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Путешествие в страну Грамматика / The Journey to the Grammar Land

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Ланная работа это Урок-игра для 3-4 классов начальной школы. разработан к УМК Starlight 3, но может быть использован и при работе с другими УМК. Данный урок по типу является уроком обобщения и систематизации знаний с элементами моделирования творческого мышления учащихся. Нацелен на отработку и закрепление знаний грамматического материала Present Simple и Present Continuous. Урок построен в увлекательной игровой форме. В процессе урока реализуются цели в формате ФГОС.

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«Путешествие в страну Грамматика / The Journey to the Grammar Land »

The Journey through the Grammar Land

( Урок в 3 классе по УМК Starlight 3

Тип урока: Урок - игра. Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний с элементами моделирования творческого мышления учащихся.

( с применением ИКТ)

Цели урока:


- Обобщение и систематизация изученных

грамматических структур ( Present Simple, Present

Continuous) на лексическом материале по теме “My Day”


- Развитие креативного мышления и познавательных навыков.

- Совершенствование навыков и умений учащихся в

основных видах речевой деятельности.


- Воспитание интереса к изучаемому языку.

Задачи урока:


- Активизировать изученные лексические единицы по

теме: My Day

- Систематизировать употребление грамматических

структур Present Simple и Present Continuous.


- Воспитывать личностные качества учащихся

( уверенность при ответе, культуру общения).


- Развивать коммуникативные навыки.

- Развивать навыки коллективной работы.

Оснащение урока: учебник английского языка Starlight 3,

мультимедийный проектор,

волшебная шкатулка с 7 ключиками,

карточки с грамматическими заданиями.


Разработала: Учитель английского языка Купцова О. Г.

Ход урока

  • Начало урока ( 1 мин.)

  • Фонетическая зарядка ( 3 мин.)

  • Дифференциация грам. структур по карточкам (работа в парах) ( 3 мин.)

  • Игра "A Deaf Man". Отработка Pr. Continuous. (5 мин.)

  • Игра "Отгадай". Отработка Present Continuous. (6 мин.)

  • Множественный выбор. Заполнить пропуски в тексте.

Отработка Pr. Simple и Pr. Continuous. ( 5 мин.)

  • Игра " Найди меня". Отработка Present Simple. ( 5 мин.)

  • Исправление ошибок (групповая работа). ( 6 мин.)

  • Игра "Fred". Обобщение лексико-грам. материала(9мин.)

  • Подведение итогов урока. ( 2 мин.)

Разработала: Учитель английского языка

Купцова О. Г.

ГБОУ СОШ № 639 с углубленным изучением иностранных языков


2012 год


Teacher: Good morning. children! Take your seats and let`s start lesson. Today we are going to take a magic journey through the Grammar Land. There are several keys hidden in the classroom. Our ultimate goal is to find the key which opens this magic box as it contains some gifts.

Travelling through the Grammar Land we are going to do different exercises.

And after successfully completing each exercise we will get a message with an

instruction where to find the next key.

Now before starting our journey let`s train our mouth cavity first.

Phonetic Practice:

Teacher: Let us revise some proverbs and rhymes on the topic.

P 1 \ Cl " Get up little Freddy, breakfast is ready."

P 2 \ Cl " Early to bed, early to rise."

P 3 \ Cl " A good beginning makes a good ending."

P 4 \ Cl " No pains, no gains."

P 5 \ Cl " Business before pleasure."

Task 1: "Put into the Right Column." ( Работа в парах)

Teacher: Now listen to your first task. I will give you a set of cards with

sentences in Present Simple and Continuous. Your task is to

differentiate the cards into two columns according to the tense.

The pair completing the task first will get the first message.

( Образец карточек в приложениии).

Пара учеников, первая закончившая правильно задание,

получает послание, где искать первый ключ.

Message 1: The Key is on the schoolboard.

(Ученики находят первый ключ, но он не подходит к волшебной


Task 2: Game " A Deaf Man." ( Present Continuous)

Teacher: You see the first key doesn`t open the box. Now listen to the

second task. We are going to play the game " A Deaf man".

So I begin: T: I am reading now.

P 1: Are you really reading?

T: Yes, I am reading.

P 1: But I am not reading.

( Учащиеся продолжают по цепочке подобные диалоги с

лексикой по теме в режиме: P1 - P2 - P3 - P 4.....

Последний ученик получает сообщение и ищет второй ключ.)

Message 2: The key is under the teacher`s table.

Task 3: Game " Guess". ( Present Continuous)

Teacher: As you see the second key doesn`t open the box either.

Now listen to the third task. One of you will go to the black-board and pretend

he is doing some of his daily activity. You are to guess what he is doing.

P 1: Are you getting up?

P 2: Are you dressing?

P 3: Are you watching TV?

( Ученик, который угадает, идет к доске и загадывает про своего друга.

Идет отработка вопросов в 3 л. Ед. числе).

P 1: Is he having lunch?

P 2: Is he going to bed?

Следующий ученик загадывает, что сейчас делают его

друзья. Отрабатывается 3 лицо множ. число.

P 1: Are they having a shower?

P 2: Are they sleeping?

Message 3: The key is in the bookcase.

Task 4: Complete the text - Multiple Choice.

Positive Present Simple \ Present Continuous.

Teacher: And this key can`t open the box. So we have to continue

doing our tasks.

Now, look at the screen, you can see a text with missing words. Your task

is to fill in the proper word from the list below. The first one who will

properly complete the task will get the next message.

( Образец текста на диске).

Message 4: The key is in the flower pot.

Task 5: Game " Find Your Partner". ( Present Simple).

Teacher: Now let us try the fourth key. Unfortunately it doesn`t work either

Now each of you will get a card with some basic tips. Your task is to ask

your classmates the questions following these tips and to find the person with

the same features.

Card 1: He gets up at 7 o`clock.

He has eggs for breakfast.

He has lunch at school.

He takes a shower in the morning.

P1-P2: Do you get up at 7 o`clock?

Do you have eggs for breakfast? etc.

Каждая карточка отличается двумя предложениями. Каждый

ученик должен найти своего партнера с тем же набором предложений.

Все учащиеся перемещаются по классу и задают друг другу вопросы по

опорным карточкам.

Message 5: The key is under the hat.

Task 6: Corrections of Mistakes. ( Pr. Simple\ Continuous)

( Групповая работа )

Teacher: Your next task is to correct mistakes in 10 sentences. You

will work in groups of 4. All mistakes concern grammar.

The first group which will cope with the task will read the correct variant.

The sentences are on the screen.

( Образец предложений для задания находится в приложении и на диске.)

Message 6: The key is in the bag with toys.

Task 7: Game " Fred". (Закрепление изученного материала)

Teacher: And again this key doesn`t match the box. We`ll have to do

the next task. It will be a game again " Fred". Look at the screen: You can see

Fred. He is from......

Now guess where he is from.

P 1: Is he from Great Britain?

P2: Is he from America? etc.

Teacher: You are right. He is from Finland. Fred is a ........

Now guess what he is.

P 3: Is he a teacher?

P 4: Is he a policeman? etc.

Teacher: Right you are. He is a fireman. Fred has got a pet.

Guess what pet he has got. ( questions) ( a parrot)

Every day Fred gets up at ......... Now guess when he gets up.

( at 6 o`clock)

Guess what he has for breakfast. ( cereal with milk)

Guess what he usually does in the evening. ( reads)

Guess what he likes to eat. ( pizza)

Guess what he can do very well. ( swim)

Guess what he is doing now. ( is sleeping)

( Отгадав все вопросы, один ученик по опорным словам

составляет полный рассказ про Фреда, получает последнюю

инструкцию и находит ключ. Коробочка открывается, в ней

призы для всех ( конфеты или наклейки).

Conclusion: We have unlocked the magic box. So our magic journey

is over. All of you have worked well. Your marks for the

lesson are:.......

Thank you for your active work. See you tomorrow.

Task 1. Match the sentences into two columns according to the tense.

1. She is sleeping now.

2. They are doing homework.

3. Ted does homework after school.

4. We go to school together.

5. I am playing chess now.

6. Look! The birds are flying.

7. Pete likes bananas very much.

8. Are you washing at the moment?

9. Do they go to the park on Sunday?

10. I read books before sleeping.

11. Bats fly at night.

12. Kate is not taking a shower.

13. Who is playing the piano?

14. We have dinner at 6.

15. They like riding a bike.

Task 5: Find your Partner.

Card 1.

He gets up at 7 o`clock.

He has eggs for breakfast.

He has lunch at school.

He takes a shower in the morning.

Card 2.

He gets up at 7 o`clock.

He has eggs for breakfast.

He has lunch at home.

He takes a shower in the evening.

Card 3.

He gets up at 7 o`clock.

He has eggs for breakfast.

He has lunch at school.

He takes a shower in the evening.

Card 4.

He gets up at 7 o`clock.

He has lunch at school.

He has cereal for breakfast.

He watches TV in the evening.

Card 5.

He gets up at 7 o`clock.

He has cereal for breakfast.

He has lunch at home.

He listens to music in the evening.

Card 6.

He gets up at 7 o`clock.

He has lunch at home.

He has cereal for supper.

He listens to music in the evening.

Task 6: Corrections.

1. Jim don`t like apples.

2. We is reading now.

3. The cat eat meat.

4. Boys likes to wear jeans.

5. Is you sleeping now?

6. Does they go to school?

7. Bob have milk for supper.

8. Do you dressing now?

9. They doesn`t help parents.

10. We sleep in night.

11. She watch TV after school.

12. Look! Tom comes home.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Путешествие в страну Грамматика / The Journey to the Grammar Land

Автор: Купцова Оксана Георгиевна

Дата: 18.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 132109

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