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Поурочный план по теме "Alternative medicine"

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Урок по теме "Alternative medicine"  для 9 класса. По книге Авторов  Т.Аяпова, З.?білдаева, Ж.Тутбаева. Издательства "Мектеп" 2013 года.  В поурочном плане рассматриваются различные виды народной медицины.Урок содержит в себе различные задания на говорение и аудирование. Дети узнают много различных слов.

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«Поурочный план по теме "Alternative medicine" »


Grade: 9


Theme: Alternative medicine

Aim: Speaking about alternative medicine

Objectives: Students will be able to:

- Introducing new vocabulary of medicine and idioms of parts of the body

- Doing ex-s: matching, using idioms, reading a text

Materials for the lesson: pictures, grammar tables.


  1. Org. moment

  2. Warm up

  3. Checking up the home task

  4. Presentation

  5. Practice

  6. Production

  7. Summing up the lesson

  8. Home task

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Org. moment: Greeting

Talking with a pupil on duty

  1. Warm up. A. Name fifteen parts of the body. Example: head, hair, ear, mouth, neck, back, tongue,

finger, arm, leg, stomach, tooth-teeth, etc

3. Checking up the home task Let’s review our grammar.

The Present Simple Tense


The Past Simple


The Present Continuous Tense

to be + Ving

The Past Continuous Tense

was/were +Ving

The Present Perfect Tense

have/has + V3

The Past Perfect Tense

had + V3

The Present Simple Passive

to be+ V3

The Past Simple Passive

was/were +V3

  1. Presentation. New vocabulary: Herbalism-



Homeopathy –

Acupuncture –

Massage –

Ex/1,p.26 Match the following therapies with their definitions

Verbalism- a. treatment with water

Hydrotherapy- b. treatment with needles

Aromatherapy- c. treatment with plants remedies

Homeopathy – d. treatment with stroking and pressure (especially muscles)

Acupuncture – e. treatment with scented oils

Massage – f. treatment with remedies producing symptoms similar to the disease

Reading the text Herbalism

The use of plants for healing is undoubtedly the word’s oldest therapy. A knowledge or herbal remedies handed down from generation to generation. With the growth of artificial drug manufacture, the direct use of plants became un fashionable for a while. But in recent times people have again shown interest in herbalism as a system of medicine that is safe, natural and cheap.

Why is it so popular? It activates the body’s healing abilities. Many herbs have antibiotic properties, but unlike the article ones they rapidly return the body to a healthy state without damaging side-effects.

Universities and other research institutions have confirmed the value of the traditional use of herbs and also of the herbalists’ traditions of picking plant remedies at certain times of day. They have found that at particular times the plants contain more of the substances that give them their healing powers

Today, medical herbalists combine a detailed understanding of the human body with knowledge of vast list of herbal remedies. Furthermore, they are trained to search out the root cause of an illness. Many herbs will correct the symptoms temporarily but it takes an experienced practitioner to identify the cause. For this reason it is necessary to consult a professional, even if you read about the value of a remedy and matched it to an illness.

  1. Practice. Discuss the sentences below with your partner. Do you agree or disagree with the ideas.

  1. Science now supports the herbalists’ methods.

  2. Artificial remedies have an advantages over plants.

  3. It is important not to try to treat yourself.

  4. Herbalism is a modern remedy.

  5. It is not so important when to pick plants.

Ex. 5,p. 27 Match the following words with the words in bold in the text.

Treatment production extremely large

Quickly reason disease

  1. Production Ex 7, p. 28 Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with a suitable part of the body. Use the words in the box. (tooth, eye, hands, tongue, lip)

  1. He retired last year and now he has lots of time on his …… .

  2. You are so noisy. Button your …..

  3. I’ve got a terrible sweet ….. I love sweets and chocolates.

  4. What’s his name? oh, I can remember, it’s on the tip of my …..

  5. When I was young my father used to say that I was the apple of his….

  1. Summing up the lesson

  1. Home task 8,p.28

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Поурочный план по теме "Alternative medicine"

Автор: Бауыржанов Бакытжан Бауыржанулы

Дата: 24.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 233453

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