Тип урока: урок формирования новых знаний и систематизации изученного

Вид урока: комбинированный

Оборудование: Kарточки с текстом "Seasons"; таблица с вопросами Интерактивная доска; Слайды с видами природы, изображающие разные времена Раздаточный материал

Ход урока

I. Начало урока:

1. Приветствие студентов и гостей Good morning, dear students ! Glad to see you. We have an unusual lesson today. Many guests are visiting our lesson. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our English lesson.

T: Who’s on duty today?

P: I’m on duty today.

T: What date is it today?

P.: Today is the the 14 of December.

T What day of the week is it today?

1 Is it warm or cold today?

2 Is it windy?

3 Is it raining?

4 Is it snowing?

5 Is the sun shining brightly?

6 What colour is the sky?

7 What’s the weather like today?

8 Do you like this weather? Why?

9 What was the weather like yesterday?

10 How many days has a year got?

11 How many days has a leap year got?

12. How many seasons are there in a year?

13. What are they?

14. What season is the coldest?

15. What season is the hottest?

16. What season brings the first flowers?

17. What season is "tasty"?

18. How many months make a year?

19. What are the names of the months?

20. What month is the shortest?

21. What is white and falls on the ground?

T: When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about weather. That’s why you must be good at discussing the weather. Today we are going to speak about seasons and weather. So let’s start our lesson.

II.Отработка лексического материала.

Match the words to the symbols


2 foggy

3 cloudy

4 rainy

5 snowy

6 thunder and lightning

- Do you know the months and other words belonging to the seasons? Lets cheсk. Put the words in the correct column.

Cold, hot, July, December, April, warm, New Year’s Day, May, icy, brown leaves, cool, frost, dry, showers, snow, drizzle, thunderstorm, August, dry, good, clear, stormy, cloudy, snowy, humid, wonderful, sunny, dreadful, frosty, wet, fine, windy, foggy, bad, sleety, rainy, nasty, freezing, terrible, calm.





Join the pals to make 10 words.

























Calendar Autumn August Winter Season Sunday July October Summer April

Choose the right word

What is the weather like today?

  • It is … (fine, cloudy) today.

  • The atmospheric pressure is … (high, low…).

  • The sun is shining (It is raining).

  • It is … (warm, cold).

  • The temperature is …-… degrees (below, above) zero.

  • The wind is blowing from the (south, north, south-east…).

  • The wind is (warm, cold, strong, light…).

III Воспроизведение комбинированных диалогов по ролям в парах.

Listen to the dialogues and translate into English given dialogues and Reproduce

(1) – Привет! Восхитительный день, не так ли?

– Hi! Oh, yes, just wonderful nice and warm. What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?

– Будет ясно и солнечно.

– How nice. Bye-bye.

– До свидания.

(2) – Hello!

– Привет!

– It's a dull morning, isn't it?

– Да, боюсь, будет плохая погода.

– What a pity!

(3) – Hello!

– Привет! Рад тебя видеть. Сегодня очень холодно, не так ли?

– Yes, I think we're in for a long cold winter.

(4) – Как жарко! И нет ветра!

– Yes! I think we're going to have a thunderstorm.

– Замечательно. Дождь освежает воздух.

– You are right.

(5) – Привет!

– Hello!

– Ненастная погода, не так ли?

– It's terrible weather we're having.

– Да, идет дождь и довольно холодно.

Read the dialogues and act them out.

IV. Now it’s time to speak about the seasons

What are the words?

1. Snowflakes fall in...

2. Flowers grow in...

3. Leaves turn brown in...

4. New leaves grow on trees in…

5. Trees are green in...

6. Leaves fall in...

7. Flowers don't grow in...

V. Чтение текста "Seasons" и выполнение заданий по тексту.

There are four seasons in a year. They are winter, spring, summer and autumn.

Winter begins in December. The winter months are December, January and February. The weather is cold. frosty and windy in Winter. It often snows. Everything is white with snow. The days are short and the nights are long. Winter is time for fun. Children can ski, skate, sledge and plav snowballs. We celebrate New Year on the 31st of December and Christmas on the 71" of January.

Spring begins m March. It lasts for three month: March, April find May. In early spring the weather is changeable. Sometimes it is cold and rainy, in late spring the weather is sunny and warm. Every thing begins to grow. Spring is a wonderful season. In spring there are many holidays: the 8th of March, the f of May, the 9th of May. Children like spring. They play different games: hopscotch, tag. leapfrog. They often go for walks.

Summer begins in June and lasts for three months: June, July and August. Summer is the holiest season. The weather Is warm, sunny and bright. Everybody likes summer. Many People go to the country in summer. Summer is the best season for sports m the open air. People play football, basketball, tennis, badminton, bathe and swim. Schoolchildren have their summer holidays.

Autumn begins in September and lasts for three months; September October and November. In early autumn the weather is sunny, warm and bright. In late autumn the weather gets cooler. It often rains. The weather is cloudy, rainy and wet. The days become shorter and the nights longer. Autumn is a beautiful season. The leaves are red, brown, green and yellow. It is a “tasty” season. There are a lot of fruit and vegetables. Autumn is a season when a school year begins.

1. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. Spring is a wonderful season.

2. Winter begins in December.

3. The weather is warm, sunny and bright in summer.

4. Sometimes it is cold and rainy in spring.

5. Autumn is a beautiful season.

6. Everybody likes summer.

7. The leaves are red, brown and yellow.

8. Children can ski, skate, sledge and play snowballs.

2. Say true or false.

1. Winter begins in January in Kazakhstan.

2. It often snows in winter.

3. The days are long and the night are short in winter.

4. Christmas is on the 25th of December in Kazakhstan.

5. Everything begins to grow in autumn.

6. Summer is the coldest season.

7. Summer is the best season for sports in the open air.

8. In early spring the weather is changeable.

9. There are no vegetables and fruit in autumn.

10. A school year begins in autumn.

VI. Отработка грамматики.

Make up sentences filling in the blanks with the right words and word combinations.

Is a thick fog drizzling rainy are showers rains snows thunderstorms snow

It often ________________ in autumn

It ___________ _________ today. Take an umbrella.

It always ____________ in winter in this region.

It _________ _________ now.

There ______ ______________ here in summer.

There ________ ___________ today. I can hardly see.

There ________ ___________ in May in our region.

There ________ ___________ on the ground , but it’s spring already.

English Tenses.

1.1 never come home at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I usually come home at 2.30. Sometimes I go for a walk. I always do my homework at 4 o'clock. Sometimes I help my mother. I usually go to bed at 10 p.m.

2. It is snowing. Some children are skating on the skating-rink. The boys are playing snowballs. Some boys are making a snowman. Some boys are playing hockey.

3.We worked hard. We watered the flowers. We helped about the house. We went shopping yesterday.

1. The seasons.

















2. English Tenses


Present Simple

Present Progressive

Past Simple












VII. Рефлексия «Пятистишье Синклера»

1 строка, 1слово - Тема урока

2 строка, 2слова – 2 прилагательных

3 строка, 3слова – 3 глагола

4 строка, 4слова – 4 слова по теме

5 строка, 1слово – синоним темы урока






VIII. Подведение итогов урока с комментарием оценок студентов.

IX. Задание на дом: подготовить сообщение по теме

"My favourite season".

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

разработка урока английского языка для 1курса колледжа "Seasons"

Автор: Кушкарбаева Куляш Турсунбековна

Дата: 01.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 286288

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