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Практическое задание "Интервью с работодателем"

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Тема занятия

Интервью с работодателем.

Цели занятия

Цели занятия

  • Совершенствование навыков аудирования.
  • Совершенствование грамматических навыков.
  • Развитие навыков  диалогической речи.


I.Выполнение задания на повторение темы предыдущего урока.

1.Повторение лексики.

поиски работы- job search

профессиональное учебное заведение- vocational, professional (university) training programme

про­фессиональные контакты- specific job contacts

служба трудоустройства- Job counselling

проверка про­фессиональной пригодности и интересов- interest and aptitude testing

обучение и руковод­ство- providing training and guidance

Объявление- advertisement

подходящая работа- particular job that is of interest to you профессиональные журналы- professional journals объявления о приеме на работу- Job advertisements “требуются на работу”- “Help wanted”

“ищу работу”- “Jobs wanted”

профессиональный опыт-                           work experience местонахождение фирмы- the location of the job

 рабочий день- the working hours

оплата- the pay

нереальные  предложения- unrealistic offers

заработать много денег- make a lot of money

Предприниматели- Employers

 Работники- employees

Навыки- skills

отбор работника (на­дежность работника)- dependability личные качества- personal characteristics

 претендовать на (работу)- apply for a job

 сдать экзамен- take a test

пройти медицинское  обследование- have a physical examination

представить резюме и рекомендации-         submit references,


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«Практическое задание "Интервью с работодателем"»


Тема занятия

Интервью с работодателем.

Цели занятия

Цели занятия

  • Совершенствование навыков аудирования.

  • Совершенствование грамматических навыков.

  • Развитие навыков диалогической речи.


I.Выполнение задания на повторение темы предыдущего урока.

1.Повторение лексики.

поиски работы- job search

профессиональное учебное заведение- vocational, professional (university) training programme

про­фессиональные контакты- specific job contacts

служба трудоустройства- Job counselling

проверка про­фессиональной пригодности и интересов- interest and aptitude testing

обучение и руковод­ство- providing training and guidance

Объявление- advertisement

подходящая работа- particular job that is of interest to you профессиональные журналы- professional journals объявления о приеме на работу- Job advertisements “требуются на работу”- “Help wanted”

“ищу работу”- “Jobs wanted”

профессиональный опыт- work experience местонахождение фирмы- the location of the job

рабочий день- the working hours

оплата- the pay

нереальные предложения- unrealistic offers

заработать много денег- make a lot of money

Предприниматели- Employers

Работники- employees

Навыки- skills

отбор работника (на­дежность работника)- dependability личные качества- personal characteristics

претендовать на (работу)- apply for a job

сдать экзамен- take a test

пройти медицинское обследование- have a physical examination

представить резюме и рекомендации-  submit references,

2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. Answer the following questions:

  1. What must you do to begin your job search? То begin your job search, you must identify the kind of job you want, where the jobs are, and what employers expect

  2. What must you include when thinking about the work you can do? Include the work you have been trained to do, the work you have actually done, and the work you enjoy doing

  3. How can you build a network of people interested in helping you? Thinking and talking help you build a network of people interested in helping you

  4. What is job counselling? Job counselling is a professional service that may include vocational

  5. Does it provide training and guidance? and providing training and guidance in the various steps at a job search

  1. What is the best method to use according to many people?

  2. Where can we find job advertisements?

  3. What are the 2 main types of job adds?

  4. Why must you read want adds? What information does it contain?

  5. What kind of adds should we avoid?

3. Скажите в нескольких словах, какие документы вы должны приготовить перед тем как обращаться по поводу работы. Say in a few words, what documents you must prepare before applying for a job.

Depending on the job you are applying for, you might have to complete an application form, submit a resume, take a test, have a physical examination, or submit references, samples of your work, and copies of your school records.

II .Выполнение упражнений по теме урока.

Речевая зарядка.

1. Have you ever had an interview for a job? What questions must you think of when you go to the interview?

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся или перевод с русского на английский язык.

What are your spare-time interests?

What do you like doing? Why?

What don't you like doing? Why?

What do you do well?

What do you do badly?

What are your good points?

Have you worked before?

Have you done a part-time job?

Do you have the right skills?

Do you enjoy travelling?

And are you good at meeting people?

Are you aggressive?

Are you interested in working in an office?

Can you type and file quickly?

Are you patient?

Do you like helping people?

Are you good at working with numbers?

Are you friendly?

What skills do you need for the job you would like to have?

Are you responsible?

Do you work hard?

Do you always do the best job you can?

Do you help your co-workers?

Are you reliable?

What are your strengths?

Do you work well with people?

Are you good at math?

Do you learn quickly?

Can you work independently?

What are your weaknesses?

Задание 1 You've got an interview for a job-good! To do well at an interview you need to put in some thoughts first. The employer wants to know if you are the person he wants, so you'll be asked about yourself. Think about it now.

(Учащиеся читают вслух и переводят вопросы, записывают их в тетради и готовят ответы на них).

What do you do well? What do you do badly? What are your good points? (I'm friendly, honest, sensible, practical, etc.) What are your spare time interests? What do you like doing and why? What do you not like doing and why? What school activities do/did you do? (sports, clubs, etc.) Have you worked before? Have you done a part-time job? What school subjects are you good at? Why would I like this job? What about working on Saturday job?

You will want to ask questions too about The job itself? Conditions? Training? Promotion prospects? Further education? Salary? Accomodation?

What does the job involve? 2. What are the working hours? 3. What are the holidays? 4. Do you provide any accommodation ? 5. Is there any training? What is it? 6. Will I get any qualifications? 7. Under what conditions I would be working? 8. What's the starting salary? 9. What are the prospects for promo­tion?

Задание 3. Учащиеся отвечают на записанные вопросы.

Задание 4. Работа в парах Учащиеся задают друг другу вопросы, которые можно включить в интервью.

Задание 5. Работа в парах Учащиеся задают друг другу вопросы, которые обычно задают в конце интервью. (Задание 4 и 5 можно обьединить).

Задание 6 . Focus attention on the job advertisements. . Which would you apply for? 2. Why would you like this job?

Trainee computer programmer

Good opportunity for a start in computers. Ability at maths is essential. Application forms to: Personnel De­partment, Continental Computers, Honeywell Rd., Bournemouth.

Fernside Engineering

Require a junior clerk for the accounts department. Apply in writing to: The Personnel Officer, Fernside Engineering, Western Rd., Poole.

Shop assistant

A vacancy for a smart, lively young person. Good prospects. Please write to: Mrs J. Frost, 'Cool Boutique', 39 High St., Dorchester

Задание 7.Чтение и перевод текстов (цель-подготовка к составлению интервью)

Текст 1 Applying for a Job — Before Your Interview

Here are some questions to think about. Your answers will help you choose the right job. Your answers will also help you answer the inter­viewer s questions.

Do you have the right skills?

If you want to be a salesperson, do you enjoy travelling, and are you good at meeting people? Are you aggressive?

If you want to be a secretary, are you interested in working in an office? Can you type and file quickly? Are you patient?

If you want to work in a store or restaurant, do you like helping people? Are you good at working with numbers? Are you friendly? What skills do you need for the job you would like to have?

Are you responsible? Do you work hard? Do you always do the best job you can? Do you help your co-workers?

Are you reliable? Do you start working on time? Do you come to work every day? If you begin working on something, do you finish it?

What are your strengths?

For example, do you work well with people? Are you good at math? Can you type fast? Do you learn quickly? Are you reliable? Can you work independently?

What are your weaknesses?

For example, perhaps your English is still not very good, but you're taking a class to improve it. Perhaps you are impatient because your co­workers do not work very fast, but you are learning to be more patient.

Текст 2 A Job Interview.

MrsD: Come in. Mr Lo, isn't it? Please have a seat.

Mr Lo: Thank you.

Mrs D: Did you have a good trip?

Mr Lo: Yes, thanks. I came up from San Diego yesterday.

Mrs D: And did you find a nice hotel?

Mr Lo: No. I'm staying at my parents' place in Oakland.

Mrs D: Oh, that's right, you're from the Bay area, aren't you?

Mr Lo: Yes. I was born and raised in Oakland.

Mrs Du=Mrs Dukakis

Mrs D: When did you leave?

Mr Lo: I went to college in L.A. That was in 1988.

Mrs Du Mrs Da Mrs Du Mrs Da: Mrs Du Mrs Da:

Mrs D: So, where are you presently working?

Mr Lo: Soledad Computers in San Diego. Have you heard of them?

Mrs D: No, not really. How long have you been with them?

Mr Lo: I've been working there since I graduated from college.

Mrs D: Why do you want to change jobs now?

Mr Lo: I'd like to do some travelling. I want to use my langu-­ ages, and I want a better job.

Mrs D: Yes. I see here that you speak Chinese and Spanish. That's OK. Do you want to live closer to your parents?

Mr Lo: That's not the reason why I want this job. But yes, I'd like to live in this area again.

Mrs D: Well, thank you, Mr Lo. We'll be in touch.

Ответы на вопросы.

1. Where is Mr Lo presently working? 2. What is he doing in Oakland? 3. Where was Mr Lo born? 4. When and why did he leave Oakland? 5. Why does Mr Lo want to change his job? 6. What languages can he speak?

Задание 8. Учащиеся составляют диалог (10-12 реплик) по одному из объявлений из задания 6).


Снятие трудностей.

receptionist -администратор

front desk –регистрационный стол

responsible for –ответственный за

greeting-встреча приветствие

making bookings-прием заказов

sorting out -выявление

qualification -профессия

work experience –опыт работы

quite a few-довольно много

part –time job –работа с частичной занятостью

box office -касса

definitely- конечно

a waiter-официант

part of a team –часть команды




problem-solving-решение проблем



communication skills-навыки общения

best quality-лучшее качество

deal with difficult customer-иметь дело с трудным клиентом


make a big fuss-поднимать шум




particular job-определенная работа

amazing reputation-изумительная репутация


unsocial hours-сверхурочные часы

working shifts –рабочие смены

pay -оплата

trial period-испытательный период

Well, here I am at the Grand Hotel waiting for my interview with the manager. They are looking for a receptionist to work at their front desk. I would be responsible for greeting the guests, making bookings, and generally sorting out any problems. I’d really like to do it. I hope I don’t look as nervous as I feel.

  • So Add, I’ve had a quick look at your CV and I see that you’ve got some very good qualifications. What about work experience? Have you had any jobs while you have been at school?

  • Yes, I‘ve had quite a few part –time jobs and I‘ve worked all through the last two summer holidays.

  • Ah, that’s good.

  • What kind of jobs have you done?

  • Well, I had a Saturday job in a book shop and I worked in the box office of our local theater.

  • So, are you familiar with using a computer to make booking?

  • Yes, definitely.

  • And do you have any experience of hotel work?

  • Yes, I work part-time at the Oak Hotel as a waiter.

  • I’ve been doing it for over year now.

  • Oh, yes, I know the Oak. It’s a nice place. Tell me a bit about your work there.

  • Er, I work as part of a team, there are three of four of us that work on busy nights but on Sunday I am responsible for serving breakfast and then I work on my own.

  • Do you think the manager would give you a good reference?

  • Oh, yes, I am sure he would.

  • So what qualities would you bring to this job?

  • Well, um, I’d say I’m very hard-working, I am organized but I enjoy problem-solving.

  • Do you think well under pressure?

  • Yes, I prefer to be busy and I am pretty good at keeping calm.

  • And what about your communication skills? Do you enjoy working with people?

  • Absolutely, I love it. I’d probably say it’s my best quality.

  • Hmm, can you give me an example of a time when you dealt with a difficult customer?

  • Hmm, let me see, there was one customer in the restaurant, he arrived two hours late and then was furious because we didn’t have a table for him. He made a big fuss about it.

  • And what did you do?

  • I apologized and said I’d give him a table as soon as possible. Then I offered him a drink while he waited.

  • And was he happy with that?

  • Yes, he was fine. He’d just had a bad day, I think, in fact, he apologized to me in the end.

  • That’s good! We need our staff to be polite. So what attracts you to this particular job?

  • Well, it’s the Grand Hotel! It’s got an amazing reputation and you offer a really good training scheme. I’ve love to have the opportunity to work here.

  • The hours are quite long and sometimes pretty unsocial.

  • How do you feel about working shifts?

  • It’s not a problem. I am used to it.

  • It’s not a problem I am used to it.

  • And the pay isn’t great. I am afraid although it would probably go up a bit after your initial trial period.

  • That’s fine. I am still living at home so I should be able to manage.

  • So, you may think you’d like this job now but where do you see yourself in 5 year’s time?

  • Well, to be perfectly honest I don’t know.

  • My dream is to have my own hotel one day but for the next few years I’m just prepared to work hard and learn as much as I can.

  • Well, thanks for coming in, Edd.

  • We have had several applicants for this job and I am seeing two more people today, but I’ll let you know as soon as I have come to a decision.

  • It was very nice to meet you.

  • You, too. I hope, we’ll meet again.

Задания после первого прослушивания.

  1. What job is Edd applying for?

  2. Where does he want to work?

  3. During what period did he have part time jobs?

  4. Does he have any experience of hotel work?

  5. Is he still working?

  6. What is his dream?

Задания после второго прослушивания.

  1. Add would be responsible for

  1. greeting the guests and making bookings

  1. making bookings and serving food

  2. greeting the guests and communicating with customers

  1. As for the summer part time jobs Edd worked

  1. in the box office of the local cinema

  2. as a shop assistant in a book store

  3. as a waiter in a hotel

3) He thinks his best quality is

  1. He is hard-working and organized

  2. He enjoys problem-solving and thinks well under pressure

  3. He has good communication skills and enjoys working with people.

4) Dealing with a difficult customer he

  1. apologized and served him a cup of coffee

  2. apologized and gave him a table

  3. apologized and said he’d give him a table as soon as possible

5) What attracts him to this particular job?

  1. The reputation of the hotel and the opportunity to learn

  2. Working shifts and good salary

  3. A good staff and location of the hotel

Прочитайте диалог по ролям.

Составьте рассказ в тетрадях о кандидате (10-15 предложений) по следующему плану.

  • Where he wants to work

  • What his duties would be

  • His part-time jobs and job experience

  • His personal characteristics

  • To what conditions he agrees

  • Where he lives

  • His dream

  • His plans for future

Примерный рассказ.

  1. He wants to work as a receptionist at their front desk of Grand Hotel.

  2. He would be responsible for greeting guests, making bookings, and generally sorting out any problems.

  3. He has got some very good qualifications.

  4. He‘s had quite a few part –time jobs in summer- in a book shop and in the box office of the local theater.

  5. He has good computer skills and some experience of hotel work.

  6. Actually, he has been working part-time as a waiter for over a year.

  7. He works as part of a team on Saturday, on Sunday he is responsible for serving breakfast and then he works on his own.

  8. He is very hard-working, organized enjoys problem-solving, thinks well under pressure (prefers to be busy and is pretty good at keeping calm).

  9. He has good communication skills and loves working with people. It is his best quality.

  10. He doesn’t mind working shifts and is prepared to receive not so high salary.

  11. He lives at home.

  12. His dream is to have his own hotel one day .

  13. For the next few years he wants to work hard and to learn as much as he can.

III. Повторение грамматического материала.

IV Подведение итогов урока и задание на дом

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Практическое задание "Интервью с работодателем"

Автор: Климова Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 18.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 550212

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