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Презентация для урока Visiting the pirate's ship

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Орманова Улжан Асетовна

Учитель английского языка школы-гимназий №17


Theme: Visiting the pirates


Objectives: to practice usage of to be in Present and Past tenses;

                   to develop pupils’ listening, speaking skills;

                  to bring up working as a community.

                                 The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment. Hello boys and girls. How are you? Glad to see you again.

Are you ready to the lesson? If you are ready clap your hands, if you are not stamp.

  1. Warm up

ch [tS] The children reach for a peach.

ck[k] Nick has a stick.

ng[η] Sing a song. Bring me a ring. The man is reading.

sh[S] She is in the shop. The fish is in the dish.


  1. The main course. Today we will have revision lesson. Today we will have a journey to the Brilliant island. The theme of our lesson is Visiting the pirates.

Everybody close your eyes and count to 20.The teacher puts on students’ heads the masks of the heroes.Open your eyes. Look to each other. Who can you see? Yes you’re right.

Ok dear students look at the blackboard. There is a song. Let’s sing and introduce each other.


But I can’t see a hero who do you think he is?(Bertie)

Yes you are right. Bertie isn’t here. The pirates have taken him. Where can we find the pirates? - In the pirate ship. Let’s find Bertie. What do we need to find Bertie? Do you know how to get to the pirate ship? We need a map.

Look at the black board revise some words.



 next to




on the left

on the right

in the middle

                   The pirates left the map. But they hide it in your classroom. They said the map is divided into 10 small pieces. Let’s find them.

It’s behind you.

It’s on the blackboard.

It’s on the window.

It’s under my desk.

It’s on the floor.

The pirates played a trick. It’s not a map it’s only an instruction. Oh it doesn’t matter. We can make the map. I will read the instruction. You will draw.

There is the sun on the left.  There are four trees under the sun on the left. There are three butterflies above the trees. There is a road in the middle. There is a big sea under the road. There is a ship next to the sea. And there are three trees behind the ship. There is a bear under the ship. There are a lot of flowers over there. That’s all.

Look at your maps.

To get the pirates you go through the jungle. Then pass the sea. Then find the ship.

Show me please your maps. Well done. Can you explain how to get the ship. Use there is/ there are.

We have the map let’s go to Bertie.Stand up. Let’s go. Let’s sing.

  1. I can see a lot of animals in the jungle. Who can you see in the jungle?

Bears, lions, snakes, parrots, hippos, giraffes, pandas, elephants, tigers…

  1. Right! The animals sometimes hide and go to their holes. Let’s play the game.

You use there was/there were and find the missing animal. Look and try to keep in mind.

Close your eyes. Open your eyes. What animal is missing?

  1. Let’s pretend you are the animals. Tell us about you.

 We are the lions. We live in the forests and jungle. We can jump and run fast.

  1. Right. Oh animals in the jungle think that you are the animals too. Let’s show them what can we do.

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a frog?

Can you walk like a duck?

Can you run like a dog?

Take your seats.

  1. We are on the way to the pirate ship. We passed the jungle. We passed the sea. And we need to solve the puzzle. And we Bertie could see.

The teacher writes the transcription and the children write the sentence. Then do the actions.

Turn left, turn right. Close your eyes.

At this time Bertie appears.

IV.Conclusion. What have you done during the lesson?

V.Giving hometask. Write composition about our journey.


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«Презентация для урока Visiting the pirate's ship »

Орманова Улжан Асетовна

Учитель английского языка школы-гимназий №17


Theme: Visiting the pirates


Objectives: to practice usage of to be in Present and Past tenses;

to develop pupils’ listening, speaking skills;

to bring up working as a community.

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment. Hello boys and girls. How are you? Glad to see you again.

Are you ready to the lesson? If you are ready clap your hands, if you are not stamp.

  1. Warm up

ch [tS] The children reach for a peach.

ck[k] Nick has a stick.

ng[η] Sing a song. Bring me a ring. The man is reading.

sh[S] She is in the shop. The fish is in the dish.

  1. The main course. Today we will have revision lesson. Today we will have a journey to the Brilliant island. The theme of our lesson is Visiting the pirates.

Everybody close your eyes and count to 20.The teacher puts on students’ heads the masks of the heroes. Open your eyes. Look to each other. Who can you see? Yes you’re right.

Ok dear students look at the blackboard. There is a song. Let’s sing and introduce each other.

But I can’t see a hero who do you think he is?(Bertie)

Yes you are right. Bertie isn’t here. The pirates have taken him. Where can we find the pirates? - In the pirate ship. Let’s find Bertie. What do we need to find Bertie? Do you know how to get to the pirate ship? We need a map.

Look at the black board revise some words.



next to




on the left

on the right

in the middle

The pirates left the map. But they hide it in your classroom. They said the map is divided into 10 small pieces. Let’s find them.

It’s behind you.

It’s on the blackboard.

It’s on the window.

It’s under my desk.

It’s on the floor.

The pirates played a trick. It’s not a map it’s only an instruction. Oh it doesn’t matter. We can make the map. I will read the instruction. You will draw.

There is the sun on the left. There are four trees under the sun on the left. There are three butterflies above the trees. There is a road in the middle. There is a big sea under the road. There is a ship next to the sea. And there are three trees behind the ship. There is a bear under the ship. There are a lot of flowers over there. That’s all.

Look at your maps.

To get the pirates you go through the jungle. Then pass the sea. Then find the ship.

Show me please your maps. Well done. Can you explain how to get the ship. Use there is/ there are.

We have the map let’s go to Bertie.Stand up. Let’s go. Let’s sing.

  • I can see a lot of animals in the jungle. Who can you see in the jungle?

Bears, lions, snakes, parrots, hippos, giraffes, pandas, elephants, tigers…

  • Right! The animals sometimes hide and go to their holes. Let’s play the game.

You use there was/there were and find the missing animal. Look and try to keep in mind.

Close your eyes. Open your eyes. What animal is missing?

  • Let’s pretend you are the animals. Tell us about you.

We are the lions. We live in the forests and jungle. We can jump and run fast.

  • Right. Oh animals in the jungle think that you are the animals too. Let’s show them what can we do.

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a frog?

Can you walk like a duck?

Can you run like a dog?

Take your seats.

  • We are on the way to the pirate ship. We passed the jungle. We passed the sea. And we need to solve the puzzle. And we Bertie could see.

The teacher writes the transcription and the children write the sentence. Then do the actions.

Turn left, turn right. Close your eyes.

At this time Bertie appears.

IV.Conclusion. What have you done during the lesson?

V.Giving hometask. Write composition about our journey.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация для урока Visiting the pirate's ship

Автор: Орманова Улжан Асетовна

Дата: 02.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 217027

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